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Dowly 12-15-15 01:53 AM

15 December 1939 - DAY 16 of Winter War

Eastern Isthmus: at Taipale, a Russian division launches a tank-supported offensive at 8.30. The advance is halted at Kirvesmäki.

The fighting at Terenttilä continues into the second day.

Central Isthmus: two Finnish companies launch a counterattack at Summa, but fail to get further than a few kilometres.

Ladoga Karelia: troops of the 13th Division under the command of Colonel Hannuksela launch an offensive towards Ruhtinaanmäki.

At Uomaa, a Finnish patrol rescues two wounded men who had survived in a tent for 12 days in territory overrun by the enemy.

Listeners are reminded that today is the last recommended day for sending Christmas packages to the troops at the front.

Despite the war, Finland is honouring the repayment schedule for its First World War debt to the USA.
Captured Soviet rifle. Suomussalmi, December 15.

Daily losses: 226

Dowly 12-16-15 02:57 AM

16 December - DAY 17 of Winter War

Ladoga Karelia: the Finnish defence at Kitelä on the shores of Lake Ladoga is partly broken by the 168th Soviet Division.

The Tolvajärvi offensive comes to a halt at Ristisalmi.

Eastern Isthmus: Finnish troops successfully repulse several enemy assaults on the River Taipaleenjoki.

General Headquarters confirms as official policy that the fallen are to be sent home for burial.

Salla: the position of the Finnish troops at Pelkosenniemi is getting harder by the minute.

Central Isthmus: enemy shelling is pounding the entire length of the 5th Division and 1st Division's defensive sector between Summa and Muolaanjärvi.

Employers are forbidden on pain of damages from firing a reservist on account of his being called up to the reserve.

In accordance with the decision of General Headquarters, every effort will be made to send those fallen in battle home for burial.

Paris: students demonstrate throughout the day in support of Finland.
Tank obstacles. Tali, December 16.

Daily losses: 210

em2nought 12-16-15 11:21 AM

Seeing this thread is giving me the desire to pick up a Finnish mosin nagant. :D

Dowly 12-17-15 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by em2nought (Post 2366660)
Seeing this thread is giving me the desire to pick up a Finnish mosin nagant. :D

I'd love to get my hands on a Suomi KP/-31. :yep:


17 December - DAY 18 of Winter War

Central Isthmus: this morning Soviet infantry and tanks launched their first major offensive at Summa. The tanks penetrate the Finnish positions, but the infantry are held at the front line.

Eastern Isthmus: at 8.15 Soviet troops continue the offensive at Taipale. The attempted breakthrough is thwarted mainly by Finnish artillery fire.

Petsamo: the vanguard of the Russian regiment overcomes the Finnish holding detachment near Porojärvi.

Northern Finland: fighting to retake the parish village at Suomussalmi continues.

Petsamo: Detachment Pennanen retreats to the River Kornettijoki, 120 km south of Petsamo. The fighting disperses into skirmishes between patrols.

Ladoga Karelia: Finland is forced to send 17-19-year-old schoolboys into battle at Salmi.

Mursula: the Finnish force fighting at Mursula on the shores of Lake Ladoga lose 26% of its strength and has to retreat. 32 Finnish soldiers are dead or missing. The enemy loses 300 men.

Helsinki: Isoviha ('The Great Wrath'), directed by Kalle Kaarna, receives its premiere screening in Helsinki. Starring Hilkka Helinä, Kalevi Mykkänen and Santeri Karilo, Isoviha was banned during the negotiations on the eve of the war, and the version screened now is still partly censored.

(Click for larger photos)
Soviet tanks advancing. The one on the right in the first photo has been disabled, the left one however keeps advancing. River Kollaanjoki, December 17.

Map of Karelia:

Daily losses: 193

Dowly 12-18-15 02:31 PM

18 December - DAY 19 of Winter War

Central Isthmus: enemy tanks once again penetrate the Finnish positions at Summa, but the infantry assaults are repulsed in all sectors.

Soviet troops take the village of Oinala to the southeast of Muolaanjärvi.

