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Bubblehead1980 10-27-21 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan (Post 2776148)


What's that ol' expression... ahh, 2 heads being better than 1... No sweat, was glad to be of.. assistance. :shucks: :yep:



M. M.


Any updates on S Boat? I added the Battle of Komandorski Islands and with some changes, major warships now engage at longer, more realistic distance. Was pretty cool to watch them battle it out over about three hours (like the real engagement) and it ended pretty much the same as actual battle did, except one US DD was sunk. Going to get the DD and CL firing torpedoes at some point, should get really interesting then. Testing out the BB's this evening, see what ranges will engage other large ships at.

Mad Mardigan 10-27-21 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 2776163)

Any updates on S Boat? I added the Battle of Komandorski Islands and with some changes, major warships now engage at longer, more realistic distance. Was pretty cool to watch them battle it out over about three hours (like the real engagement) and it ended pretty much the same as actual battle did, except one US DD was sunk. Going to get the DD and CL firing torpedoes at some point, should get really interesting then. Testing out the BB's this evening, see what ranges will engage other large ships at.

Hoping to see of tolling about in the ol' "Sugar" boat... later this evening...

R/L has been.. a tad rough of late & is looking to.. improve a bit... finally.

Will look forward to the update to pulling out from the proper docks there at Cavite, instead of Manilla at the Phiippines... & to watch the big boys duke it out at longer range with other big boys...

Am working on like you... investigating getting a proper.. pip pip cheerio right jolly We dive at Dawn going... with the T class, looking as it should... to go out as a Brit skipper... :shucks:

Only thing I won't be able to do.. is get a right proper, Brit voices... *sighs* a shame.. as that would really round that set out, right. :yep: That, & the IJN mod set... ahh welll... small steps...


M. M.

Bubblehead1980 10-29-21 07:50 PM

Back when I released the TMO Update, I made a honest oversight and somehow left out a thanks to s7rikeback in the credits I planned to remedy this in the next release README but should not have let it go on this long. s7rikeback helped me quite a bit and has even whipped up proper .dat so the two gun boats can carry depth charges, which I hope to have in next release of the TMO Update.

If I ever leave anyone out, it is not on purpose, let me know and will remedy it, quickly this time lol.

Thanks again, s7rikeback:Kaleun_Salute:

Niume 10-30-21 12:42 PM

Could you perhaps create one big file to download?

Bubblehead1980 10-30-21 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Niume (Post 2776529)
Could you perhaps create one big file to download?

I plan to try, but the download is already quite large at over 1 gig. Neal had upload it because subsim did not want to take such a large file. The ship packs are separate for that and other logistical reasons,/ I added a lot of ships,( lost count) and of course a lot of files associated with them, some conflict so things had to be balanced to work. The README gives proper order. . The optional mods included in download are as explained in the README.

Bubblehead1980 10-30-21 02:08 PM

Area 5 Info
I have had questions about traffic in area five in Spring-Summer 1944-end of war.

In August 1944, USS Tang patrolled Area 5 after two boats on two previous patrols that spring and summer returned with no sinkings in what had been since start of the war, a very busy shipping corridor.

Turns out, Japanese were running the ships along the coast, often just a couple thousand yards off the beach, between Ise and Suruga Bays, then Ise Bay over to the Kii Suido. From there, would use Inland Sea where of course, no submarine could go. Travel the coast mostly during day, to avoid submarine attack.

I modeled this shift( there and elsewhere at appropriate times) into the campaign traffic. So if in area five, you will have to operate in the shallows, often going into the shallows to attack. This requires hit and run tactics and careful consideration of where and when to attack. Tang would attack and make the turn for deeper waters, going to high speed once enemy alerted by torpedo impacts. This works in SH 4. There is a bit of traffic, some with local escorts, some make the run unescorted. Due to the daily surface air patrols and presence of shore batteries, will have to patrol submerged by day, surface to charge at night, then move along coast at night, dive again.

Honestly, it is one of the more challenging patrol areas. Enemy assistance in form or aircraft and surface vessels on patrol are never far away and often will respond once your presence is known. Like I said, requires hit and run tactics and careful consideration.

Also cool factor, yesterday I sunk a tanker there, which took an hour to sink (empty tanker, Longer sinker times mod) and beached itself after taking two torpedoes. (will post screenshots soon)

Mav87th 11-02-21 03:05 AM

Magnificent Bubblehead.

