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Laufen zum Ziel 02-10-09 11:39 AM


” He pulled a slip of paper and a pen from his jacket. “Here, Herr Contact, you may write down your last statement. Gemeiners Laufen zum Ziel and Super Market, lead the man to the post behind the school, in the playground and give him a smoke.”
The men did as they were told.
Sitting the inn with Super Market -
Says to Super Market - "I know we are just Gemeiners and tasked to our duty as ordered but I think something horrible just happened." "I know I did not vote for the Mayer but you did." "You must feel really bad." "I pray and think that there are more Guardians out there." "I think I know who some of them are." I will not tell anyone, even you, who they are." "There is no one I can trust with this Information for our lives may depend on the Guardians."

XabbaRus 02-10-09 11:45 AM

Prayer won't help....these are godless creatures...and I don't mean the Nazis...

I'll join you for a smoke though....I'd like to know who else is a guardian who they are protecting?

I think I overheard one of the germans say he saw something head into the it is they we should be watching for...

XabbaRus 02-10-09 11:51 AM

I have also taken the time to find out a bit out these werewolves. According to legend when returning to their human form they are dibilitated, weak and nervous.

We need to look out for these things and be less hasty. Nokia may I suggest you call a meeting of the villagers and discuss a plan. I fear our German friends will be quick to forsake us to save their skins.

Contact 02-10-09 11:54 AM

***Colonel Chad steps into mayors house to look around and sspots a peace of paper lieng on the table, he picks it up and quickly realizes this is ment to be a statement ***

Dear people of Vanvikan

If you are reading this note, I've been gone by now.. probably somewhere to the

better place. It was a great honour for me to be Mayor of this peacefull village.

I will believe till my last breath somebody even better than me will take the wheel

of this place to lead you away from disasters, towards harmony and happy life we

al have had before the war..

God, let my death be a lone silent sacrifice for life and welfare of all the citizens of

Vanvikan, men, women and our future children.

God Bless Norway and our souls.

Mayor Contact

*** Chad slowly goes outside and sticks this note on noticeboard of the village, then in silence he goes back to his Kamp, lost in his thoughts ***

Nokia 02-10-09 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by XabbaRus
Nokia may I suggest you call a meeting of the villagers and discuss a plan. I fear our German friends will be quick to forsake us to save their skins.

"Yes that sounds like a good idea. I have some rifles and other small arms that we could hand out. So spread the word to everyone to get to the Inn asap."

*Goes to the storage room and returns with a couple of rifles and pistols*

"But if we don't know who the werewolves are then who will get the guns?"

Penelope_Grey 02-10-09 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by XabbaRus
Prayer won't help....these are godless creatures...and I don't mean the Nazis...

I'll join you for a smoke though....I'd like to know who else is a guardian who they are protecting?

I think I overheard one of the germans say he saw something head into the it is they we should be watching for...

*looks at cigarette packet.*

God, I can't believe I am going to start smoking! Suddenly doesn't seem so bad, death years down the line as a result of smoking, or death probably in the next few hours? Which is worse?

*Takes matches from Xabba, and lights cigarette, coughs slightly, with people looking I take another drag and exhale a small but visible cloud of smoke.*

Not... not bad!

*Hands matches back to Xabba takes another small drag and exhales.*

I don't know who is who round here, I thought I knew everybody, but turns out I know nobody. I know that whatever that thing is, it tried to get me, and... soembody, maybe Contact protected me that night. I can't help think that we will surely be punished severely for what we have done to an innocent man.

*Takes another puff on the cigarette, coughs slightly as exhaling. eyes watering, not from the smoke, but from the sadness*

Laufen zum Ziel 02-10-09 12:24 PM


"Yes that sounds like a good idea. I have some rifles and other small arms that we could hand out. So spread the word to everyone to get to the Inn asap."

*Goes to the storage room and returns with a couple of rifles and pistols*

"But if we don't know who the werewolves are then who will get the guns?"
In the inn having one of his alloted beers -

To UnderseaLcpl who just walked in - "I think that Nokia is a part of this strangeness and now he is planning on arming the village." "I think it would be bad to allow this." "We have all seen what a mob of armed civillians can do." "U-13 is a threat to the British scum if she sails again." "I think that someone, or something, is trying to keep her here."

