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john doie 03-13-09 09:55 AM

"fdshow installed? Remove it and get one of the newest "nightly builds" versions."

That solved the problem...Didn't reboot the pc, though....

robj250 04-02-09 03:26 PM

calling for other help
If I am in contact with a convoy, and I send out a message, will hq send any help if I'm using GWX?


Lzs von swe 04-03-09 03:30 AM

If you have visual contact with the convoy BDU will thank you for your report.
I have seen Luftwaffe planes showing up at the scene in the North sea after reporting convoys. And U-boats have showed up in the Atlantic, but I donīt know if they answered the call or if they just happened to be in the area anyway.

Kubryk 04-23-09 02:50 PM

Hi guys,

I've been lurking on subsim for one month now and learned a lot thanks to your generosity. Thank you for your help!

I bought Silent Hunter AFAIR in '05 or '06, as soon as it became available in Polish stores. However my computer couldn't deal with this game, so I waited 'till I got a new one and had enough spare time to loose :)

I'm playing stock SH3 v.1.4b (I think :). I've read a lot about mods but I want to finish my first career before tweaking the game. Currently I'm on my 5th patrol, it's April 1940. From the start I play on high realism, I only left external view for screenshots and dud torpedos (I'm not ready for this yet :)

The biggest challenge of my career so far was my stupid raid on Scapa :) After reading Prien's book I told myself 'I can do this'. I waited till night, surfaced, set all ahead (i'm not sure about English terms here), set TC for 1024 and was pretty happy, when my crew shouted 'ship spotted'. To my suprise I was being shot at by a DD so close it was scary. For sure closer than 500m he was. I ordered crash dive, changed depth orders (there wasn't enough space under the keel, water was pretty shallow).

I was pretty sure I was a goner, so I used external view to watch the show. After very short period I was being attacked by 5 destroyers. By cheating (pressing dot to see all contacts) I learned that 5 ships were speeding to my position, 2 additional destroyers and 3 trawlers or something like this.

The funny part is that by running close to the bottom (I don't remember exact depth but it was pretty shallow) and running with speed of 1 knot I managed to escape with more than 80% of hull integrity. It took me at least 2 hours RT, but I was still more suprised than reliefed. :) I mean - this is my first sim, I'm a newbie and 5 DD's cannot kill me? Maybe that's beacuse the year was 1939, I don't know. I was in a VIIB, of course running with top speed on a surface I didn't even get close to port entrance, and that's probably saved me.

It takes me a lot of RT hours to finish a patrol, this game is time consuming. For now I'm somewhat displeased with the game engine - crew fatigue, constant (I mean constant) bad weather, it's virtually impossible to get distance to contact through periscope). I only got one BdU convoy report, of course I was out of torps back then. So after so many days at sea I never saw more than 2 merchants at once. This is dissapointing. The word 'convoy' is still a mystery to me :yawn:

By playing I learned that in AN13 one can find a lot of lonely C2's, rarely C3's. In my game I only encounter C2, C3, DD and some small merchants and trawlers. Nothing big. This is becoming rather dull :down:

And here for my questions:
1. in some post I stumbled upon a place on map called 'tanker alley'. Can someone tell me in which grid this alley can be found?

2. where (in stock game) can I find convoys?

3. what's wrong with this forum? :06: :) When I was lurking everything was OK. Now that I registered (being logged in) I see posts in some wacky order. First post on first page of a thread is always the newest, so in order to find a firstly-posted post in a thread I have to click my way to the last page and then scroll down to the bottom, and, when first post is long, scroll a little up. This IS frustrating :DL
I'm viewing forum in a linear mode. I searched for some options to fix the order but failed. Can someone please help me with this issue? I'm using Chrome.

Greetings from Poland!

Thanks to subsim I learned the silliness of riding with TC 1024 on enemy-infested waters, so please don't point that out :rotfl:

Pvt. Public 04-28-09 02:28 AM

i just recently realised that its possible to change the pattern torpedo settings. but the only way i know of is that clumsy and frustrating 3d model in the conning tower. is there any other way to set them? please teach me

also i asked this before but nobody seemed to have an answer, does SH3+GWX3 simuluate sonar ranging inaccuracies of some kind? check this thread if you want to see my full question.
i have no idea why it happens, ideas?

