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Rockstar 05-29-20 03:06 PM

Sure you may not agree with what he did. But thats not the argument. It seems nobody has really spent much time looking at the reason.

mapuc 05-29-20 03:25 PM

This is my own opinion.

Whatever a person have done, s/he shall be treated with manner, during their arrestment. A police officer is not a judge or a executioner- He is educated to upheld the law and protect citizens
That's how I see it.


About this picture Platapus posted in his comment.

Same picture was shown in the Danish news yesterday, but with a different text, which I didn't manage to read to the end.

What I could read was something like.

- "If you are upset by this(this text was under the police picture..).and not this...(which was under the NFL-picture)"


Commander Wallace 05-29-20 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 2673673)
I agree. However, when good cops cover for bad cops, they are no longer good cops

I remember reading this once: Little is required for evil to prevail other than the good to stand by and do nothing. That's pretty much what you already said.:yep:


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2673791)
A police officer fired following the death of unarmed black man George Floyd in Minneapolis has been arrested and charged with murder and manslaughter.

Derek Chauvin is one of four police officers who were fired after Mr Floyd's death in custody on Monday.

Like most, I was expecting charges to be filed at the conclusion of this week. However, I was expecting formal charges against the 4 officers in the video for the role they played in the death of George Floyd. Chauvin was charged with 3rd degree murder and Manslaughter.

Another video has emerged, part of what Vienna posted the video too. It seems to show Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kuengdown were holding Floyd down while George Floyd was already down, restrained and hardly a danger to anyone.

If there is any justice, charges will be leveled at the other 3 officers for their involvement in this murder.

Platapus 05-29-20 08:23 PM

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke (attrib)

Onkel Neal 05-29-20 09:51 PM

Protesters and anarchists in Atlanta swarm CNN (CNN?).

First video shows people massing

Second video shows they overwhelmed the police and rioted.

I suspect plenty of people enjoy rioting. Now the taxpayers have to pay for new police cars.

August 05-29-20 10:23 PM

Exacerbated by being cooped up for two months no doubt.

vienna 05-30-20 03:37 AM


Col7777 05-30-20 03:52 AM

I watched a few videos of the 'Protesters' I understand the protest but some were there just to cause trouble.

I mean setting fire to shops and smashing cars, what for?

I bet some of those car and shop owners and people who work there agreed with the protesters and were angry too, so why get at them.

Can you imagine one of them going home and asking what's for dinner and the reply was, "Nothing! I went to the shop to buy food but someone set it on fire."


Jimbuna 05-30-20 05:41 AM

It is now being reported on the radio that a protestor has been killed.


A 19-year-old man has died after shots were fired into a crowd of people protesting against the death of unarmed black man George Floyd.

Catfish 05-30-20 06:20 AM

"When the looting begins the shooting begins"

"A total lack of leadership. Either the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right."


Platapus 05-30-20 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Onkel Neal (Post 2673871)
I suspect plenty of people enjoy rioting. Now the taxpayers have to pay for new police cars.

Just like Europe has people who like to travel to football games just to fight, I am sure we have people here in the US who like to travel to protests to fight/loot

I just don't understand that mindset.

Onkel Neal 05-30-20 08:49 AM

Yeah, me either, really taints the legitimacy of these protests.

I wish the protesters could organize effectively and
a. sue the city and politicians,
b. legally force through a recall or something to yank a few politicians out of office,
c. create a unstoppable voting block to elect better representatives, people who will bend these police departments to their will,
d. purge the criminal cops, leaving only good cops, with an emphasis on whistleblowing on cops who are corrupt and violent
e. change the cop culture,
f. get rid of the military vehicles and weapons; make them drive Priuses
The police are out of control

mapuc 05-30-20 12:27 PM

I do understand why people protest against those bad cops and the police force who seems unable to take of this.

BUT I do NOT have any understanding to those protester who attack stores and set fire to buildings.


