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Rockin Robbins 06-11-12 11:12 AM

Thought I'd repost something I put in a thread that's just going to fall into the abyss and never be seen again. I had a brain defect and suddenly gained clarity of thought long enough to post my best explanation of how the position keeper works in normal US submarine targeting. I could never remember that in my aged state (just when I had it all together I forgot where I put it....) so here goes:


If you're missing astern there's something wrong with your procedure. I propose that it's probably that you are entering the information in the wrong order, since the order of operations is almost never talked about and of course is not in the manual, which seems to be a reprint of the manual for a 1955 Sunbeam Toaster, not a game manual.

When you are entering info to the TDC it is very important that the last piece entered is the range/bearing of the target. And the reason is very apparent if you can visualize how the TDC with position keeper works.

The TDC merely establishes a target position, course and speed. It's a dot with attributes. And that data is good for the instant your button is stabbed. If you were to stab the button, wait ten seconds and then fire a torpedo, guess what?

The target has moved past your aiming point and when the torpedo hits, if it hits, it will be behind the point you aimed at when you stabbed the send range/bearing to TDC button. That's pretty clear, no? So you can miss astern with the PK off. It's easy. Just take too long between your observation and when you fire.

Now lets involve the PK. Instead of a fixed target point, the PK actually takes that target point and moves it along the course you tell it to and at the speed you tell the TDC. Then that target point actually follows the real target over time. In theory you can fire at any time you want and the solution remains good, unlike the old non-PK TDC.

So lets do it wrong. We'll use our periscope and stadimeter to get the bearing and range of the target. As soon as we stab the send to TDC button the TDC plots the position of the target, right on top of the real target. So far, so good.

Now you do your mental gymnastics and get ready to enter the AoB of the target, which tells the TDC the target course. You enter the AoB and stab that send to TDC button. What's happened? Not much. The target position is right where you told it to be and it is moving at zero knots in the direction you just told it. That means it's not moving.

Finally you enter the target speed and press that send to TDC button. NOW the artificial target point begins moving at the course and speed of the real target. But since you just told it to begin moving and it's been fifteen or twenty seconds since you told the TDC where the target is, the artificial target is quite a distance behind the real one! You are going to miss astern aren't you?

How do you prevent this? Just be sure you tell the TDC target AoB and speed first, THEN as a last step pop up the scope and take your range/bearing observation. Since you have already told the PK how to move the target point, you'll hit the send range/bearing to TDC button, the TDC will plot that artificial target right on top of the real one and the PK will immediately begin moving it to follow your input course and speed.

Order of operations is critical. You won't read this anywhere else, no matter how hard you search. I can't tell you why because it is critical information. NOW you will not miss astern.


On another note, I've had a software meltdown on my computer. I held onto my old motherboard long after it started to malfunction. It scrambled my Windows XP installation to the point that even with new hardware my computer was crashing three times a day or so. I put up with it for three months and then it began blue-screening on bootup with no access to Windows at all. It was time for a complete reinstall. That means I also have to reinstall all my programs and that is the delay in the Dick O'Kane Sonar Only video update. It will happen.

derstosstrupp 10-01-12 09:56 AM

100% Manual Targetting Tutorial for SH4
Hi all,

Does anyone happen to have Hitman's "100% manual targetting" tutorial they could send my way? Searched all over for a good link to no avail. I checked with Hitman himself and he doesn't have a copy available. I'd appreciate it!

Berserker 03-05-13 03:17 AM

If you should come accross a small convoy comprised of 2 destroyers and 1 kiturn maru,leave them alone..Especially if you are in a flat sea and zero wind..I do not know what is so important on that transport,but the destroyer captains take great offence if you sink it..Its been 3 hrs now and they seem to have and unlimited supply of depth charges...:nope:

Redmane 05-07-13 10:03 PM

A thanks for this thread
Just wanted to shout out a big THANK YOU! :woot:to everyone here at Subsim for this thread. The great info here is going to take me quite awhile to digest completely, but I've mastered the O'Kane solution to begin with and have found it to be very adaptable. My first go-round with it bagged me a pair of unescorted freighters running together. I did get a bit lucky shooting the second one, as she turned toward me rather than away after I hit the leader, but all I had to do was back the boat up and wait until she crossed my bow, then let her have it. Also this solution is by no means limited to a 90' setup on the target's course line. I tested this by purposely setting up a stern tube shot at 110' on the course line, meaning the AOB on the target would be 110' when she crossed my 180 bearing mark. I used a 15' shoot line, so AOB for the setup was 95'. Sure enough, I launched 2 fish on the target when her engineering spaces were under my crosshair and totally gutted her. She sank a short while later. Several hours later I used a similar set-up on a target that had changed course, blowing my first approach. I turned the boat around, got to a 108' angle off her course, which was about the best I could do in that situation, again 15' shoot line, and fired 2 torps. The first one went dud, but I got lucky with the second one. It broke the target in half.:rock:

So again, big thanks for this great thread!

