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JU_88 10-04-09 12:20 PM

@ Lurker - just to clairfy, I know you are not responsible for this mate, I didnt mean to point the finger at you
I do apologise if it seemed that way.

They are the same mesh, but the UWVS have been redone.
Listen, I have no doubt that all the other files are NOT those from GWX, but that was never my accusation, I am ONLY concered about the 3d MESH/MODEL itself which is indeed my work.

See 3DS screen shots below.

I have no problem with VAA or anyone else re-working and using my models - thats totally cool.

It wouldnt be such a big deal - but this is the 3rd time i have had one of my models used/ reworked, where nobody bothered to ask me or credit me of their own accord what so ever. :nope:
And to be perfectly honest its starting to piss me off a bit.

The Anson and Hudson Aircraft I did for GWX 2.0. They where a re-work of Psy_06's models. And I made damn well sure that he was mentioned in the GWX credits, so why the hell can others not do the same for me? :06:

I know my work when I see it.
I will be more that happy to send you a link to my own He111 mesh so you can compare them in a 3d editor.

Rockin Robbins 10-04-09 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by JU_88 (Post 1183542)
Well - I could be mistaken but it looked identical, Im not sure what i am looking at in your above screen shots (what does it prove?) Anyway I will examine the wireframes of each mesh in 3DS, If I am wrong then I am very sorry to both you and Vaa and I will post a formal appology in this thread - that's a promise.:03:

Claims of theft demand extraordinary proof. When you toy with someone's reputation you have a duty to ensure and to prove you are right. As usual with GW related accusations, such proof is lacking and the claims are specious. Why should anyone be surprised? Shame upon your person, sir. If you have any beef at all it certainly isn't with Lurker.

The day of gangster modders is over. We engage each other in cooperative ways, seeking to improve the state of Silent Hunter. When we have questions regarding origins and credit, we communicate privately and in a non-accusatory manner. Respect. Learn it.

JU_88 10-04-09 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins (Post 1183591)
Claims of theft demand extraordinary proof. When you toy with someone's reputation you have a duty to ensure and to prove you are right. As usual with GW related accusations, such proof is lacking and the claims are specious. Why should anyone be surprised? Shame upon your person, sir. If you have any beef at all it certainly isn't with Lurker.

The day of gangster modders is over. We engage each other in cooperative ways, seeking to improve the state of Silent Hunter. When we have questions regarding origins and credit, we communicate privately and in a non-accusatory manner. Respect. Learn it.

@ RR Please See my above post, I was not having a go at Lurker.
I know it is not his fault.

As I pointed out this is personal thing on my part - not a GW thing. since I expect the only files used was the .objs
Im only asking for a bit of common courtesy, nothing more.
If the days of 'gangster modders' were truely over i would not be posting this right now. believe me i take no pleassure in it!

I would NEVER, EVER falsely claim others work as my own. Ripping off someone work and passing it off as your own is called 'stealing'
That is the bottom line.
So please stop trying to make me look like the bad guy here, though I can surely understand your own personal bias in this situation, (me = GWX = axis of evil etc, etc, sure thats a no brainer)

You are right about one thing, I should indeed handle this via PM.
So as per your advice I will take this matter up privatley with VAA,

Nisgeis 10-04-09 01:58 PM

All JU_88 is asking for is credit for something, if credit is due to him. There's no need to make any drama out of it. He didn't demand the model gets pulled and he didn't rant about theft or anything at all like that. He said it was fine to use the model and was very happy that it could be used, he just asked for credit, if it was his model. I don't see anything wrong with that. If it isn't his model then that can be cleared up with no problem and he said he would apologise. When you see your own work, you do tend to know it from the heart.

I don't think there was any implication of wrong doing by JU_88. OK, you could say that this sort of thing should be done in a PM, but then, this sort of thing shouldn't be such a sensitive topic that it has to be done in secret. Let's not jump down each other's throats.

Alex 10-04-09 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins (Post 1183591)
As usual with GW related accusations, such proof is lacking and the claims are specious.

Sorry, but... :oops:


@ Nisgeis : :yeah: ;)

JU_88 10-04-09 02:21 PM

Ok this is blowing out of proportion Its really not massive deal, just a minor annoyance.
I realise that its really unfair to hijack Lurkers thread - as he is NOT to blame, anything further regarding the He111 model, can be discussed via PM.

-Sorry again Lurker.

lurker_hlb3 10-04-09 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by JU_88 (Post 1183641)
Ok this is blowing out of proportion Its really not massive deal, just a minor annoyance.
I realise that its really unfair to hijack Lurkers thread - as he is NOT to blame, anything further regarding the He111 model, can be discussed via PM.

-Sorry again Lurker.

apology accepted

lurker_hlb3 10-04-09 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by othr (Post 1183548)
TThe museum will crash for me every time, and I just did a clean reinstall of SH4+OM, without OMEGU.

