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kurfürst 10-04-14 03:33 PM

Horrido Wise,

your pictures of type VII look excellent!
I am sure that the finished models will even surpass expectations.
You are a very good modeller and have a good eye for detail, you have prooved this before on the type IX. I cannot wait for winter and the release of the VII to come!

You make real what others just promise!

Beste Grüsse, Kurfürst

Anvar1061 10-06-14 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by kurfürst (Post 2248711)
You make real what others just promise!


evan82 10-10-14 03:33 PM

Finally something worth more attention. This could be one of the best "must have mods" in all SHIII modding history. :ping:

Tomi_099 10-12-14 07:57 AM


Is there anything new?

Kurland 10-13-14 06:26 AM

Remarkable work!!!!:Kaleun_Applaud:

Wise 10-14-14 12:45 PM

Hi, everybody.
Creation 7b (a sample 1938-39) finished.

It is pre-war option. It will be connected at will, as separate mod. The military option (without board numbers, without eagle and without handrails) will be a basis.
Now small rest and start of work on type 7b (sample of 1940). Now work has to go a little quicker since we will take many details from the ready boat.

Ahnenerbe 10-14-14 02:38 PM

Алексей, это великолепно! Хочу такую лодку, что бы по Неману у себя в Беларуси в пригороде Гродно походить, рыбаков попугать:arrgh!:. Эх, люблю я эти ранние рубки. Да, немцы всегда были эстетами даже в военных технологиях. Готично !!! Лично я жду финальной работы от тебя, ну и конечно всех благ тебе и Сане Ковалю!!! Молодцы парни!!!!!

Good luck
++ Ahnenerbe ++
Alexey, it is magnificent! I want such boat, what on Neman river at itself in Belarus in the suburb of Grodno to walk, to scare fishermen:arrgh!:. Eh, I love these early turms. Yes, Germans were always esthetes even in military technologies. Gothic!!! Personally I wait for final work from you, well and of course all benefits to you and Alex Kovall!!! Good fellows guys!!!!!

Good luck
++ Ahnenerbe ++

kurfürst 10-14-14 09:55 PM

Horrido Wise,
it looks fantastic! For me, this is a work of art!
I am, as always, deeply impressed by your skills and focus on detail!

looking forward for things to come!


makman94 10-16-14 08:12 PM

what an epic work is made here, bravo Wise :yeah:

amazing , really amazing work !!!

q: is this deck a 3d one ? if not, can we hope that you will make one ?

Wise 10-17-14 10:31 AM

Саня,привет.) Я тоже хочу такие лодки, чтобы всплыть на поверхность реки Нева, у себя в Петербурге.)) Немцы, действительно, всегда отличались самыми грамотными технологиями во всех аспектах жизни . И раньше, и сейчас. Другие страны имеют у себя много того, что сделано по немецкому принципу. В том числе, и вооружение(самолёты, танки, обмундирование..,один Бисмарк стоил трёх английских линкоров). В подводном флоте Германия вовсе, не знала себе равных. И к созданию атомного оружия,также, первыми подошли немцы. Помнишь, их гранаты с длинной ручкой? Чтобы удобно было кидать на дальние расстояния..И сейчас: БМВ, Мерседес,Ауди, Фольксваген..Всё везде грамотно и достойно восхищения,несмотря ни на что. И технически, и внешне.
Александр, спасибо за добрые слова и пожелания. В данный момент я продолжаю ещё работать в одиночку. Поэтому, финал не так скоро, как хотелось бы. Впереди ещё 7b(1940), 7c(1940), 7c(1942-43), 7c41. И я надеюсь,мне хватит моральных сил всё сделать.
Sanya, hi.) I too want such boats to emerge on the Neva River surface, at myself in St. Petersburg.)) Germans, really, always differed in the most competent technologies in all aspects of life. And earlier, and now. Other countries have at themselves much that is made by the German principle. Including, and armament(planes, tanks, regimentals., one Bismarck cost three English battleships). In underwater fleet Germany at all, did not know to itself equal. And Germans approached creation of atomic weapons, also, the first. You remember, their grenades with the long handle? That it was convenient to throw on a long distance. And now: BMW, Mercedes...Always advanced technologies. Everything-everywhere is wise and worthy admiration, despite everything . And technically, and externally.
Alexander, thanks for kind words and wish. At present I continue to work still alone. Therefore, the final not so soon as it would be desirable. Ahead still VIIB (1940), VIIC (1940), VIIC (1942-43), VIIC\41. And I hope, moral forces everything will be enough for me to make.
@makman94, @ evan82, @Anvar1061, @kurfürst, @Tomi_099, @Kurland, @sublynx, and everything to whom this subject is interesting,
I thank you for kind words,friends. My viva to you and the best regards.
@makman94, I apologize, but I not absolutely understood your question. Possibly, my online translator badly translated from English.) Try to modify a question a little.
Today it is completely ready the VIIB-1938-39. Three options:

