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HunterICX 07-30-07 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna
Cheeky kass kop...I'll see kratos ;)

:o KRATOS RUN!!!!!!!!!!:rotfl:

GSpector 07-30-07 10:26 PM


BOB2 looks very nice. I have a few questions:

1 - Do you only fly for the British or is German side available?

2 - Are there any Awards such as Promotions and Medals.

3 - Can you enlist in a full Campaign?

Chock 07-30-07 10:53 PM

You can fly for either side, but the campaign is a little odd, as to fly a pilot campaign you have to faff around a bit. Basically the core of the sim is to be a controller running the camapign for either the RAF or the Luftwaffe, and this is very detailed (if not totally realistic, since it's possible to win for the Luftwaffe, which was never on the cards in real life). You are able to plan tactics, raids etc, then, having done that, you can jump into any of your aircraft and fly the missions. How all this works is broadly similar to the fighter control operations rooms and sector stations theatre maps with Hostiles and friendlies marked out on it that you will have seen in books and films concerning the Battle of Britain.

Alternatively, there are a number of pre-set historical scenarios in which you can fly, or, you can set up one yourself, i.e. four Spitfires Mk1As from such-and-such a squadron versus 3 Stuka B1s from such-and-such a Staffel, or whatever, with options for height, weather, time of day, positions, skill of enemy etc.

There is no actual 'pilot campaign' as in 'join JG26 and fly through the Luftwaffe's BoB campaign', although if you wanted to do that, it would be possible by opting to automate much of the Luftwaffe controller tasks and then leaping into a JG26 aircraft whenever they set off on a mission. It's the lack of an actual pilot campaign that put many people off the sim (in its original incarnation) in the first place, and you can see their point, as it would have been far more sensible to include such an option.

It's a good flight sim, and it has more graphics and realism options than pretty much any other combat flight sim out there, so you can ease yourself into it (much better than it was on its original release) and recent patches have improved it massively, but it is far easier to fly a simple pilot campaign in CFS3 or IL2, and of course, there is a new Battle of Britain flight sim due for release in just a few week's time if that aspect bothers you. But for about ten quid (as this sim is) it's definitely worth having in my opinion. Be warned though, the flight model on realistic settings is quite tricky to master, but fun when you do so (expect to crash on take off and landing a lot at first). It's a lot harder to shoot stuff down in this than it is in IL2 or CFS3 too.

One major plus point is that the Spitfire does have a brilliant virtual cockpit which is great with TrackIR, and it's probably worth your cash just for that.

Expect the newer BoB sim, due soon, to blow it out of the sky though.

:D Chock

GSpector 07-31-07 12:03 AM


A new BOB Sim? Do you know the title or the website?

I'm waiting for the WWI Flight Sim to come out. It looks good so far.

As far as Flight Sims go, I'm enjoying Over Flanders Field.

Dowly 07-31-07 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Chock

Expect the newer BoB sim, due soon, to blow it out of the sky though.

:D Chock

If it still has the old silly looking tracers that IL2 has now, BoB II still wins it. :yep:

Chock 07-31-07 08:27 AM


A new BOB Sim? Do you know the title or the website?
here's a few links for it:

:D Chock

Kratos 07-31-07 10:12 AM

Finally loaded BOB2 and patched to 2.06 update, Had a quick look around,done the training take off and tried (emphasize) tried to land ;).First impressions ''not to sure'' Its not like IL2, for navigating around controls/settings wasn't greatly impressed with the graphics as of yet, think i might have to tweak them a bit to get to my liking...everything was a bit blocky like having a lego landscape :-?,but that might be me in my haste to get game installed and start playing. Im not giving up yet ....i'll give it another couple of hours :rotfl:

Jimbuna 07-31-07 10:21 AM

You always were an impatient bugger weren't you.......Popeye :rotfl:

