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CaptainCox 04-12-07 08:50 AM

Warden 04-12-07 10:56 AM

This is incredible work, thank you so much.

U-Bones 04-12-07 12:37 PM

When the 1.2 patch is release it will be educational to see what they changed to keep the SJ from picking up ships.

jerryt 04-12-07 01:02 PM

Hi All. Sorry for what may be a dumb question, :88) but not being a mod/tweaker creation type guy, does anybody have the Sensors_sub_US.sim file already modded? Or is this something that has to be done on an individual file basis?

Getting the radar fixed will be a Godsend. :up:

Ducimus 04-12-07 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by U-Bones
When the 1.2 patch is release it will be educational to see what they changed to keep the SJ from picking up ships.

No kidding. Im sure the answer is one of two things.

a.) so obvious it was right under my nose


b.) Some new variable. Other day i was thinking they could fix it by adding a Speed factor to it, so it only picks up objects moving past say, 30 kts.

CruiseTorpedo 04-12-07 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by jerryt
Hi All. Sorry for what may be a dumb question, :88) but not being a mod/tweaker creation type guy, does anybody have the Sensors_sub_US.sim file already modded? Or is this something that has to be done on an individual file basis?

Getting the radar fixed will be a Godsend. :up:

I'm with this guy, I dont want to get into some tweaker utility, I just want the fixed radar file. Can anyone put that up on a host for the 99% of us that dont want to manually do it?

U-Bones 04-12-07 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ducimus

Originally Posted by U-Bones
When the 1.2 patch is release it will be educational to see what they changed to keep the SJ from picking up ships.

No kidding. Im sure the answer is one of two things.

a.) so obvious it was right under my nose


b.) Some new variable. Other day i was thinking they could fix it by adding a Speed factor to it, so it only picks up objects moving past say, 30 kts.


c) their fix misses most aircraft too ;)

(no offense intended at all).

Mraah 04-13-07 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Beery

Originally Posted by Mraah

Originally Posted by Beery
Could it be that they wanted to restrict the radar based on the sub's prop noise and instead what they did was restrict it based on the heading?


Good question :up: . But prop noise wouldn't restrict radar, mast obstruction would.

Well the question is, does the developer in charge of implementing radar know that? If not, then he could easily have tried to put in a radar that had a blind spot at 180 degrees bearing (i.e. behind the boat) and accidentally put in a blind spot at 180 degrees on the compass (i.e. South). It's not a question of what restricts radar - it's a question of what the developer might have been thinking when he made the feature.


I apologize. I totally missed your question and jumped into a lecture :cry: .

Yeah, what was the developer thinking and why would there be a need for such a wide blind spot.


Mraah 04-13-07 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by ref
To clarify things a bit, all bearings in the sensors are relative to the submarine, 0º is front and 180º is back, the restrictions are, because of that also relative to the sub position.

BTW. here's the full mini tweaker file for the sensors:

I really recomend using the search function in the forums, I know how hard is to make a tweak file by hand...



Thanks for the link for the tweakfile!! Very nice :D .

I like your's better since it explains why there was a stray BearingMin/Max. I never would have thought to search for 2 of them for sensor's # 13,14 and 15 (the sonar).

I noticed you didn't include the ElevationMin/Max and since I don't know it's exact location I just pasted in the search again for each and works the same.

Thank you.


Mraah 04-13-07 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Redwine

Originally Posted by E.Hartmann
Where is this file located?

What folder?

The file to be modified is :

Just edit all SD and SJ radars so their "ElevationMax = 90" become

ElevationMax = 181

Please Mraah .... correct me if i made a mistake in some place !!! :up:

Many Thanks Mrahh for job and effort in this research ! :up::up::up:


Quite Welcome!! I'm glad to be of some use.

Thank you for explaining how to change it for everyone.

Only the SD entries had ElevationMax = 90. The other SJ's had 30, and perhaps 60 if I remember. No big deal, since the point was changing it to 181. Thank you again.

I'm wondering if these values would work, since 0 and 360 seem to be the "normal" values for the rest of the sensors we see in the file. Probably would work but at least we know 181 does!!

ElevationMin = 0
ElevationMax = 360


Redwine 04-13-07 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Mraah

Quite Welcome!! I'm glad to be of some use.

Thank you for explaining how to change it for everyone.

Only the SD entries had ElevationMax = 90. The other SJ's had 30, and perhaps 60 if I remember. No big deal, since the point was changing it to 181. Thank you again.

I'm wondering if these values would work, since 0 and 360 seem to be the "normal" values for the rest of the sensors we see in the file. Probably would work but at least we know 181 does!!

ElevationMin = 0
ElevationMax = 360


Thank you ! for the job...:up:

It is a little bit confuse, because in the sonar sensors, zero is up, 90 is ahead, 180 is down , 270 is back and 360 is as zero up.

I think so the 181 and the 357, which is a little bit under the horizontal.... is due to the sensor position height, may be the game simulates the sensor position height, then if a rada is over the ship mast, it can be at 30 meters or in a battleship at 60 meters height.

May be 15 meters into a DD, then if we put 180, all under 15 meters height will be into a radar shadow zone, under the detection beam.

This gives us a little protection when so near the ship, even with periscope up, if we are so near the ship, the radar will not detect us, i think so it is real.

Just imagine a beam proyection down of 1 degree, from 15 meters height, the beam will reach the water some meters far... inside this cone, the radar is null.

-Pv- 04-13-07 05:47 PM

I'm with the guys who have posted requesting a link to a modified file so we don't all have to experiment with the tweaker program.

Redwine 04-13-07 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by -Pv-
I'm with the guys who have posted requesting a link to a modified file so we don't all have to experiment with the tweaker program.

Sorry ! :up:

Download one modified file here....;7232165;/

jerryt 04-13-07 07:46 PM

Thanks Redwine. Going to try it out now. :up:

-Pv- 04-14-07 04:19 PM

I had returned to port ending my 1st patrol and put this file in place. I then left port Feb '42 starting my 2nd patrol in a Porpoise. Nothing has changed for me. I still get the radar operator announcing ship contacts while facing N and the grey ship contacts fading out when I turn S. As has happened when I 1st loaded the 1.1 patch, none of the radar displays work. I cannot turn them on or off with switches or control panel. Port upgrade list shows I have SJ installed and cannot install SD. Damage control panel indicates I have SD installed.

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