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Raptor1 06-24-11 08:43 AM

((I'm assuming Mookie gathered the crew in Bunkhouse A))

*turns to speak to the entire crew in Bunkhouse A*

Right, Gentlemen, we have been captured. That is unfortunate, but we must make the best out of this situation. I have spoken with their commander, and these Jerries seem to be a particularly unreasonable bunch, so keep from angering too much or they might get trigger happy. However, do your best to not cooperate with them unless absolutely necessary.

As Mr. Mookie notes, this is an awfully strange place to put a garrison, so I want everyone to report anything strange they see to the officers. Our primary goal will be to escape this place, something which we will do as soon as an ideal opportunity presents itself. I want everyone to be on the lookout for where the Krauts are receiving their supplies from; I don't see an airstrip, so it probably comes by sea. Sub-Lieutenant, I want you to see what you can about making a map of this place based on the reports of everyone, that will help us greatly. Besides that, we'll wait and see what we can find out.

Task Force 06-24-11 08:46 AM

"yea, there's something strange about these krauts. But, theyre krauts, who knows what they are thinking."

Bakkels 06-24-11 08:54 AM

*standing outside the bunkbuilding*

Damn this place gives me the creeps. It's cold, wet, desolate. Actually I'm not so sure if I can tell the difference after all between the bottom of the Baltic and the place we find ourselves in now.

*Leans through the door*

"Captain Raptor sir, I take it you already made arrangements for the HMS Nelson to come blow up this castle and pick us up?"

mookiemookie 06-24-11 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1689954)
Sub-Lieutenant, I want you to see what you can about making a map of this place based on the reports of everyone, that will help us greatly. Besides that, we'll wait and see what we can find out.

Aye sir. We know the castle's to the west. Chief Tarrasque, take Mr. Pioneer and scout the south of us. Report anything of interest...anything that will be of use in an escape attempt. Lord Justice, take Task Force and see if you can get a handle on what lies to the south of us. Bakkels and I will head north and scout the woods. Captain, would you and Takeda like to see if you can make it to the other side of the castle to see what's over there?

Raptor1 06-24-11 09:03 AM

Unfortunately, Mr. Bakkels, the Nelson was unavailable. We'll have to rescue ourselves.

*turns to Mookie*

Yes, I was about to head there myself, I thought I saw something strange on my way here. Hopefully the Germans won't mind us doing a little sight-seeing. Mr. Shingen, come with me, this might prove interesting to your readers in America.

*leaves and heads for a position from which he can see the other side of the castle*

Bakkels 06-24-11 09:12 AM

Well lieutenant Mookie, I don't like scouting without my rifle one bit, but the island seems pretty desolate so aside from the Krauts we probably don't have anything to fear. Let's check out those woods.
*lights a cigarette*
By the way, lieutenant, you know that joke about the marine and the sailor? They are standing in a public toilet. The marine finishes first and washes his hands. The sailor just walks to the exit. So the marine says: "Hey, in the marines they teach us to wash our hands after taking a piss!" To which the sailor replies: "Yeah? Well in the navy they teach us not to piss all over our hands."

Tarrasque 06-24-11 09:26 AM

*Nods at Mookiemookie*

"Aye Sir. I've taken the liberty of setting up a watch system already. It's not ideal, but due to our limited personnel and senior rates, it's the best in the circumstances."

*Hands S/Lt Mookiemookie a scrap of paper with the watch system pencilled in.*

"Mr Pioneer, you're with me. Let's see if we can find anything of use."

Takeda Shingen 06-24-11 09:28 AM

Takeda follows behind Captain Raptor, unsteadily and clumbsily trying to keep up with the sure-footed military professional.

