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iambecomelife 02-17-09 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by DarkFish

Originally Posted by keltos01
then it behaves more like a hedgehog than a dc : direct hit instead of shock wave.

Yes it does. But the stock DDs behave exactly the same (in fact the hedgehogs use the same controller as the DDs) so there won't be a big difference.

Originally Posted by tater
A 5m proximity DC would result in 3 times as many hits, since ALL of the above thirds would actually have hit your sub.

Setting the detonation radius smaller would make it virtually impossible to hit the enemy. Even with 5m it's very hard.
And not many DCs historically detonated within 5m of the sub.

Originally Posted by tater
Each has a different proximity setting. 1 type is set to 1-2 m, another the 5m you have now, another to 10m, and perhaps one to 20-40m.

Now, you dump DCs, and some go off without the possibility of damage, some will shake the sub, others might blow right next to the target. Ideally they'd be loaded sort of randomly on the racks.

Great idea which would solve the issues with the 5m radius. But the problem is that every different type of DC more means a torpedo type less, as I've not been able to successfully clone torpedoes. If someone knows how to add additional torpedo types i'd be very happy to create such a feature.

Did you assign a different hex ID to the new weapons after cloning?

DarkFish 02-17-09 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by iambecomelife
Did you assign a different hex ID to the new weapons after cloning?

You mean remapping? I did, but that's not the problem. All torpedoes have got a certain hex value that determines its type, for example 18=Mk27TorpUS. If I'm right this value (18) is somewhere converted into the string "Mk27TorpUS", which is addressed in the Ammunition.upc file

[Ammunition 13]
NameDisplayable= Mark 27 Cutie Torpedo
Type= AmmoTorpedo
AmmunitionIntervalOptionCurrent= NULL, NULL, 0
AmmunitionIntervalOptions1= 1944-01-01, 1946-12-31, 500
Volume= 1
From testing I've concluded that just leaving this number (18 in this case) doesn't work, as the original torpedo is loaded instead of the edited.
It's not hard to change this hex value into an unused number, but as long as I can't find the file which determines in what string to convert this hex value, I cannot clone torpedoes.
If anyone knows how to add a different torpedo type please post or PM, it'd help a lot.

keltos01 02-17-09 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by tater
If someone knows how to add additional torpedo types i'd be very happy to create such a feature.

I tried a while back to create and add the mk35 and mk28 as supplementary torpedoes to no avail..

Skwasjer said the types, hence the number of torpedoes available was hard coded, I would tend to agree untill proven wrong.


polyfiller 02-18-09 02:34 PM

Tom, Sledge, Ivan, I suggest we adopt a numbering scheme for damage zones for all the ships we are adding to the TSWSM. What I suggest is that we agree a standard number of zones for each ship and "reserve" a block for whichever ship we are zoning ... and for any we don't use from the reserved number, use a defaul name like "Filler 1 ... Filler 2" etc. I'm guessing we would need around 35 unique zones per ship.

For example in zones..cfg ... suggest we agree a starting point ... I've been using the one from the North Carolina (cos it improves damage effects on AI ships). Now the NC uses zones 210 - 246. Now I know the NC won't be in release 1, so let's start with German ships;

210 - 245 - Bismark
245 - 280 - Graf Spee etc.

And if when working on the Bismark we only actually use 31, we would make zones.cfg look like this;

240 = Bismark zone 240 whatever that is
241 = Bismark zone 241 whatever that is
242 = Filler 1 i.e. unused
242 = Filler 2
243 = Filler 3
244 = Filler 4
245 = Graf Spee zone 1

By doing the above we can work damage models independentally and then when we bring them all together in the mod, all we need to do is merge the zones.cfg and NOT rework all the .ZON files and .UPC / UPCGE files.

Thoughts ?

tater 02-18-09 03:46 PM

Oh, I didn't see that skwas said that (he says, well, anything, about the engine and I believe it :) )

BTW, that was not my quote above.



ElephantMemory 02-19-09 03:58 PM

Hey guys, really looking forward to this mod. Great job! I was just wondering if at this moment there is any planned release date? Or maybe an update as to how its coming? I just cannot wait to give this a try.

Thanks guys!

ivank 02-19-09 11:18 PM

I was just playing GWX 3,0 and I noticed that some ships have lighted rooms and portholes. But as far as I know/seen no SH4 ships have lights other than search lights! Does anyone know how I would go about giving both playable and AI ships light?

By the way, I did a patrol with one of my raiders 2 days ago and did horrible, DO NOT attack a North Carolina class BB with a raider!!!! It will not end well:D:nope::damn:
I did even get to target it with my guns or torpes!!:oops:

ElephantMemory 02-20-09 08:41 AM

Do you guys happen to have a current list of the playable ships in the game so far?

ivank 02-22-09 12:11 PM

any ideas?

polyfiller 02-22-09 05:29 PM

Ivan - my SH4 skills prevent me from being able to tell you exactly how to do illumination ... but I used to do exactly that for Freelancer. essnetially it involves adding another texture or even layer texture (DDS files allow this I think). Essentaially you get hold of a standard texture and make the whole thing black ... spaert from the areas you want illuminated - make this white or a very light colour (yellow, blue, whatever). Now I now how to add these to a Freelancer ship model, but no idea how to do it in SH4. Suggest SKWAS would be the man to ask ? Or maybe even direct approach to someone in GWX. In fact I remember the illuminated lights turning up in SH3 before GWX 2 and then they got rolled in to the GWX mod. Check the GWX credits / release notes - sure you'll find something about an illuminated merchants mod in there somewhere.

ivank 02-22-09 05:39 PM

Okay thanks! did you get my email?

ivank 02-22-09 07:05 PM

Help Needed
To be included in TSWSM is my Hilfskreuzer and AMC mod, however I need correct gun placement and other details for my ships.
Atlantis has provided great information to be in the past, however I need something else. Does anyone have blueprints or know a website where I can get blueprints or profile drawings of the German raiders? I have 2 profile pictures as of now but only one of them really helps me!
If you know of any please PM me or post it here!

HK Pinquin:

Sledgehammer427 02-22-09 10:55 PM

well, I would think that the Kormoran would have the same weapon placement as the Pinguin.
I'm sure you checked out to see if they have good enough pictures of the ship to discern the gunports. (if it looks like a large porthole or a vent, go for it.)

But im not sure how to make the ships lighted. Ask the GWX cronies (no offense to the GWX crew, amazing work they will do for GWX 4, methinks)

ivank 02-22-09 11:47 PM

thanks man! going to check out that website now

ivank 02-22-09 11:54 PM

they have no pictures of any of the raiders!

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