Ale6 07-29-13 07:28 AM


Rockin Robbins 07-30-13 07:42 PM

I'm very happy that it continues to have value and new players are finding that targeting isn't black magic, but something that you can do. So thumbs up to all who use this thread to become submarine aces! You're why the thread is here.

Clean Sweep 08-05-13 12:03 PM

I'm sure these tactics are commonly practiced, but I've found adequate success with them.

When I'm targeting a convoy that has more than two escorts, I'll usually try to swing behind them, running loud and fast to draw the attention of the escorts away from the transports. Once they've begun tracking me and heading towards me pinging away, I'll dive deep and turn back towards the transports. Once I've closed in I'll go silent and get up to periscope depth. By now the escorts are several thousand yards behind still searching for my sub, this gives me a decent amount of time to strike one or two transports before the escorts flank their way back. When the escorts get in range I'll usually try a stern shot then dive down again and go silent. From there I break off the initial attack but maintain sound contact while my tubes are reloaded and I assess the situation and determine whether or not to attack again or to break contact all together.

If there's two or less escorts I'll pull the stunt I saw in "Run Silent, Run Deep" with Clark Gable. I'll go head on against the escort and at 500-600yds, shoot two fish down the escort's throat and then crash dive and pull hard to port or starboard and get outta dodge. I'll repeat the process until both escorts are destroyed and from there I'll make my attack on the transports.

irish1958 08-11-13 08:02 PM

The link to the Dick O'Kane practice mission works, but the file is corrupted (7z) as it won't open. I lost my copy. Does anybody have one? I was working with my grandson on targetting but I can't get the mission.
Never mind, I found it. If anyone else needs it, drop me a PM and I'll send it.

Rockin Robbins 08-18-13 08:08 PM

It's all there and working fine today! It's a mystery......:hmmm:

grislyatoms 08-18-13 10:05 PM

Kinda like a jigsaw puzzle, Rockin Robbins helped me find the corner pieces with his tutorials and encouragement. Once I had the basics, pieces kept falling in to place, in the manner of "Ohhh! That's why that happens/works like it does". I still have those moments.

Rockin Robbins - :salute:

Rockin Robbins 08-22-13 02:28 PM

By the way, Shooting Gallery Test Range has been repaired and I even added a guest star, the Yamato. These are an array of targets which will not power up and motor away. I dare you to surface and engage the Yamato in a gun battle.:D

Rockin Robbins 09-06-13 05:59 PM

Dick O'Kane Sonar Only Tutorial available again!
Dick O'Kane Sonar Only Tutorial

Having a great time with You Tube and some music in my videos. Let's see, 1971 was 42 years ago. I used a piece of music from Pink Floyd's Meddle album, which nobody ever heard of even in 1972 and they flagged it for copyright violation.

This is going to hurt their sales, how? There is a clear and present danger that someone would hear the music, be intrigued and read the source of the music clearly expressed in the supporting text, along with a strong suggestion that people buy the album. I'm advertising for them for free! They should owe me, not the other way around. I think the legal system is whoever claims foul first is the winner. There's certainly no sense to their idiocy.

But I have a new link in the first thread in the post, plus the link above. I hope to be working on some new videos soon, including one on conventional United States Navy manual targeting, where I'll have some wrinkles not covered in any present tutorial.

fireftr18 09-07-13 11:30 AM

Thank you RR:up:

Rammstein0991 09-13-13 03:12 PM

I always try to hit Convoys abeam, I sit silent just off to the side engines dead which usually lets the lead escort pass me unnoticed then I fire off a couple fish and turn away immediately, usually works.

kurtz 09-21-13 04:21 AM

Werner's Sonar only attack is a dud link?

Digger Heinz 11-09-13 06:49 PM

Thank you for the thread!!!
I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks for the thread and all who participate... it means a lot that noob like me can come here and get info that makes the game so much more fun than dumb luck and trial and error.



jscharpf 11-28-13 10:06 AM

I, too, want to thank all of the modders and people who have contributed to this massive list of items!

Reading the real TDC manual really humbles me. IT really makes you appreciate what people have been able to do. It blows my mind that years ago mankind could generate mathematical solutions using mechanics... and today we barely understand how to download apps..
We are spoiled today :)

ashill2141 01-19-14 02:00 PM

WernerSobe's Sonar Only Manual Targeting doesn't work. The Link has died. The same situation with Dick O'Kane Sonar Only (after waiting few seconds "403-Forbidden" occurs). May anyone correct it or suggest any materials instead of these? I'm new here and the first thing I want to do is learn how to hunt correctly :). Best regards!

ReallyDedPoet 03-10-14 09:39 PM

Great thread : )

bybyx 03-30-14 10:37 AM

I would like to try my luck with 100% reality settings in the game options. I know my way around the TDC fairly well but i want to know more about tracking and intercepting a target or a convoy without map updates, how it was done using sound and visual observation and later adding radar in the mix.
Any good tutorials out there?

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