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Magic1111 01-11-11 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fader_Berg (Post 1571791)
They are both right.

Okay, I understand, there are two ways to edit the file, and both are right ! :yeah:´

Thank you very much for your excellent work ! :up:

Best regards,

Magic1111 01-11-11 04:23 PM

Enable during Mid-Patrol ?
Short question: Can I enable the MOD (copying into SH3 Directory) during Mid-Patrol ? Or after Patrol when I´m beeing back in port ?

Best regards,

Fader_Berg 01-12-11 12:54 AM

You can do it whenever you like. It shouldn't matter.

Magic1111 01-12-11 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Fader_Berg (Post 1572428)
You can do it whenever you like. It shouldn't matter.

Many thanks !!!! Now everything is clear ! :up:

Best regards,

Hitman 01-12-11 02:10 AM

Sorry but I think I don't yet completely understand this excellent mod: Does it work without h.sie's patches? Even if only for some minor functions? Or does it need to work on a h.sie's fixed exe? :06:

Fader_Berg 01-12-11 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Hitman (Post 1572456)
Sorry but I think I don't yet completely understand this excellent mod: Does it work without h.sie's patches? Even if only for some minor functions? Or does it need to work on a h.sie's fixed exe? :06:

Yes, patSH3r is a standalone project and works without a V15D patched exefile. You'll only get the possibility to run the range estimation fix in patSH3r though.

Hitman 01-12-11 03:32 PM


You'll only get the possibility to run the range estimation fix in patSH3r though.
Now I understand, many thanks :yeah:

Fader_Berg 01-18-11 05:14 AM

Beta release on its way...
Beta release of next version is getting closer. I've done some changes to the range estimation code to make it further more realistic. Before the changes, the errors where made in large chunks (e.g. +2000, 0 or -2000 for > 12000), now it's made with any one hundred meters in between.

A new feature that will be implemented is crew rotation, which rotates the crew for you. It's done by fatigue but I hope to be able to make it by schedule too. Some coding remains, but I'm planning to have it done by the end of this week. No promises though...

I've added a poll to decide what to do next. Make yourself heard...


Make the crew sensible to distress and discontent
While being locked up in a sub hundreds of meters below the surface and depth charges detonates around it. The crew are under such massive psychological pressure that it affects their endurance and morale.
Also, the miserable conditions the crew was living under for many weeks leaves no one unaffected. Poor sleep, the moisture and limited space plus the constant smell of diesel fumes doesn't come without a price to pay.
Introduce damage/disaster by human factor
Anyone - but most of all exhausted crew - makes mistakes. Sometimes something bad comes out of it...

Pre-heating of G7x torpedoes
The G7-series of torpedoes must be pre-heated or its performance will be reduced, (Personally, I've got a problem with the self-discipline-mod).

Volk2 01-18-11 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fader_Berg (Post 1576751)
A new feature which will be implemented is crew rotation, which rotates the crew for you. It's done by fatigue but I hope to be able to make it by schedule too.

Are you serious? Wow... I thought it is impossible :yeah:

(The options in poll are too enigmatic for me, so I didn't choose anything).

Magic1111 01-19-11 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Fader_Berg (Post 1576751)

Make the crew sensible to distress and discontent
While being locked up in a sub hundreds of meters below the surface and depth charges detonates around it. The crew are under such massive psychological pressure that it affects their endurance and morale.
Also, the miserable conditions the crew was living under for many weeks leaves no one unaffected. Poor sleep, the moisture and limited space plus the constant smell of diesel fumes doesn't come without a price to pay.

I vote for this....:up:

danzig70 01-19-11 10:47 AM

Great work!

Fader_Berg 01-20-11 05:32 AM

I'm not that familiar to the SH3 files and their content, but I know some of you are. So I got a question to anyone that can answer it.

I've read the code that do the fatigue calculation and noticed that it take some strange (to me unknown) values into consideration. I guess this is mod-able values from some file/files.

Where (in which file/files and which values - if possible) can you affect the fatigue model?

Magic1111 01-20-11 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Fader_Berg (Post 1578314)
Where (in which file/files and which values - if possible) can you affect the fatigue model?

