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Fifi 07-23-19 07:14 AM

If everything goes well, next update 4 should be available Friday... :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

I will try to change the camera focus angle for types IX command room.
I find stock one too wide.
Will be also in next update, IF i find it only better.

Templar 07-23-19 07:43 AM

Sounds great, can't wait!:yeah::salute:

Belmondo 07-23-19 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2619708)
Need more than that to help you...

- mod list and order
- computer specifications (these mods need some power)
- do you have the 4GB patch?
- do you have LAA (large Adress aware)
- have you checked the mods path (mod name/data)


Magnified Hud Dials for OM+OMEGU_Medium
Fifi Compilation for OM+OMEGU


I just do not know how to handle it large Adress aware

Fifi 07-23-19 12:44 PM

The below list has been tested without crash so far on my PC:

KiUB_English (can be find inside OMEGU_v300)
Magnified Hud Dials for OM+OMEGU_Medium
Fifi Compilation for OM+OMEGU
Fifi Compilation_Update_3

You should install the KIUB_English, it correct some dials mismatching. But i don’t think that not having it could crash the game anyway...

When you open each mod, do you have the correct folder sequence: mod name/data etc?

Did you delete your Documents/SH4 folder at first time launched?
If not, you should do it, the game will automatically re-create fresh new one for OM+OMEGU.

Make sure you have installed the 4GB patch correctly.
You can install the LAA application even with the 4GB patch (i have both)
Here how to install LAA:

Here LAA download:

Here more LAA explanations:

This mod list requires some powerful PC nevertheless...
I have an I7, but an I5 should handle it without problems.
I have 16Gb RAM, and the more you have the better...
I have an Nvidia 1050 Ti 2GB, a good video card is also necessary.
I don’t think a laptop could handle my mod list.

Hope that helps :salute:

Geoff then 07-23-19 01:19 PM

I now got it all working with LAA.
It still has a huge impact on my performance. On the VIIc it is not that bad but on all type IX's except the delta2 its pretty bad. Well i need new hardware anyway.
But the models all look very good. Tremendous work putting them in here.

And if i may ask: When playing the IXd2 it seems a bit too high in the water. I looked it up on the internet and the draft should be at about 5,4m. In Opsmonsun its at 4,7 if i remember it correctly. I once tried changing it, but that also effected divetime by decreasing the emergency dive duration to about 25 seconds and I have no clue of how to adjust that. Is this something for you? I would be very happy

Fine work anyways, very appreciated :Kaleun_Cheers:salute

propbeanie 07-23-19 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2619883)
The below list has been tested ...
This mod list requires some powerful PC nevertheless...
I have an I7, but an I5 should handle it without problems.
I have 16Gb RAM, and the more you have the better...
I have an Nvidia 1050 Ti 2GB, a good video card is also necessary.
I don’t think a laptop could handle my mod list...

I have similar running on a 6th gen Core i7 laptop with 8G of ram, onboard video and audio, and 7200rpm 1TB hard drive. It handles it rather well, no hiccups at all, although I do attempt to limit the frame rate to 30fps, though it does go above that. There is no known way (to me) to limit the Intel onboard video. I also have the same set-up running on a Core 2 Duo desktop quad core 82xx (??) Yorkie at 2.4GHz with 8 gig of RAM, and set of 4 hard drives, all WD Black at 7200 rpm, with an nVidia 560Ti (thanks to CC Price), limited to 30fps and nary a hiccup. You probably need a dual-core at 2.5-3GHz, 4-8gig of ram, 7200 rpm hard drive (SSD preferable), a 64-bit version of Windows and a good video card with at least 1gig of gram. The newer/stronger, the better. However, you do not need to go over 30fps in the game, since it was written to run at 30fps...

