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XenonSurf 04-21-20 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2664943)
It's more than one file. Each RGG (Random Generated Group) in each of the campaign (and SingleMission, etc) mis files has a setting for a percentage of a chance to send out a "Contact Report", and how often to try for a chance.
ReportPosMin=7049 - the time in minutes. a negative number means "Don't do it"
ReportPosProbability=7 - the percentage chance of the report, if the above is NOT negative.
This is done in TMO to simulate that the Ultra system was not completely set-up yet. The main bugaboo being that they didn't trust US submariners to keep a secret :roll:. When walking the boat, look for the traffic lanes map, and use that to find a place to "lay in wait" for "unsuspecting enemies" to come by...

Yeah, thanks a lot for this info. I'm definitly not going to mess whith these files, but by pure chance I have found a traffic map at the radio guy giving generic traffic info with red lines. I had to scroll the radio image which appears in the upper left to see - oh what a beautiful map :)
I think this will help me greatly. I was playing for hours yesterday without encountering anything passing the Macassar Strait, also patrolling for 72 hours in my zone will still mark 'objective uncomplete' although I keep strickly in a 100nm radius. But saving the game will probably - like in SH5 - reset the timer.


propbeanie 04-21-20 04:08 PM

Draw yourself a little 75nm circle instead of 100 - or - drive up to the circle and sit for it to complete. You'll probably have to dive to avoid airplanes, but at least you can use high TC ~then~ go off and do what you want, if you don't want to lose those Objective renown points. :salute:

XenonSurf 04-22-20 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2665026)
Draw yourself a little 75nm circle instead of 100 - or - drive up to the circle and sit for it to complete. You'll probably have to dive to avoid airplanes, but at least you can use high TC ~then~ go off and do what you want, if you don't want to lose those Objective renown points. :salute:

Thanks for your tips, propbeanie, I appreciate :03:
I'm getting more contacts now, my first impression was false, I need to get better :)

XenonSurf 04-22-20 07:38 AM

There is a mod from james_nix called

RSDC TMO Hollywood Missions

"I like the 'Hollywood' missions to break up the monotony so I restored the insertion (people and supplies) and photo missions to RSRDC for TMO."

I wonder if I can use this with Ralles' package, or if it would break the mod somehow. Adding it to the end would overwrite the file PatrolObjectives.cfg which was in 1.0 and then gets overwritten by 2.0 here below. This mod would overwrite it again, I need to compare the files but the adaptation could take long for me. Maybe someone has already done this?

1.5_OTC_Realistic Scopes for 16 to 9 RSRDCv502
1.5_OTC_German PPI Screen
2.0 Ralles ModPack for TMO_RSRDC_OTC
RSDC TMO Hollywood Missions <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ?


Ok, I must adapt the Ralle's file, I cannot just replace it. There are 49 entries to change as for the 'AllMatch=Disable' into other values, I must do this manually on the Ralle's file.

propbeanie 04-22-20 09:38 AM

I would use WinMerge on the two files in question. That way, say you have nix's file on the left, and Ralles on the right. Nix's file has the changes for the calls that add the "Hollywood" missions back in that are needed in Ralles, but there might be other differences as well, that need to be changed. You just use the Alt - Right Arrow key combination to make your changes, then Alt down arrow to go to the next difference. Skip the differences you don't need to do.

If I remember correctly, the actual mis and tsr files are their in their folders in the PatrolObjectives folder under the Campaign folder, and all you need to do is to enable that line in the PatrolObjectives.cfg file, but you might also have to alter their "AllMatch" lines to match the "ObjectiveCode" to actually have them assigned to be called by Flotillas.upc. :salute:

XenonSurf 04-22-20 12:02 PM

Thanks very much propbeanie, I have done it with UltraEdit, took me 1/2 an hour, but I will certainly look for this tool WinMerge, this should speed-up my mods in the future :up:

Best greetings,

XenonSurf 06-09-20 09:43 AM

I have noticed that the Narwhal class submarine has wrong maximum speeds when submerged and surfaced in the latest v.1.3 download package.

Max speed surfaced: 14 knots
Max speed submerged: 6.5 knots

Max speed surfaced: 17 knots
Max speed submerged: 8.5 knots

I think you have tried to give more weight to stormy conditions where subs have reduced speeds in rough seas, that's ok. But with a wind speed of just 6m/s if I go flank with the Narwhal I should travel not at 11 knots but around 15-16, even considered that my crew at career start is not the best one (which also has an influence on engine performance I think.)

