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propbeanie 12-11-20 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Macgregor the Hammer (Post 2713003)
Capnscurvy's SCAF has been a great additon! A couple questions:

Have magnification levels changed?

Has the field of view and graticules been corrected?

Great mod! :salute:

FotRSU does not have SCAF. That is "Ship Centered Accuracy Fix". A portion of it is in FotRSU, but most of the ships do indeed use the mast as their targeting reference point. DanielCoffey re-did all of the RecMan images, and those that were from CapnScurvy's mod, for the most part, did keep their red reference lines, but DanielCoffey measured the ships in Blender, and are now more accurate than ever, even if they weren't drawn "historically" correct. The ShipName.cfg files have all been updated to reflect his work. CapnScurvy did include all of his optics fixes, so yes, the deck view, the bridge view, the binoculars, the guns sights, the periscopes, etc., have all been "fixed" for accuracy, so we have the best of both worlds. The only thing missing?... CapnScurvy was considering attempting to do a version of OTC for FotRSU, but he has been busy restoring a 55 Mercury motor vehicle lately instead. Now that we're approaching another winter, maybe he'll stop by and let us know some one of these days if he is inclined to do so... Don't hold your breath though - he might have a heated garage, and may have even inhaled too many paint fumes... :roll: :arrgh!: :salute:

RedHammer 12-11-20 09:15 PM

Is there somewhere I can go to troubleshoot issues with the mod on more or less a live basis?
Been googling and searching but most I can find is outdated information from half a decade ago.

Macgregor the Hammer 12-11-20 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2713043)
FotRSU does not have SCAF. That is "Ship Centered Accuracy Fix". A portion of it is in FotRSU, but most of the ships do indeed use the mast as their targeting reference point. DanielCoffey re-did all of the RecMan images, and those that were from CapnScurvy's mod, for the most part, did keep their red reference lines, but DanielCoffey measured the ships in Blender, and are now more accurate than ever, even if they weren't drawn "historically" correct. The ShipName.cfg files have all been updated to reflect his work. CapnScurvy did include all of his optics fixes, so yes, the deck view, the bridge view, the binoculars, the guns sights, the periscopes, etc., have all been "fixed" for accuracy, so we have the best of both worlds. The only thing missing?... CapnScurvy was considering attempting to do a version of OTC for FotRSU, but he has been busy restoring a 55 Mercury motor vehicle lately instead. Now that we're approaching another winter, maybe he'll stop by and let us know some one of these days if he is inclined to do so... Don't hold your breath though - he might have a heated garage, and may have even inhaled too many paint fumes... :roll: :arrgh!: :salute:

Thanks for the clarification. I saw the red lined reference silhouettes and I was overcome with a warm fuzzy feeling....:haha: As you know, I've been using Capnscurvy's OTC in TMO and really loving it. Having red lined reference points is still a step in the right direction. I still love the mod and think it's your best work yet.


PS. Inhaling paint fumes is highly underated.......

Mandrisk 12-12-20 07:56 AM

Thanks for this great mod that is giving me so many hours of fun, I believe it's my favourite.

Cybermat47 12-12-20 09:04 AM

The Bismarck Sea is an interesting hunting ground. Slipping in between Umboi Island and Long Island is basically a guarantee of finding a Japanese sampan (at least in January 1944), and there’s a decent amount of oceangoing Japanese merchant ships headed to Rabaul from the rough direction of Manus Island.

You’ll have full fuel tanks too, as there’s a submarine tender nearby at Tulagi. And from what I’ve found in some casual research, it’s historically accurate to head there from Brisbane to refuel before heading to your patrol area.

There are lots of air contacts, but they’re mainly USAAF, USN, or RAAF aircraft. Don’t be surprised if they blow up a sampan or crippled steamer right before you attack it. Plus, you can rescue the aircrews of friendly aircraft that do get shot down. I’m dragging an Avenger crewman with me to the Truk-Saipan-Palau triangle right now after I sank the split merchant that shot him and his wingman down. Sinking that steamer did seem to get the IJN aviation’s attention, though.

Mandrisk 12-12-20 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Cybermat47 (Post 2713165)
The Bismarck Sea is an interesting hunting ground. Slipping in between Umboi Island and Long Island is basically a guarantee of finding a Japanese sampan (at least in January 1944), and there’s a decent amount of oceangoing Japanese merchant ships headed to Rabaul from the rough direction of Manus Island.

