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Platapus 05-08-12 06:49 PM

Pretty sure there are more important things to be concerned with than the naming of a cargo ship. :yep:

TLAM Strike 05-08-12 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 1881375)
Pretty sure there are more important things to be concerned with than the naming of a cargo ship. :yep:

The name of a cargo ship is important. Just look at famous cargo ships throughout history; Serenity, Nostromo, Millennium Falcon.

Cargo ships must have cool names! It's just the way the world works.


vienna 05-08-12 07:12 PM


@vienna: Just curious: Are you against the naming of the ship for political reasons, as in you don't agree with his politics, or do you think his national impact was not important enough to name a US ship after him rather than a "West Coast Guard" vessel?

As I have aged, I don't really view myself as political as I used to be when I was younger. I'm just looking for some common sense. I will vote for and support any person or group that makes the most basic sense and doesn't just sloganize and mouth vague platitudes. It seems that nowadays we elect Presidents, Senators, and Congressmen as part of a party's package deal, kind of like how we are sold wireless phones; you gotta take a whole bundle which may include some features you don't need or want. So, no, its not based on a disagreement with a particular viewpoint or party affiliation. There are a lot of people whose politics I may not totally agree with, but who, as an individual, I deeply respect and admire. As far as Chavez is concerned, I have generally been indifferent about his politics or activities. I was in middle school and high school (about ages 13-18) when he first became prominent here in California. I don't really see him as much more than another labor organizer. When held up to the contributions of people like Dr. Martin Luther King, I feel he falls rather short of the mark. He's just another of a great many politicians, commumity activists, regional VIPs who get things named after them and who will probably be forgotten after a spell. He sesems to have become the figurehead of the Latino activists, particulary the Mexican contingent, since there appears to be a paucity of 'heroes' for them to trumpet about; really, aside from Chavez, who in the Latino political community has the general public even heard of or know by sight and/or name. I'm clean out of guesses...

As far as naming ships, or anything else paid for by taxpayer dollars, after persons, I believe that:
  1. They should be dead: The U.S. Postal Service used to require a person nominated for a honor on a postal stamp be dead for a rather lengthy number of years before they could even be nominated (this rule may have been changed in recent years as the USPS moves more to 'market their product).
  2. As stated above a long period of time should pass before a naming honor is given (I don't think the FBI Headquarters would be named after J. Edgar Hoover if his mob connections and taste in dresses were known at the time). An exception for extraordinary heroism in military service or as an emergency responder (e.g., 9/11 firemen, police, EMT, etc.)
  3. Politicians should be excluded from all naming unless they have made a very major contribution to the nation and have given their life or experienced pronounced disability as a result of serving in office. The founding fathers pledged their "lives and fortunes" in creating this nation and backed it up with action. Somehow, I don't think political longevity, party loyalty, pork barrel earmarks come quite up to the level of what the founders risked.
All in all, I really believe the UK custom of naming ships after ideals or non-human objects or creatures is preferrable and much less contoversial...

As a final note, I want make clear I am not "bashing" Latinos, Hispanics, or whatever the nom du jour might be; my parents both came, as legal immigrants from Central America (they arrived separately and met here in the U.S), worked hard to earn their citizenship, studied for their tests, and became very, very proud law abiding U.S. citizens. So, by the nature of DNA, I am technically a Latino (or whatever). By virtue of my birth in this country I am an American, and by virtue of my parents upbringing of myself, I am a very proud American. There are a great many native born Americans, of Latin ancestry, who feel as I do and have short shrift with all the loudmouthed "activists" who claim to speak for all Latinos anymore than all the loudmouthed Liberal and/or Consrevative "activists" speak for all Americans in general. I do not live as a hypenated entity or political viewpoint: Born American, live American, and will die American...

[Sorry for the mini-rant; I will now yeild the soap box...]

@TLAM: Facing the CVN Assimilator might just give an enemy great pause...


Bubblehead1980 05-08-12 07:38 PM

The naming of any US Naval Vessel after Cesar Chavez is not appropriate nor in the tradition of naming US vessels.Chavez was a union thug nothing more.Sure, he is a hero to the mental midgets on the left who buy the class warfare, fine but a US Naval Vessel should not be named after him.

Of course Reagan deserved a carrier named after him, he did a lot for the country and the military.Our Navy was a great force when Reagan left office and despite what revisionist lefties will try to contend, his eight years is what lead to us finally defeating the Soviets in the Cold War.

