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auricom 11-25-09 03:35 PM

hey I know it's still in alpha, but great mod nonetheless.. looking forward to seeing the AOB wheel added to this .. been using it for 3 days now and it seems pretty stable..

karamazovnew 11-25-09 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by auricom (Post 1209069)
hey I know it's still in alpha, but great mod nonetheless.. looking forward to seeing the AOB wheel added to this .. been using it for 3 days now and it seems pretty stable..

Check the download link in my sig... It has the AOB wheel. Although I call it alpha 3.0, it's pretty much complete. There's nothing else to add, and I'm waiting for more bugs to show their ugly head and if not, for Lurker to implement it into his Omegu. In other words, it will always be an "alpha" because I don't consider it to be a stand alone mod. :up:

karamazovnew 11-25-09 11:21 PM

It's so nice to know wtf you're doing in this game :haha:. The GWX lessons have prepared me well. There's a certain fresh feel, I can't put my finger on it but it's almost as if I'm playing SH5. It takes a few seconds for any order to go through, the view distance is just huge, the water.. ah the water... love those 11m wind waves. The ships have good turning inertia zigzagging in a straight line (as if that's gonna help them). I can finally punish those annoying greek ships that troll around Scapa Flow. My Type IX deck gun plows through the enemy hulls. The crew feels more alive (particularly since I need to move them around so much). Even the enemy seems improved. I've already seen destroyers coming to the aid of crippled ships. Sometimes an aircraft comes in to look at me, then 2 hours later they bring friends. And, if I'm stupid enough to keep my course, I get a few hunters hungry to avenge the downed airmen. On my first patrol of a new 1 January 1940 career I've received the Knights Cross for smashing 80k tons. Until now the interface had prevented me from playing OM. Only now can I appreciate what a piece of art it is :salute:. Now on to the OM forum to complain about bugs :haha:.

And talking about bugs, how are you guys doing? Got the hang of it?
By the way, a short advice for old SH3 players... if your AOB calculation seems wrong compared to what you see through the periscope, plot a 90 degree intercept course, save, then let the ship pass by. If your stadimeter and AOBF calculations were done properly and the ship didn't spot you or changed course, I'll eat my hat if you're more than 10 degrees off. I've mistook true 15 degrees AOB for 45 degrees visually estimated AOB. By the way, some ships tend to alter their speed and course. I've shadowed ships going at 6 knots, intercepted them only to find at the last moment through calculations that they were doing 10 knots. Cheeky bastards :haha:

looney 11-26-09 01:53 AM

only problems I have found so far is: the stadimeter and aobf wheel buttons are to dark (I can change that but i have no clue how to).

Plus I need to remove the tdc controls even though I'm on a 16:9 screen 1600x1050 IIRC.

and that I'm unable to get a solution due to the fact I haven't used it correctly :), but somehow I don't think that it's a bug.

This mod is a real kewl one though and I know I will be using it mostly from now on.

karamazovnew 11-26-09 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by looney (Post 1209307)
only problems I have found so far is: the stadimeter and aobf wheel buttons are to dark (I can change that but i have no clue how to).

Plus I need to remove the tdc controls even though I'm on a 16:9 screen 1600x1050 IIRC.

and that I'm unable to get a solution due to the fact I haven't used it correctly :).

This mod is a real kewl one though and I know I will be using it mostly from now on.

Most important problem: your resolution. 16:9=1.777777, 1600:1050=1.523809. My mod only works for 1.333 (4:3) and 1.6 (16:10) resolutions. I'm still thinking about how to fix this in one go.
Check the download link post again (my signature). Surely there must be one resolution there that you can use until then.

Did you read the guide? I've said there that you need to edit the Data\Menu\Karamazov\Peri_Buttons.tga file if you want to make the buttons brighter. Since the image is manly black, you can select the left side of the image and work with the Levels. Or increase contrast. On my screen with neutral gamma I didn't want them to be bright. I actually have no clue how my images look on other screens, even though I've wasted many hours trying to get the look just right. I guess you all have time till next week to tell me if you want them darker/brighter.