Ladoga Karelia: in the early hours of the morning Detachment Pennanen continues its advance towards Ägläjärvi in the Tolvajärvi sector. The offensive fails due to a combination of exhaustion and bad weather. The troops return to their original positions.

The enemy offensive gets bogged down at Kollaa. The difficult terrain makes it impossible for them to make effective use of their tanks and artillery.

Northern Finland: Finnish troops under Major Perksalo defeat a Russian regiment at the parish village of Pelkosenniemi to the west of Salla. The Russians disengage and head for Savukoski.

Other Finnish troops simultaneously halt the offensive by the main force of the 122nd Division at Joutsijärvi.

Abroad: Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard give 1,000 guilders to the Dutch Red Cross to be passed on to the Finnish Red Cross.

(Click for larger photo)
Field service at Särkisalo, December 18.

Daily losses: 271

Dowly 12-19-15 07:00 AM

19 December - DAY 20 of Winter War

Karelian Isthmus: the main thrust of the continuing Soviet offensive on the Isthmus is at Summa in the central Isthmus. The enemy can manage only temporary breakthroughs. By evening the Soviet infantry has been repulsed and around 20 of the 100 tanks used in the offensive have been destroyed. However, the Finnish troops are unable to retake the village of Oinala.

Koivisto: Saarenpää Fortress and a Russian naval detachment led by the battleship Marat begin an artillery exchange at 12.15. Combat is broken off at 13.04.

Ladoga Karelia: Finnish troops in the Tolvajärvi sector launch a new offensive to retake Ägläjärvi.

Northern Finland: troops from Detachment Roininen attack the flank of the Soviet 122nd Division from the south at Joutsijärvi and inflict considerable losses in men and materials. Our own losses are 22 dead and 29 wounded.

Turku: the enemy bombs the city for the first time. Soviet aircraft also hit Hanko, Helsinki, Viipuri, Jänisjärvi and other targets.

Abroad: the renowned Finnish composer Jean Sibelius' appeal to the American people is published in a number of daily newspapers in the USA. Sibelius emphasizes that the fate of the Finnish people lies primarily in their own hands, although it will also depend to some extent on the actions of other freedom-loving peoples.

(Click for larger photo)
"Flying Lottas" (General Wallenius' daughter on the right). Lappeenranta, December 19.

Daily losses: 373

Dowly 12-20-15 01:51 PM

December 20 - DAY 21 of Winter War

Karelian Isthmus: Soviet troops continue their assault at Summa. The first Soviet offensive on the Isthmus runs out of steam. By evening the main defensive positions are entirely under Finnish control.

The Finnish II Army Corps commanded by Lieutenant-General Öhquist are ordered to launch a counteroffensive.

Northern Finland: at Joutsijärvi in the Salla sector a Russian battalion manages to infiltrate behind the Finnish positions at Mäntyvaara. The Russian battalion is finally destroyed in hand-to-hand fighting.

A battalion of the Soviet 122nd Division surprises two companies of Detached Battalion 17 which had been moved into reserve. After four hours of fighting, the enemy withdraws with the loss of 300 dead. Finnish losses are 17 dead, including the two company commanders.

The Finns take the initiative at Salla.

Colonel Paavo Talvela is promoted to Major-General, and Lieutenant-Colonel A.O. Pajari to Colonel.

Ladoga Karelia: the enemy bombs and machine-guns a train carrying evacuees at Jänisjärvi Station in the parish of Harlu. 16 civilians are killed.

Northern Finland: the enemy bombs Kontiomäki. One person is killed.

Ladoga Karelia: the enemy bombs Sortavala. Two people are killed and three injured.

Soviet aircraft also bomb Matkaselkä. Five people are killed and three seriously injured.

Abroad: donated ambulances leave Sweden and Denmark en route to Finland.
"Company of Death" Summa, December 20.