USbsdKiwi 04-30-09 11:27 AM

installing ubisoft patches issue
I see the forums' aren't too active these days, but here goes anyway.

I bought SH3 last week, a cheapie steal at 10 bucks at officemax. I went to update patches from ubisoft this week and found an error message cropped up not recogizing the version of the game...some .dll message.

now, the game installed from DVD, but I was wondering if the cheap version is simply the online version loaded onto a DVD?

btw, this game is freaking cool...I loved it more than subcommander from EA games a few years back.

Pvt. Public 04-30-09 08:25 PM

well its entirely possible that you have purchased the one that comes pre patched to 1.4, launch the game and look down at the very bottom right hand corner and you should find the version number there.

im pretty new to the game as well but hope this helps. :)

sharkbit 05-01-09 07:33 AM

As Pvt Public said above-you're probably good to go and already patched to 1.4.
I saw the same thing last year when I got the game and tried to patch it and then noticed the v1.4 at the bottom right of the load screen.

Welcome aboard and enjoy the game!

USbsdKiwi 05-01-09 12:01 PM

Thanks guys...I'll double check that. The DVD disk itself says V1.0, but I'll look inside the game and see.

Like I said, so far this game is simply magnificent: got my first magnetic detonation of a fast moving destroyer last night...massive detonation just under the engine room. A second detonation obliterated any chance of the ship not sinking.

Skulking about through channels avoiding armed trawlers and destroyers in rough weather etc, a lot of fun...and nerve wracking. Has he seen me? Has he heard me? Have I enough air? Battery reserve?

Pvt. Public 05-01-09 03:07 PM

its a thrill isnt it. if you havent already go get yourself GWX 3 and SH3 commander. its like a whole new (and 1000% better) game.

now i just need to figure out whats wrong with the sonar ranging and how to set those pattern torps. spoiled from SH4 with the sonar that has and first time running a campaign at anything other than 0% realism (74% now) so im still lost on some things

USbsdKiwi 05-04-09 02:49 PM

Looks like 1.4 was on the disk, so all up to date!

Originally Posted by Pvt. Public (Post 1094213)
its a thrill isnt it. if you havent already go get yourself GWX 3 and SH3 commander. its like a whole new (and 1000% better) game.

now i just need to figure out whats wrong with the sonar ranging and how to set those pattern torps. spoiled from SH4 with the sonar that has and first time running a campaign at anything other than 0% realism (74% now) so im still lost on some things

I'm really interested in the mods available, so much to learn, so little time to the realism settings.

Ancient Mariner 06-16-09 07:18 AM

Finally got Gwx 3 + Commander

Now my problem has to with setting eels up manually,i get the range and speed right(mostly) but im still baffled as to the angle on bow bit.any tips? would like to play at near 100% minus the outside view as i enjoy watching the enemy as they sink

sharkbit 06-16-09 07:43 AM

Look at AOB as if you were on the target ship looking at your sub, the relative bearing would be the AOB.

If you see your sub dead ahead, the AOB is 0 degrees. If your sub is dead astern, the AOB is 180 degrees. AOB port 90 degrees=your sub is directly to your left when standing on the target ship.

There are more and probably better explanations around. Do a search and some should come up.

Check out:

The fast 90 method works great. Once your course is exactly perpindicular to the target's course and you set the scope/UZO as instructed, the AOB calculation becomes automatic unless you or the target changes course.

Hope any of this helps.
And welcome aboard. :salute:


Ancient Mariner 06-16-09 09:33 PM

will give it a bit of a go,that link cleared up a few things with getting the speed and course of ship too,didnt realis i had to watch them for such a period of time either.

will give it a go tonight

Ancient Mariner 06-17-09 03:30 AM

sweet gave it a blast and managed to sink the fast moving tanker in the exam,took me a few attempts though,will work on it.....

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