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UnderseaLcpl 05-21-09 12:54 PM

*alone in the cargo hall, examining Letum's remains on a makeshift exam table

"Most perturbatory.........."

Oberon 05-21-09 01:27 PM

*Oberon raises an eyebrow, then drains his bug juice*

"Been to the Bow, eh? That's rather interesting...anyway gentlemen, I'd better go and take a look at our sub, see if I can find some way of making it useful. Good speaking to you."

*Oberon gets up and walks across to the Rescue sub, he gets inside and starts checking the electrical subsystems whilst making notes on a clipboard*

Raptor1 05-21-09 01:40 PM

He makes a good point...ah, well, I'm sure he meant the unflooded bow...

Anyway, gentlemen, I shall be going to check if there is any way to seal the flooded reactor.

*salutes and exits the bar*

*stops at the cargo hall*

Oh, Mr...UnderseaLcpl, was it? what have you learned about poor Seaman Letum?

Nokia 05-21-09 02:30 PM

*Walks from the rescue sub to the bar with a coffee mug in his hand and sits at a table*

"That damned rescue sub just won't budge! Damn those currents that made us hit the sub too hard. I hope we get it loose sooner than later because I could really use some fresh air."

*Puts a tiny amount o whiskey from his flask into the mug and continues to drink and read a book about CQB tactics.*

Task Force 05-21-09 02:31 PM

D*m cheap experimental submarine. (kicks wall) The government pays acouple of million and the rescue hatch dosent even work right...

Walks to rescue sub to see what Oberon is working on...

You heard any new information of what happened to letum.:hmmm:

Oberon 05-21-09 02:50 PM

*Oberon lifts his head out of a bunch of circuit boards*

"Nope, haven't heard anything, last I heard his remains were still floating in the irradiated waters of the reactor room. I dread to think what would happen to any poor sod who went in there and got the body."

*He puts his head back into the service hatch*

"Bloody wiring is a mess in here...probably done by the cheapest bidder again. Bloody cost-cutters..."

Raptor1 05-21-09 02:51 PM

*walks to the rescue sub*

Say, Mr. Obe...oh, hello, Sir *nods to Task Force* I was saying, Mr. Oberon, do you need any help with that hatch? I might be trained in reactor engineering but I still remember how to do some of the normal work from that time I did fixing tanks in Serbia.

Task Force 05-21-09 03:04 PM

nods back to raptor as I walk back to the bar and sit on a table I had been useing to repair parts of the rescue sub.

Oberon 05-21-09 03:06 PM

*From inside the hatch*

"Thanks for the offer mate, but it's mainly just checking the wiring at the moment. Tanks in Serbia you say? How did that work out?"

Raptor1 05-21-09 03:26 PM

*sits down on the deck besides the hatch, back to the wall*

Well, you see, we were sent to the FRY to inspect some exported Soviet equipment when the communist regime fell. The Serbians were rather reluctant to show us everything they had, to say the least. When the Bosnian War started our team decided to stay and volunteer as engineers, so we can get first-hand looks at the equipment we were sent to inspect. We were fixing tanks in Serbia until we got sent to be field engineers in Bosnia, and when NATO started bombing the place in '95, we decided that it's about time we report back. So we slipped away in the confusion, grabbed a truck, crossed the border to Slovenia, then took a plane to Italy. After that I took up reactor engineering and joined the Royal Navy...which of course leads to me being here...


And I thought escaping from Yugoslavia was a dangerous business...

Oberon 05-21-09 03:40 PM

*Oberon fumbles around and drags his clipboard into the hatch with him*

"Well, at least we know that bastard Milosevic is dead, so it can't be him roaming the boat. Tough call in Yugoslavia though, heard it was a real mess down there. Me? I've been on boats for a while, ex-RN, used to serve on the diesels, A's O's, even had a hand on the Upholder before she was mothballed and then flogged to the Canucks, did a little bit of work as a Lecky on one of the Swiftsure boats, but then joined the rescue boats."

*There's a pause of activity in the hatch.*

"Buggered if I'd know that it'd be ME that needed rescuing one day..."

Nokia 05-21-09 03:53 PM

*Walks back to the rescue sub to help the others there*

"Any progress on the R-sub Oberon? Maybe we should try a sledgehammer or maybe even some C4, that at least should get the bloody thing off, but then again we would not have a way of getting away from here."

*Refills the coffee mug from his thermos and starts testing if any of the wiring in the sub are faulty."

Task Force 05-21-09 03:57 PM

Hears the talking and walks to the hatch in time to hear Nokia say C4...

That isnt sutch a great idea. The explotion could flood the rest of the sub and we might still not get this thing unattached. Then we would be stuck in the rescue sub.:yep:

Oberon 05-21-09 03:58 PM

*From inside the hatch*

"It's not good, I think C4 would be our best option at the moment! I can't seem to get the mag-lock to disengage, and even if I did, the damn mating ring won't flood. As I said to Raptor here, we could probably drill through the ring and let it free flood...but then the ring would be out of action for any return trips, and we can't get everyone on the sub into here..."

*to himself*

"Although if that beast of Raptors is lurking on this boat then that won't be a problem before long..."

Task Force 05-21-09 03:59 PM

Do we even have any C4.:hmmm:

And whats all this beast mess. you know they dont exist... its like santa claus, or the easter bunny.

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