Daily losses: 293

Aktungbby 12-20-15 04:11 PM

How to get 'finished off' or 'buffaloed'
What amazed me about the Finnish war effort was the brilliant use of that obsolete firing platform; the Brewster F2A (B-239) 'Buffalo' B-239s (a de-navalized F2A-1) operated by the Finnish Air Force proved capable of engaging and destroying most types of Soviet fighter aircraft operating against Finland at that time and achieving in the first phase of that conflict 32 Soviet aircraft shot down for every B-239 lost, and producing 36 Buffalo "aces". The Finnish Air Force produced 36 Buffalo aces. The top scorer was Capt. Hans Wind with 39 Buffalo air victories (out of 75); second was WOEino Ilmari Juutilainen, with 34 (out of 94) and third highest score was Capt. Jorma Karhunen (25.5 out of 31.5). First Lt Lauri V. Nissinen also had victories on the type (22.5 out of 32.5).'s 121 Brewster kills for four pilots! [wiki]

Dowly 12-21-15 01:30 PM

21 December - DAY 22 of Winter War

Terijoki: in honour of Stalin's birthday, Otto Wille Kuusinen's 'Finnish People's Government' holds a meeting and a parade of the 'Finnish People's Army'. The meeting sends a telegram congratulating Stalin on his birthday. At the same time, enemy aircraft bomb two passenger trains in southern Finland.

Southern Finland: enemy fighters strafe a stationary train on the edge of the forest between Helsinki and Turku for 15 minutes, killing three civilians.

Ladoga Karelia: Finnish troops in the Tolvajärvi sector launch an assault in the evening to retake the village of Ägläjärvi. The determined assaults by the Finnish strike force of five battalions overcome the main force of the Russian division.

Civil defence officials point out that lighting restrictions also apply to Christmas lights. This means, for example, that candles must not be placed beside graves this year, and outdoor Christmas trees must not be illuminated. People should also remember to stay off the streets during air-raid warnings.

Daily losses: 158

Schroeder 12-21-15 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 2367853)
21 December - DAY 22 of Winter War

Terijoki: in honour of Stalin's birthday, Otto Wille Kuusinen's 'Finnish People's Government' holds a meeting and a parade of the 'Finnish People's Army'. The meeting sends a telegram congratulating Stalin on his birthday.

I'm surprised he wasn't arrested for treason immediately....
I just read that that was in the area that was occupied by Soviet troops. That would explain that.

Dowly 12-22-15 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by Schroeder (Post 2367906)
I'm surprised he wasn't arrested for treason immediately....
I just read that that was in the area that was occupied by Soviet troops. That would explain that.

Yup, what is commonly known as the Terijoki Government or Kuusinen's Government in Finland, was just a puppet-government that failed rather spectacularly. Same goes for it's army, which was to be 80,000 strong and consist of Finnish deserters. It reached a strength of about 23,000, with over half being non-Finns.

Dowly 12-22-15 05:03 AM

22 December - DAY 23 of Winter War

General Headquarters approve Lieutenant-General Öhquist's proposal for a counteroffensive in the western Isthmus.

Ladoga Karelia: Finnish troops advance at Ägläjärvi. By 15.30 the village is under Finnish control.

"After days of fighting, Ägläjärvi has finally been captured today. The area had to be fought bunker by bunker, and the town itself ruin by ruin. Own losses significant, enemy's much higher. Estimated 2,000 enemy KIA, 600 prisoners taken.
Captured equipment includes 6 artillery guns, 8 tanks, 8 AT guns, 4 machineguns, 1 mortar and 240 rifles."

-Excerpt from General HQ's wardiary, page 152. (SPK 2777)

Two Finnish battalions pursue the Soviet troops retreating towards River Aittojoki.

The enemy loses over 2,000 men in the fighting at Tolvajärvi-Ägläjärvi.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs wires the Finnish envoys in London and Paris to tell them that Finland desperately needs military assistance.

The first 150-bed field ambulance from the Swedish Red Cross arrives in Finland. The staff of the ambulance comprise 5 surgeons, 2 consultants and 10 nurses under the leadership of Professor G. Nyström.