Hitman 11-26-09 03:16 AM

Would you consider doing a version that is stripped out of the AOB wheel and stadimeter and has instead just a reticle in milliradians, instead of degrees? I can provide you the reticule if you want, but stripping out the AOB wheel is more your work. Should be done in a few minutes, however, since it just involves deleting unnecessary stuff.

I'm asking this because in real life not all attack periscopes had the split prism stadimeter and AOB finder. That was available in the early A10 Standsehrohr, but later the cheaper and faster to produce versions simply featured the reticule. I have becomed so used to that in my own SH3 interface, that I would prefer it like that, and may be I'm not the only one :DL

Oh, BTW, the lettering "Stangenfernrohr" in the periscope label is wrong, in real life it readed "Standsehrohr". I'd recommend adding "A10" in the model that has the AOB finder implemented, for the reasons I explained above :up:

looney 11-26-09 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by karamazovnew (Post 1209329)
Most important problem: your resolution. 16:9=1.777777, 1600:1050=1.523809. My mod only works for 1.333 (4:3) and 1.6 (16:10) resolutions. I'm still thinking about how to fix this in one go.
Check the download link post again (my signature). Surely there must be one resolution there that you can use until then.

Did you read the guide? I've said there that you need to edit the Data\Menu\Karamazov\Peri_Buttons.tga file if you want to make the buttons brighter. Since the image is manly black, you can select the left side of the image and work with the Levels. Or increase contrast. On my screen with neutral gamma I didn't want them to be bright. I actually have no clue how my images look on other screens, even though I've wasted many hours trying to get the look just right. I guess you all have time till next week to tell me if you want them darker/brighter.

I've read the guide and it tells me to change some file but I don't know what to change. Now I know where the buttons are, it aint to big a problem I now only need to learn the new tools.

one more thing I remember (I'm at work atm) is that the bottom part of the AOB wheel (outer ring) is unreadable when the order bar is docked.

karamazovnew 11-26-09 04:40 AM

@Looney: Do you plan to attack ships with a mast height or a length of between 7 and 14 meters often? I can't make the AOBF any smaller or it will start to cover up the periscope image itself (Including the stadimeter and cancel buttons :D).

@ Hitman
The Stagenfernrorh label is a part of the original texture files. Not my fault :haha:.

I can easily move away every item and leave a clean background with a circular viewfinder. I can integrate your milirad reticle into the periscope marks. Since the AOBF will be out, there will be no reason to force the center of the screen to retain it's 4:3 aspect ratio. I could let the background scale as it does in Vanilla and such a mod would be compatible with any resolution. What I need however is for you to make me a reticle that is based on my camera (angular distance 72, zoom levels 1.5X and 6X) at a resolution of 1024/768 and the lines whould be just 1 pixel thick. Waiting for a PM (and a guide on how to use the reticle). :haha:

looney 11-26-09 04:54 AM

LOL see that must come from 1 of my tests yesterday evening late.. I couldn't get a propper solution.

I'm attacking a large convoy west of spain in my type IX in november 39.. and I've reloaded that game several times cause I'm messing up..
Plus I'm getting redicoulous duds (last test was out of 6 torps 4 duds and 2 misses :( ) Normally I play DiD and stuff but with my new AOB wheel it's nice practice ..

The amount of "slide"panel does is that adjustable easy?? I'm willing to adjust it so it can be added as a fix for 1600x1050 same with the button settings (they should be a bit brighter )

karamazovnew 11-26-09 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by looney (Post 1209361)
LOL see that must come from 1 of my tests yesterday evening late.. I couldn't get a propper solution.

I'm attacking a large convoy west of spain in my type IX in november 39.. and I've reloaded that game several times cause I'm messing up..
Plus I'm getting redicoulous duds (last test was out of 6 torps 4 duds and 2 misses :( ) Normally I play DiD and stuff but with my new AOB wheel it's nice practice ..

