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mapuc 01-24-20 11:50 AM

When SARS or was it MERS was around A Swedish Doctor said on Swedish tv.

Why are you journalist escalating this as it was the plaque.

Then he said something about higher death rate when the flu was over us.


STEED 01-24-20 02:32 PM

UK is all clear from those been screened only problem reported on the BBC News there are some where in the region of 2000 passengers from that area of China still at large.

OBTW...early reports France has confirmed two cases as reported on SKY News some 10 minutes odd ago.

I agree with the old granny at the bus stop China is a filthy country they eat cats and dogs.

Jimbuna 01-25-20 07:14 AM

Figures continue to rise.


The death toll from a newly-discovered coronavirus in China has risen to 41 on the day of the Lunar New Year.

Another 15 deaths in Hubei province, where the outbreak began, were announced on Saturday.

Health officials are struggling to contain the outbreak as millions of people travel for the Chinese new year, one of the most important events. Many festivities have been cancelled.

There are now more than 1,200 confirmed cases in China.

The virus has also spread to Europe, with three cases confirmed in France. The UK is investigating a number of suspected cases, with officials trying to trace around 2,000 people who have recently flown to the UK from Hubei province.

Australia has also confirmed several cases in Melbourne and Sydney, joining a handful of countries treating patients.

Onkel Neal 01-25-20 09:37 AM

41 deaths / 1200 cases = 3.4%

So, if the virus was to spread and infect 10 million people, there would be ~ 333,000 deaths.

STEED 01-25-20 10:15 AM

Once again the media here has gone nuts milking this story for every drop they can get out of it, I am bloody fed up with this over hyping by the dam news media.

Here is a point raised earlier today on LBC Radio by the presenter, and I have to take what he said as fact. He pointed out in America 2019 there were over 1000 deaths from the common flu virus, most of those cases were in the 65 plus age group. So why didn't our UK media raise that? May have something to do not spreading around the world.

Rockstar 01-25-20 10:30 AM

3.4%? thats nothing.


...according to one simulation run less than three months ago, things could get much, much worse. Less than three months ago, Eric Toner, a scientist at the Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, had run a simulation of a global pandemic involving the exact same type of virus, according to Business Insider.

His simulation predicted that 65 million people could die "within 18 months".

em2nought 01-25-20 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2646124)
3.4%? thats nothing.

Maybe the democrats finally get the tragedy they've been praying for on Trump's watch? :hmmm:

mapuc 01-25-20 11:36 AM

A few minutes ago I read in a Swedish news paper who wrote this Corona Virus has a higher death rate than the ordinary flu.

From what I understand most of those who havde died from this is mostly elders and weak persons.

and it's only contagious by contact.

The expert fear the virus may mutate.


Onkel Neal 01-25-20 01:30 PM

Let's not politicize this thread :03:

Aktungbby 01-25-20 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Onkel Neal (Post 2646156)
Let's not politicize this thread :03:

Why am I not the least SARRY this in China...again!?? (as I head to my Walgreens for my damn flu shot for elderly and weak persons ):wah::timeout::yep:

Skybird 01-25-20 01:48 PM

Over the last couple of years I tremendously reduced the frequences by which I catch an ordinray common flu:

Washing my hands often.

Once or twice a week I use a cotton ball and alcohol on some much used household items: mouse, keyboard, telephone, light switches, door holds, smartphone, TV rmeote control, keys, grips on refirgerator and cupboards. Just try not become excessive. You do not want to develope an anancastic personality! ;)

When being in town or shopping, NEVER touch my face with my fingertips anymore. Especially not the area close to eyes, nose and mouth (infection via mucosa).

Avoiding crowds or floicks of people. Keeping a distance. Avoiding coughing people early.

Small things, Great effects!

If this viurs story turns into something bigger, have some filter masks with protection grade FFP3 ready. They are affordable. The use of these is more common in Asia, and the idea is good. It protects you from others coughing in your face. But also it protects the others from you, if you already are infested and just do not know it.