What did Chavez do? rallied a bunch of farmers and despite what the popular narrative is, he was not above using violence, in fact he was known for being rather ruthless.Chavez was scum , plain and simple and naming a ship after him gives some legitimacy, more so than a state dominated by hispanics, naming a holiday after him.

The Obama appointed SECNAV is getting ridiculous! The USS Gabrielle Giffords? Ok, terrible thing she was shot but does not deserve a ship named after her. JFK deserved one as he showed great leadership during the Cuban Missile Crisis and was the last decent Democrat to hold the office.

Like I said in the OP, I am sure the USS Eugene Debs is next lol or the Saul Alinsky, just a shame we have these idiots in charge.

Sailor Steve 05-08-12 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 1881396)
The naming of any US Naval Vessel after Cesar Chavez is not appropriate nor in the tradition of naming US vessels.Chavez was a union thug nothing more.Sure, he is a hero to the mental midgets on the left who buy the class warfare, fine but a US Naval Vessel should not be named after him.

With a bias like yours, one has to wonder if you can ever see anything clearly or rationally.


he was not above using violence, in fact he was known for being rather ruthless.Chavez was scum , plain and simple
Can you cite specifics, or is this just more opinion pretending to be fact?

gimpy117 05-08-12 09:21 PM

okay don't agree with his ideology so you get all mad a ship is named after him.

....I guess I better send an angry letter to the navy over the USS. Ronald Reagan and H W. Bush.... :shifty:

August 05-08-12 09:37 PM

I never liked the idea of naming ships after anyone. England has the right idea. HMS Drum, HMS Illustrious, HMS Victory. Now those are real fighting ship names.

Sailor Steve 05-08-12 09:51 PM

HMS Hood, HMS Nelson, HMS Rodney, HMS Montcalm, HMS Duncan, HMS King George V, HMS King Edward VII, HMS Victoria, HMS Collingwood, HMS Benbow, HMS Anson, HMS Camperdown, HMS Russell, HMS Montagu, HMS Exmouth, HMS Albemarle...

nikimcbee 05-08-12 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by August (Post 1881430)
I never liked the idea of naming ships after anyone. England has the right idea. HMS Drum, HMS Illustrious, HMS Victory. Now those are real fighting ship names.

HMS Petunia? K79
HMS Pink K137 [insert Buna joke here]

HMCS Asbestos K358 [ trial lawyers please go away]

August, is that your final answer?:haha::hmmm:

August 05-08-12 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by nikimcbee (Post 1881435)
HMS Petunia? K79
HMS Pink K137 [insert Buna joke here]

HMCS Asbestos K358 [ trial lawyers please go away]

August, is that your final answer?:haha::hmmm:

Yes. They are all preferable to the "USS Jimmy Carter"

nikimcbee 05-08-12 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by August (Post 1881436)
Yes. They are all preferable to the "USS Jimmy Carter"


Stealhead 05-08-12 11:40 PM

I bet that you will never find anything named after Smedley Butler a Marine's Marine (2 CMOH no less) and a man not afraid to stand up for veterans and America when they needed it most. Of course some on here will read of him I fairly sure that many have never heard of him before (not a shocker) and say that he was a lefty pinko.

CaptainMattJ. 05-09-12 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Stealhead (Post 1881451)
I bet that you will never find anything named after Smedley Butler a Marine's Marine (2 CMOH no less) and a man not afraid to stand up for veterans and America when they needed it most. Of course some on here will read of him I fairly sure that many have never heard of him before (not a shocker) and say that he was a lefty pinko.

Named after Smedley Butler

Stealhead 05-09-12 02:20 AM

That is a shocker to be honest considering that he wrote the book "War is Racket" in he said;

"The Japanese, a proud people, of course will be pleased beyond expression to see the United States fleet so close to Nippon's shores. Even as pleased as would be the residents of California were they to dimly discern through the morning mist, the Japanese fleet playing at war games off Los Angeles." He was speaking of US military war games in the Pacific in 1935 that he felt would only serve to provoke the Japanese.

soopaman2 05-09-12 02:26 AM

I honestly found that naming an aircraft carrier after GHW Bush vile and unpatriotic, just because he is right wing and I am left wing...

Wow Bubblehead. I sound like you, except the opposite.

Get my point?

I can find offense in anything, as can anyone else.

Petty my friend. Just saying. :)

I bet that left leaning ship don't tip over in the water.

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