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cdrsubron7 10-19-16 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by AOTD_MadMax (Post 2441615)
Where can i get the informations in which area this DD shoot you all to hell ?
It must be located exactly to figure out which group ore single unit got the problem.
Year,time, location.
It must be a problem of a group ore a single unit.

I have to install your current version and then i must analyse all groups in this area for the year in which this spam happend.
Crazy stupid work but the only chance to get it.


After I get home from work tonight I will post a screenie of the area where the last encounter has happened along with the year and time so you can get a better idea of it's occurrence. :yeah:

AOTD_MadMax 10-19-16 06:34 PM

I remember that ive got many problems with the campaign in the ubm-version of FOTRS.

This was a result of converting the campaign from the V1.4 Version of FOTRS.

BTW did you get all ships from V2.0 and the sinking mechanics ?
Ive made the sinking mechanics totaly new for 2.0.
This mechanics was a penalty for impatiant captains in our online-campaigns.
Most ships will sink by 1 or 2 torps but it will take a bit of time, sometimes a tanker need nearly one hour to get fully flooded.
Impatiant captains will fire more torps on it as needed so their total result of the battle was less then the old experienced captains got.
Take a smoke, drink a beer and watch what happend, gravity is stronger then a bilge pump :03:

I have seen some screens with old ships from V1.3 of FOTRS.
In V2.0 most of them are replaced with better once and others are totally gone cause they have made problems and some are not needed in a pacific campaign. I remember an old tanker who make some back to desk failures.
I have to look in my folders, there should be a nearly finished version of a V2.0 UBM-Version with totally reworked campaign, complaining to the V2.0 Roster, perhaps this is usefull.


cdrsubron7 10-19-16 07:32 PM

The screenie below is the area where the destroyers appeared. They where heard on sonar first. The time was 09:30 and date was May 15, 1944.

The two screenies below are pic of the actual destroyers.

Rockin Robbins 10-19-16 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2441544)
I've got Office 2010 because my ex-employer gave it to us through an employee incentive program, else I wouldn't mess with it at all. I had Office 97 and liked it. This "Toolbar-Ribbon" thingie in 2010 is weird. Can't find anything in the app anymore - but... free is free :lol:

What works best then? I can export CSV, Tab delimited, ODS (Open Doc Spreadsheet), DIF (Data Interchange Format) or PDF. I'm not sure of the capabilities / limitations of anything other than CSV & TD...

I think everybody can read and write .xls, so that's what we should use. You can actually read and write .ods with Office 2010? That would certainly be a new leaf for Microsoft, although they still insist on ignoring any Linux partition and refuse even to give one a drive letter.

propbeanie 10-21-16 05:42 AM

I've not kept up with all things MS (and Novell and A+, etc.) like I used to in my younger days, so I'm not sure how compliant they are with the Open Document format, or if they 'invented' their own version of the spec, but yeah, it's in there...

I'll have to edit that file come Monday or Tuesday, since I had s7rikeback put the Minekaze, Momi, Momi II, & the Wakatake back to Type=3 to match 'Stock' again.

Rockin Robbins 10-25-16 07:05 PM

Thanks propbeanie. S7rikeback is making that happen and eliminating all the broken ships he can find (believe me that's a lot). We'll release v0.27 based on your and s7rikeback's work, just to get a functional mod back on the table and give cdrsubron7 a stable platform to optimize his missions on.

propbeanie 10-25-16 10:13 PM

There are a couple other files in there now for team viewing, and hopefully, I'll have a bit more to add to it later. What I want to do is have ALL the names a ship can be in the game, along with the Type it is, along with the countries that use that particular vessel. I have had several false starts with that, but I have made progress. I'm just not sure if I'm going forward or backward yet...

Anyway, running the first of several Replace functions on the Campaign as we speak, and I hope I'd be done by this time tomorrow with that. We'll have to see. s7rikeback with his last few updates has got the ships - or so it seems - "fixed" for the most part, with only the "Old Fast Merchant" crashing the Museum. Unfortunately, *EVERY* country uses that vessel, whatever it is. Over on the black hole site, I mention the confusion of multiple names for things, so I'm not too sure about what the "base" vessel of the "Old Fast Merchant" is. It is NOT named like that on any of the lists I've got, at least, not as an "Old Fast Merchant"... There is one airplane without a skin in the Museum, and one ship without a flag, at least, that I saw. There might be more,.. sort-of old eyes...

I can't figure out why that ship crashes the Museum, nor can I figure out why that third Red Cross vessel doesn't show in the Museum. S7rikeback is much more acclimated to looking through all that jibberish, and probably already has most of it fixed...