I dont know if you have added it all ready, but in 1944 O'Kane chased convoys west of Truk (Chuuk) that escaped by sailing into Hitchfield Bank, Gray Feather Bank and Mogami Bank in the sea west of Truk.

And he also describes exactly as you have above, how the shipping in the East China Sea were hugging the coastlines. Having him ground the sub in one occasion with the front of the sub while shooting.......

Bubblehead1980 11-02-21 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by Mav87th (Post 2776802)
Magnificent Bubblehead.

I dont know if you have added it all ready, but in 1944 O'Kane chased convoys west of Truk (Chuuk) that escaped by sailing into Hitchfield Bank, Gray Feather Bank and Mogami Bank in the sea west of Truk.

And he also describes exactly as you have above, how the shipping in the East China Sea were hugging the coastlines. Having him ground the sub in one occasion with the front of the sub while shooting.......

Yes, the convoys TANG attacked off Truk and Marianas in February 1944 on on first patrol are present in the campaign and do pass through grayfeather and mogami banks. I added them as of the update. .:Kaleun_Salute: Operation Hailstone on February 17, with mass airstrikes, downed pilots, warships fleeing etc are present as well. Very busy are during that time.

I basically modeled all of the the targets TANG encountered into the campaign to be a correct time and place within parameters of the sim, based on O Kane's memoir "CLEAR THE BRIDGE!" and the official war patrol reports. So if player wishes, can do all of the patrols and has a chance of finding targets representing those attacked by TANG. I did this for some other boats as well such as WAHOO, DRUM, TAMBOR etc.

My current career is with the TANG actually, I just finished up the 4th war patrol in Area 5, so was in coastal waters, it was tough busy and tough. I'll be adding the patrol report tomorrow. Finally just added the report for the third patrol, which closely matched TANG's real life patrol.

The big convoy TANG attacked on surface in shallow waters in Koshiki Straits June 1944...12 escorts around 7 or 8 big ships, yes it is there. Now that can do realistic night surface attacks in TMO, can try and pull it off as O Kane did. I tried going through side etc but could not get it, so approached from astern as he did, slipped past an escort at about 1800 yards, talk about tense moments. Got inside, sunk four ships, was chased, shot at, etc. Pretty intense, lot of fun. I then went on to the Yellow Sea as Tang did, sunk nine ships total. Only recreated the NIKKIN MARU in the Yellow Sea that she sunk on 30 June, but made sure there was reasonable amount of traffic.

Hopefully tomorrow evening can start the fifth patrol to Formosa Straits, I have the boat loaded with 24 MK 18's, the big convoy she attacked in her final action will be there, have it set up where they are strung out in one long column. I've never attacked it since added so not 100 percent sure what to expect, shallow waters in Formosa Strait, China Coast, a lot of night surface action for sure.

Mav87th 11-02-21 03:50 AM


Way cool Bubblehead :Kaleun_Salute:

Bubblehead1980 11-08-21 07:11 PM

Wondering if you guys are getting duds after 7/25/43?

I just completed a patrol August 15-October 9, 1943 and no duds with MK 14 entire time, supposed to get a lot of duds after magnetic detonator is disabled in June 43 until late September 43, but ten torpedoes fired(other eight fired on patrol were new MK 18, all of which ran deep, even at minimum depth settings) were MK 14, no one dud and all hit at broad angles. Wondering if it was a fluke or if need to do some adjustment.

Mad Mardigan 11-08-21 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 2777842)
Wondering if you guys are getting duds after 7/25/43?

I just completed a patrol August 15-October 9, 1943 and no duds with MK 14 entire time, supposed to get a lot of duds after magnetic detonator is disabled in June 43 until late September 43, but ten torpedoes fired(other eight fired on patrol were new MK 18, all of which ran deep, even at minimum depth settings) were MK 14, no one dud and all hit at broad angles. Wondering if it was a fluke or if need to do some adjustment.

As in real life... skippers in the latter stages, did have times when they had... a good or as good as was humanly possible, considering... fortune of having a good batch of torps. As they did have some times when they'd have torps go off, as they were supposed to. Granted not all the times... :hmmm:

Would hold back on looking at poking about in the guts, just yet... wait until after say at base minimum, 1 more patrol... better still... 2 more past that last patrol.

