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Dowly 10-10-11 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rilder (Post 1764787)
It was like a ferret downloading a million bytes and was suddenly playing something.

The saddest thing is that I actually gave it a thought. :O:

kiwi_2005 10-22-11 06:42 AM

Crom! The wheel of pain! :o

Oberon 10-22-11 11:29 AM

So, things are going quite well for the English Republic (Don't know why it's a Republic, I have a Monarch and a Parliament, bit odd). The first war of our history was with the Zulus who we thrashed, we took the Mali under our wing at the time and they helped in defeating Shaka alongside Operational Army Group BASOD (Big Ass Stack Of Death). Then the French plead for our help, and they came into our Empire...they were at war with the Arabians at the time so we wound up at war with them too. BASOD captured Baghdad and Mecca before the Arabians capitulated and came under the English umbrella. The Ottomans, Egyptians and Portugese, obviously in awe of the BASOD came to us shortly after. So now it's the English, the Americans, the Russians, the Ethiopians, the Mayans, the Spanish and the Aztecs on the world stage. The Mayans, Aztecs and Spanish are a minor sideshow to the four major powers of Ethiopia, England, America and Russia.
America isn't a threat, they have a defensive alliance with me, and they are too far away to be troublesome. Russia is a problem but they have constant internal the moment the Vikings have risen up to challenge the Russians, they will be crushed within the decade...again.
Which leaves my next door neighbour...Ethiopia. They ARE a problem. The BASOD is sitting on their border, just in case...but I don't think they'll start anything, because if they do then half the planet will declare war on them.
It's all a bit Europe 1910 at the moment...but at least I currently have the technological edge. For the moment.

Oberon 10-23-11 10:43 AM

Civ IV does not have dynamic conversations with world leaders, not even with the Rise of Mankind mod...but if it did, a recent conversation between myself and the leader of the Malinese would have gone a little like this.

Me: "I see there are some Zulus in my back garden now."
Mali: "Erm."
Me: "I thought I wiped them out."
Mali: "Well...they came back...they wanted their city back..."
Me: "Yes, and soon they will want the other cities I took off them back...and I don't like it when that happens. See, I gave that city to you so that the Zulus wouldn't come back again..."
Mali: "Well..."
Me: "So this time I'm going to make sure they don't come back...I'll burn down the bloody city and build another one in its place and I'll name it Rorkes Bloody Drift! If that doesn't keep them away I don't know what will!"
Mali: "What's Rorkes Drift?"

Dowly 10-26-11 07:53 AM

Hey! Where you're going!? And where are you taking my rugs!?! :stare:

Note to self: When placing ro*******s, check if you're cutting an entire block off of religious buildings. :damn:

EDIT: R-o-a-d-b-l-o-c-k-s :hmmm:

Spike88 10-26-11 08:14 AM

Ad block is a curse now?

I remember playing a lot of Pharaoh when I was younger. I loved that game.

There was another one made by the same people(I think) set in Ancient Greece with gods and their monsters, happen to know what it's called?

Edit: Nevermind it's Zeus: Master of Olympus. Need to get these games again if I say so myself.

Crécy 10-26-11 08:52 AM

Ah, Pharaoh. Oh, the nostalgia.

Dowly 10-26-11 09:20 AM

Caesar III and Pharaoh are the best city building games I've played. :yep:

Think Pharaoh takes the #1 spot b/c of the monument building and easier control
over water/food/etc. :hmmm:

HunterICX 10-26-11 09:45 AM

Aaah Pharaoh...good times :D
yeah liked it over Caesar III, guess it's the Egyptian theme that I liked better.


Spike88 10-28-11 08:51 PM
Took this the other day. It's from the Portsmouth direct line.

Oberon 10-29-11 07:14 AM

I really need to reinstall Railworks...something down the line (pardon the expression) has gone very wrong and my framerates have fallen through the floor, particularly on the WCML. Alas, I suspect the Armstrong Powerhouse lighting pack might have something to do with it...which is annoying because it's damn good.

Nippelspanner 10-29-11 11:40 AM

Flying the Hog
"In Formation"
Damages from a ZSU-23. Left engine, left MFCD and some other systems as well as the brakes have been damaged. I limped to the divert airport and crash-landed successfully
Tiblisi-Lochini (IIRC). My A-10C during shut down sequence...
"Splash - Target destroyed!"
A Shilka took a direkt hit from my wingmans (Crapshoot) GBU-12

Spike88 10-29-11 03:41 PM

Nice pictures you have there, I especially like the hog on the runway with the sunset in the background.

If you're not aware, there is a section of the forums dedicated to Flightsims, there's a topic for posting flight sim pictures, a topic dedicated to the A-10c, and a topic dedicated to our weekly A-10c shenanigans on Arc's server.

Spike88 10-29-11 04:25 PM

A Day in Oblivion
Running in the woods South West of Cheydinhal
A wild rat appears.
Spike uses sword, it's super effective.
I spy people in the distance, and get ready to fight. Turns out they're Daedric worshipers, so I left them alone.
I find a giant rock on my way back to Cheydinhal
Touching it I get a pair of conjured gauntlets, and a dagger. Although I have no chance to use them as I'm on my way back to the Fighters guild to call it a night. In the morning I journey to the Imperial City(by foot!) and then Anvil(by foot!)

Nippelspanner 10-29-11 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Spike88 (Post 1776540)
Nice pictures you have there, I especially like the hog on the runway with the sunset in the background.

If you're not aware, there is a section of the forums dedicated to Flightsims, there's a topic for posting flight sim pictures, a topic dedicated to the A-10c, and a topic dedicated to our weekly A-10c shenanigans on Arc's server.

Thx, the Shot you´ve mentioned, is actually my Desktop wallpaper...

I was not aware of an existing thread like this... ahh, bummer...:damn:

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