You’ll have full fuel tanks too, as there’s a submarine tender nearby at Tulagi. And from what I’ve found in some casual research, it’s historically accurate to head there from Brisbane to refuel before heading to your patrol area.

There are lots of air contacts, but they’re mainly USAAF, USN, or RAAF aircraft. Don’t be surprised if they blow up a sampan or crippled steamer right before you attack it. Plus, you can rescue the aircrews of friendly aircraft that do get shot down. I’m dragging an Avenger crewman with me to the Truk-Saipan-Palau triangle right now after I sank the split merchant that shot him and his wingman down. Sinking that steamer did seem to get the IJN aviation’s attention, though.

Yes these are the kind of stories that I meant with "hours of fun" :):03:

propbeanie 12-12-20 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by RedHammer (Post 2713055)
Is there somewhere I can go to troubleshoot issues with the mod on more or less a live basis?
Been googling and searching but most I can find is outdated information from half a decade ago.

We don't have anything set-up for that RedHammer, but we might attempt something like that in the future... I'll have to think of whether something like Discord would work for that, or what... with Discord, you can "stream" your game-play, and voice-chat, as well as text. Give us a few weeks to think that through, and what the ramifications are...

In the meantime, if you will, describe your issue as best you can. Some important information (besides describing the symptoms) would be some of your computer details, such as cpu type, the amount of RAM you have in the system, the video system and the Operating System (OS). As an example, this computer I am on now is an old Core2Duo quad core, running at 1.8GHz with 8 gig of RAM, with an nVidia GTX 560 Ti video card, going into a 1920x1080 ViewSonic 27" monitor, and running Windows 10 64-bit. You don't have to get into the details that much, but if you do know, great. Knowing the OS and whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit is important though. You can type "SysInfo" into the Windows Search bar, and it will load up way more than you would need, but it is all in there...

Next in importance is the game set-up itself. Of primary concern is "Where do you have the game installed?" The install routine of most versions of the game will put you into a "Program Files" folder on the computer, whether you do Steam with "C:\Program Files (x86) \Steam \SteamApps \common \Silent Hunter Wolves of the Pacific", or Ubisoft's UPlay, with with their folder structure set-up, or the older disk versions where it went into "C:\Program Files (x86) \Ubisoft \Silent Hunter Wolves of the Pacific", they all dump the program into what is a "protected" folder, of which Windows will rollback any attempts to "mod" the folder, and then you have a messed-up game. So let us know where it is installed, and which vendor you purchased from, and we can direct how to resolve that.

Of secondary importance is the Save folder. The game runs off of the information it deposits into the "C:\Users \UserName \Documents \SH4", yet the game will not update the info there after you activate a mod, and the folder has to be emptied to pull in the new info. Navigate into that "SH4" folder and delete everything below that, and the next time you start the game, it will re-create the folder with the new information for the mod. This will of course, delete any and all progress you've made thus far, and will re-set the video stream as well as other user-defined settings you may have made, taking you back to the Stock game's settings.

Let us know though, and someone will attempt to help you. You could also dig into the Support folder and consult a few pdf documents there ("ActivatingFOTRSU.pdf" or "Install Notes For the Various Versions of SH4 in Windows.pdf"), or refer to the first page and posts of this thread, or the download posting on SubSim, both of which have some basic info in them.

Texas Red 12-12-20 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by the beast (Post 2712891)
Feburary 1944
USS Balao, Balao class submarine

I've seen other people complain about their deck guns missing on Balao and Tench classes on this thread. I have never had that issue until now when I received my Balao class submarine. I believe I had already had the Balao for a patrol or two before mentioning this issue of a missing deck gun.
I have tried a fix or two and nothing seems to be working. There is no upgrade slot in the "Upgrades" section in the bunker, yet there are still crews slots in the crew section.

What fixes can I use to fix the issue?