Abroad: the Norwegian National Theatre in Oslo presents a Finnish programme including Heimo Haitto, the 14-year-old violin prodigy.

Argentina is the first country to respond positively to the League of Nations' appeal for aid to be sent to Finland.

The Hungarian Pen Club awards its medal for 1939 to the Finnish poet Otto Manninen.

Daily losses: 180

Dowly 12-23-15 03:24 AM

23 December - DAY 24 of Winter War

Karelian Isthmus: the Finnish II Army Corps launches a fragmented counteroffensive at 6.30. The commander of II Army Corps suspends the offensive at 14.30. Overall losses in the unsuccessful offensive total 1,328 men: 361 dead, 777 wounded and 190 lost in action.

Ladoga Karelia: Finnish troops counterattack at Kollaanjoki, but the attack is broken off during the course of the evening.

In the Tolvajärvi sector, battalions from Detachment Pennanen win control of the Aittojoki parallel. The fighting at Tolvajärvi-Ägläjärvi comes to an end.

Northern Finland: the vanguard of the Soviet 44th Division comes into contact with the Finnish troops on the Raate road.

Karelian Isthmus: the Soviet long-range 'ghost gun' in the Perkjärvi sector wreaks havoc and confusion in Viipuri, damaging numerous buildings in the city.

Turku archipelago: the armoured coastal vessels Ilmarinen and Väinämöinen move out of the archipelago into the open sea at Kihti to protect vital shipping routes threatened by Soviet aircraft operating out of Estonia.

Unemployment statistics show that Finnish unemployment has fallen well below the level of one thousand.

Abroad: Argentina's positive response to the League of Nations' appeal for aid to be sent to Finland has been joined by a similar response from Ecuador, Haiti, Peru, the Union of South American States, Bolivia, Venezuela and Mexico.

United States: Gunnar Bärlund, the Finnish heavyweight boxer resident in the USA, beats Italo Golonello, with the referee stopping the bout in the seventh round. Bärlund donates part of his proceeds from the fight to the Finnish Relief Fund.

Daily losses: 659

Dowly 12-24-15 01:46 AM

Christmas Eve 1939 - DAY 25 of Winter War

Gulf of Finland: the Russian battleship Marat shells Koivisto Fortress.

Ladoga Karelia: at Tolvajärvi the enemy is pushed back across the River Aittojoki, where the front becomes stabilized for the remainder of the war.

The enemy launches another offensive at Kollaa.

Northern Karelia: in the Inari-Lieksa sector the enemy is pushed back across the border.

The war at sea: Finland mines the Soviet naval bases in the Baltic States.

Northern Finland: Group Ilomäki advances from Jyrkänkoski to strike at the Rasti crossroads in Kuhmo, but has to withdraw to its original positions after 16 are killed and 37 wounded.

In Suomussalmi the enemy launches fierce counterattacks in the parish village, at Hulkonniemi and also along the Raate road.

President Kyösti Kallio tours the military hospitals to greet soldiers wounded at the front.

Swedish border: the first group of Finnish American volunteers arrives in Tornio.

Abroad: in a speech at the Vatican, Pope Pius XII condemns the Soviet attack on Finland.

(Click for a larger photo)
Lieutenant Aarne Juutilainen (left) and his men stopping for a Christmas mass. Kollaa, December 24.

Daily losses: 120

Dowly 12-25-15 01:36 PM

Christmas Day 1939 - DAY 26 of Winter War

Eastern Isthmus: in the morning, a fresh Soviet division launches the third wave of the offensive at Taipale, crossing Lake Suvanto in three places: at Sakkola, Kelja and Volosula. The enemy assaults are repulsed everywhere apart from Kelja.

Soviet aircraft bomb 11 localities across Finland, including Hanko, Turku, Tampere, Porvoo, Viipuri and Ilomantsi. Three civilians are killed.

Northern Isthmus: Käkisalmi comes under fire from as many as 50 enemy aircraft.

The author Hella Wuolijoki offers to help the Finnish Government make contact with the Soviet Union with a view to opening negotiations.

Daily losses: 180

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