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LG 05-10-16 08:46 AM

I was a bit skeptical first but there may be some mileage in this. Plus, it is not as if we have a lot of new releases in the submarine department so that alone is a reason to support this (just did it).

Vince82 05-10-16 12:53 PM

From Play Way:


@SUBSIM Thanks! We appreciate your support and would love to hear suggestions from subsim veterans about our game. Iron is still hot!
Realistic aerial attacks already seen in the trailer and much better than silent hunter.

Aircraft are the most feared enemy, they could appear without previous warning out of the clouds or with the sun behind. In Silent Hunter the crew will spot planes as soon as they will come in visual range. You almost always have enough time to dive.


USN training film on aerial attacks

Realistic vs Arcade damage (optional?) :D

Eichhörnchen 05-11-16 06:14 AM

What a unique perspective; love the music and the graphics (yes, especially well done aircraft, Vince82) :salute:

makman94 05-11-16 04:52 PM

....:hmmm:....''commanding the boat means managing the crew.''

i don't know seems that noone is willing to get the task and create a real good simulator

I am looking forward for this (or for every uboat game may come out) and i hope ,as this is a kickstarter project, to find its way to sim direction. Either than that , it will be just a fun game with no future endurance

My last hope is V-I-C (who is showing that is doing a very very good work so far to this direction)

Onkel Neal 05-11-16 07:52 PM

Development updates:


We've added German voice-over to our stretch goals! Thanks for your suggestions.

@thomas herzog: I remember that part of Das Boot. Beardy GIF is coming!

@Jon_VG: We will comply with your request on camera options - this is a good suggestion, thanks!

@Shane Sedgwick: Some skins will be based on real-life ships, some will be just for fun. You are welcome to post your requests.

@Jeff McVay and @Crazy_Borg: Our current design is pretty close, but we also experiment with a checkpoint system. Can't say for sure what solution we will leave at the end, but ironman will be there.

@Oskar Adolfsson: Yes, shooting the cook is implemented already. It will raise trauma though. And you will need a new cook.

@Ian Mal: Let's hope we will met the target :)

@Sarblade: Yes, we will develop our water system further to add such effects. This stuff is a must have.

@Lafouge Olivier: Yes, we plan to include missions in a wolfpack and with other allies like airplanes. That makes it very important to have a skilled radiotelegraphist to keep up with the ongoing communication with your allies.

- Marek, DWS

JgzMan 05-12-16 09:23 AM

I have a strict rule against backing digital goods on Kickstarter.

Well, rules are made to be broken.

harag 05-12-16 05:22 PM

Wow, been out of the sub games for a while now as nothing new has come up (still waiting on SH6....) This UBOOT looks quite good fun and it does look like there is some first person to it too, would love to see more of the game play that the trailer shows, but what the hell... I'll back it! - We need to keep this game type alive!

Onkel Neal 05-13-16 02:11 PM

Some cool dev art, nice water effects

Vince82 05-15-16 02:38 PM

kickstarter comment from playway about targeting ships:


Our current implementation is that you need to select your targets either manually by periscope or on the tactical map and then the tracking is started. The better the crew that you have at the observation spot or the periscope the better your hit chance becomes over a time. I think that this is a pretty good approach that fits our crew-centric take on the simulation and models many real-life factors. It will let you try to hit submerged submarines (U-864) and even shoot blindly using hydroacoustic data.
We still keep discussing that, if we should implement manual solution computations to it as well. We will probably have to ask backers at some point about this.. if the campaign will be successful and thus we will keep the possibility to continue our work on the game.

Giesemaschine 05-17-16 08:28 PM

What a nice surprise - PLEDGED! I was very (very) tempted to pledge $500, but then I'd feel guilty if you fellas had to stare at my ugly mug every time you played ;)

This definitely reminds me of B-17 II. I haven't been this excited for a game in a long time - the feelings I had keeping up with Wayward/Microprose's design (following every last nugget of info on SimHQ, watching and re-watching teaser trailers) is something I can see myself doing again with this game.

Best of luck to the devs und fette beute!

Hitman 05-21-16 09:00 AM

The part I hated most (And actually disabled) from SH3 was the crew management, which the Devs recognized and automated in SH4. So a game mostly centered around this seems risky business, but I'm looking forward to what these guys can do, the presentation so far is no less than impressive. :up:

stoppro 05-21-16 08:10 PM

I know I am one of the very few but I hope It doesn't require a steam account.It will have to be very very good. but even then it would gall me to get an account.

almg 05-22-16 09:40 AM

That's a very good news!

I look forward to see more of that game :up:


Master 05-23-16 11:06 AM

I've backed it but the time compression / distance compression has me worried. They are moving away from historic engagements in order to make it more "fun." That has me very worried that I wont like the game. I'll back it though for no other reason to show devs that there is still a place for this sort of game but I dont have much hope for this actual version of a subsim.

Though the multiplayer (and maybe same ship coop) stretch goal is VERY inciting!

Cpt-Maxim 05-30-16 03:00 PM

Number #1008, that's my kickstarter pledge counter for UBOOT.. its my first pledge to any game company for any kickstarter ever..

I've been watching both successes and failures of kickstarters for some time, and I understand you cant use paypal or get the protection paypal offers..

I'm betting on the fact that this game was worked on well before they started asking for money, and they have in depth videos of it functioning, which should help its success.

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