This may be a "memory" issue. With the "museum" loaded SH4 is using 1.9 GB of memory. Remember that it has to load "all" the 3d models for display.

When you start up SH4, it is only using 634MB of memory and with one of the single missions loaded, it's using 1.1 GB of memory.

Here a little trick about configuring memory from "Black Vipers" web site. See item number 3 "Page Files"

Rockin Robbins 10-04-09 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by JU_88 (Post 1183594)
@ RR Please See my above post, I was not having a go at Lurker.
I know it is not his fault.

As I pointed out this is personal thing on my part - not a GW thing. since I expect the only files used was the .objs
Im only asking for a bit of common courtesy, nothing more.
If the days of 'gangster modders' were truely over i would not be posting this right now. believe me i take no pleassure in it!

I would NEVER, EVER falsely claim others work as my own. Ripping off someone work and passing it off as your own is called 'stealing'
That is the bottom line.
So please stop trying to make me look like the bad guy here, though I can surely understand your own personal bias in this situation, (me = GWX = axis of evil etc, etc, sure thats a no brainer)

You are right about one thing, I should indeed handle this via PM.
So as per your advice I will take this matter up privatley with VAA,

Plenty good enough for my taste. You have to know that many in certain countries, if they are not connected with any modding groups or part of the modding scene don't know anything about the ethics we try to live by here.

You've said what needed to be said, although a PM to Lurker would have resolved the whole issue instantly as he would have investigated with you to determine the truth. He has nothing to gain and doesn't need to steal other people's work, any more than you do.

It is a shame. If VAA asked I'm sure you would have said, "Run with it. Just give me a line of credit hidden somewhere." And I'm sure Lurker would have used your work, crediting it properly, if he had any suspicion that part of the plane could have come from you.

Thank you for responding with respect, explaining your position and agreeing that PMs are the way questions of origination and credit should be resolved.

othr 10-04-09 07:23 PM

It could be hardware related, I can't really tell. I do have 4 GB of RAM and a fairly high-end system though. I'll check memory usage.

EDIT: nope it can't be the memory, still had over 1gb left of physical memory when it crashed, no swapping was required. It could be windows7 related. I'm curious if anyone else is having this issue.

renthewog 10-04-09 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by lurker_hlb3 (Post 1183683)
This may be a "memory" issue. With the "museum" loaded SH4 is using 1.9 GB of memory. Remember that it has to load "all" the 3d models for display.

When you start up SH4, it is only using 634MB of memory and with one of the single missions loaded, it's using 1.1 GB of memory.

Here a little trick about configuring memory from "Black Vipers" web site. See item number 3 "Page Files" know what lurker i think you could be right there..i too also thought the reason for "museum" crashing was because of too many 3d models loading up all at once..the entire fleet of the entire game is in there! so its possible its sucking up heaps of memory. Had a look at that 'supertweaks' page link u posted up, no good to me as i have Vista not XP. I've got a big enough hard drive and ram on my much memory does it need axactly to load up the "museum"?

xristoskaiti 10-05-09 09:38 AM

The museum will crash when a plane the boat they is spoiled in my own
PC previous week they was AFB_Beaufighter..... I played regularly
Campaigns other the AFB_Beaufighter him I did not see nowhere..... in
single missions with 2 AFB_Beaufighter I did not see no plane and
naturally museum it had crash.
when I again took a AFB_Beaufighter from RFB 1.52 and copy, I did
not have no problem i I say again downloads all your files.. ......... :sunny:

JU_88 10-05-09 10:05 AM

I should have said... when i looked at the aircraft in the museum, the B-24 and B-17 / fortress models, where streatched -out as if they were 'limo' versions of the said aircraft. :DL
My install is screwy , or it was just a slight mishap when the models were scaled down for import - its purley cosmetic and quite easy to fix, but i thought i should mention it just in case its the same for everyone.

Sorry - if this has already been mentioned and/or fixed.

othr 10-05-09 10:52 AM

Found my museum crash issue, well not really found it but did as Adriatico suggested, redownloaded OM 705, reinstalled it and it works fine now, thanks.

EDIT: not quite, OM705 works perfectly, I redownloaded OM705_715A and reenabled it, that one causes a crash still. Did you test OM705_715A on your system Lurker? Sorry to bother you again, hate to crash when chasing down a convoy.

lurker_hlb3 10-05-09 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by othr (Post 1184119)
Found my museum crash issue, well not really found it but did as Adriatico suggested, redownloaded OM 705, reinstalled it and it works fine now, thanks.

EDIT: not quite, OM705 works perfectly, I redownloaded OM705_715A and reenabled it, that one causes a crash still. Did you test OM705_715A on your system Lurker? Sorry to bother you again, hate to crash when chasing down a convoy.

Before I release any of version of OM, I do a "museum" test to ensure no CTD's. These test are conducted on 2 different systems, One high end and one low end. When I gave you the info on "memory", I had just finished a test on the following load plan:

OMv715 Patch 1
OMv715 Hotfix 1

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