Dowly 07-31-07 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Kratos
Finally loaded BOB2 and patched to 2.06 update, Had a quick look around,done the training take off and tried (emphasize) tried to land ;).First impressions ''not to sure'' Its not like IL2, for navigating around controls/settings wasn't greatly impressed with the graphics as of yet, think i might have to tweak them a bit to get to my liking...everything was a bit blocky like having a lego landscape :-?,but that might be me in my haste to get game installed and start playing. Im not giving up yet ....i'll give it another couple of hours :rotfl:

Look around, there's a mod that makes the ground textures high res. :up:

Oberon 07-31-07 10:54 AM

Am I the only one who finds BOB2 easier than IL2? I mean, I have the Flight Model on realistic on BOB2 but rarely stall badly, on IL2 I stall on the drop of a hat, I can take off (mostly) and land alright on BOB2 but make a right dogs ear of both on IL2 (particularly the take-off bit) And on BOB2 I've managed to amount a few 109s and a Heinkel over the past two days, whereas on IL2 I'm lucky to hit the broad side of a barn!

Perhaps it's because I played the original BOB a lot when it first came out whereas I'm quite new to the IL2 scene.... :hmm:

Kratos 07-31-07 12:14 PM

@ Dowly cheers matey wasn't aware there was a mod :up:

Dowly 07-31-07 01:15 PM

No problem, mate. Also, I'd recommend to download the multiskin pack. It adds accurate camos & emblems for all the squadron planes. :up:

Chock 07-31-07 01:16 PM


Am I the only one who finds BOB2 easier than IL2? I mean, I have the Flight Model on realistic on BOB2 but rarely stall badly, on IL2 I stall on the drop of a hat, I can take off (mostly) and land alright on BOB2 but make a right dogs ear of both on IL2 (particularly the take-off bit) And on BOB2 I've managed to amount a few 109s and a Heinkel over the past two days, whereas on IL2 I'm lucky to hit the broad side of a barn!

Perhaps it's because I played the original BOB a lot when it first came out whereas I'm quite new to the IL2 scene.... :hmm:
I think it might be that BoB2's flight modelling and gunnery is probably more like a real aircraft's - not always a good thing, given that one has to compensate for the lack of peripheral vision and sensory feedback one gets when really flying. So if you fly it like you would the real thing, youll probably do okay in BoB2.

I still reckon IL2 spins more realistically of the two (which for me, is invariably a reasonable test of whether a flight model is good), but then again, neither aircraft in BoB2 or IL2 spin as realistically as they do in Condor - which has a flight model that makes all other flight sims look like a bad joke, so one would hope that Storm of War might see a further improvement on that front. Spin recoveries in BoB2 are appallingly badly replicated.

IL2's gunnery and enemy AI is very weak in comparison to BoB2 and CFS3 though, often with numerous cannon rounds required to make a kill in IL2, whereas any decent autobiography of a WW2 pilot will confirm that three or four hits with a cannon was usually enough to, if not destroy an aeroplane, then at least put it out of contention in the fight. I certainly hope they have changed that for Storm of War, as if not, it will be a bit of a let-down for me. I've lost count of the amount of times I've hammered the living crap out of a fighter or bomber in IL2, only to have some wingman come along, pop two rounds into it and exclaim: 'I got one!'. That is really bloody annoying in IL2.

Where IL2 does sometimes score is on physical appearance of damage modelling, which, although not totally realistic in all cases, is nevertheless fair, in that AI aircraft and your own are subject to the same damage modelling and resilience, whereas the graphical damage modelling in BoB2 is greatly simplified by comparison. Ironically though, if you damage a fighter in IL2, it very often will try and perform just as well as an undamaged one in a fight against you, whereas aircraft in BoB2 do seem to react to damage and try to break off the fight in my experience.

I think on the whole, the bad points of BoB2 are the missing aircraft, such as the British light and medium bombers and heavy fighters, and the similarly absent Italian aircraft and German air-sea rescue aeroplanes. The lack of a basic pilot campaign is a real minus point for me too. If it had those, it would be damn near perfect, and every time I fire it up and bemoan the lack of those, I always end up saying to myself: 'What were they thinking to miss those out!?'.

