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Capt Squid 04-04-09 08:44 PM

That wasn't Phil. That might have been his cousin, Curly. Or maybe Oddball. Gunter says Phil is on assignment and Sailor Steve says he ain't tellin' nobody where Phil is hiding.

Here, Kirk. Have a crunchy egg salad sandwich. Someone screwed up the beer dispenser.

kaptkirkU4467 04-05-09 04:24 PM

At the bar,near the beer dispenser....

Jester noticed a toolbox and black boots sticking out from under the beer dispenser,
"Kirk!...tell me your not tinkering again."

"Relax my young apprentice,.it just needs a ,NEW flux coil in the wave guide.
..AND a load drop on the DC inverter high side."

Jester eyed the GK box on the floor,"GK World Wide Electronics!Jeez ,Squid will have a fit."

"Hand me the Flux capacitor and that ..ROUND, thing ..with the stripes."
. Kirk said as he eased the 440 line under the bar.
"Careful ..that THING.. with the stripes is Hot...or was that the ground?..
.Whatever,the modified Sine wave will..
. Have,.... the beer flowing at just under 4 PSI and with a foam reduction of 25% ,the amperage will,.
.DRAW down to JUST 1.6...Squid will be serving Phil Ale at ..
..TWICE the rate as... Yesterday,...OMG, I'm a GIT and didn't know it.."

Jester turned to go,"Anyone ever tell you that you talk kind'ah funny?"

"NO,why would ..THEY ..say that?"

Capt Squid 04-06-09 10:18 PM

Walking in behind the building, Squid is inspecting the security system. CCD cameras, ground motion sensors, electric eyes, even low-light and thermal sensors -- yep, Jester came through with all the .... Waitaminit! When was that high-tension line installed? "Jester!"

J: "Yes, boss?"

CS: "Where and when was that high-tension line installed? Isn't this place wired for 220 only?"

J: "Well, ah, erm, you see..."

CS: "This smells an awful lot like Kirk. OK, spill the beans. What has he done now?"

J: "What makes you think I know anything?"

CS: "Cuz you develop a nervous tic every time you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Now, GIVE!"

J: "I, ah, did see him coming up from the cellar and..."

CS: "The cellar?!?!?! OMG! :eek: That's where the beer is stored! Quick! We gotta see what he did!"

The pair make their way into the cellar and over to the beer storage vats. Physically, nothing appeared out of the ordinary. Then they noticed that the line pressure was not at the normal 3-5 psi; it was now reading 4500 psi!


Upstairs at the bar, Sailor Steve was starting to draw a pint when Jester and Capt Squid came racing up the stairs. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Too late! The beer came shooting out, blew the stein out of SS's hand and blew a hole through the floor.


gunter 04-07-09 09:54 AM

Torplexed and Gunter were moving the pool table into it's new location when beer went flying all over the MR.

G: "Save the beer!"

T: "It's too's gone."

G: "Why...Why...?"

Just then there was a knock at the door. Wiping the beer from his face Sailor Steve answers the door. A dark shadowy figure enters the MR: "Is there a KIRK here.

SS: "Kirk... it's for you."

As Kirk walks up to the driver he gives him a long hard look. The driver says: "So your Kirk, eh?"

K: "So your Canadian, eh?"

Driver: "Very funny wise guy." Then the driver leans over and says "John has a long mustache."

Kirk: "Mary needs to shave her armpits."

Driver: "Sign here."

The driver returns with a crate and Kirk starts opening it. As the side falls away, there is another box inside. On the side it says "C.I.A" and "R.G.N.M.R.D.C.D.B.S."

Sailor Steve, Torplexed, and Gunter all at the same time: "The COMPANY!"

Kirk takes a step back: "What.... no that stands for Coyote Inc., Acme. It used to be just Acme, but this Coyote guy won a lawsuit over not being able to control a rocket backpack/skate combo he was using to chase a road runner."

CS: "Kirk, what is R.G.N.M.R.D.C.D.B.S. ?"

Kirk: "It stands for Radar Guided Never Miss the Red Dot in the Center Dart Board System. I thought we could pick up some change with the rigged dart games."

Chad 04-10-09 05:10 PM

Lo'! pass me a Dr Pepper!

I'm not legal till another 2 months :shucks:

Meanwhile let me take up my place at the piano

Capt Squid 04-12-09 02:38 PM You sure you're up to playing this? Sweet Georgia Brown

Chad 04-12-09 08:22 PM

Sure, no problem..

*Takes a drink from his Dr. Pepper in a shot glass*

"Alright, this one goes out for all our active sailors across the 7 seas," Chad announces and begins to play away.

Capt Squid 04-13-09 11:36 PM

Just don't EVER play Those Endearing Young Charms.

Admiral8Q 04-18-09 10:34 PM

It's grand, what a chance to get a peep at the creachers of the deep:o

Capt Squid 04-19-09 08:01 PM

Return of Starchucks
Unbeknownst to G/K Worldwide, the vacant lot across the boulevard from the Moulin Rouge had been quietly purchased through cutouts by OCGM Enterprises, LLC.

Groundbreaking ceremonies were curtailed, remembering what happened the last few times. However, over at OCGM, a private ceremony, using a planter in the boardroom, was held. The three partners used small silver trowels and, with numerous photo ops, turned over the soil in the planter. The plans had long been in the works; every possibile contingency had been worked out.

This time, they would succeed!

Capt Squid 04-20-09 09:29 PM

Pre-fabricated components started showing up after the foundation had cured. Wiring and plumbing went quickly. Then the walls went up -- double walls with additional reinforcement. The ceiling/roof went up last, but it was tripled with dead air space between each layer. All the while, Guido (remember him? The Enforcer Rabbit?) provided site security. NO ONE from G/K was going to interfere with THIS project.

Jester107th 04-30-09 05:22 PM

Outside the MR a low rumble slowly grew louder. The rumbling got louder and louder. The MR foundation started to shake until the rumbling grew loud enough that you could tell that whatever it was ... was right outside the door.

As the rumbling died and the sound of a powerful engine was shut off, two voices could be heard outside the MR doors.

Voice 1 : I can't believe you traded for this tank!

Voice 2: It's a beautiful tank!

Voice 1: It's awful! It leaks fuel all over the damn place!....It's a piece of junk!!!

Voice 2: Always with the negative waves, Moriarty!

The MR doors swung open and a couple well dieseled chucks strolled through the door.

Jester: They have arrived....

CS: Oddball! Moriarty! Welcome!

Kirk: Great....more furballs.

Phil: About time you mugs showed up! Where's crapgame?

Oddball: He's reloading the paint shells for the tank....he'll be in shortly. Say...didn't you tell me you needed a new decor for this place??

FIREWALL 04-30-09 06:35 PM

I thought the ML could use a few of these. :D

Chad 05-02-09 11:11 AM

Glancing up from 2 continuous weeks of playing the piano, seeing the three girls walk in, I think it's time for a refill :O:

Capt Squid 05-05-09 12:31 PM

Has anyone seen our piano player? It's awfully quiet in here.

The Starchuck's was almost ready for its grand opening. The "herbal" tea was scheduled to arrive at midnight. Security was tight; maybe that's why the tank was purchased. The security system WAS designed and installed by OCGM Electronics and monitored from a remote site by hardened communication lines. Even the water supply was separate from the local mains. Nothing was left to chance.

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