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Aquelarrefox 04-27-16 07:54 AM

jaja, realy, well i go deck meny times in the right moment then :P. thanks for answer. realy this fix get a better game, as i remember last time i player a year a go.

Fahnenbohn 04-27-16 08:06 AM

Sometimes, i've had a bug, but i'm not sure if it comes from your mod... since i've also installed a new mod which changes the IDX numbers in data/Terrain/Terrain.cfg. Maybe an interaction between the 2 mods ?

Well, sometimes, when starting a single mission, the weather is strange : clear sky (no clouds) + huge waves + heavy rain. Then, the surface water (waves) disappears, and all the units (and my U-Boot) fall immediately to the sea bottom.

:o :-?

ivanov.ruslan 04-27-16 12:31 PM

Hm,has not happened to me, I play with your mod and RW fix, when I got the opportunity to play

I tried it with WAC atmosphere and it works

Aquelarrefox 04-27-16 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Fahnenbohn (Post 2400321)
Sometimes, i've had a bug, but i'm not sure if it comes from your mod... since i've also installed a new mod which changes the IDX numbers in data/Terrain/Terrain.cfg. Maybe an interaction between the 2 mods ?

Well, sometimes, when starting a single mission, the weather is strange : clear sky (no clouds) + huge waves + heavy rain. Then, the surface water (waves) disappears, and all the units (and my U-Boot) fall immediately to the sea bottom.

:o :-?

i never seen that

Fahnenbohn 04-28-16 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Fahnenbohn (Post 2400321)
Well, sometimes, when starting a single mission, the weather is strange : clear sky (no clouds) + huge waves + heavy rain. Then, the surface water (waves) disappears, and all the units (and my U-Boot) fall immediately to the sea bottom.

:o :-?

So, i start mission : my U-Boot immediately begins to be destroyed. I pause the game, and go to the outside view. I have this :

Then i leave pause, the waves disappear, and my boat is falling to the sea bottom ...


Aquelarrefox 05-14-16 12:19 PM

Stiebler i have tested a long like 9 patrols, it worked very very well and i havent any storm longer than 2/3 days and less than 8/9 days of badweather/total cloudy sky. Now its posible tracking a real navigation (i dont use celestial, but read position by plottet tool) with a rasonable error (30km in north sea crussing and 50 km in a 1000 km over atlantic with like 7 overcast days. realy good jobs, im impresed.
I have noted in only 3 or maybe 4 saved games around 40 reloaded games that climate changes in around 5 time-clock game, minor issue, is it expected?

thanks for all this beutifull features.

LGN1 05-15-16 03:49 PM

Hi Stiebler,

I have played a bit with your work and I like the weather patterns. However, I have also encountered a problem: When shadowing a convoy in non-perfect conditions and saving the game, it happened to me a few times that after loading the game the visibility was improved and I was detected immediately :-? This was quite annoying.

Would it be possible to make the weather more stable when saving/reloading the game?

Regards, LGN1

Stiebler 05-16-16 05:11 AM


Aquelarrefox says that the weather changes too infrequently when he reloads a saved game.

LGN1 says that the weather changes too often when reloading a saved game.

It seems that the weather changes after reload are about right then.

LGN1: I'd advise strongly against saving games when close to a convoy. If another convoy happens to spawn nearby, before your game-save, your save will probably become corrupt.


Aquelarrefox 05-16-16 05:25 AM

mybe i was traying to say it changes 50% of times, no alwais but often. I saw little extreme changes, to be more clear.

i noted some strange becose i was instaling wac 41 and have some crashin (later i see there were loading saved game becose after severeral load it runs) i used it with and with out commander, and i dont know how aparently when i trigger with out comander climate changes after loading. If load commander it doesnt happens so common.

i dont now if its something related but im unsig wac 41 visual envirominet and your upper it. I didnt tested enought, i will pay attention this week and i gone say if (with commander works as i see in gwx)

until in gwx i was unsing MEP 5 with your file upper.

Any way, i preffer this kind of "error" or "colateral effect", its only after loading. The ausence of "continous fog storm" was the worst than a simple issue with a salved game. In the worst case you can reaload it until it dont get a fog screen.

about other thing, i couldnt make work your last patch. i used alwais the fix fido version (a) and this week end i try to use your new version with radar fix and alwais it crash in initail load, pachings says it was right. really i dont have any idea whats happens.

Yes about saving with convoys, and i have worst problems with the ports.

LGN1 05-16-16 05:38 AM

Hi Aquelarrefox,

do you think weather changes happen too often or too rarely after reloading?

@Stiebler: I think even a 10% change of being detected in a convoy attack when reloading is too high.

Due to time constraints I have to save close to convoys and, actually, never had a problem with this (CTD).

Regards, LGN1

Aquelarrefox 05-16-16 06:13 AM

as i said for me is ok, i dont see enought extreme changes like clearsky to heavy rain to make me sense nervous.
But really im starting to think it happens very often but vary of this changes are aceptables (rise the level of fog or get cloudy). Some one have to try reloading severaltimes the same game file to be sure how this really happpends.

Niume 05-06-18 07:32 AM

What happens if I use the env_sim.act not for hsie fix?

ivanov.ruslan 05-06-18 10:58 AM

Looking 1st point

Whatever, you can always disable with Jsgme!

Fifi 08-14-18 06:09 AM

Playing GWX3 with MEP V6, this is really THE must have mod for weather.

Just with H.sie weather fix patch, had huge waves for days and days always stuck at 15m/s. Not that much weather change anyway.

Now with Stiebler recoded weather fix, weather change nicely and no more huge waves for so long.
Everything looks quite realistic so far to me.

Have to see what happens on loading saves though... hopefully it will not be as in SH5, finger crossed.

ivanov.ruslan 08-14-18 11:41 AM

There should be no problem with the saving games

shrub77 09-03-18 01:39 PM

This fix makes my game crash, using h.sie and WAC 5.01

any idea?

ivanov.ruslan 09-04-18 06:22 AM

I've also used it and never had a problem with WAC 5.01 and h.sie

I think the reason is different

Niume 05-09-19 10:13 AM

Would it be possible to convert it so it would work for sh4?

Blackswan1940 05-10-19 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Niume (Post 2608421)
Would it be possible to convert it so it would work for sh4?


Fernie 04-27-20 02:50 PM

Is this fix compatible with both GWX and M.E.P. v6?

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