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Gizzmoe 05-21-06 11:21 PM

Here is a Mission Editor tutorial:

Rose 05-21-06 11:27 PM

Thank you :D. so im assuming the enemy ships automatically engage each other and there is no need to put triggers in (triggers? I honestly have no idea what im talking about haha)?

Gizzmoe 05-21-06 11:31 PM

Yes, they automatically engage each other.

Rose 05-22-06 12:32 AM

Last question: If i have set the waypoints of the two BB groups to go straight past each other, is the AI smart enough to have the ships stop, fight the battle, have one side come out the victor, and THEN have them go on their merry way? Or will the two forces stay at a constant 5 knots, fire a few shots as they pass each other, and never stop?

Gizzmoe 05-22-06 12:46 AM

As far as I know in real life ships never stopped when there was a duel, it just wouldn´t be a good idea for various reasons.

In SH3 the two BB´s will follow their waypoints exactly and sail at the speed you set. I could be wrong, but IIRC the smaller escort vessels like DD´s actually try to evade opponents they can´t defeat.

sergbuto 05-22-06 10:31 AM

BBs and cruiser have limited AI capabilities. They usually follow the waypoints and engage their guns whenever appropriate. DDs are allowed for more initiative. I have even seen them chasing the smaller vessels such as PT boats. Not sure about evading the bigger opponents though.

You may want to try testing the AI abilities by setting some DD as a leader/main vessel of the group which includes BBs and/or cruisers.

Rose 05-22-06 05:41 PM

Ok, so I get my battle ready to go: Two Tirpitz's and a Scharnhorst vs. a King George, and two other Brit BBs. I organise the British and Germans into two different groups, place them in Ship of the Line formation. The two lines are facing each other, heading in opposite directions. This set up will have them meet beam to beam for a fantastic explosive gunbattle. I place the Human U-Boat, load up the Single Mission, and lo and behold! The whole German group doesn't show up! The three proud British BBs are right in front of my nose, but no sight of the damned Kriegsmarine... Can someone help me with this puh-lease?

Gizzmoe 05-22-06 10:30 PM

Upload the mission to, I will then take a look at it.

Rose 05-23-06 04:00 PM

Here it is m8:

Gizzmoe 05-23-06 10:37 PM

I need the link to the file you have uploaded, not the link to Rapidshare´s upload page! ;)

Cdre Gibs 05-24-06 08:09 AM

I would hazard a guess that he has "Evolve from Start Date" Selected for the German TF. This would mean that the German TF has already been an gone.

Rose 05-25-06 06:18 PM

Hahaha thats my problem im sure. But what exactly does "evolve from start date" mean?

Cdre Gibs 05-25-06 10:14 PM

"Evolve from Start Date" means that those selected with this option will evolve from start date of SH3 - that being 1939. So as the game goes along these ships will evolve with the game from 1939. They will upgrade their weps as time goes by and will keep moving along their ploted path according to date. There for if you have a ship thats available say in 1940 and you make a mission with it in 1941, it will start the mission as if it had been already at sea from 1940. Ergo, its been and gone.

Rose 05-26-06 05:48 PM

Dammit thats not my problem :(. Ill try to post the file link again.

Rose 07-20-06 10:31 PM

So what if it's been 2 months since I asked the question :D. Finally, after two months, HERE is the correct link Gizzmoe.

Gizzmoe 07-20-06 10:47 PM

There is no link... :)

Wilko 07-21-06 04:21 AM

maybe it has come and gone as well :o

andy_311 07-21-06 06:40 AM

I did a simmilar BBvBB mission recently but I kept puting in more and more ships and planes into the mission to the point I think the Allies have in the region of 47 warships in there compared to the Axis side of 33 ships of all types I only did the mission because I wanted to see what a fire fight would be like with a lot of ships fireing (over the horizon) and if you look at the Nav map you get a lot of Grey ships Icons sunk, the problem now is getting out of the area.

Rose 07-21-06 09:04 AM

Oh lord... I think I was so tired last night that I went through all the trouble to host the file, but forgot to actually post it here :lol:.

HERE is the correct link:

Rose 09-05-06 09:53 PM

Hey you there Gizzmoe?

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