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Timothy 09-20-12 09:06 AM


I just purchased and downloaded this Pacific Fleet game to my Ipod Touch. When I try to start the game, an opening screen comes on that states "Powered by Unity Loading...". After about fifteen seconds of this screen being on, I hear about a second of intro music come on and then the game closes the intro screen and boots me back to my Ipod menu screen. Please check this out since something is wrong with your game and it will not even start! This is the first game that I purchased for my Ipod Touch which did not work!

I hope you can identify and fix this problem before more people purchase this game. I am really excited about this game and hope this problem can be solved soon.

Best regards.

v-i-c- 09-20-12 09:43 AM

Try to close all open apps and restart the device. If an app consumes more than 50% of the available RAM it might be killed by the system.

EDIT: Tested on 3GS & iPad 1 (both have only 256mb RAM) during the splashscreen it reaches 145mb and gets killed:

You could possibly quickly fix this by adding an almost empty loading scene (2nd splashscreen for example) as first level which loads the main game. Springboard sometimes kills apps that needs to much time to load. But the problem could be possibly that it is just using to much RAM at all for 256mb devices.

Timothy 09-20-12 10:20 AM

Thanks for the suggestion.

Everything on my Ipod Touch is closed and I'm still not able to get this game to start. I noticed on another forum that someone with an Ipad is also having the exact same problem that I am.

Hopefully the game designer will be able to see this post soon and look into the problem.

Sonarman 09-20-12 11:04 AM

Same problem here , I've emailed Paul/Pacific Fleet about the problem but he's probably asleep at the moment as he's in Australia! Hope he manages to get it fixed soon to prevent what looks like a great game being hurt by negative reviews.

Killerfish Games 09-20-12 11:27 AM

Thanks for the bug reports folks. Looking into it :hmmm:

During testing the game was able to run on the following hardware:
iphone 3GS - 4.0.2
iphone 4 - 4.3.1
iphone 4 - 5.1.1
ipad (3rd gen) - 5.1.1
ipod touch 8GB - 4.2.1 (some textures not displayed due to armv7 requirement, but ran fine on armv6 builds)

Memory management looks like the primary target as has been suggested.
Could folks with issues please post the iOS version for their hardware.

Sonarman 09-20-12 12:28 PM

ipod touch 32gb 4g v5.1.1 9b206 -- crashes after "powered by unity" loading sequence

also tried on my daughter's 3g ipod touch running same version 5.1.1 software --also crashing.

I think you are right, that it is memory management as the crashing point is variable... sometimes after the black loading screen, sometimes at the title screen and sometimes in the first few minutes in the 3d world.

v-i-c- 09-20-12 01:31 PM

iPad 1 - iOS 5.1.1
iPhone 3GS - iOS 6.0

Killerfish Games 09-20-12 01:36 PM

I think I've found the issue!
Looks like there were a few bugs with audio compression resulting in native (i.e. big) files going into the final build. The music score was added after testing on the 3GS was done which would explain why its now crashing on 256MB hardware.

Testing the build now and will have it back to Apple within a few hours if all goes well. Unfortunately I don't have 256MB hardware to verify the fix actually works... but I'm feeling lucky.

Killerfish Games 09-20-12 05:00 PM

v1.01 has been submitted for approval.

- fixed crash on load for iPad 1st gen and 3GS users.
- fixed minor UI display bug on iPad
- decreased camera pan sensitivity (adjustable slider will be added in a future update)

Dekessey 09-20-12 11:27 PM

iOS 5.0.1

CTD after loading

Killerfish Games 09-22-12 05:51 PM

Pacific Fleet is in rough seas and taking a pounding from 1 star reviews due to the crash on load bug for iPad 1st gen, 3GS and iPod Touch users. Despite fixing the bug, we've still got 10-12 days to weather the storm while Apple reviews the update.

Negative reviews are significantly damaging the adoption of the game by players and these next few days may ultimately determine whether the project is able to continue.

For those whom the game works and would like to see the game/series continue I'd encourage you to write reviews on iTunes and post on forums. We need to set the record straight about game and that development is active and working hard at making a great game. (for more info/forum links see the Developer's Page)

For those whom the game currently does not work, I share your frustration as is infuriating to be unable to roll out the fix immediately for you. It is certainly your prerogative to review the game as you see fit but I ask you to take pause and consider whether a temporary bug warrants the potential cessation of the entire project.

The Loose Lips Sinks Devs campaign was inspired by the following review on iTunes (US).

Lets get real *****

by Jmac006 - Version 1.0 - Sep 22, 2012

I normally do not review games, I'm a store mgr at GameStop so I see way to many to bother reviewing, however the dev is getting so screwed by people who can't read and who use old garbage I had to correct this wrong. I almost didn't buy this game because of the reviews, it seemed to work for some other people though and all the bad reviews were only for people who couldn't get it to work so I said, I have an iPhone 4 and its updated so ill try it. I bought it, had no issues. I waited in line all night, got the iPhone 5 and haven't had any issues with the game. The actual game is simple, fun and addictive. It Reminds me of silent service for the old original Nintendo only it actually has more ship options then that did. This is a definite buy Lets get real people, it's not a 100 million dollar aaa title, it's a dollar app, you get way more in entertainment then what you pay, give the game a shot and give the dev Credit for putting this thing together, it's very entertaining. Buy it and enjoy the game

Killerfish Games 09-23-12 01:12 AM

Verified that the fix works on an iPod Touch 4th gen. Should work on all 256MB devices once Apple release the fix :/\\!!

Killerfish Games 09-25-12 05:13 PM

v1.01 is now available which fixes the crash on loading issue.
Thanks for your patience.

Looking forward to hearing your feedback and any suggestions.
Good hunting!

strykerpsg 09-29-12 12:17 PM

As stated on your Facebook, bought it within hours and love it especially for the price.....$0.99!

I do have a question though, how do I use my atomic bombs? I know there's limitations for its use, but playing daylight and no option in the battleship menu.

Thanks for a cool game.


strykerpsg 09-29-12 02:26 PM

Disregard my last post. I wasn't paying attention to the shade of grey used to depict day engagements versus dusk or overcast. If I could offer a suggestion that perhaps in next patch make the engagement icons shade for various conditions reflected with a symbol or darker shade. Aside from my knucklehead moment, very much like the app.

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