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jlederer 03-03-10 02:27 PM

Crew abilities at bottom left
Does anybody see crew ability icons at the bottom-left of the screen as shown in the screenshot on page 13 of the manual?

jlederer 03-03-10 02:34 PM

Sonar abilities
What good are sonar man's abilities to reveal contacts etc. if you have "No map contact update" off?

It would really nice to know what the diagrams on page 14 of the manual are trying to show (they are too small (and blurry if expanded) to read. Basically it would be nice to actually have an explanation in the manual on how to read/use the tactical interface map.

piri_reis 03-03-10 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by CCIP (Post 1286492)
Another graphics issue similar to the moon - this time I'm guessing with the way earth's curvature is modeled.
Ships at a distance (in this case, about 7km) look submerged through optics.
Hopefully that's also an easy fix.

This is still an issue after the first patch, correct? (That's how I have it)
Also as you say moon does the same thing, when objects/contacts are further they sink in the scenery, they might have tried to simulate the curvature of earth, but bad attempt. It just happens way close (7-8km distance)

Also what km you guys think the scenery/environment is?
(Like when we had 8km,16km,20km mods for SH3)

jlederer 03-03-10 02:44 PM

1) No reloading animation for rear torpedo tube. Interior tube door always open
2) There don't seem to be any orders I can give the navigator by clicking on him?

SAMiV 03-03-10 02:48 PM

Ubisoft Game Launcher problem
I can't seem to open/run Ubisoft Game Launcher, because SH5 installation didn't add a proper desktop shortcut on my desktop. It's missing a -prodid command in the target box or atleast that's what it tells me when i try to run it.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\UbisoftGameLauncher.exe" -prodid <---------this one needs something more.

Not sure what this prodid should be for SH5, so could someone pass that info to me? It's probably some product id for SH5 i guess.

Actually it has more commands after the .exe, which i would need to add. So, could somebody share that info, or is it different for each user? Just right click on the Ubisoft Game Launcher icon and you will see the target line there.

Thanks in advance

Mad_Mark 03-03-10 03:19 PM

Post patch my mouse look has now gone to pieces. I have stuttering everytime i try to look left/right yet moving back and forth is still smooth.

CCIP 03-03-10 03:21 PM

I only have stuttering for the first few seconds when loading a mission or coming out of high TC, presumably due to loading game resources etc. It gets smooth quickly afterward.

What video card? nvidia by any chance? (I have serious suspicions about potential nvidia optimization issues that the devs have overlooked)

remowilliams 03-03-10 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Highbury (Post 1290566)
The game itself did not default to Program Files... why did people go out of their way to point it there? This has been a known issue since Vista.

UAC is disabled on my machine. As far as sticking it in Program Files, I agree but that seems to be where Impulse defaults the install to.

gutted 03-03-10 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mad_Mark (Post 1290699)
Post patch my mouse look has now gone to pieces. I have stuttering everytime i try to look left/right yet moving back and forth is still smooth.

mine randomly changes sensitivity.

sometimes i can look round and everything is fine, but 5 seconds later its on steroids and makes me dizzy, then 5 seconds later its really slow. DIdn't have that before the patch.

remowilliams 03-03-10 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by jlederer (Post 1290574)
Does anybody see crew ability icons at the bottom-left of the screen as shown in the screenshot on page 13 of the manual?

I sure haven't. As a matter of fact the 'Ability Keys' don't seem to be doing anything anymore either. F7/8/9 (I forget which) no longer man the deck or AA guns. The crew apparently is on permanent siesta.

Sone7 03-03-10 03:52 PM

1. Can't give the order to get men off the deck gun, when WO is hurt...
Makes no sense to me ;P
I had to get into gun station myself, then leave it, and only then - so did crew.

2. I somehow managed to zoom out the UZO (:doh:), messing with scroll wheel. IF it was supposed to work, then it isn't working properly.

3. Third and the biggest of these - sometimes deck gun shells do not hit ships, I mean there's no visual sign of it. No hole, no texture, not even an explosion. BUT I hear it, every time, so it probably does make some damage.

fallenyggdrasil 03-03-10 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Sone7 (Post 1290781)
1. Can't give the order to get men off the deck gun, when WO is hurt...

So the crew can be injured?

jlederer 03-03-10 05:30 PM

Abilities of the Navigator (hover tips)
"The CHIEF ENGINEER" can increase the max depth for his boat due to his vast systems knowledge" (yeah, right - and why is this ability tied to the navigator?)

"The CHIEF is able to keep the boat at peak condition, enabling faster dives and surface maneuvers" (Should be an ability of the chief. Faster dives should be based on crew training not modding the boat!)

"The submarine will turn faster while surfaced or submerged" (So the navigator somehow makes the boat turn faster? How exactly does he do this?)

jonass 03-03-10 05:33 PM

Different weather when loading saved game. Was in fog, saved and loaded = clear skies and a destroyer on me :damn:

Note: searched this thread and didnt find anything about this, but sorry in advance if this has been reported earlier and i missed it.

jlederer 03-03-10 05:37 PM

Abilities of "The Sound Guy"
Shouldn't his title (and that of the Radio Operator) be something other than "Sound Guy" ("Radio Guy")? Bad for immersion.

Sound Guy ability "Darkness - Reduces Darkness penalty" - how exactly does this work? Does he feed carrots to the watch crew?

Other abilities have silly titles (e.g. "Reveal Hidden Enemies") but at least they sound like references to Sonar Operator being particularly competent.

asanovic7 03-03-10 05:38 PM

From reading last couple of pages, I think you all paid to be test players..