Two of them will be the separate mods, join from above the basic mod. One of two, it is exact, pre-war option. At present, isn't solved the question, what option from remained , to put basically of mod, with a water-reflector or without it. The matter is that the first reflector was established in October, 1939. But game begins on September 1.

diesel97 10-17-14 11:41 PM

Brilliant work as usual Wise.

Don't forget the team's type IX while you are waiting everybody:

Fubar2Niner 10-18-14 05:04 AM


A pure work of art, can't wait for your finished upload. Many congratulations :up:

Best regards.


makman94 10-18-14 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Wise (Post 2252643)
@makman94, I apologize, but I not absolutely understood your question. Possibly, my online translator badly translated from English.) Try to modify a question a little.

sure Wise, i am asking if you have made a separate 3d model for the deck of u-boat.
some time ago, Hans Witteman made a 3d model for the type uiia's deck and it looked awesome in game (especially when the light is getting on it).unfortunatelly , he never released it.

i asked you also , in the case that the deck (as it shows in your pics) is not a separate 3d model , if you are willing to make one at future

Wise 10-18-14 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 2252984)
sure Wise, i am asking if you have made a separate 3d model for the deck of u-boat.
some time ago, Hans Witteman made a 3d model for the type uiia's deck and it looked awesome in game (especially when the light is getting on it).unfortunatelly , he never released it.

i asked you also , in the case that the deck (as it shows in your pics) is not a separate 3d model , if you are willing to make one at future

I still, am not sure that completely and correctly understood sense of a question.:) But I will taste to answer.:hmm2:
The deck is made in 3d - form:

By the way, the deck of the turm, also, made in the 3D:

All other openings, also, in the 3D.
I made the only exception here:

I didn't begin to do these small openings in 3d since I consider that to spend many 3d-polygons for such trifles, this madness.
In our previous mod (type IX) all decks are, also, made in 3d, including, IXC-40.
My friend, believe me, I began to be engaged in these works only because I can't quietly look at an awful condition of those boats which to us were offered by developers of game.
You won't believe, but even figures "45" onboard the turm, it not texture. :)It is 3d.
I had to make so because, the picture of the tga-32bit alpha channel, in game sometimes disappears from a look, depending on a viewing angle.
I hope that, I guessed with the answer.:)

makman94 10-18-14 04:27 PM

yea Wise !!:yeah: thats exactly what i meant about the 3d model for deck !
what a brilliant work mate ! i really REALLY love what you are preparing :up:.thank you for sharing all this with us !

when , i first saw a 3d deck in game , i made the same thought with awful the current u-boat models looked

here is a small teaser video i had made long time ago for presenting the work of Hans Witteman on deck of type iia U-Boot-hahd model but i never uploaded it cuase of the end of the u-boot-hahd project (i bet that yours will look the same or even better in game!):

once again,...big congratulations ,Wise :Kaleun_Salute:

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