JCWolf 02-10-09 12:32 PM

Herr Hauptmann Hitman was at is office window smoking a cigaret
with a empty look on his face watching the outside wood tree line,
I nocked on the open door saluting ...

- Gemeiner JCWolf Reporting Herr Hauptmann ! - I said at the Office entrance

...He kept is eyes on the tree lines outside...

- Ya bite Gemeiner JCWolf !

- I need to reporte something back to you Mein Herr !

... At this words he finaly looked directly at me taking his eyes from
the trees outside, the look on his face reminded me mine when was
thinking in what to do fiew minutes ago...

- Bite , Bite , Gemeiner JCWolf , what have you to report so important...
...He took the last smoke on his cigaret and whent to his desk...-...that you
jump your Oberfeldwebel UnderseaLcpl und Gefreiter Oberon ?!..-Finished

- Meine Herr, I asked permision to talk directly to you mine herr to
Gefreiter Oberon and he agreed that I should report this to you
meine Herr !- I finished, feeling a litlle unconfortable with the all
situation...It was not my style to enter in the Officers quarters to
make a deliver of the report I had in hands...

- Gute, Das its zer gute Gemeiner JCWolf , please tell me what's rong.- I saw
a sudent curiousity on his face...

I told him the all thing that happend during my watch duty as I have told Oberon
and His eyes were like wide open staring at me in disbelieve...

... But than this all look upon his face changed completly when I gave him
the same draw I had showed to Oberon...

...I was standing at his desk front as he was walking back to the window with
the piece of paper that I had gave him...

- Gemeiner JCWolf , you can go now, do not talk about this to nobody untill
I say so....he replied without taking his eyes from the trees outside the
window... - Go for Oberfeldwebel UnderseaLcpl and tell him I need a word
now with him in here...-I completed ...

I saluted and walked out the door...

- Leave the door open Gemeiner JCWolf ..!- he said just when I was almost
closing it.....

I walked out for Oberfeldwebel UnderseaLcpl ,, he must be in the Bar....

Nokia 02-10-09 12:45 PM

*Goes back to the storage room and returns with a box containing replacement red submarine light bulbs and starts changing the normal ones for the new red ones*

"It's better to have these lights in case someone has to go out so he or she will have a better chance of spotting anything strange"

Jimbuna 02-10-09 12:54 PM

It was quiet aboard the U-13 as the officers sat and pretended to be interested in the bowl of stew arrayed before each of them.

Fincuan in an obvious attempt to instill some conversation and inject a little humour told a joke "What is the difference between a werewolf and an Italian girl?
The werewolf is only covered in hair when there is a full moon".

Nisgeis didn't seem to rise to the bait but Weib Pinguin started to chuckle and let out a raucous fart, the stench soon eminating into the atmosphere of the wardroom.

Nisgeis held his nose in disgust and said "Well, now we know where all the boats rats crawl up when they die"

Jimbuna and Fincuan started laughing....probably glad of the chance to break the gloomy atmosphere.

A few of the crew passing heard the exchange and looked seriously puzzled at this bunch of officers who, despite the grave situation found something to laugh at.

Jimbuna looked at Weib Pinguin and said "I'm going up top for a rollie, are you coming with me....musical ar$e"

Weiss Pinguin 02-10-09 01:09 PM

"Why not? Perhaps I can entertain the villagers... We will need a singer, though." He heads over to collect his raincoat, still chuckling at Fincuan's joke.

"Hmm, has anyone seen the binoculars? I could've sworn I brought them down with me..."

JCWolf 02-10-09 01:32 PM

I walked in Pen's bar, and as usual was packed with people
from the village and my comerades of Arms....

Looked around and saw Oberfeldwebel UnderseaLcpl on a table to the right
talking To Penelope the barmaid....

... Can't blame him she's a hot thing...I thought and smile just poped on my lips...

Close up on the table and saluted...

- Oberfeldwebel UnderseaLcpl , Herr Hauptmann sended me to ask your emidiate
presence over his Office Mein Herr !- I decided to say it faster so that I didn't had to wait for the end of his Flirting moment...