TIA :salute:

Does anyone know how I can fix my issue? I would really like my deck guns back, lol.

propbeanie 12-12-20 11:52 AM

I had been looking for my posting on this from a bit ago, and it was definitely further back than what I remembered... but refer to Post #2027 Possible Deck Gun Fix For Failed Balao Boat Upgrade for the proper "technique" with FotRSU, which has four crewmen instead of Stock's four, or RFB's seven. If you still have the crewmen, you might not have to alter that part, but you def don't have a listing in the SubName.upc file for the gun itself. You might find one on the other end that is not activated, but the end that you are supposed to have one, will not have the full listing, as noted in that post above. Let us know how you get along!

Front Runner 12-12-20 08:02 PM

Merry Christmas Tojo!
Well, I made it to my patrol area at 1X, arriving near Tokyo on December 24, 1941 Pearl Harbor base time, which would make it December 25, 1941 in Japan.
Just after sunset on December 23, 1941 I made contact with a merchant coming north right behind me. I made a successful approach and sank her.
Then on December 24, 1941, just after I surfaced for the night to head west into my patrol area, I made contact with a convoy consisting of a Tone Class Heavy Cruiser, sank her (3 hits) using Dick O'Kane method, attacked a Chitose Seaplane tender, damaged her (3 hits), I later did an end around and attacked and sank her and another merchant. I used all of my deck gun ammo trying to sink the Chitose before I put the final fish in her and while I was at that, I sank another small merchant with the deck gun. A total of 5, 2 warships, 3 merchants. I am now out of deck gun ammo and I am out of torpedoes, and that was on the first day in my patrol area. 4 out of the 5 ships sunk were in the patrol area. All were dark of night attacks by the way.
Now what? Do I return to base without completing my assignment to stay in my patrol area for 10 days?
I suppose I could infiltrate Tokyo Bay and take pictures...

Seriously, what happens if I return to Pearl without completing my assignment?

Merry Christmas Tojo!


Cybermat47 12-12-20 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Front Runner (Post 2713345)
Now what? Do I return to base without completing my assignment to stay in my patrol area for 10 days?
I suppose I could infiltrate Tokyo Bay and take pictures...

Seriously, what happens if I return to Pearl without completing my assignment?


KaleunMarco 12-12-20 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Front Runner (Post 2713345)
Seriously, what happens if I return to Pearl without completing my assignment?

did you have any completed Objectives listed in the radio screen (F8)?

if you had at least one, you should get credit for a successful patrol.
if not, then the five ships you sunk will offset the negative points of the missed objective.

how successful were your previous patrols?

it all matters. (:-))

Front Runner 12-13-20 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2713359)
did you have any completed Objectives listed in the radio screen (F8)?

if you had at least one, you should get credit for a successful patrol.
if not, then the five ships you sunk will offset the negative points of the missed objective.

how successful were your previous patrols?

it all matters. (:-))

Thanks. I guess I'll be taking pictures of Tokyo Bay.
This was the boat's (USS Gudgeon) first wartime patrol out of Pearl, I departed at 0600 12/9/1941, stopped at Midway to refuel, cruised at 12 knots and arrived at patrol area during the early morning hours of 12/24/1941 Pearl Harbor Base Time, which is 12/25/1941 Tokyo Time.

What speed in knots is "One Engine Speed"?

After reviewing Silent Victory, I may have been cruising too fast at 12 knots.

I made the transit from Pearl to Midway to Empire Waters at 1X time. I am now using a mix of 1X and time compression to finish the patrol.

Cybermat47 12-13-20 09:38 AM

I've started a guide to historical gameplay for FotRSU for those who are interested, the link is in my signature.

Texas Red 12-13-20 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2713211)
I had been looking for my posting on this from a bit ago, and it was definitely further back than what I remembered... but refer to Post #2027 Possible Deck Gun Fix For Failed Balao Boat Upgrade for the proper "technique" with FotRSU, which has four crewmen instead of Stock's four, or RFB's seven. If you still have the crewmen, you might not have to alter that part, but you def don't have a listing in the SubName.upc file for the gun itself. You might find one on the other end that is not activated, but the end that you are supposed to have one, will not have the full listing, as noted in that post above. Let us know how you get along!

It did not work for god knows whatever reason. I was in the bunker and I checked the upgrades section and there was no upgrade slot for the deck gun. Maybe I did something wrong in the file editing?
Here is my ActivePlayersUnits.upc file:

Can you tell me if I did something wrong?

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