Look in Basic.cfg and search for Entry [Fatigue Coef] or similar !

Best regards,

Hitman 01-20-11 12:54 PM

See if this information can help you, it's from an old post by Der Teddy Bär:


All credit for the following goes to the relevant individuals within Ubisoft and the SHIII Dev Team.

DecreaseFatigueMax=0.1 <== For “Wound Badge” – max level of wearer decrease with 10%
IncreaseMoraleMin=0.1 <== Minimum morale level of wearer increased by 10% - pt U-Boat Badge
HpStep=5 <== Add 5 hit points to the wearer of “U-Boat Front Clasp” - permanent
HpStep1stClass=10 <== Add 10 hit points to the wearer of “Iron Cross 1st Class” - permanent
Experience=1.25 <== Gained experience multiplied by 1.25 for the wearer of “Iron Cross 2nd Class”
StepForMorale=0 <== For “German Cross” and “Knight’s Cross” the morale should be on maximum all the time - this means step 0
StepForFatigue=0 <== For “German Cross” and “Knight’s Cross” the fatigue should be on maximum all the time - this means step 0

The min/max values for morale and fatigue where given accordingly with the rank of the officer/seaman.


MoraleMin=0.30 <== minumum that moral can go. Effects ability to perform. Nothing negatively affects moral besides the wounded and dead
MoraleMax=0.60 <== maximum and starting moral
MoraleStep=0.05 <== how quickly moral is recovered when in the rest quarters
FatigueMin=0 <== equals no fatigue i.e. 100% endurance
FatigueMax=0.5 <== maximum % from 100% i.e. in this case 50% is maxed fatigue
FatigueStep=0.2 <== how quickly fatigue is recovered when in the rest quarters
CoefMorale=0.4 <== used in the equations
CoefFatigue=0.2 <== used in the equations
QualEffect=1 <== multiplies base effect of a qualification by #
Hp=10 <== the amount of hit points for a entity i.e Resilience equals life/health. Rank dependent
Wounded=-0.02 <== The % hit to moral when someone gets wounded. Affects only the morale
Dead=-0.05 <== The % hit to moral when someone gets killed. Affects only the morale
SunkShips=0.1 <== the amount of moral added when a ship is sunk
TorpedoHit=0.05 <== ?? Does not appear to have any effect – Does not appear to work.
Experience=0 <== As per the experience for achieving promotion/s


If the damage in a compartment is > 50% the fatigue is not increased if is < 50% is increased with FatigueSpecificTime. FatigueSpecificTime depends of the U-Boat position - surfaced/underwater.


RegularFactor#0 <== One off hit being placed into compartment
RegularFactor#1: <== ???
SpecificFactor#0 <== Continuous loss while within compartment while surfaced
SpecificFactor#1 <== Continuous loss while within compartment while submerged
Badweather <== surfaced and submerged


TimeRecovery01=# <== Corespond with DaysRecovery inside code and this means how much time should be added in base if some subsystems are damaged.


Comp0=0; Tower Watch
AttackPeriscope=0; E_AttackPeriscope

e.g. The AttackPeriscope will take 1 day to be replaced/repaired in base


The formula used to calculate compartment efficiency is:

- if the compartment is not destroyed or flooded and all the men inside are healthy:
Moral *(10fCoefMorale_per_grad) + fCoefMoral_per_grad*(1-fatigue*(1-CoefFatigue_per_grad)

- if there is a petty officer and has the right qualification for that compartment (e.g. if is a PO with Torpedo man qualification inside the Bow Torpedo Room)
Moral *(10fCoefMorale_per_grad) + fCoefMoral_per_grad*(1-fatigue*(1-CoefFatigue_per_grad)* QualEffect

- if there is a superior officer - the officers have 3 qualifications (similar with petty officer only that is good in other two critical situations than a petty – the officers are your jolly jokers)



Those intervals are used to establish when the compartment efficiency is:
- 33% - means < 7.1
- > 33% but < 66% - means < 9.6
- Maximum - means > 19.7

Fader_Berg 01-20-11 01:23 PM

Thank you very much...

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