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rfxcasey 11-13-20 04:09 PM

ALMOST FORGOT...........SCREENSHOTS!:k_confused:
Original FOV on 2560x1080


Xall 11-19-20 04:19 AM

4 Attachment(s)

Excellent stuff!
I actually managed to get it work now as well with a Resolution of 5120x1440

What I did is...
1. Get Cheat Engine
2. Open Silent Hunter 5 with Cheat Engine
3. Press "Memory View"
4. In the Memory Viewer Window Click Search & then "Find Memory"

5. Search For: 5C420000AA420000003F0000C03F00 & Tick (Array of) byte ON
6. Right Click on the First Value Top Left, by me it was 5C
7. After Right Clicking, Click "Add this address to the list"
8. Confirm the Pop Up Menu

9. Go Back to Cheat Engine, and Right Click the newly Added Address seen below & Click "Browse this memory region"
10. Repeat Step 5.
11. Now Right Click and "Add this address to the list" on the first two Values.
12. Go back to Cheat Engine and Edit the Values in the last two added memories.

For me the first one I set to 85
The Second one to 95.
FOV and Zoom seems fine but new problems arise, not game breaking though.

Would be good to know why the Map turns so dark.

rfxcasey 11-19-20 04:55 AM

As for the map turning dark, I cannot say, but, I have a working script now from the nice gentlemen in another thread that basically makes it a one click operation. I'll post it if you want it. I'll even modify it for your resolution for you. It's working great for me and the game looks great in ultra wide.

I noticed yours look bit zoomed out while mine is more zoomed in. I had to do that to get rid of the edge distortion but I like it cause it makes the sub feel more, confined and well, sub like. That said, man those screenshots look great, how'd you get them to post like that, mine are crap in comparison. And the map thing, hum, are you running any mods in JSGME like the aspect ratio 'fix' or anything like that? I think I read somewhere that someone had a similar issue, might want to do a deep dive for it. Also, take note, if you haven't already figured out, those memory addresses will change with every new load of the game or save file. You either need to search for the array value each time manually or create an automated search in Cheat Engine. The script this guy made will do that, I tried to make my own, but I'm no Cheat Engine pro so you know how that goes. No use in reinventing the wheel anyways when I have a working script. Still, I'd like to learn how it was generated.

Xall 11-19-20 05:18 AM

Certainly rfxcasey, I'd really appreciate that.

The way I did mine so that its not so zoomed in is that I just messed around with it until I found a FOV that I liked,

I just went over it again not long ago and your solution was more elegant than what I posted just a moment ago, less steps involved.
Using this site I just type in the Decimals and convert it to Hex.

As you suspected the second Value seems to be the Zoom, while the First is the FOV.

Oh and the screenshots, as I am a hobby Artist, I made screenshots using Steam and modified the image size and quality to get the file size acceptable for Subsim using Photoshop and then posted it like that.

I might have a look at the mod list, although it be really impossible to tell really as I play with the Wolves of Steel Mega Mod and that really has allot of mods in there... So not sure how or what I can do about it, probably have a view at the documentations.

Xall 11-19-20 05:21 AM

I'll just post this what I written as a personal reminder here with your method so that it may help others as well in the future perhaps.

Run Silent Hunter

Open Silent Hunter 5 (With Cheat Engine)

Change Value Type to: Array Of Byte
Search for

Right Click Results and:
Add Selected Addresses to the Address List

Original Values:
5C 42 00 00 AA 42 00 00 00 3F 00 00 C0 3F 00
Edit Value:
5C 42 (First Value is FOV Second Maybe Zoom)

Edited Example:

55 5F 00 00 AA 42 00 00 00 3F 00 00 C0 3F 00

Decimal to Hex Converter:

rfxcasey 11-19-20 05:22 AM

I updated my last post, don't know if you read it before the changes so go back and see. Also, one more thing. I know you like subs, you might like space ships too. Just a heads up, sorry if this is taboo on the forum but, Elite Dangerous is FREE on Epic Games until Nov 26th. It's a pretty epic space sim with randomly generated star systems. Grab your free copy if you want.

Xall 11-19-20 05:39 AM

I shall have a look into it, I am also a rookie with Cheat Engine, I do not even know how to load a script for that matter :S
I am guessing the Script you are referring to is in the other thread?

And thanks for the heads up on the Free Game.

rfxcasey 11-19-20 05:48 AM

Here is the script modified for you. If you want you can edit the script by opening it with Notepad ++ or maybe Notepad. The only thing you have to do if you want to change those 2 values is change them in the 3 locations where it says 'db 55 5F' in the script and nothing else. Then save and it should then work with whatever new value you're trying out. As is, it should work right out of the box so to speak, I've already made the changes for you. Just download the .zip file, unzip it to wherever you want, I suggest your SH5 directory. You can make a shortcut to the desktop or your games folder. You want to use the 'SH5_FOV_Fix.CT' file, this will open Cheat Engine and start the script. If you get a message about unsigned scripts just click to run every time and it won't bother you anymore. Also, very important, you need to be using Cheat Engine version 7.1 or newer, I think back as far as 6.8 will work. I'm using version 7.0 and it works fine. So the procedure would be as follows.