Jimbuna 05-30-20 02:35 PM

I think the riots have gone way beyond the original problem.

mapuc 05-30-20 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2674012)
I think the riots have gone way beyond the original problem.

You're right, it's not a demonstration anymore, it's a riot.


Commander Wallace 05-30-20 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2674012)
I think the riots have gone way beyond the original problem.

The riots are a manifestation of the original protests being hijacked by thugs and criminals in pursuit of their own agendas. The burning and looting of stores have nothing to do with with the murder of George Floyd. The criminals are using the Floyd killing to justify their looting and other criminal activities and don't care about the real issues. What's worse are a number of these businesses are minority, black owned businesses and are trying to recover from the covid-19 shutdowns.

To Illustrate the racist culture of the Minneapolis Police Department,
Lt. Bob Kroll, president of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis has allegedly been making racist statements and wore a " White Power " Patch. If Kroll had any brains at all, he would keep his mouth shut and do everything in his power not to inflame an already bad situation. All Kroll has done is show his true colors which may be useful in a complete overhaul of the police department and unions there.

This clearly demonstrates the culture in the police department and union and raises questions regarding the handling of numerous complaints against Derek Chauvin and the dismissal of those complaints, if they were ever investigated.


In a related development, the wife of Derek Chauvin, the police officer charged in the death of George Floyd, has filed for divorce.

Kelli Chauvin has been distraught since the murder of George Floyd.

Quote: “This evening, I spoke with Kellie Chauvin and her family. She is devastated by Mr. Floyd’s death and her utmost sympathy lies with his family, with his loved ones and with everyone who is grieving this tragedy. She has filed for dissolution of her marriage to Derek Chauvin,” reads the statement released by Sekula Law Offices.

And, the hits just keep on coming for Chauvin. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Catfish 05-30-20 04:03 PM

Got to get control over looters and riots alright, but real leadership would try to de-escalate things instead of pouring oil into the fire. Trump (ab)uses twitter to get past any reason and directly stir up things without thinking.
Some years ago a friend of mine from the US (nothing to do with this forum) said there is no racism in the US ("..a thing of the past"). Does not look like it for all. Wearing a "White Power" patch as a police officer :doh: :nope:

@Neal is that video you posted related to Minneapolis? I have no idea what is going on there (video).

Buddahaid 05-30-20 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2674035)
Got to get control over looters and riots alright, but real leadership would try to de-escalate things instead of pouring oil into the fire. Trump (ab)uses twitter to get past any reason and directly stir up things without thinking.
Some years ago a friend of mine from the US (nothing to do with this forum) said there is no racism in the US ("..a thing of the past"). Does not look like it for all. Wearing a "White Power" patch as a police officer :doh: :nope:

@Neal is that video you posted related to Minneapolis? I have no idea what is going on there (video).

It's a big country. It's like saying there's no racism in Europe.

Onkel Neal 05-30-20 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2674035)
Got to get control over looters and riots alright, but real leadership would try to de-escalate things instead of pouring oil into the fire. Trump (ab)uses twitter to get past any reason and directly stir up things without thinking.
Some years ago a friend of mine from the US (nothing to do with this forum) said there is no racism in the US ("..a thing of the past"). Does not look like it for all. Wearing a "White Power" patch as a police officer :doh: :nope:

@Neal is that video you posted related to Minneapolis? I have no idea what is going on there (video).

That's in west Texas, sheriff and his gang overreacting to a protest

Catfish 05-30-20 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Buddahaid (Post 2674058)
It's a big country. It's like saying there's no racism in Europe.

Of course, but my friend said it as if it were the general status quo in the US. He lived in Arizona (not that i believed him).
There is a lot of racism in Europe of course, but here it is often coupled to fear and loathing of foreigners, to nationalism and jingoism, either as a reason or the outcome of such mindset.

@Neal thanks, so another scenario. An exagerrated reaction or so it seems.

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