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Ktl_KUrtz 03-29-10 04:11 AM

The Very Best!:yeah:
Thanks a lot!:up:

Assprella 03-29-10 06:24 AM


Thanks a lot Sir!:salute:

bybyx 03-29-10 06:31 AM

Hello Makman.
Let me tell you that this is a awesome mod.
One question I have, an that is: Is it possible to make a stand alone mod with that big chrono that can be used with other gui. I have 2 installs of SH3. One with your mod and another with Karamazovnew. I would like to use that big chrono with Kara's gui.

Darkbluesky 03-29-10 06:47 AM

Thanks makman94. The link of Luca's mod is

I was starting to adapt it, but as I am pretty new to modding I am really slow and not very reliable ;). On the other hand I was thinking to put bak your Dark env. but keeping the new dials. Time to work a little with Photoshop...

Pisces 03-29-10 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1338517) you want me to send you the changes after all ? ...

Please do. PM on the way.

Munchausen 03-29-10 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1338517)
hi Darkbluesky, you can use the correspoding images from MaGui 2+ if you don't like the rusty is easy to customize your MaGui as the positions of items is not changed....

:cool: I was thinking of doing that very thing. Problem is, I'm not sure which images to swap out. Can you list them?

Buck_O 03-29-10 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1338517)
hi Buck_O,

go to files of ''FM_NI_Fix_for_Magui 3'' and open the commands_en.
find there the [Cmd418] and [Cmd429] and add the red lines like this:



your installation order is:
6.MaGui 3
7.FM_NI_Fix_for_MaGui 3 (with the edited by you commands_en)

i didn't test it ,just looked at the files so tell me if it worked

Makman94, it works flawlessly now:up:

makman94 03-30-10 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by bybyx (Post 1338929)
Hello Makman.
Let me tell you that this is a awesome mod.
One question I have, an that is: Is it possible to make a stand alone mod with that big chrono that can be used with other gui. I have 2 installs of SH3. One with your mod and another with Karamazovnew. I would like to use that big chrono with Kara's gui.

no is impossible to make it as a stand alone mod becuase it uses the menu_ini but what is possible to be done is to make a DIY walkthrough. but don't expect it soon becuase there are other priorities for me right now as to prepare the version for lsh3 v5 and the german versions of MaGui.
in the meantime send over a pm to Kara,as being the author of the gui you are using it will be much faster for him to import it


Originally Posted by Darkbluesky (Post 1338948)
Thanks makman94. The link of Luca's mod is

I was starting to adapt it, but as I am pretty new to modding I am really slow and not very reliable ;). On the other hand I was thinking to put bak your Dark env. but keeping the new dials. Time to work a little with Photoshop...

will look at it asap(but don't expect it soon). is this its final version ? if not....better wait
in the meantime try it yourself .here is a thread that will help you: how to make your gui compatible with Flakmonkey & DD's mod


Originally Posted by Pisces (Post 1339280)
Please do. PM on the way.



Originally Posted by Munchausen (Post 1339289)
:cool: I was thinking of doing that very thing. Problem is, I'm not sure which images to swap out. Can you list them?

thats very easy to find out Munchausen ! navigate through the files of MaGui 3 and everytime you see an image with rust ....replace it with the correspoding image from bright MaGui 2+ or Dark MaGui 2+

Munchausen 03-30-10 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1340663)
thats very easy to find out Munchausen ! navigate through the files of MaGui 3 and everytime you see an image with rust ....replace it with the correspoding image from bright MaGui 2+ or Dark MaGui 2+

:cool: And so I did ... this is what I ended up with (some files might not actually be "rusty" ... but, hopefully, I didn't miss any that are):

  • none
  • none
  • none
  • none
  • AMBack.tga
  • Periscope.tga (same for optional-stopwatch fix)
  • Periscope2.tga
  • manos2.tga
  • none
  • TDC.tga
  • Bottom.tga
  • BottomReversed.tga
  • Console.tga (same for No Stealthmeter fix)
  • Dials.tga
  • manos10.tga
  • ObsScope.tga
  • Officers.tga
  • TDC.tga
  • UZO.tga (same for optional-stopwatch fix)
  • none

rea00cy 03-31-10 04:18 AM

What a wonderful mod
Hey, Markmann:

I must say thanks, VERY,VERY MUCH, your MaGUI mods. I'm relatively new to SH3 -only 6 Mo-but have tried all the supermods and many other smaller mods. How could I missed yours for months? I've been testing your mods-from the original to the latest-including the optionals, reading txt/pdf docs and subsim's fora posts, watching tutorials, actually studying to learn all the marvelous tools included in your mods. I think they are a MUST for a serious, hardcore player-I'm still not in that category-for the historical accuracy and the inmersion level they provide to the player. I'm still learning, a bit confused with so many variants, but above all, ENJOYING IT A LOT!