I wonder if changing the necessary files in the Submarine folder (the sim, cfg, upc), I would have to start a new career, or if I can go on with my current one ?


propbeanie 06-09-20 11:24 AM

One thing to remember about those "settings", and this applies to more than just the sim files XenonSurf, and you probably have seen it in other games, but most of those "figures" do not correlate very accurately to real world figures, and are sometimes ~way~ off target, having no bearing to reality. Also, especially in this area of the SH4 game, one setting can and does affect others. If you attempt to adjust the "Range" of the submarine, it will affect the "speed" attained. Also, you will find that in-game "helps" do not relate very closely with some changes, as we found in FotRSU, with setting the ranges and the speed for those ranges, as well as the throttle settings used in the cfg file, all messing with the "Range at current speed" button on the submarine's menu. It would initially be what we desired, but as some players have found out, the "range" keeps increasing as they travel, and they use apparently less and less fuel. Of course, I would much have it that way, than to have a continually shrinking range, and the player runs out just after arrival on-scene... I would think that changing some of those settings that they can be applied between patrols. I would stay away from doing anything any more while on patrol... the game is just too squirrellie... :roll:

XenonSurf 06-09-20 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2676574)
One thing to remember about those "settings", and this applies to more than just the sim files XenonSurf, and you probably have seen it in other games, but most of those "figures" do not correlate very accurately to real world figures, and are sometimes ~way~ off target, having no bearing to reality. Also, especially in this area of the SH4 game, one setting can and does affect others. If you attempt to adjust the "Range" of the submarine, it will affect the "speed" attained. Also, you will find that in-game "helps" do not relate very closely with some changes, as we found in FotRSU, with setting the ranges and the speed for those ranges, as well as the throttle settings used in the cfg file, all messing with the "Range at current speed" button on the submarine's menu. It would initially be what we desired, but as some players have found out, the "range" keeps increasing as they travel, and they use apparently less and less fuel. Of course, I would much have it that way, than to have a continually shrinking range, and the player runs out just after arrival on-scene... I would think that changing some of those settings that they can be applied between patrols. I would stay away from doing anything any more while on patrol... the game is just too squirrellie... :roll:

Thanks for the info, Propbearnie, in fact I replaced the files with the TMO_RSDC_OTC package of Ralles pack and I had to restart career to take effect. But my career was not very advanced anyway, so it didn't matter. My speeds are correct now. First time also that I enter in contact with a large convoy in Ralles pack; I still hope to do the same in FORTSU.


Mr.Bo 08-06-20 08:07 AM

Ein Super Danke
Seit Tagen suche Ich für SH 4 durch Neuinstall wieder einmal Mods um auf Jagd zu gehen. Der DL war Super schnell. Danke für deine Arbeit ! Du ersparst damit viel lästige Arbeit mit elend langsamen DL Seiten. Nun, ein FAN mehr der hoffentlich begeistert wird durch diesen Mega Mod. TOP und immer eine Handvoll Wasser unter'm Bug wünsche Ich noch. Ahoi :Kaleun_Salute:

mikesn9 08-06-20 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mr.Bo (Post 2687569)
Seit Tagen suche Ich für SH 4 durch Neuinstall wieder einmal auf Jagd zu gehen. Der DL war Super schnell. Danke für deine Arbeit ! Du ersparst damit viel lästige Arbeit mit elend langsamen DL Seiten. Nun, ein FAN mehr der hoffentlich begeistert wird durch diesen Mega Mod. TOP und immer eine Handvoll wasser unter deinem Bug wünsche Ich noch. Ahoi :Kaleun_Salute:

For days I have been looking for SH 4 to go hunting again by reinstalling. The DL was super fast. Thanks for your work! You save a lot of tedious work with miserably slow DL pages. Well, one more FAN who will hopefully be thrilled by this Mega Mod. TOP and always a handful of water under your bow I still wish. Ahoy

Fröhliches Jagen, Mr Bo

Aktungbby 08-15-20 11:58 PM

Welcome aboard!

flaminus 04-17-21 05:44 AM

JP air base missing
in 1.3 version, I found that all Japanese air bases lost from the navigation map, while US air base show normally.

I compare the file "Jap_AirCover.mis" of ralles modpack and original one in Nav Map Make-Over mod and find that the file has been intensively moded. this maybe the reason.

Is there anyone have idea about this issue? The "Jap_AirCover.mis" in ralles modpack change many essential items, somebody know the meanings of those changes?

propbeanie 04-17-21 11:15 AM

My assumption is that Bleiente was presenting it as "lack of intelligence" on the part of the ONI, in that they did not know where a lot of the Japanese air bases were. Surely, they knew where the major ones were, from before the war though... All that those little icons are though, is map locations in the file. You could easily add them by copying from the original mod, and adding them to the end of the current Jap_AirCover.mis file, and renumbering them to match what is in the mod now. Not the easiest of tasks, but can be done. They have "" lines for the little "flag" icon, and then lines like "" for the drawing of the airfields, with that LG there denoting "Large". I assume it is SM for "Small", etc...

flaminus 04-18-21 01:24 AM

thx for the reply. I tried a patrol yesterday and when the sub got closer to the airbases, they will show on the map, I think it's because of the "more intelligence". That good and work fine~:Kaleun_Salute:

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