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Hitman 12-30-14 02:01 PM

Thanks for your cooperation Anvart, I knew you would understand and act consequently :salute:

LGN1 01-02-15 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Tycho (Post 2272049)
I tested this with H.sie radar correction. Worked great. Even, the problem with going in radar view was gone. The radar remains on its correct orientation.

Hi Tycho,

could you please explain what the 'problem with going in radar view' is?

Regards, LGN1

Tycho 01-02-15 02:45 PM

Let's say, that your radar is Off, down, and correct oriented.
Now you go in Radar view, if you've installed all changes in Commands_en.cfg from FM30_UpDown_final.7z,
don't use "R" key for this, but use right mouse button over Radio operator.
And, you will go in Radar view, now go back to Conning deck and you will see that the radar orientation was changed.

Alex Ū 01-03-15 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by LGN1 (Post 2274205)
Hi Tycho,

could you please explain what the 'problem with going in radar view' is?

Regards, LGN1

Hi, LGN1.
No probs in this question... use correct Link:

Tycho 01-04-15 09:07 AM

Remains the problem with the need to manually switch the radar to OFF, before diving.
If not then, when you dive, the radar will continue rotate. And when the game switch it to Off, the radar will stop rotation, but will stay in upper position. And, you will travel underwater that way.

With H.sie radar fix and this alternate logic, if I add orders in StateMachineClass for different dive commands, like in DFa and SubFlag, then the radar will work like this:

- I give some of dive commands (periscope depth, set depth, ...), the radar will go down and will stay down and correct oriented. But only visually, the radar will continue be ON, until depth goes under 8-9m. Then, the game will switch the radar to OFF.

For me that way is more acceptable.

Tycho 01-04-15 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Anvart (Post 2274898)
Key1=0x43,C,"C" =======>; Crash_dive
Key2=0x50,C,"P" =======>; Periscope_depth
Key4=0xBA,C,"Comma" ===>; Snorkel_depth
Key5=0x44,C,"D" =======>; Dive

This is variant, but not for me. With all my stupidity, I play away from keyboard, only with mouse. Even, my "command_en.cfg" has no contains any key commands, except arrows for camera and +,- and Enter for time compression.

Originally Posted by Anvart (Post 2274898)
... but remain the problem with the click by the mouse on the Depth Dial - "Set_Depth" command... if you will doing your stupidity, antenna will be down, but the radar will work... and who needs it?

I need this, like I say, is acceptable for me.
With "Set_Depth" command and my stupidity, if I dive, there are no problem, because after depth goes under 8-9m, the radar will switch Off.
If don't dive, but set only little deeper, for example, I know the problem and will click Turn On for the radar, and it will go up again.

Why is this irritation, when people experiment with your mods.
"In such a way was conceived", but I'm not happy with this way.
For Stiebler, I leave your original files. Changed only nygm sensors and .cam files.
But here, while the files are in my computer and my SH3 installation, I will experiment with this mod, as I want.
And this forum is just for that, to babbling about "Radar Rotation Problem", whether you like it. Let's people decide, who needs it and what they need.

Детский сад какой-то!:)

LGN1 01-04-15 04:07 PM

Sorry, guys, I'm confused by all your posts. I will examine all the different versions in my private setup and decide what I will use.

Regards, LGN1

coroner 01-05-15 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Tycho (Post 2274920)
... Детский сад какой-то!:)

Ха, ха. Наконец сейчас вижу вразумительную речь.
... Напрасно ты написал столько слов :D я всё прекрасно знаю и понимаю... но у нас с тобой разный взгляд на вещи.
Для своего личного использования ты можешь делать всё что угодно... не спрашивая автора. Но для публичного решения просьба не искажать идею мода... и не надо прикрываться мнением людей. Проще всего в таком случае сделать что-нибудь самому, самостоятельно.
Извини за резкость. :timeout:
Я не интересуюсь работами Stiebler'а... в своё время, когда я хотел применить мод к NYGM, он отказался ...

Originally Posted by LGN1 (Post 2274927)
Sorry, guys, I'm confused by all your posts...

LGN, everything OK... We just had an exchange of views. If you use FM30_UpDown_GWX mod... use it. Just on Mike's ftp scattered about older versions.
The so-called problem, that Tycho sucks from the finger, it's not a problem, it's a different look at the compromise in the addressing of the tasks. Instead of creating own original mods he is trying to do the revision of the mods of other authors. In the mod FM30_UpDown_GWX no problem as such, i think.

drakkhen20 01-06-15 06:51 PM

in all this conversation, what sub model is being used in the pics ? it doesnt look like the stock SH3 model ?