UnderseaLcpl looked at me visibly pissed with my poor sence of oportunity and
got up from his chair....

- Hell duty calls my sweety !- he told Pen....- You are comming Private wolf or you are staying ?- He then asked me...

- Herr Hauptmann , just wants you mein herr- I replied almost leting go a smile
cause he was visibly pissed with my bad timing.- So I guess I will stay mein herr !

He got his coat from the back of the chair dresed it and without any more words
got through the bar door ...

Oberon 02-10-09 01:43 PM

*Something stirs, Oberon aims the MG43 at it and switches the searchlight on, A Very Super Market yelps and aims his Luger and prepares to throw his hand grenade.*

Oberon: "Calm down, Herr Market, it's just a Badger. Huh, bet he doesn't feel paranoid about his friends...or maybe he does, out in nature it's every man for himself..."

*Oberon turns the searchlight off and continues his watch.*

Chad 02-10-09 01:50 PM

Chad sits in his office, looking out over the kamp..

"A grave mistake," he thinks to himself.. Leaning back in his chair and stretches his arms around his head, he thinks of an idea.

"I will need to protect this village, in place of Contact." Reaching for the phone he calls Hitman.

Over the phone Chad asks, "Hitman, is there any progress on the investigation? I'd like to speak with you personally, come to my office." (check your pm)

After hanging up, UnderseaLcpl walks pass the doorway, "Hey Sargent," he stops, turns around and walks into the doorway.

"Yes sir?" he asks
"UnderseaLcpl, you are now in charge solely by yourself on the current investigation of the murders. Also, visit the EAST TOWER and fix that search light.." Chad replies.
"Jawohl," and he walks out the door.


As I see it, with Contact gone, it's time for us to move in and take control of the village. I will assign Hitman control of the village's defenses, giving him ammunition, weapons, and supplies for a full frontal defense.

Though I don't think it is the greatest idea to give the locals our weapons, we have strength in numbers and have training in the aspect of warfare incase they revolt. But if they want to survive they won't last.

That being said, we will need to set up posts in the village, and defenses around the camp. We have enough supplies to last a couple of weeks if needed.

and xabbarus will conduct the first sentry patrol. They will be in charge of making sure that everyone is indoors at the curfew time. Also, because Nokia opened his inn up to us to use, we will be taking full advantage of that. Everyone that is not on guard, patrol, or other, will be ordered to stay in the Inn from curfew to morning when the curfew is lifted. No exceptions.

I will assign Laufen zum Ziel to stand watch in the Inn during the first night too. So nobody tries to go outside and try any funny business.

JCWolf and Oberon will stand watch on the western tower, while Stabiz and A Very Super Market will stand watch on the eastern tower with the new light.

UnderseaLcpl will continue the investigation, and the perpretrator killed. Letum will be continued to be watched and is considered a suspect in the attack, though I strongly feel that he was simply in the wrong pl ace at the wrong time.

----------------------->>> I better write these notes down in case anything happens to me. If anything does, Hitman will still continue to be in charge of the village, but UnderseaLcpl will take my spot. *takes a drink*

XabbaRus 02-10-09 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Laufen zum Ziel

"Yes that sounds like a good idea. I have some rifles and other small arms that we could hand out. So spread the word to everyone to get to the Inn asap."

*Goes to the storage room and returns with a couple of rifles and pistols*

"But if we don't know who the werewolves are then who will get the guns?"
In the inn having one of his alloted beers -

To UnderseaLcpl who just walked in - "I think that Nokia is a part of this strangeness and now he is planning on arming the village." "I think it would be bad to allow this." "We have all seen what a mob of armed civillians can do." "U-13 is a threat to the British scum if she sails again." "I think that someone, or something, is trying to keep her here."

Nothing could be further from our minds at the moment. We have got used to you being round here and with this madness helping the British is the last thing on our minds. Why should we. All I want is to live in peace and deal with the madness.

Nokia's plan is good. As for U-13 being threat. If what I overheard from Oberon is true then it looks like the beast or beasts could be in that very sub.

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