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Krauter 03-17-11 11:44 AM

Aah. By the way this was not meant as a jab or anything :).

Perhaps it could be implemented (unless it isn't already) where you have to take at least two bearings to target with a reasonable time span to get a range solution?

TheDarkWraith 03-17-11 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Krauter (Post 1621340)
Aah. By the way this was not meant as a jab or anything :).

Perhaps it could be implemented (unless it isn't already) where you have to take at least two bearings to target with a reasonable time span to get a range solution?

I didn't take it as a jab so don't worry :up:

That could be implemented via further patching. Being that I finally discovered where this function is located I am just starting to understand what/how it works by decoding it. This is a very tedious and time-consuming ordeal. Any kind of work like this takes time and patience.

Krauter 03-17-11 11:51 AM

Well. All the best in your work then :)

And besides.. I've got about 5-6 more years till I'm done my degree so I go a good little bit of time to wait till I can play Sh5 anyways :up:

Cheers mate! And thank god for you or else this game would've gone bottoms up long ago.

TheDarkWraith 03-17-11 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Krauter (Post 1621354)
And besides.. I've got about 5-6 more years till I'm done my degree so I go a good little bit of time to wait till I can play Sh5 anyways :up:

That's the one thing I never had to do, go to college (I have no degree and am proud to say it. You can be successfull without one :yep:). All my training was from the military :salute: Everything else I needed to know I got from reading (and still reading!) books :up:

Trevally. 03-17-11 12:35 PM

Some info on active sonar



German U-boats of WW2 DID have active sonar..they just did not use it and it was eventually removed.

The type VII was fitted with active sonar in the mid 40 time frame.It was a revolving
transducer like the KBT mount seen later in the war.The reasons that it was removed later on and that we don't hear of U-boats using active sonar are as follows:

1. It was a 'trainable' device not an 'array' like the GHG so it had relatively short range...only 3000-4000 meters under good conditions. The passive GHG could hear an individual ship at around 20000 meters and a convoy at approx 100nm
(again these are under ideal conditions). An active 'array' would have given much greater range (probably out to 15000 meters).

2. Allied escorts could hear the active pulses and home in on them from well beyond the sonars effective range.

3. It was not as sophisticated as the 'Neiubling' system on the type XXI and was not linked into the U-boats fire control system like the 'Neiubling' was. This meant that it took a relatively long time to figure out a targets course/speed etc using the sonar...all the time transmitting and letting the escorts know where you are.
The XXI soanar needed as few as 3 pings to determine target speed/course which was fed directley to the fire control system allowing the tactic called 'deep directed shooting'. The tactics which where devised by test group 'Sultan' for the XXI were these. The target would be located at long range by the GHG and teh U-boat positioned on a interceot course. As the strength of the contact on the GHG
increased and the GHG operator thought that the target was withing 10000 meters the 'Neiubling' was switched on to 'listen only' mode. The system had a cathode ray screen to diplay all contacts and in 'listen only' mode it displayed ocean noise. When the propellor noise of the ship/s could be seen on the screen (as a regular series of spikes across the bottom of the screen - the beats of the propellor blades - the set was switched to 'active' and several pulses sent out.

4. As the allies increasingly used radar to spot surfaced U-boats the U-boats started carrying radar warning devices. The associated electronics cabinets had to go somewhere and the space used by the little used active sonar seemed like the ideal place.,59905,60690

SashaKA001 03-17-11 12:52 PM


jwilliams 03-17-11 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by TheDarkWraith (Post 1621039)
- go to address 0x197A4A and change the byte from 75 to 74


good work. thank-you.

Magic1111 03-17-11 02:12 PM

Can I use the fixed SH5.exe during Mid-patrol or should I wait when I´m beeing in port ?

Best regards,

Church SUBSIM 03-17-11 03:27 PM

It didn't work for me in mid patrol from a saved.

The sonar man would reply to the command asking him where the nearest sound contact was but when I would go listen at the hydro station I could not hear the ship. I fired a torp at the ship and I could hear the whistle of the torp.

Think it was a saved game issue.


Yep saved game issue. Works well - thanks TDW!

sirbum69 03-17-11 04:28 PM

You know TDW im really starting to wander why in the hell you didnt develope this game.

The things you have done and things you have fixed that make this game even remotly enjoyable to play are Enormous. I pre-ordered this game thinking it was going to be like SH3 and 4 only to place it on my shelf 3 weeks later.

Then you started working on it and man, i come back to a Totally different game with your UI. Now you go and do something like this and just blow me away again...:D

To you sir i Tip my hat and say Thank you for allowing me the enjoyment of getting my $50.00 dollars back from a maker who stole it with crap!!!!!


Capt. Shark Bait 03-17-11 04:50 PM

so, where is this string:confused:? search can't find it, and looking at the screenie for 010 editor is of no use, nor was xvi32. I don't wanna add any mods until this is takebn care of. thx

TheDarkWraith 03-17-11 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Capt. Shark Bait (Post 1621613)
so, where is this string:confused:? search can't find it, and looking at the screenie for 010 editor is of no use, nor was xvi32. I don't wanna add any mods until this is takebn care of. thx

what string? You change a single byte in the sh5.exe file and that's it. You use a hex editor to access that byte.

SashaKA001 03-17-11 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Capt. Shark Bait (Post 1621613)
so, where is this string:confused:? search can't find it, and looking at the screenie for 010 editor is of no use, nor was xvi32. I don't wanna add any mods until this is takebn care of. thx

TheDarkWraith 03-17-11 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by sirbum69 (Post 1621602)
Then you started working on it and man, i come back to a Totally different game with your UI. Now you go and do something like this and just blow me away again...:D

It's the challenge part that drives me. I am the type of person that continuously has to be challenged. I seek things that make me think, are complex to solve, and/or supposedly have no 'fix'. I find great enjoyment from disassembling/decoding whatever it is to figure out how it works and then figuring out ways to exploit it and make it do things/behaviors it wasn't designed to do (or was totally overlooked by the engineer who designed it). The military taught me well and gave me great skills (I also taught myself much from reading books) :yeah:

Capt. Shark Bait 03-17-11 05:27 PM

I found something, but i don't know if that's it. 1970h that had 75 as the first 2 digits, now changed to 74. the Pos is, Pos: 6521 [1970h]

edit: seems what I found wasn't it

TheDarkWraith 03-17-11 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Capt. Shark Bait (Post 1621642)
I found something, but i don't know if that's it. 1970h that had 75 as the first 2 digits, now changed to 74. the Pos is, Pos: 6521 [1970h]

Incorrect position. The position needs to be [197A4Ah].

sirbum69 03-17-11 05:34 PM

yeh im having the same issue not finding it with the hex editor XVI32. I actully copy pasted it into the find box lol and it said it was an invalid hex number...gonna try some others

sirbum69 03-17-11 05:45 PM

ahh you have to do a search to find the hex as a decimal, not a hex...and i downloaded 010 hexeditor to find it

Capt. Shark Bait 03-17-11 05:54 PM

good thing i got something to weigh down the scroll button:o

SASHA, thx

THE_MASK 03-17-11 06:15 PM

Using XV132 , i searched 197A4Ah and it says string not found . All the first numbers are like 24425C and so on .

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