Capt. Morgan 01-07-15 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by drakkhen20 (Post 2275506)
in all this conversation, what sub model is being used in the pics ...

GUTE FRAGE! (A.K.A. Bump). What a great looking sub, How did you get it into SH3... where did it come from?

Leitender 01-08-15 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by LGN1 (Post 2274927)
Sorry, guys, I'm confused by all your posts.

So am I. If Iīm not wrong, there exist at least 4 versions of Anvartīs FM30_up_Down-Mod: The original one for GWX, another one for LSH, one integrated in NYGM and his "alternative logic", published in this thread. Eventually dependant of the use of one of these big mods in combination with the appropriate FuMO mod and maybe in combination with altered boat or turm models (like we have it in makmanīs initial picture), there are some small side effects:

1. The mattress is perpendicular to the case, if lowered.

One solution is to change the mattressī position in Sensors.dat and/or FuMO30.anm, as described by Tycho

2. The mattress is extended, when the game starts.

Either correct the start entry as Tycho describes, or use Anvartīs alternative logic in combination with h.sieīs patch (Does that work with every installation?).

3. The mattress wonīt be lowered when the boat dives, if this is not especially ordered.

One solution is to combine all relevant diving orders with the "radar off" order by one key (Anvartīs solution). Another one is to do the changes Tycho describes if you use the mouse only.

My personal favourite is not to change the mod data, but to switch off the radar manually after having given the appropriate diving order. There are at least 30 seconds time until the boat vanishes below the surface and in my idea this is a kind of captainīs routine when starting a diving manouevre.

Anvartīs mod does not only show an animation, but gives the player also the abilitiy to control that animation manually and thus leads to the possibility to make "mistakes" while commanding the boat, at least in the visual presentation of it. Thatīs why I love such mods.

The 4th point was the discontinous movement of the mattress after being moved out, at least in my installation (?) Is there a solution for this?

Tycho 01-08-15 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Capt. Morgan (Post 2275905)
GUTE FRAGE! (A.K.A. Bump). What a great looking sub, How did you get it into SH3... where did it come from?

Probably is this: German U-Boats Compilation


Originally Posted by Leitender (Post 2275954)
The 4th point was the discontinous movement of the mattress after being moved out, at least in my installation (?) Is there a solution for this?

Sorry! Didn't understand this!

Leitender 01-08-15 06:14 AM


between the end of the moving out animation and the beginninng of the turning animation there is no continous movement, but the mattress jumps to a certain position and begins to turn from then on.

When I compare the mattressīs movement with the radar device in the radio room, I can see that the animation of the mattress move out begins immediately, whereas the start of the radar search has a certain delay. That seems te me realistic, but the turning of the radar wheel and the turning of the mattress doesnīt start synchronously. Maybe this is the reason for the discontinous movement at the beginning?

Btw, Iīve just tested Anvartīs alternative logic mod with GWX. It seems that one has to use it additional to his original FM... mod, not alternatively!

Tycho 01-09-15 05:24 AM

Probably, is possible to synchronize this, if play with rotation coordinates.
But, only for first time after loading. After every turn-off/on, the radar antenna begins rotation from the orientation where the radar was switched to off.
I'll check, when I'm on my computer.

Anvart 01-09-15 06:48 AM

Hi, guys.
I badly understand what you speak...
Explanation for those "who are in the tank" or just who does not understand...
It was a long time ago ... and I, maybe, don't remember something...
I did a mod FM30_UpDown_* for GWX only. I made some choices for GWX... two of them... penultimate - FM30_UpDown_Final and as a later variant - FM30_UpDown_GWX with the slightly modified logic. At the request of users I adapted FM30_UpDown_Final for LSH... but I've never done the adaptation of FM30_UpDown_Final or FM30_UpDown_GWX to NYGM... Therefore, questions on NYGM not for me. FM30_UpDown_AltLogic - it's the slightly modified logic from FM30_UpDown_GWX... for those who use the with GWX H.sie radar fix (radar is turned off at the beginning of the game). One of the main ideas of the FM30_UpDown mod - if the player turned on radar, he should turn it off himself... in the mod there is no raising/lowering of the antenna and there are no control over her... in the mod there are commands of on/off radar. Mod DFa_UpDnRot (and similar) is the Eye Candy mod... DF antenna does not work in SH3 and is not driven, so I did the automatic lowering of the DF antenna during diving of the u-boats... do you understand the difference?
I'm not a fan of the NYGN mod and I have not played with it... I will not adapt my mod for NYGM... I do not published all my works... and I never shall not do it.
After 9 years of lack of mutual understanding i tired of the hassles, of hypocrisy and double standards.

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