1. Start SH5
2. Once in game 'alt tab' out and double click SH5_FOV_Fix.CT
3. Once Cheat Engine is running you should see 3 boxes at the bottom FOV1, FOV2 and FOV3, you don't have to do anything with them just verify they are there.
4. Alt tab back into SH5
5. The Numpad 'asterisk key' and '9 key' will start and stop the script, so hit the asterisk key once and wait a second for the script to work, you're view should change after a moment.

Here is the link to the script for download hosted on Mediafire. Let me know if you have any issues and happy hunting.:Kaleun_Cheers:

Xall 11-19-20 05:53 AM

Awesome rfxcasey, thank you so much for being so kind and helpful, I will give it a go there right now and report back how it goes.

rfxcasey 11-19-20 05:57 AM

Just doing my duty Captain.:salute:

rfxcasey 11-19-20 05:59 AM

And don't forget to grab that copy of Elite Dangerous from Epic Games if you want, it's free till Nov 26, get it while it's hot. Actually, it's not free yet, you might have to wait a couple of hours but don't forget, it's supposed to be pretty nice.

Xall 11-19-20 06:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hmm Unfortunately it does not really want to work as intended.

So I got the newest Cheat Engine version 7.1,
Placed the SH5_FOV_Fix.ct in the Root Directory for convenience as you suggested, started SH5, loaded my save, tabbed out, made sure no other cheat engine was running, then ran the script. That prompt greeted me and I selected to not show itself again.
When it loads, it seems either stuck, or something, I do see the 3 FOV's, I also see the Hotkey menu, but there are no hot keys assigned or at least this is how it looks:

The Open menu is glowing as well not sure if one has to select the game afterwards manually, but looking at it in notepad++ I can see that it should do the getAutoAttachlist for "SH5.exe"

I do not know if it makes a difference but I do have the Steam Version of the game, I checked task manager and it does show up as sh5.exe though, so it should be fine.

Edit: If I load SH5 Manually, using the SH5_FOV_Fix.ct, it seems to be loading forever.

Xall 11-19-20 06:31 AM

Some other news:
I checked the documentation of The Wolves of Steel Mega Mod, and sure enough I found IO_StrategicMap_7_5_0_for_TDWv750

This is probably what is causing the Map to go Black, so I will try to remove that and give and see if it makes a difference.

rfxcasey 11-19-20 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Xall (Post 2707936)
Hmm Unfortunately it does not really want to work as intended.

So I got the newest Cheat Engine version 7.1,
Placed the SH5_FOV_Fix.ct in the Root Directory for convenience as you suggested, started SH5, loaded my save, tabbed out, made sure no other cheat engine was running, then ran the script. That prompt greeted me and I selected to not show itself again.
When it loads, it seems either stuck, or something, I do see the 3 FOV's, I also see the Hotkey menu, but there are no hot keys assigned or at least this is how it looks:

The Open menu is glowing as well not sure if one has to select the game afterwards manually, but looking at it in notepad++ I can see that it should do the getAutoAttachlist for "SH5.exe"

I do not know if it makes a difference but I do have the Steam Version of the game, I checked task manager and it does show up as sh5.exe though, so it should be fine.

Edit: If I load SH5 Manually, using the SH5_FOV_Fix.ct, it seems to be loading forever.

Make sure SH5 is running and you are in game before you alt tab out and open the SH5_FOV_Fix.CT file. The flashing attach to process button, don't worry about that, don't touch it, as long as the bar at the top says 'sh5.exe' with some numbers in front of it, that's good to go. Don't worry about the hotkey dialog box just move it off to the side, but don't close it either cause it will close Cheat Engine and it won't work. Click on the open Cheat Engine screen to make sure it's focused. In that screenshot you posted, you've got the 3 FOV boxes at the bottom. Hit the NUMPAD (the regular asterisk key won't work) asterisk key and you should see the boxes turn into circles with rotating scans in them. After a moment (takes about 5 seconds), one or more will lock in and change to an 'X'. Alt tab back into the game. If you don't see your FOV fixed, hit the NUMPAD (very important) asterisk key, wait a moment, if nothing, hit the NUMPAD 9 key, then hit the NUMPAS asterisk key again, your FOV should change.

It's very important you don't close Cheat Engine before going back into SH5 cause it won't work if you do close it.

If still no go, open and edit the script file and find where is says Cheat Engine 7.0 and change it to 7.1, I don't think that's an issue but worth a shot if you're still having problems. Let me know and we'll get it sorted. I had an issue when I was running it on 7.2, it wouldn't work at all. I haven't tested in 7.1 but it was created in that version so it should be OK. If still no go, uninstall version Cheat Engine 7.1 and install Cheat Engine 7.0.

Let me know, we'll get it sorted. Just tested on mine and it works, but my screen goes black cause it's way outside of my resolution.

rfxcasey 11-19-20 07:20 AM

That dialog box you select to 'not show again', you chose to always run unsigned scripts right? it looks ok cause in that screenshot I see the 3 FOV boxes in the lower left of the main Cheat Engine screen so it should be good. Hit the NUMPAD asterisk Key and see if the boxes change to spinny things. They should lock in after a moment. One or two boxes will change to and X and the others go blank. That means the script found the date and performed the operation on it. Don't forget to read my previous post.

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