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Nippelspanner 12-23-10 04:43 AM

Uhm... Merry Christmas guys! :woot::D

Kpt. Lehmann 12-24-10 01:30 PM

Merry Christmas, Nippelspanner old friend!!!


Originally Posted by Hitman (Post 1558841)
The funny part about my avatar is that I never even requested it :88); One day in 2004 after the Pacific Aces release I woke up and there it was, along with my new moderator condition. So that's what you get for modding till your eyes bleed in, an avatar you did not choose and a 24-7-365 shift doing the dirty job here!! :haha:

Cheers Hitman! "modding till your eyes bleed" I can't say that I miss that part of things at all!:up:

Some free advice from me to anyone who cares to listen: It is great, and in many ways rewarding, to give of yourself to a community. However, never let your hobby become "work" or you may end up intensely disliking your hobby.:damn:

I really hope this thread can get back to being calm and cool. Ending our project was in some ways, much harder than carrying it out. Just speaking for myself, I'll always have regrets that I couldn't do more... and carry things further.

At one time I had hopes of somehow consolidating many theaters and nationalities in the simulation... to enable a player to choose a nationality and sail a submarine in any major navy in WWII. Too many obstacles and too much resistance prevented it though. (...and it was certainly too much to expect from a team that worked without pay.)

Individually, some of the old GWX teamers still mod independantly and occasionally release some things to the community.

The GWX Project is truly over though. Some of us do still fly the colors and carry GWX signatures... because we are proud of what we did accomplish and where we've been.

All good things do come to an end, but we have all been given much... and we all have much to be thankful for.

Having been in the constant company of so many great people, on the GWX team and here at Subsim... will be with me forever!


Kind regards and Merry Christmas to you all,


FIREWALL 12-24-10 02:17 PM

I have a simple answer for that Steve. "GET A LIFE" !!! :DL

Kpt. Lehmann 12-24-10 02:44 PM

< sigh >

Come on guys. Have a little class and forebearance. Its Christmas. Can we have a little peace on Earth? :-?

Nippelspanner 12-24-10 03:06 PM


"There's something about Christmas time
something about Christmas time
that makes you wish it..."

Allright, allright I stop! :nope:

glaude 02-15-11 12:26 PM

Un grand merci pour l'énorme travail que vous avez effectué.
Je viens de découvrir votre mod et grace à lui, j'éprouve du plaisir à jouer sur SH3.
SH4 ne me plait pas, SH5 encore moins.

Vive SH3 et vive GWX 3 !


A big thank to you for the tremendous work you have done.

I just found your mod and thanks to him, I have the pleasure to play SH3.

I do not like SH4, SH5 even less.

Vive SH3 et vive GWX 3 ! (in French)

Alex 02-15-11 03:31 PM

Tiens, un compatriote, j'en croise pas tous les jours, ici. :)
Je me permets de prendre la parole en notre nom collectif pour te transmettre nos remerciements les plus émus pour ton intervention : notre boulot est disponible depuis un certain temps déjà, mais ça n'enlève rien au plaisir qu'on a de savoir que ce qu'on a fait continue d'être
apprécié. :03:



tommo8993 03-16-11 04:00 PM

This may seem like a daft idea but, seen as the devs have abandoned SH5 and its still a buggy,laggy piece of ****. Maybe GWX team could fix it?

Sailor Steve 03-17-11 01:14 AM

Yes, it does seem a bit daft. In case you missed the whole point of this thread, there is no GWX team anymore.

Some former members, and some former rivals, are working on SH4 and looking at SH5. What happens next remains to be seen.

Jimbuna 03-17-11 07:12 PM

I'll simply qoute my friend on #304

jibouil 10-19-11 09:45 AM

Thanks for all :)

fastfed 11-21-11 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by tommo8993 (Post 1620764)
This may seem like a daft idea but, seen as the devs have abandoned SH5 and its still a buggy,laggy piece of ****. Maybe GWX team could fix it?


GWX, was supposed to do SH4, They actually started to gather information and maybe even started coding certain things.. Dunno.

but when SH5 was being announced they thought, (because of the hype) it was going to be awesome..

Truth be told, its HORRRRRRIBLE!!!

So.. they should now go back and do SH4.. It was a great platform and would be great! NOT SH5.. Let that horrible game die in a great big explosion from a torpedo :)

Sailor Steve 11-21-11 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by fastfed (Post 1791426)
So.. they should now go back and do SH4.. It was a great platform and would be great! NOT SH5.. Let that horrible game die in a great big explosion from a torpedo :)

Maybe you should read the thread. There is no GWX team and will almost certainly never be again. Former members are working with others on both SH4 and SH5.

Jimbuna 11-21-11 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1791441)
Maybe you should read the thread. There is no GWX team and will almost certainly never be again. Former members are working with others on both SH4 and SH5.

Rgr that

Madox58 11-21-11 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1791441)
Former members are working with others on both SH4 and SH5.

And SWTOR (Yet to be released! :03:) and The First Templar.

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