Given Oleg's inclination to put everything including the kitchen sink in his flight sims, I imagine there will at least be a more comprehensive spread of aircraft in Storm of War. Although I'm guessing he'll forget the Itallians too!

:D Chock

Oberon 07-31-07 02:32 PM

Yeah, I see what you mean there Chock, the Mossie is there as a ground model, I strafed one with a Stuka yesterday but not flyable or flown...but, since the campaign focuses primarily on the day time defence I guess that can be forgiven. Although, like you say, not having the Italian squadron, or the sea rescue is a shame, likewise having an unflyable Defiant, although they didn't make it all the way through the battle...but then again, neither did the Stuka, and that's flyable...

The damage model is rather poor, I've seen a picture of a Spit falling with the middle section of its port wing gone but the tip still floating in the air connected invisibly to the aircraft :doh: In that respects, IL2 outshines...well...just about every other sim out there, despite its AI deficiencies, likewise the ability to fly the bombers rather than just be gunner is a nice touch in IL2, there's nothing like trying to hold together a HE-111 whilst HunterICX is picking you apart with a FW-190... :lol:

The campaign is nice for those (like me) who like strategy and want to have a bash at rewriting history (even if the Luftwaffe have a slightly unhistorical advantage) or trying to put yourself in the shoes of Dowding...buuuut, it is rather confusing and at times quite hard, but with a bit of fiddling, it's possible to do a single pilot campaign, I've just started one with 151 squadron out of Manston :up: But, it's not quite as user-friendly as IL2 in that respect, and not quite as tweakable.
Another thing that I enjoy with BOB2 is the atmosphere, the radio-chatter especially, I know that you get radio chatter with IL2, but it doesn't seem quite as, I dunno, quite as right as BOB2...although I do love IL2s graphics, the sea, the clouds, it's nice to dogfight in the clouds in IL2, in fact that's a part of my strategy when facing Dowly and the lads, run like F**k for the clouds...and then usually get shot down just before entering them. :know:

Really, there's not much of a way you can compare IL2 to BOB, since although they model similar aircraft, they model them in different time frames (He-111 and Hurri excepted) and whilst BOB2 focuses on one particular conflict, IL2 focuses on whole FRONTS, Pacific, Eastern, Norway, the possibilities are endless...

That's why both are sitting on my hard-drive :up: :up: :up:

Oh, and my deepest wish is that Oleg takes all the good things of BOB2 and IL2, and puts them together in Storm of War.

Oberon 08-02-07 11:58 AM

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your guard speaking, I'm afraid to announce that due to aircraft, this train will be delayed at arriving at its destination..."

"Ja Hans, zis new display smoke vill surely impress ze crowds!"

Any landing you can crawl away from is a good one!

Heinkell down!

Pilot: "Argh, that crazy Subsimmer is back again...quick...keep walking away!"


Dowly 08-02-07 01:20 PM

Rofl @ the last one. :rotfl:

HunterICX 08-03-07 03:27 AM

:rotfl: that last one!
good one!:up:

Jimbuna 08-03-07 04:56 AM

Was that last one the Dutch Airforce undergoing manouvres ? :hmm:


HunterICX 08-03-07 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by jimbuna
Was that last one the Dutch Airforce undergoing manouvres ? :hmm:


:hmm: Jimbuna, enlighten me, what are you trying to tell me :lol:

Jimbuna 08-03-07 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by HunterICX

Originally Posted by jimbuna
Was that last one the Dutch Airforce undergoing manouvres ? :hmm:


:hmm: Jimbuna, enlighten me, what are you trying to tell me :lol:

Airman "but sir, the enemy are that way (pointing towards his plane)

Officer "never mind, keep marching alongside me, the war will be over in 4 or 5 days anyway" ;)

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