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kapuhy 02-24-19 05:22 PM

You might know this site already, but just in case - and in case anyone else considers keeping a real ship journal fun - has a collection of original u-boat logs translated to English.

bstanko6 02-24-19 06:15 PM


Thank you kapuhy sir!

bstanko6 02-24-19 11:50 PM


In the first example in the first post of this thread I talked about commanders watching their torps slam into ships without after action. This is not realism in any sense.

Making an attack on a ship or convoy, is just a small part of a battle plan.

A good commander's battle plan should include the following:

A) Interception. We all know this, and we all practice different methods to do it. However, our goal is the same... to calculate a solution to intercept a ship and set up an attack run.

B) Attack. Loose our eels on our prey, and hope for a sinking.

The part people are confused about...

C) Disengagement. Literally, as soon as the torps are released, we need to disengage. We need to get out of the area we fired from. I always assume the bad guys hear and see my torps and know exactly where I am. I then roll my diesels to get to a new area, flood tanks and hit the bottom, do a 180deg turn to fire my rear torp. Something... anything but sit there at the "crime scene" and let escorts roll over me.

D) Overtake. Get my U-Boat back to the ideal position, forward and abeam of my target.

E) Re-engage.

kapuhy 02-25-19 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by bstanko6 (Post 2593514)
do a 360deg turn to fire my rear torp.

Ahem.... you might want to check your calculations again Herr Kaleun :)

bstanko6 02-25-19 11:28 AM

Haha at least I did something! Glad to see people are paying attention better than the captain!
Changing now!

bstanko6 02-27-19 03:33 AM


I really love this implementation into SH5.

When I play, especially when traveling a long distance, I keep my map updated with a half hour mark.

I set my clock for a continuous 30 minute timer. I mark the map with the navigation pencil. I do this for the sake of several reasons:

A) in case of an air attack or extraordinary event, the mark tells me the time of the event, then I can record it in my logbook later.

B) in case of a ship/convoy sighting, I now have a relatively recent mark that I can use for painting a tactical picture.

C) helps near land at night when it is difficult to pinpoint where you are.

I believe the options allow you to change how often the navigator makes a mark, but I’d rather do it myself for sake of having something to do, and keep my eye on the map!

Here is my alarm clock mod I use, in case you want to set your alarm more often. The original is loud and annoying, this one is better!

bstanko6 02-27-19 05:46 PM


Every video I have made in my youtube channel. Enjoy!

bstanko6 03-01-19 04:18 AM


Thank you to Mussalo, I was able to confirm this.

If you are using the radio to listen to music, there is a thing you should know... it only works at max 110km from land.

Turn it off boys. Along with the gramophone if the waves hit 10 m/s. It’s a long silent trip!

bstanko6 03-07-19 12:19 AM


SH5 and TWoS did great things for harbors. One of them, is marking up harbors! Kiel at night is brilliant, and has marker buoys everywhere! But what does it all mean?

Proper harbor navigation is a skill that must be mastered by every U-boat commander.

No Wake.
No wake does not mean you can’t go fast. It just means you have to go fast enough to be able to maintain steerage of your vessel, but slow enough to not create waves, causing moored ships to slap off warfs. Going too fast will definitely wind you up in Doenitz office!

Port Side Passage.
By rules of the nautical Road, ships are to pass on the port side of each other. Now this does not mean for you to go across the harbor in order to pass on the port side of a boat. If the ship is far away enough where you can safely pass it on the starboard side you can. But if one ship approaching you is close enough where you have to slow your speed down, then you should pass on the port side of said ship.

Red buoys should be on your starboard side as you return to port. Green on your left as you depart. Easy!

When passing canal entry ways, such as the Kaiser Wilhelm/Kiel entry, boat speeds should be low. It’s technically a lock but it is not modeled. You would have to stop to allow it to fill.

abaileyatd 03-07-19 11:08 AM

Hey BStanko,

Do you know if the AI ships in TWOS follow the "port side passage" rule? I wonder how they would behave if you attempted this at close range?

Also, for the harbor lights, according to the charts in TWOS green is on port when leaving and starboard when returning? And vice versa for red? Maybe I'm confused (probable!) or you mistyped? Also good to note is that they make noise (two distinct and different bell tones it appears for red and green) so in heavy fog you should still be able to navigate if you are very methodical. I'd also add that there can be white buoys that are typically used to mark shallow waters and land.

One last thing is the locations of lighthouses- which are noted on the harbor charts and can help guide you to your bouys and other landmarks when approaching from a long distance.

Love the videos btw!

bstanko6 03-07-19 11:28 AM


Awesome thank you for your addition. Yes there are the white buoys we need to stay away from when navigating and yes they have bell tones.

As far as lighthouses and light ships I was going to save those for a coastal navigation video I was going to make. But yes they are navigation points.

You did make a great point, I can’t remember if this is all ports but I do know Wilhelmshaven is wrong in the lights. It’s back wards! The red buoys should be switched with the green ones! I did not think of that but you are right.

And no the AI ships are basically scripted and do their own thing. Which is why commanders should be on the bridge when navigating harbors even with harbor pilot activated. I don’t know how many times I had to break hard to port/starboard because of this. Thank you!

Maybe all of the commanders here at subsim could chime in and tell us if the harbor buoys are wrong in different ports?

abaileyatd 03-07-19 12:05 PM

Next time I'm in game I'll take a look at the rest of the charts, I know Wilhelmshaven is for sure the way described.

bstanko6 03-09-19 12:45 AM

After watching the traffic in Wilhelmshaven even though the buoys are backwards, the ships still follow Red Right Return.

Small fishing boats do not seem to be following the rule.

les green01 03-09-19 05:39 PM

very nice read i decided to reinstall after a few years away glad to find people that likes to play like i do

bstanko6 03-09-19 05:45 PM

@les green01...
Glad you like my boring tirades! Welcome back and Have fun.

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