'Sir, I have to say that this has been a lot more action than I wanted to see. I mean, captured by the Jerries (you do call them Jerries, right?) and now in a prisoner of war camp in this godforsaken corner of the world. Its, well I'd say its, it could be, or maybe, look, it's not that I am not excited about the job. Oh hell, I'm not excited about the job. I wanted to work for the 'Post, but the patriotic thing was to write for Stars and Stripes. I thought this was going to be a desk job, you know, cushy and light......maybe see some dames in the got a girl sir? Hm? 'Cause I heard that soldiers bond over this sort of thing in hard times. I bet these are hard times. You know, really hard times, I mean we're prisoners. Prisoners. And I got into this line of work because I wanted to write color pieces for the 'Post. You read the 'Post, don't you? Of course you do, Everyone reads the 'Post. Does your dame read the 'Post too? Maybe you read it together. It's really good to read it together. Good reading. Good writing. And I'm a pretty good writer. I can write a yarn that will make you think......well you'll was a good yarn. I could show you! Maybe I can write the camp newspaper. I can...oh, wait my typewriter is back on the sub. Hey, slow down. I'm doing my best to keep up here. If I didn't know better, I'd say that you were trying to get away from me, but I do know better. You're a good man, sir. A very good man. I am lucky to be here. And I bet your dame at home is lucky too. If I was to.......'

Takeda stopped short as he and the Captain reached their destination; the far side of the castle before them.

'Golly. What is this place?'

Raptor1 06-24-11 09:38 AM

*marches on without talking*

Shut up...shut up...shut up...

*reaches the end of the camp*

...looks like a bloody closed gate. Damn those Jerries. Let's go back inside...

HunterICX 06-24-11 10:07 AM

*Has summoned the Oberfeldwebel Ducimes, Gefreiter Tinman764 and Gemeiner The Enigma*

Meine Herren,

Make sure these nosy Brits stay out of the castle unless they've been brought in with an escort...find a Brit nosing around on their own give him the appropiate welcome and bring him before me or Nisgeis. Understood?
Ow and could someone inform Gemeiner the tyrant to shoot any brit on sight when getting to close to their submarine.

that would be all

Ducimus 06-24-11 10:21 AM

"Javeol Oberst HunterIXC"

Departs to resume guard duty, and decides to inspect the POW camp. While coming up on the POW Camp, hear's alot of talking in Bunkhouse A.

*Bursts into the bunkhouse*

"QUIET! There well be no colaborative talk here! You have no chance of escape. So If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night I swear by God and sonny Jesus you will all visit the infirmary. Every last Mutterficker in here!"

*Departs Slams door behind him*

Tinman764 06-24-11 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by HunterICX (Post 1689987)
*Has summoned the Oberfeldwebel Ducimes, Gefreiter Tinman764 and Gemeiner The Enigma*

Meine Herren,

Make sure these nosy Brits stay out of the castle unless they've been brought in with an escort...find a Brit nosing around without an escort give him the appropiate welcome and bring him before me or Nisgeis. Understood?
Ow and could someone inform Gemeiner the tyrant to shoot any brit on sight when getting to close to their submarine.

that would be all

Very good, Sir.
*half turns to leave, then faces HunterICX.*
"sir, forgive me if I'm out of turn, but has the possibility of these British being spies been considered? I strongly suspect this is more than a coincidence."

Tarrasque 06-24-11 10:26 AM

*Heads back inside bunkhouse #1*

"Damn Jerries. Locking us up inside here. Where would we go?"

Raptor1 06-24-11 10:26 AM

*watches Ducimus leave the Bunkhouse, then waits a minute and speaks*

See, men, these are the sort of Huns we have to deal with here. Maybe they stuck them out here because they can't be trusted with any real assignment...

HunterICX 06-24-11 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tinman764 (Post 1689998)
Very good, Sir.
*half turns to leave, then faces HunterICX.*
"sir, forgive me if I'm out of turn, but has the possibility of these British being spies been considered? I strongly suspect this is more than a coincidence."

They might be Gefreiter, but that's why we have our comrade of the SS here Herr Nisgeis he's an expert on this and we'll soon find out what he has found as soon he has investigated their submarine.

Now be on your way *salutes*

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