Just to make sure, you are using one of the supported resolutions right (and have added the wide rez fix only if neccesary) right? Anyway, you must've got something wrong if you're aligning marks with a 7 meter mast height :har:). If all else fails, check out OLC's video tutorial on how to use the AOBF. You'll get a much better understanding of the concept.

looney 11-26-09 06:25 AM

I used OLC's a lot and thought I knew/remembered how to use the AOB wheel but I was wrong.. thus I need to read the guide again. perhaps even print it :)

apart from the sliding thingies and the buttons haven't found a real bug yet. I'll test the mod more when i get back home.

I'm using 1680x1050 with fix... sorry for the mix up

Hitman 11-26-09 12:59 PM


I can easily move away every item and leave a clean background with a circular viewfinder. I can integrate your milirad reticle into the periscope marks. Since the AOBF will be out, there will be no reason to force the center of the screen to retain it's 4:3 aspect ratio. I could let the background scale as it does in Vanilla and such a mod would be compatible with any resolution. What I need however is for you to make me a reticle that is based on my camera (angular distance 72, zoom levels 1.5X and 6X) at a resolution of 1024/768 and the lines whould be just 1 pixel thick. Waiting for a PM (and a guide on how to use the reticle). :haha:
You got PM :up:

BTW, would it be possible to provide me the image you used for the periscope background without the ruber rim of the eyepiece, and one of the TDC WITHOUT dial holes and dials (i.e. as a solid, textured block)?

I have an idea on how I could port this excellent mod to SH3 if you grant permission for it :D and if I ever get time, but clean backgrounds would be a must.


heidelbergensis 11-26-09 01:03 PM

I really expect that this mod remains as only an option in OMEGU. If not, as my sistem cannot work with the sole two aspect ratios covered by it, I would be forced not only to not have this mod, but not even have any of the OMEGU features, maybe even no Monsun at all.

I´ll deinstall then the game; I´m not interested in the US scenario, and I don´t plan to change my hardware only because of this game.

karamazovnew 11-26-09 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by heidelbergensis (Post 1209539)
I really expect that this mod remains as only an option in OMEGU. If not, as my sistem cannot work with the sole two aspect ratios covered by it, I would be forced not only to not have this mod, but not even have any of the OMEGU features, maybe even no Monsun at all.

I´ll deinstall then the game; I´m not interested in the US scenario, and I don´t plan to change my hardware only because of this game.

A comment worthy of greek tragedy. Relax, it's still an alpha. I could've taken my sweet time and not post anything until it was done. So far, Alpha 3.0 offers a complete solution to any using the suggested resolutions (I expected it to work much worse, yet here I am with a few Knights Crosses in as many patrols with it). As I've said a few posts back, there's nothing else to add to the interface, I just need to tweak it. Adding or moving objects in the SH4 interface is easy. But rewiring them to create new objects is NOT. But that part IS done so it will be much smoother now for me since I know what to expect.

The final version might actually be less good for wide rez screen users as for them the panels will take up a bigger chunk of the viewfinder than they do now. I myself will continue to use Alpha 3.0 because it's tailor made for my resolution.

Hitman, I'll post a download link with the requested panel when I get back on Monday. If you need, I can also rerender the dial plates at any requested resolution and put them in a PSD file as layers with their own masks. The idea of the miliradian reticule is so good that I don't want to use them as an optional set of marks. So far it was impossible to use one WITH the aobf. But since I need to rework everything in Alpha 3.0, I'll make them as a default set of Marks. Since you have much more experience than me at this, I'll count on your help with them and a proper AOBF testing :up:.

looney 11-27-09 10:14 AM

those green marks where can i edit that file ... I'm thinking about adding vertical / horizontal lines for easy height guessing :)

and could you tell me what values to change to make the buttons lighter ,

I also am willing to edit the sliding part of the boxes. IF you tell me how :)

P.s. the sliding bits should only move as little as possible ... a shame though they rule. But i rather have the added functionality

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