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kverdon 05-15-07 10:05 PM

I heartily agree with Neal. There HAS to be a 1.3 to finish the game. I've given up on SHIV until such a patch is released. I can honestly say if Ubisoft does not release a 1.3, this will be the last Ubisoft product I purchase. I'll remind them of this fact every new title they release. I was keeping the faith till now, but if Neal is concerned then I'm WAY concerned that SHIV has been abandoned.

Kevin Verdon


Originally Posted by Neal Stevens
It's coming up on two months since Silent Hunter 4 was released. Two patches have brought the game up to where it is stable and most of the basic features are functional, but there are still several key aspects that need attention and it's too quiet in the Ubisoft camp. I have not heard anything about the status of a third patch, which the game needs to be considered complete. Before the dev team gets too far from the construction site, Subsim is going to mount a campaign for patch v1.3. Silent Hunter 4 is an enjoyable game but has yet to reach the point where we consider it complete. The future of the Silent Hunter franchise depends on maintaining a reputation for quality.

We call on Ubisoft to complete Silent Hunter 4. We don't expect every wish to be fulfilled, but there are several key gameplay issues that loyal players and Ubisoft customers, who bought an incomplete game, deserve to have addressed. These include:
  • All AI needs tweaking, too often merchant ships all come to a stop and muddle around when under attack. Destroyers guarding merchants and especially in task forces occasionally seem somewhat uninterested in firing back. The Subchaser is unable to fire its main gun at all. If you mod the Subchaser to have a second gun in a raised position where the AA gun is it will fire this gun. The Akizuki DD has a similar issue, of the four guns it has only the two guns on the raised platforms actually fire. When the boat is rammed by a destroyer (for example) the destroyer generally comes of worse and often explodes.
  • Units of measurement: Imperial units for ship dimensions, torpedo depth gauge, range figure in the TDC and Position Keeper, all UOM issues need to be resolved.
  • Campaign retirement – feature or bug? Bug. Suggestion that it should be optional.
  • Repetitive patrols still get assigned.
  • Chronometer still doesn’t work as described in the manual. “The Chronometer bug”, this needs a quick and dirty fix, just a simple speed response in the text box when the Speed button is selected in the TDC, as occurs when the player clicks the Depth Beneath Keel button. But, importantly, the player should still have the choice of manually entering his own speed estimate in the TDC.
  • Radar needs finishing touches. It doesn't work when heading South 90deg to 270deg. Is SD radar fixed? Does is not detect ships but will detect aircraft? Also, when SD radar fitted there is no A scope display.
We need your help to demonstrate the need for patch 1.3. Join the campaign here and make yourself heard. Post here. Don't hesitate or put it off. This thread will need hundreds of names to merit any attention.

Neal Stevens

Other issues and discussion can be found in this topic.

rdtwendt 05-15-07 10:05 PM

I wholeheartedly endorse Neal's call for a legitimate 1.3 patch for SH4. Our appreciation for the game's existence - even for the whole SH franchise - should not be abused to the point where its potential and the quality of it's predecessor are used to justify the game's release well short of an acceptable level of stability and quality. Patches help to fortify this potentially shattered bridge of trust, and indeed a 1.3 is entirely justified in order to validate the purchase price of this software, but they don't fix the underlying breach of confidence that this whole affair has created.

Ubisoft, we love you for producing a game like SH4 but we hate your lack of support for it. Show us you respect your customers and the dedicated subsim fan base by allowing 1.3 to be developed and released asap.




sniperpr1 05-15-07 10:11 PM

Ditto on the request we NEED patch 1.3. Silent Hunter 4 has the potential of becoming the greatest subsim ever, but we still need support from the devs. Once again, 1.3 is a must.

donut 05-15-07 10:13 PM

Communication the key I agree.Although agreement fixes nothing,the community,asked for all these features.(be careful what you ask for you might get it !)
The features/buggy implemented as they are,might be patched ? Only UBI knows when? Integrity,& communication,are in short lacking,from sellers side of the fence.
It seems to be human nature to complain,& hearing everyones concerns,only expresses the expectation that SHI is great,SHIII Good,SHIV needs work.Sorta like; They broke a doz.eggs,now make an omelet ! Can they? SURE. Will they,unknown !
These many similar posts,are like beating a sick animal/product;to get the job done. Only option:damn:
Hope springs eternal.:sunny:

Camaero 05-15-07 10:13 PM

Fix it or lose my business in the future. I'm not blaming devs, I am blaming UBIsoft!

wetgoat 05-15-07 10:18 PM

Yea, please come on with a patch. At the very least, the game ought to work as stated in the manual. Looking forward to 1.3

Von Hinten 05-15-07 10:24 PM

Well said Neal, you (and Ubi of course ;-)) got my vote for v1.3. :up:

zylark 05-15-07 10:28 PM

The game certainly need another patch. The potential for a really stunning game is there, if only it got finished to a degree that I'm sure the devs intended and the game deserves.

partyboy 05-15-07 10:39 PM

I stopped playing SH4 shortly after the 1.2 patch came out, hoping another patch wouldn't be too far behind and would fix some of the remaining issues. It would be extremely disappointing if 1.2 ends up being the last patch, or if a half-assed 1.3 comes out leaving some of these glaring issues to be stitched up somehow by modders.