As for the time frame, can't say... haven't gotten that far yet & won;t be, for a bit yet.

Am in an emergency situation right nw... My Dell desktop, is in death throes... & am struggling to get what is needed, to do a snatch & grab.. of important files & folders off the HD, before it dies entirely.

My only saving grace is.. I have a 2nd tower, just need to see of getting it prepped & ready for taking the place of My dying Dell tower... :shucks:

Have an external HD on the way... to do the snatch & grab. Then, is only the process of getting the other tower prepped to take the place of the Dell. :yep:

So, am gonna be on silent running for a bit... until I can get that done.

I liken the Dell, to losing a sub to depth charges...

Hopefully, won't take long to get things set up & rolling... until then...

Fair winds, smooth seas &... Good huntin'. :arrgh!:


M. M.

Bubblehead1980 11-08-21 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan (Post 2777848)
As in real life... skippers in the latter stages, did have times when they had... a good or as good as was humanly possible, considering... fortune of having a good batch of torps. As they did have some times when they'd have torps go off, as they were supposed to. Granted not all the times... :hmmm:

Would hold back on looking at poking about in the guts, just yet... wait until after say at base minimum, 1 more patrol... better still... 2 more past that last patrol.

As for the time frame, can't say... haven't gotten that far yet & won;t be, for a bit yet.

Am in an emergency situation right nw... My Dell desktop, is in death throes... & am struggling to get what is needed, to do a snatch & grab.. of important files & folders off the HD, before it dies entirely.

My only saving grace is.. I have a 2nd tower, just need to see of getting it prepped & ready for taking the place of My dying Dell tower... :shucks:

Have an external HD on the way... to do the snatch & grab. Then, is only the process of getting the other tower prepped to take the place of the Dell. :yep:

So, am gonna be on silent running for a bit... until I can get that done.

I liken the Dell, to losing a sub to depth charges...

Hopefully, won't take long to get things set up & rolling... until then...

Fair winds, smooth seas &... Good huntin'. :arrgh!:


M. M.

Yes, that is why I asked on here, to see if it was just me, a fluke or if similar trends for other users.

The patrol I had previously, I had some duds, not as many as thought should have for time period but a few. Then the next patrol started August 15, 1943 and had no duds entire patrol as mentioned.

How it is designed in my mod, to reflect reality (and a message from command goes out at appropriate time in August 1943) is that torpedoes impacting at angles 45 or less have a fairly low chance or dud, those impacting above have highest, which is how it was. The standard "broadside" shots submariners were trained to attack caused firing pin in exploder to not function properly.

Next patrol in this career is November 1943 so all MK 14 problems are corrected. Will have to load up and use a test career I suppose.

Oh man, hate to hear about your situation! I have a desktop have had a long time, which I use for SH 4 only, keep it so dont have to deal with the Windows 10 etc nonsense and runs great but as they age, never know. Have a newer pc and new laptop for professional and personal matters aside from SH 4. I need to make sure everything is backed up, never know what could happen.

Best of luck to you, keep us updated.:Kaleun_Wink:

Mad Mardigan 11-10-21 02:22 PM

Re: No joy in Mudville...
Tried valiantly, to save My games/saves from the C drive, but.. No such luck.

As soon as I can, will be starting from... jump Street.


Mad Mardigan... signing off.


propbeanie 11-10-21 05:23 PM

A new hard drive just arrived for one of our laptops, and for whatever reason, the old one is all of a sudden functioning as intended... Jealousy?... lol - or was it just "playin' dead"?

Revus 11-10-21 06:58 PM


Did the early Mk 18's have any depth keeping issues as well? just fired two at a stationary Zinbu Maru (15' keel). Fired two 18's at her, depth 10', mag pistols (as per orders from Brisbane). Both ran under her.

3 Aug 43, 0620, 6-47S 149-27E, calm seas. Picked her up on SJ not moving, heavily loaded. Submerged stern attack.

Tube 9: Gyro 12, Track 58S, 2300 yds

Tube 10: Gyro 13, Track 58S, 2300 yds

Turned on ext cams just because its the first patrol with these new 18's, watched them swim harmlessly under and continue on... sad...
Reengaged with tubes 7 & 8 with Mk 14's, at 7' depth. No problem at all, sunk like a flaming Japanese stone.

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