It will look like I am laughing to you, but the fact is this is one wreck of a game..

jlederer 03-03-10 05:45 PM

Hopefully many of these things can be modded if UBI does not "fix" them. Some of these things are just text changes.

The way I see it, I'd rather be playing around with this now, then waiting 3 months if they had pushed back the release date to squaush more bugs and improve fit/finish/manual. The other issue is that I'd just as soon we give them feedback on what we consider bad design choices for a subsim while they still might have money to fix some of them - or at least we can start modding fixes to them - if they had waited 3 more months to release they'd be that much more "in the hole" on their development budget so many of these things that we consider "wrong" but they probably consider "working as designed" would definitely not get addressed. This way maybe they might even have $ to address some of these sorts of comments.

So I'm very glad they released early.

karamazovnew 03-03-10 06:04 PM

Well, I've got my copy and had a few hours of play. I don't want to turn this into a review just yet, but overall the impression is very good. But there are bugs (LOTS) and game should play perfect even without ONE mod. So I'll make a quick list of what I've found so far:

1. In the tutorial, I only got the box for Time Compression as I was getting near Kiel. Not the hint, but the actual interface group. A newbie would probably delete the game at this time since it would take him 30 or so hours to finish the tutorial.
2. As reported, no crew on the deck during the entire tutorial mission.
3. Buildings don't cast shadows on the water. This ain't a killer (it would kill the framerate in harbors but it's worth reporting).
4. When you start the mission, the observation periscope fully extends.
5. Seagulls fly too fast (or flap too fast).. okokok I know it's silly.
6. When setting up a new waypoint, the navigation officer reports each new one. That wouldn't be a problem (only annoying when you make the Kiel Canal) but what he reports is totally wrong.
7. Most ships can't get past the Kiel entrance, either getting stuck on land or in the pontoons.
8. The "Ship Spotted" animation for the deck crew needs to go away. At 32x TC they're flapping everywhere. I used to rely on them in SH3, now they just can't stop pointing at the waves.
9. On the first Hydrophone, I can't hear the engine. I know that that these couldn't be turned to 180 BUT the interfference from the engine should've been present around that area.
10. Not a bug, but a missing feature. Water rushing past the hydrophones doesn't make noise. The engines do an overall noise but if you stop them at 8 knots, everything goes quiet. Newbies might like it this way but I hope we can mod this.
11. Some commands are clickable even when they're not possible. For example I kept pressing F5 by mistake under water and it dropped the Morale of the Watch Officer even though the deck gun couldn't be manned under water. Fortunately you can still man the deck gun yourself. Their morale however went so low that they almost became blind, not being able to spot ships at 2000m. This really needs to be fixed. The minimum range during perfect weather should be at least 8 km. Even if they're playing cards there and cursing me.
12. The Obs Periscope can't be lowered after you pass a certain depth. It's left meters above the deck. I could only lower it back again after resurfacing.
13. There must be a better way to return to course. The "Double click to return to course" feature should be fixed and applied to all waipoints. Not just the Sub itself.
14. The stadimeter can't be trusted. I have no idea where the mast value actually is (funnel, highest point, top of masts, top of flag). One thing I CAN assure you is that it's impossible to use the stadimeter at night trying to make out a small thin mast. The best option would be to have multiple mast values (top deck, funnel, mast (no flag)).
15. The recognition manual is nice although I would've loved the ability to select the number of masts, cranes and derricks. But the pictures are extremely small on high res.

I got thrown to the desktop a few times (I haven't updated my drivers yet tho). Luckily the game autosaves from time to time so I didn't loose much.

As for design Issues.
- Some familiar orders should be integrated into the Crew dialogs. Even without mods or changes to key commands (actually that IS a mod), any new player should have access to the most important commands. By this I mean all the old commands (reports and options). This is a MUST. I'm not kidding. I actually played the game as it is and I had a hard time doing simple stuff.
- Changing course is a PAIN. The devs must release a patch with a new panel that allows you to change course to a magnetic heading or to a relative bearing. At the moment this is by far the worst issue of the game.

As for pluses:
1. the new interior is a blast, although it take a LOT to get used to it and not press the old Stations buttons :haha:.
2. the diving transition has been done well, you personally need to climb down to be able to dive.
3. The crew dissappears when you go though them at a certain distance. Good thinking. No clipping issues so far :up:
4. The FPS camera has a superb dynamic reaction to wave movement. You're not "glued" to the horizon, but not glued to the deck either. Very nice.
5. The new TDC (I mean 100% diff TDC) is great. Sorry to say it, but it's great as it is. You can switch targets fast and it's well suited for convoy attacks. With my ample experience in manual targetting I had no trouble using it. It's WAAAY better than the old bloody notepad. Being able to enter values manually is superb. One thing however is important to say... We need to be able to input digits for the speed AND see the gyro. If they give us this in a patch, this TDC will be the best Manual Targeting available in Vanilla ever.

Therion_Prime 03-03-10 06:15 PM

1) Both clocks in the command room and tower are not working, the one at the hydrophone DOES work!
2) Battery meters are not working
3) ALL but one lable (the black ones with white letters) are wrong
4) The compass and the two small engine gauges don't work in the tower but work in the command room, the speed gauge in the tower displays only half the speed
5) Deck guns can be manned at ridiculous windspeeds / waves

Therion_Prime 03-03-10 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by karamazovnew (Post 1291133)
- Changing course is a PAIN. The devs must release a patch with a new panel that allows you to change course to a magnetic heading or to a relative bearing. At the moment this is by far the worst issue of the game.

You got working compasses in the command room, at the hydrophone and on the bridge (the one in the tower is broken)

And to those who say they don't know the time in game -> look at the clock in the hydrophone station

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