Let us know what you have for an OS. I've been doing some experiments with Windows XP 32-bit and Windows 7 32-bit on a machine with 4gig of ram, and have had success getting them to run SH4 better. I have a Vista machine, but it's an old Dell 8250 machine with only 1gig of ram, else I would have tried Vista also by now... It's a relatively easy alteration in XP, but does get mildly complicated and somewhat "dangerous" with Win7, but is easy enough to do... :salute:

Fifi 07-23-19 02:27 PM

I forgot to say my SH4 is running on an SSD drive...but i tested it on normal drive, result is quite the same except the loading time longer.


Originally Posted by Geoff then (Post 2619890)
I now got it all working with LAA.
It still has a huge impact on my performance. On the VIIc it is not that bad but on all type IX's except the delta2 its pretty bad. Well i need new hardware anyway.
But the models all look very good. Tremendous work putting them in here.

And if i may ask: When playing the IXd2 it seems a bit too high in the water. I looked it up on the internet and the draft should be at about 5,4m. In Opsmonsun its at 4,7 if i remember it correctly. I once tried changing it, but that also effected divetime by decreasing the emergency dive duration to about 25 seconds and I have no clue of how to adjust that. Is this something for you? I would be very happy

Fine work anyways, very appreciated :Kaleun_Cheers:salute

Glad you like it! :yeah:
Yes, it’s a very long work to import and adapt those subs in SH4.
It’s not like SH5 or even SH3...OM has so many different models.

Your remark on the IXD2 water position is noted. I too noticed that some time ago.
I’ll see what can be done later on.

Fifi 07-24-19 03:52 AM

Okay, while i was doing the IXD2 water effects, i adjusted the drough so it looks much better, and according to real pictures.
Now the IX D2 looks much heavier and low on sea:

Diving times remains similar to previous ones :up:

With some waves:

Of course will be available in Friday update :Kaleun_Cheers:

Kieldk 07-24-19 02:23 PM

Will the camera position in the controle RooM for the type 7 be fixed in the next Update ?:)

Fifi 07-24-19 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Kieldk (Post 2620078)
Will the camera position in the controle RooM for the type 7 be fixed in the next Update ?:)

No, i don’t have problem with it :06:

Kieldk 07-24-19 03:41 PM

When your diving the camera tilts to the side instead of showing the ship going noose down?

KaleunMarco 07-24-19 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 2605774)
One of the things I've wanted to see is an accurate crew numbering. The last time I looked the Type II u-boat has the same 47 crew as the Type VII, when they should have 25-28 depending on the model.


your comments are very weird in that i have been PM-ing with s7rikeback and propbeanie on this very subject for a while. i guess i created a disturbance in the force...and for that i am truly sorry.:D

for example, look at the Type 2B.
compartment 1 is the engine room. the boat asks for 3 leaders and 3 crew. in crewmembers.upc there are 13 engine room crew...CPO, enlisted, and non-rated. when you create a boat, six crew are assigned. how are the six of thirteen chosen?
here is a trickier one. compartment 2 is the command area. the boat asks for 3 leaders and 6 crew. crewmembers.upc has 12 command crew to choose from. when you create a boat only six positions are filled leaving three unfilled. what is up with that? how/why are only six of twelve chosen and why leave three billets unfilled?:hmmm:
i've been pondering these issues for a while now...not only on the ATO/OpM side but also the fleet boat side.:salute:

Fifi 07-25-19 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kieldk (Post 2620096)
When your diving the camera tilts to the side instead of showing the ship going noose down?

Can’t really reproduce it here...might be very subtile :)
So no, not sorry.


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2620107)

your comments are very weird in that i have been PM-ing with s7rikeback and propbeanie on this very subject for a while. i guess i created a disturbance in the force...and for that i am truly sorry.:D

for example, look at the Type 2B.
compartment 1 is the engine room. the boat asks for 3 leaders and 3 crew. in crewmembers.upc there are 13 engine room crew...CPO, enlisted, and non-rated. when you create a boat, six crew are assigned. how are the six of thirteen chosen?
here is a trickier one. compartment 2 is the command area. the boat asks for 3 leaders and 6 crew. crewmembers.upc has 12 command crew to choose from. when you create a boat only six positions are filled leaving three unfilled. what is up with that? how/why are only six of twelve chosen and why leave three billets unfilled?:hmmm:
i've been pondering these issues for a while now...not only on the ATO/OpM side but also the fleet boat side.:salute:

