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Madox58 12-04-08 08:11 PM

To all concerned Parties.

The Grey Wolves, as a whole,
asked Tomi to join us as a 3D Model Artist.

At NO point in time did The team DEMAND he surrender this work to us!

In fact?
Part of his joining The GW Team was a request from Tomi.
That We help him complete his vision of this mod.
We agreed to do so!
With no restrictions on what Tomi does with it when done!
That is, and will remain his choice.

Will it be in GWX4?

So everyone can rest easy.
And the worries can end.

What you need to wonder about is this.
If Tomi and The GW Team can pull this off?
What is in store for you that you DON'T know about?

bratwurstdimsum 12-04-08 08:16 PM

Thanks mate that sure clears it up. Good luck Tomi and Team :up:

Tomi_099 12-04-08 09:10 PM

Engine room
Ok. Before we start the engine room must first Once the torpedo room with a drawing of the vote.
And here we see what a wonderful Mikhayl for work has made. :up:

Tomi_099 12-04-08 09:27 PM

Mod Fixit !!



Tomi_099 12-04-08 09:42 PM

goooooooooddddd !!!

Originally Posted by Mikhayl
Tomi, danke mein Freund :D
I'm happy you took it to another level, when I see it it makes me want to start doing the same for the type VII, but I feel it would end up half finished in the trashbin as often :damn:


Now, my friend

alone, it is very difficult no matter what you start.
And when you consider the best ideas has gained one point of exhaustion
Where one stands before the decision to abandon or continue ..

But if you good friends have and get support.

Can a mountain every move and something which he himself never thought it would.

That is why we are here because we have friends!

And a beginning is never too late!

So perhaps while the VII - a good decision!

skwasjer 12-04-08 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by privateer
What you need to wonder about is this.
If Tomi and The GW Team can pull this off?
What is in store for you that you DON'T know about?

First of all, it's already pulled off, many months ago when Mikhayl started this mod, based on some things I discovered and implemented in S3D v0.9. Then, another few months that Tomi has done tremendous amounts of work on it. The mod is just not finished yet, because Tomi sets high bars for all of his projects. Second, the GW team is not the only one helping Tomi out, so don't go tell everyone you will be pulling it off with him alone.

I already didn't appreciate the earlier comments regarding S3D, but reading this was a drop too much.

If not for what I've done in the first place with S3D, and what I've done sofar for this mod (direct support to Tomi), you would not have a torpedo room to include in the first place. Sorry, but this ticked me off a little.

Hey, I think it's great Tomi gets more talent involved, no doubt about that. Just be better informed next time before clapping for yourself.


Sledgehammer427 12-04-08 10:43 PM

Good to hear Tomi has joined the GWX team!

this will definately make me wanna use a type II

THE_MASK 12-04-08 10:58 PM

I guess everyone missed it , engine room next ?

Tomi_099 12-05-08 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Mikhayl
Tomi, true words, I appreciate :D I thought about this some time ago, kind of started but I figured I would get bored and in the end it would be time wasted. For the moment all I have is hundreds of pictures and a full empty pressure hull, I don't know if that counts as a start :rotfl:



Start it ! ,

and if there is a small rib, the first is the hardest, and then one for a one .

We will support you if you report only attest to us!

Go on! We are with you!
Today, now, now! , Great !!!



If you want here in this Tread, but... START.. please!

Tomi_099 12-05-08 08:38 AM

Furst Stepp !!!

I think your question had a different meaning! :hmm:

So, you have a hull (presumably v.SH3/SH4) that will be positioned
As you and the game is not changed.

Presumably, do you work in Maya or Max .. ok.

The Frosen your object

(which means you do not inadvertently change only)

The next step is you establish a new-plain by the middle of your object.

There put your technical drawing into the space created as a picture.

Well past but the size of your image does not agree with your MOD.

Now you draw your picture diagonally so large the minimum three shell touch screens.

So your image to the Frozen hull align.

Then you have the basis of how big and how long your model may be.

The same do you do then with the floor, so you have a reference in the model,
as my figure.