Please don't abandon SH4, Ubi. Besides these things, it's a high quality, amazing game, and deserves much better.

DedEye 05-15-07 10:43 PM

I read a lot here but don't usually say too much. On this I agree.

Aisdad 05-15-07 10:44 PM

Agreed, patch 1.3 needed!!!

MONOLITH 05-15-07 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Beery
and the ability to write notes on the map, among other things.

Notes on the map...... Oh god..Yes Please!

greyrider 05-15-07 11:03 PM

Ubi, i have to stand with neal and my sh4 subsim brothers on this one.
i enjoy playing sh4 alot,
The product is not finished, so please fix it!
we would appreciate that.
thank you in advance.

Sea Demon 05-15-07 11:09 PM

I agree. Another patch should be released to make this thing what it should be. Like Neal said, in order to grow your fan base, you need to put out a product of interesting subject matter (accompolished), with nice features to get people hooked and wanting it (done), and it needs to have all the bugs worked out of it (we need another patch that fixes the bugs). The last part is very important to keep this type of simming alive. Please release patch 1.03.

Harry Buttle 05-15-07 11:24 PM

I'm in total agreement with Neal here, a 1.3 patch is a requirement, not an option.

I bought SH IV on release because I'd bought SHIII on release and seen it patched from farce to superb sim.

If SH IV isn't fixed, why would I even consider buying any Ubi product until review class it as perfect?

Stew U-582 05-15-07 11:26 PM

Further work is definatly required. I was most dissapointed with so many of the functions not working. Without the resources of subsims forums and access to mods I would have found the game un playable even with the 1.2 patch.
Fixing The Manual Speed of target issue and AI should be a priority.
I just feel sorry for the people who invested their money in what could be a great game and dont have the access or knowledge to mod it to a working state.
Allthough I do acknowledge the great work that has been done , it just seems that the product is unfinished.


Lt commander lare 05-15-07 11:29 PM

i agree neal this i absolutley needed to complete the game but it is playable and enjoyable to work with and play it but 1.3 patch is needed to complete the sh4 game damm the torpedoes and full speed ahead

lt commander lare

Reaves 05-15-07 11:37 PM

Where have all the fanboys gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the fanboys gone?
One more patch to go
Where have all the fanboys gone?
Bugs have crashed them every one
When will UBI ever learn?
When will UBI ever learn?

Where have all the modders gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the modders gone?
One patch ago
Where have all the modders gone?
Modding new games every one
When will UBI ever learn?
When will UBI ever learn?

Where have all the captains gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the captains gone?
One patch ago
Where have all the captains gone?
Gone to consoles every one
When will UBI ever learn?
When will UBI ever learn?

Where have all the fansites gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the fansites gone?
One patch ago
Where have all the fansites gone?
Gone to inactivity every one
When will UBI ever learn?
When will UBI ever learn?

Where have all the patches gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the patches gone?
One patch ago
Where have all the patches gone?
Covered with bugs like 1.1
When will simmers ever learn?
When will simmers ever learn?


Mav87th 05-15-07 11:40 PM

Yea lets summon for a patch 1.3

Most of those issues there are fixes for in the community patches, but not the big rather anoying ones.

-- UOM get that fixed !!! It screws up all plotting and subsequently shooting.

-- Radar Scopes, Range Rings !!

-- Notes on Map

-- Entrys in Commanders log

-- AI improvements for the merchants

I would even give in on the chronometer if you fix the above:arrgh!:

Tranton 05-16-07 12:01 AM

Another patch is a MUST. The game was released incomplete. The first two patches were quickly pushed out the door and were not thoroughly tested. The mixed measurements is inexcuseable. It should have been part of the Imperial measurement addition in the first patch. The broken stopwatch is also inexcuseable.

I have been patiently waiting for these critical items to get fixed before I start a career and really get deep into the game. I'm starting to lose interest though. While the game is beautiful and fun as is, it it much too distracting and annoying having to constantly find workarounds for all the problems and inconsistencies. We deserve the complete game that we all paid for.

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