When I get this list finished, I think I'll make it "public", so everyone can see the sheer volume of vessels and airplanes they will encounter *anywhere* in the game with Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate Edition. It sure is good to see AOTD_MadMax posting here also. I sure hope he likes the finished work... |;^) - oh! forgot to mention the Kingfisher float plane thingie that CapnScurvy had issues with. Over on the black hole site is a run-down of what I can "see", with no conclusions or suggestions, just a meandering diatribe... :lol:

Rockin Robbins 10-26-16 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2442802)
When I get this list finished, I think I'll make it "public", so everyone can see the sheer volume of vessels and airplanes they will encounter *anywhere* in the game with Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate Edition. It sure is good to see AOTD_MadMax posting here also. I sure hope he likes the finished work... |;^) - oh! forgot to mention the Kingfisher float plane thingie that CapnScurvy had issues with. Over on the black hole site is a run-down of what I can "see", with no conclusions or suggestions, just a meandering diatribe... :lol:

Absolutely make the list public. You might even put the post in the Wolves of the Pacific forum instead of the Mods forum so more people will see it. We're taking this long to publish for very good reasons.

FOTRS Ultimate exists because I've always loved Mad Max's work and the FOTRS mod. I've always considered it to be a pretty close analog to the GWX mod for SH3, the ultimate eye-candy mod with good game play. When I saw FOTRS vanishing site by site from the Internet and nobody playing it it looked to me that Max's work was going to vanish, so I decided not to let that happen. I found and uploaded FOTRS 1.2, 1.3 and 1.5 to Subsim.

Then I saw all the goodies in 1.5, a major, major step forward in sound and graphics that just floored me. And it had the only custom sinking mod since WernerSobe's NSM. But 1.5 wasn't appropriate for Subsim because it's for SH4 v1.4, which next to nobody plays, it has a campaign made for multiplayer, which next to nobody here plays, it has AI set for super inhuman viciousness, which takes cooperative multiplayer to be able to survive.

Not knowing how to pull it off, I took a leap of faith and announced the FOTRS Ultimate Project. There's a great team working on the problem and I have no doubt that we can put Mad Max on the map again. Whatever we do to it, this is his work, changed as little as possible to make it appropriate for Subsim players. So I'm honored to have him check in to our thread and offer assistance.:salute:

Our goal is nothing short of being the default mod that people pick to play SH4, replacing TMO. Vegas has us at even odds.

propbeanie 10-26-16 09:46 AM

Well, in the Black Hole is a confession... :lol: - s7rikeback had already done a spreadsheet very close to what I wanted to do, so I just edited it a pinch for printing-on-paper ease (I want to be able to use it for what I'm doing now). I'll leave the "release" of the sheet to s7rikeback since it's his work. I just needs me better eyes or reading specs - or, I need to get rid of some of this fancy "modern" software I have, so I can "see" that someone has already invented the wheel... :yeah:

:salute: to s7rikeback

Rockin Robbins 10-26-16 12:26 PM

That's pretty good. Great minds think alike, you know.

I have a confession of my own. I've been doing a little "moonlighting" (pun intended) in the General Topics/PC Hardware/Software forum in the Let's Install Linux on Moonlight's Spare Computer! thread.

In doing so I've broken a little Subsim ground by being the first person to post embedded You Tube videos in a post. It shortens up a post remarkably by keeping me from doing my screenshot, explanation, screenshot, explanation, repeat as necessary merry go round. And since the videos are stored at You Tube they put no load at all on Subsim!

If you've ever been curious about installing Linux on a computer and using it to play Silent Hunter 4, for the first time we have step by step directions and a few side journeys in that thread. The side trips help explain what is happening in the Linux universe that's different from the Windows universe.

I figured that was appropriate because all my work on Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate Edition is being performed on a Linux computer. All my posting, all my video production, sound mixing and uploading to You Tube is from a Linux computer using free open source software exclusively.

propbeanie 10-26-16 03:04 PM

Not to go too far Off Topic, but *very* interesting... I've still got a Linux box between my ISP router and my hardware "switch" on the home network, mostly using it as a "rabbit hole" for potential hackers. I haven't had any attempts at break-ins in quite a while, especially since I quit "hosting" a server... I'm not sure I can remember what / how I did that install (what?? 10-12 years ago?? more??) - I do remember using a two inch thick Linux computer book to help in the process (makes a great hammer), so your posts along those lines will be most helpful here in a few months. Back when I made my box, there was no such thing as running Windows games on Linux, and them actually working, much less running better than on Windows...

Rockin Robbins 10-26-16 03:48 PM

Back then Linux was strictly for nuts and bolts computer hobbyists. Now it's all different. Linux is ready for prime time and nobody cares. It's amazing. And now, snatching defeat from the jaws of complete victory, Microsoft has decided that customers are chumps to be fooled and taken advantage of, not valued sources of their success.

It's the perfect time for them to do that stupid people trick. Most people can make the switch to Linux and never think about Microsoft again. Microsoft wouldn't even be missed.

AVGWarhawk 10-26-16 07:29 PM

How's business? Looking forward to taking this mod for a drive or dive:06::hmmm:

cdrsubron7 10-27-16 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 2442971)
How's business? Looking forward to taking this mod for a drive or dive:06::hmmm:

We're making some headway, but things are moving kinda slow at the moment. :03:

Rockin Robbins 10-27-16 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 2442971)
How's business? Looking forward to taking this mod for a drive or dive:06::hmmm:

I'll send you a copy of Beta 0.27 when we're ready. We have some wonky behavior going right now I'm not happy with. The campaign is also too difficult for single player play. Makes TMO look easy at the moment.

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