Because now, but the whole may not work for the ideal.
(Requires training),

you can use your objects to a new layer to work.
And when you finished with the object're importing it into your reference model.

Now Scale, rotate, align, and give ... UVW-layer ready.
NEW Layer .. new model .. and so on ...


Ich glaube dein frage hatte eine andere Bedeutung!!

Also , du hast eine Hülle ( vermutlich v.SH3/SH4 ) diese wird so positioniert
Wie Sie im game positioniert ist , und nicht verändert.

Vermutlich arbeitest du im Maya oder Max .. ok .
Dan Frierst du dein Objekt ein
( das heißt das du es nicht unabsichtlich veränderst )

Der nächste schritt ist du baust eine Plain ( Fläche ) durch die Mitte deines Objekts.

Dort fügst du deine Technische Zeichnung in die erstellte fläche als bild ein.

Nun passt aber die große deines Bildes nicht mit deiner Hülle überein.
Nun ziehst du dein Bild diagonal so groß das Minimum drei flächen deine Hülle berühren.
Also dein Bild an die defrorene Hülle ausrichten.
Dann hast du die Basis wie groß und wie lang dein Modell sein darf.

Das gleiche machst du dann mit der Draufsicht, so hast du eine Referenz im Modell,
so wie meine Abbildung.

Da jetzt aber das ganze sich eventuell für das Arbeiten nicht eignet .
( erfordert Übung ) , kannst du deine Objekte an einen neuen Layer arbeiten .
Und wenn du mit den Objekt( Teil-modell) Fertig bist importierst es in dein Referenz Modell.
Nun Skalieren , drehen , ausrichten , und UVW vergeben … fertig.
Neuen ..Layer( Arbeitfläche ) .. neues Modell .. und so weiter…

Rockin Robbins 12-05-08 08:51 AM

Go guys, go!

Tomi_099 12-05-08 10:02 AM

Time is need !!

lots of blueprints so now the two last ingredients are time and motivation, that's the most difficult for me,

Yaapp! This is not just a problem for you, this illness, we all have.
But you need not be the model make it in one day ore today.

Everything has its time.
Part of the part we come closer to success.

Of course if these work on 4Sektoren and four people could split would all go faster.

Well, we like you can really only on the hope that people will see the and get involved and the damned fearful omit something make mistacke.

A so every little when they screw someone to be made available,
means less work for you.

But in between, we can ressorsen by the many models adjourn the VIIC (OBJ) relate.

The main thing is but it makes you fun, and every little day, every hour is too small a success.

Man is not afraid of work.

Suppose I had to put your Torpedoroom just as fast to make it ready, then I have build quickly,
but not happy about the result.

this is what the success for himself personally represents.

They go where others have to question it.
Because as a modelmacker can I say ... in the model, there is no question.

This makes the artist whether he is a stone makes a piece of jewelry.

So do your self and giff us a beautiful gift. :up:

Tomi_099 12-05-08 10:40 AM

typ VIIc
I like your presence, and I admire your work,
and I'm happy that I know you did because of you, I have also learned a lot.
If I use your TYPE II will be completed.
If I think the enthusiasm you for all of us have awakened to the VIIc as big a
I thank you voluntarily reported to be VIIc with you to enjoy and they quit.:rock:

Tomi_099 12-05-08 12:05 PM

We Wont You !!!
Ha, that's the other way around, you know you see the work done by some people, then you start thinking 'I could do that too' and then you go to sleep 3 hours later than usual

Haa! this is a good idea, but unfortunately it does not always, HaaaaHHaa! :rotfl:

I will start doing some of the objects and post some pictures, if some other Modeller are interest maybe we can all contribute various objects to fill the interior

YAPP ...!
That is an even better idea, so people are not only " luki :doh:Luki " special to be everything!

With Mikhayl this is an adventure! :sunny:


We are looking for men with good eyes for models!
We won’t take someone who’s got ...

EgoApocalypse 12-05-08 01:15 PM

LADS, LADS, LADS, Putting ubisoft to shame, great work,

Dig in, Dig deep,:up:

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