Just that any papermask will not make a difference. You need to learn a bit about what works and what not. I have something like this in my ready-chest:
Filters must be level FFP3. FFP2 and FFP1 filters are not fine enough, they are meant for craftsmen! A framed mask like this models seals nose and chin area more relably than just a paper mask, also, the filte ritself is efficient. Most clioncal appe rmaks used in hospitals are not to prevent infection by virusses, but to prevent infection by patients spitting out blood and such. These masks will not even protect you from flu. You can wear protective glasses along with it. I have a beard. In case of troubles I woul shave it off, to have the mask sealing my chin correctly if I have to leave the house. Full face masks have their own worries if you wera glasses. The fram wbrakes the seal, like a beard does. Be prepared to get rid of both if needing to wear such masks.

Eating outside my home I have already drastically reduced since as a student I worked for 4 weeks in a Biergarten kitchen. That job taught me a lot of things that now are the cause why I do not easily pay for restaurants anymore. :D Food and eating is a matter of trust. Why just trusting just anybody...? Trust is an empirically justfiied thing, not a lottery. Also, eating outside sinmply has become tooi expensive, it is mostly not worth it to me.

If you think such masks and gloves are a good idea, BUY THEM NOW. Once the outbreak is widespread, everybody will want one. And many will not get any anymore. Also have some replacement filters. Consider eye-protection.

Mr Quatro 01-25-20 02:12 PM

I'm not one to worry and I'm not being a chicken little, but ground zero is sounding quite serious :yep:


China cut off trains, planes and other links to Wuhan on Wednesday, as well as public transportation within the city, and has steadily expanded a lockdown to 16 surrounding cities with a combined population of more than 50 million, greater than that of New York, London, Paris and Moscow combined.

The cities of Yichang, Suizhou and Jingzhou were the latest added to the list on Friday evening and Saturday.

Wuhan went one step further Saturday, announcing vehicle use including private cars would be banned in downtown areas starting after midnight, state media reported. Only authorized vehicles to carry supplies and for other needs would be permitted after that, the reports said.
6,470 miles
San Francisco, CA → Wuhan, China

Rockstar 01-25-20 02:26 PM

on the job I deal with a lot of people helps keep my immune system working. I also try eat fruits and veggies, walk, camp, paddle for excercise on my off time. All that and my doctor also prescribed 20mg fucitdall to be take twice daily to help with anxiety

Skybird 01-25-20 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Quatro (Post 2646170)
I'm not one to worry and I'm not being a chicken little,

Nor am I, but I see it like many peopole in Asia: there it is an issue of oliteness and respect that you try to reduce the risk to others if you have a flu yourself, or just a cold - by wearing a mask. Its a scoail nornm, and I think it is a good one. And if you need to go to the supoermarket or to town, and it is known that a pandemic, not even an overly lethal one, is working its way thoruzgb the place, it is a reaisbale thing to be prepared a bit and protect yourself a bit. If they wlulkd say on radio that the water in the tube is infested, you would not continue to drink it would, you?

Hysteria or exaggerated concerns and worries have little to do with it. Its not about beign a chicken, but about being reasonable. Mioght save you from days in bed with high fever, bone pain and a terrible headache.

I do not get yearly injections of the latest flu immunization. Simply because I am amongst people so rarely these days that the risk by that alone is so low that I skip getting an immunization. Also, I do not want to know how many come back from the doctor and after having sat in the waiitng room for half an hour or longer, go back home sicker than they have arrived at the doctor. ;) Waiting rooms at doctors are risk zones.

Mr Quatro 01-25-20 04:28 PM

I hate to bring up the G** word, but what if there really is a G** and He is not happy with China's persecution of the church by closing them down and putting the pastors in prison?

What if the Chinese soothsayers tell the leaders of China that this is punishment for their anti-christian attitude?

Causing a reversal of the communist party to be anti-christians and an entire nation comes to it's knees to pray for God's favor to come upon them.

Just like in the Old Testament Bible story of Jonah and the whale and his assignment by God to tell Nineveh to repent and they repented. :o

If you don't think this scenario could happen please let us not argue ... :yep:

I think I'll write it up anyway ... would make a good film for believers :up:

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