I've searched but found no answer to this Q: are your mods compatible with DD's conning tower open hatch mod?



Flopper 03-31-10 07:45 PM

Re: Widescreen version of Magui...


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1338517)
:DL......that needs a lot of time Rick (and not a job to be made by one) and i haven't study yet the changes that must be done at menu_ini the future ....

I've been studying it for days. I'll be glad to help with this effort, since I'm attempting to do this for myself anyway. I've got the viewports nearly corrected for the uzo, obs and attack scope.

The uzo and obs accepted a straight formula (for instance new value for right viewport is (lVal * 1024/1365) + (rVal - lVal)) , but for some reason it didn't work with the attack scope. I've gotten that one close enough to be a single fat line.

The formula did also not work for the deck gun zoom, but I have not even started to look at that. This may take a while, but look at all that room...

(nearly) corrected attack scope

with the conning tower open hatch mod:

It's basically an introduction to modding for me... and still almost everything yet to learn! It probably took me 8 hours to get the red tdc button to go off the screen in the periscope view, lol.

So Makman, if you get the chance, I'll be happy to help, whenever you decide... I'm sure I'll still be working on it when you do. :DL I'm actually surprised nobody has this done already!

makman94 03-31-10 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Munchausen (Post 1341374)
:cool: And so I did ... this is what I ended up with (some files might not actually be "rusty" ... but, hopefully, I didn't miss any that are):

  • none
  • none
  • none
  • none
  • AMBack.tga
  • Periscope.tga (same for optional-stopwatch fix)
  • Periscope2.tga
  • manos2.tga
  • none
  • TDC.tga
  • Bottom.tga
  • BottomReversed.tga
  • Console.tga (same for No Stealthmeter fix)
  • Dials.tga
  • manos10.tga
  • ObsScope.tga
  • Officers.tga
  • TDC.tga
  • UZO.tga (same for optional-stopwatch fix)
  • none

hi Munchausen,
yes...these are the images but not that the TDC.tga (the one that is in data\Menu\Gui\TDC ) can't be replaced by the previous one (you will 'miss' the correct -according to the real one tdc- dials for bearing and aob)


Originally Posted by rea00cy (Post 1341786)
Hey, Markmann:

I must say thanks, VERY,VERY MUCH, your MaGUI mods. I'm relatively new to SH3 -only 6 Mo-but have tried all the supermods and many other smaller mods. How could I missed yours for months? I've been testing your mods-from the original to the latest-including the optionals, reading txt/pdf docs and subsim's fora posts, watching tutorials, actually studying to learn all the marvelous tools included in your mods. I think they are a MUST for a serious, hardcore player-I'm still not in that category-for the historical accuracy and the inmersion level they provide to the player. I'm still learning, a bit confused with so many variants, but above all, ENJOYING IT A LOT!

I've searched but found no answer to this Q: are your mods compatible with DD's conning tower open hatch mod?



hi Rea00cy,

and i must say thank you too ,sir :up:. enjoy it


Originally Posted by Flopper (Post 1342735)
Re: Widescreen version of Magui...

I've been studying it for days. I'll be glad to help with this effort, since I'm attempting to do this for myself anyway. I've got the viewports nearly corrected for the uzo, obs and attack scope.

The uzo and obs accepted a straight formula (for instance new value for right viewport is (lVal * 1024/1365) + (rVal - lVal)) , but for some reason it didn't work with the attack scope. I've gotten that one close enough to be a single fat line.

The formula did also not work for the deck gun zoom, but I have not even started to look at that. This may take a while, but look at all that room...

It's basically an introduction to modding for me... and still almost everything yet to learn! It probably took me 8 hours to get the red tdc button to go off the screen in the periscope view, lol.