Marco, unfortunately type II crew number has been flipped back to stock because of issues with crew not showing up ingame for the most.
Having only one man in sub and only 2 on deck is not good at all.
Furthermore when calling battle station, men are also missing ...
I’m afraid we’ll have to live with it, we can’t do better for the moment and forget the exact right number of crew.
Do as if it was the correct number! :D


Fifi 07-25-19 09:52 AM

UPDATE 4 IS OUT! See end of post #1!

What has been done:

- Type II rudder upside down has been fixed.
- Type II torpedoes doors misaligned has been fixed.
- New water effects on hull and conning tower, when diving/surfacing/sailing in rough sea for ALL U-Boats.
- All water splashes have been adjusted so it start when the conning tower base enter the sea.
- IX D2 color has been adjusted to match real Kriegsmarine WW2 colors
- IX D2 drough has been adjusted to be lower on sea, matching real IX D2 pictures. Diving times remains similar to previous.
- Toggle rise/lower snorkel button has been added to order bar.
- Snorkel depth button has been added to order bar.
- All snorkel depth have been adjusted for calm and medium seas. Heavy seas above 10m/s could demand a manual depth adjustment (you'll probably have to order +1m)
- All U-Boats that should be snorkel equiped, have now the conning side tube to link it to the engine room, according to right dates.
- All snorkels have been adjusted to match the side tubes.
- All periscopes have now a periscope wake, and it's a new one.
- All periscopes have now a splashing wave.
- All periscopes depth have been adjusted.
- All snorkels have now a snorkel wake + splashing wave.
- All U-Boats have new 88mm and 105mm deck gun 3D model. Color has been adjusted. Deck position has been adjusted. Crew on deck has been adjusted.
- The weapon/sensors page not opening bug has been solved.
- Type XXI has now his front turret! Thanks to S7rikeback awesome skills!
- Type II crew number has been reverted back to stock OM, due to lack of men showing up. If you still want the historical crew number, you'll have to dimiss the crew you don't want in bunker base...
- Type II rear deck compass have been changed and they are working fine now.
- Type II command room/radio room/sonar room compass has been fixed.
- Type IX command room compass has been fixed (but still a visual glitch in its center i can't fix now)
- Type II deck crew position in battle station has been revised.
- Type II command room default view has been changed to watch the depth gauge (as types VII in fact)
- All default deck view has been adjusted.
- New loading picture according to my sig.
- Various adjustments that i don't even remember...That's all for now folks!

Hope you'll like it :Kaleun_Salute:

...and will probably take few days rest :O:

Belmondo 07-25-19 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2619883)
The below list has been tested without crash so far on my PC:

KiUB_English (can be find inside OMEGU_v300)
Magnified Hud Dials for OM+OMEGU_Medium
Fifi Compilation for OM+OMEGU
Fifi Compilation_Update_3

You should install the KIUB_English, it correct some dials mismatching. But i don’t think that not having it could crash the game anyway...

When you open each mod, do you have the correct folder sequence: mod name/data etc?

Did you delete your Documents/SH4 folder at first time launched?
If not, you should do it, the game will automatically re-create fresh new one for OM+OMEGU.

Make sure you have installed the 4GB patch correctly.
You can install the LAA application even with the 4GB patch (i have both)
Here how to install LAA:

Here LAA download:

Here more LAA explanations:

This mod list requires some powerful PC nevertheless...
I have an I7, but an I5 should handle it without problems.
I have 16Gb RAM, and the more you have the better...
I have an Nvidia 1050 Ti 2GB, a good video card is also necessary.
I don’t think a laptop could handle my mod list.

Hope that helps :salute:

I have too little memory only 8Gb and probably that's why I'm falling into the elevator

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