So Makman, if you get the chance, I'll be happy to help, whenever you decide... I'm sure I'll still be working on it when you do. :DL I'm actually surprised nobody has this done already!

hi Flopper,

for the attack peri : your fault is that you didn't notice that the left value is not 0 so you must edit this value also .

the number '1365' that you mentioned is not correct . you must use the 1360 ( this is the number that it is in the dll right ? )

also at uzo...if you edited only the right value this is wrong too (notice that once you enter for first time the uzo is not pointing at zero now...right? )

here is how to adjust the viewport values :

example: at attack peri :

left=0,1230469 that give us 0,1230469x1024=126 pixels.
now, to find the new value you have to divide the pixels by 1360 ,
126/1360=0,092647 <-----this is the new value that you must set at left

right=0,6992188.......0,6992188x1024=716 pixels .....716/1360=0,5264705

so the values for the attack are : left=0,092647

you must do this to all viewports that you are looking through an 1024x768 image ( uzo ,obs ,bino ,attack ) .wherever you see the ''1'' at right value you must edit that too replacing it with 0,7529411 (1024/1360=0,7529411) but only at the screen which uses 1024x768 images.

you didn't have to spent your time(although this is good for you to learning moding) trying to 'dissapear' the red button as all these panels will be removed at the new edge of the screen so you have only to edit the menu_ini and just replace the corresponding items .

Flopper,this mod opens new ways in gui designs and if and when there is a MaGui 4 for widescreen will not be the same as MaGui 3.

@ Rubini : i have two problems with the widescreen mod.
1. it doesn't 'full' the monitor ...leaving a pretty big black frame around the game's screen.
2. i have the feeling that in the game's screen [which is 'small' ] the images are a little bit stretched.i can't take a pic to show you what i mean becuase when i look at the pic everything looks normal (no black frame around the game's screen and no stretched images) but it is not so in-game.
is there anything i can do for that ?

Magic1111 04-01-10 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1336693)

note3: the version for LSH v5 will be released soon

Hi makman !

Sorry for my question :oops:, but "When is soon" ? :D :yep:

Best regards,

Flopper 04-01-10 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1342970)

for the attack peri : your fault is that you didn't notice that the left value is not 0 so you must edit this value also .

I adjusted both left and right values, using a formula approach (I noticed the values had remained unchanged from the original OLC mod) but it was still way off.


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1342970)

the number '1365' that you mentioned is not correct . you must use the 1360 ( this is the number that it is in the dll right ? )

This is the number in the dll, correct, but exactly 16:9 is 1365 x 768. Also, I get a CTD if I don't use 1365 for my resolution. I can try the 1360 number and see how that works with the formula.


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1342970)

also at uzo...if you edited only the right value this is wrong too (notice that once you enter for first time the uzo is not pointing at zero now...right? )

No, I entered both values and it's perfect. I was not clear in my previous post, and only gave the right value as an example.


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1342970)

here is how to adjust the viewport values :

example: at attack peri :

left=0,1230469 that give us 0,1230469x1024=126 pixels.
now, to find the new value you have to divide the pixels by 1360 ,
126/1360=0,092647 <-----this is the new value that you must set at left

right=0,6992188.......0,6992188x1024=716 pixels .....716/1360=0,5264705

so the values for the attack are : left=0,092647

Perhaps it's my hardware, but using these values for the attack scope puts the "center" at quite a few degrees to port. The values I have now are left=0.1375 and right=0.4795.


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1342970)
Flopper,this mod opens new ways in gui designs and if and when there is a MaGui 4 for widescreen will not be the same as MaGui 3.

Yes, I'm sure, but I must have magui on widescreen, and can't wait! :haha: Also, as you mentioned, just for the experience.


Originally Posted by makman94 (Post 1342970)

@ Rubini : i have two problems with the widescreen mod.
1. it doesn't 'full' the monitor ...leaving a pretty big black frame around the game's screen.
2. i have the feeling that in the game's screen [which is 'small' ] the images are a little bit stretched.i can't take a pic to show you what i mean becuase when i look at the pic everything looks normal (no black frame around the game's screen and no stretched images) but it is not so in-game.
is there anything i can do for that ?

If you are using nVidia, you'll need to use nVidia scaling to fill the screen. There is a problem with some ATI cards I believe where the images get streched, but vertically (egg shaped).

Munchausen 04-01-10 12:50 PM


hi Munchausen,
yes...these are the images but not that the TDC.tga (the one that is in data\Menu\Gui\TDC ) can't be replaced by the previous one (you will 'miss' the correct -according to the real one tdc- dials for bearing and aob)
:up: Thanks for the correction, Makman. I'll put that one (version 3) TDC file back where it belongs.

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