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skidman 07-25-13 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by airsangel (Post 2090076)
guys how to remove the new tdc from kazamarov after installing omegu on om
im not that expert so i love the stock tdc with notepad entering range and all
thanks in advance !! :)

The KiUB by Karamazov for observation periscope and UZO is part of Patch 7 for OMEGU. You have to remove the subfolder named "Karamazov" in OMEGU_V300_Patch7_pkg/OMEGU_v300_Patch7/Data/Menu before activation. The observation periscope will have the stock view.

airsangel 07-25-13 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by skidman (Post 2090089)
The KiUB by Karamazov for observation periscope and UZO is part of Patch 7 for OMEGU. You have to remove the subfolder named "Karamazov" in OMEGU_V300_Patch7_pkg/OMEGU_v300_Patch7/Data/Menu before activation. The observation periscope will have the stock view.

and that will remove the kazamarov view from attack periscope aswell ?

skidman 07-25-13 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by airsangel (Post 2090451)
and that will remove the kazamarov view from attack periscope aswell ?

No. Deactivate OMEGU to get rid of the KiUB completely. What's wrong with using the observation periscope?

airsangel 07-25-13 02:51 PM

welli used a way before to remove the kuib new tdc look from all periscopes ...i just forgot what i did back then

joakim1972 07-26-13 02:59 PM

wot happend with the download links ?
Hello guys.

When clicking links in post 1 to download omegu, I just get the subsims first page. Any ideas? anyone else have this problem, or is it just the world against me... ?

Thanks in advance.

airsangel 07-26-13 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by joakim1972 (Post 2091190)
Hello guys.

When clicking links in post 1 to download omegu, I just get the subsims first page. Any ideas? anyone else have this problem, or is it just the world against me... ?

Thanks in advance.

go to sh4 downloads mega will find it there click subsim download links there...always working

joakim1972 07-26-13 03:26 PM

Thank you very much airsangel. Now I got the files, yaaay.

airsangel 07-26-13 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by joakim1972 (Post 2091211)
Thank you very much airsangel. Now I got the files, yaaay.

welcome : )

in_vino_vomitus 07-26-13 06:35 PM

It's worth persevering with the Kiub. I admit I was missing shots I shouldn't have until I wrote a practice mission to check rangefinding with the stadimeter - it was out, but I suspect that's down to my laptop display driver. Once I worked out the error and how much correction to apply, I started getting good results. Where the Karamazov KiUB really scores is making the stadimeter a reference tool. You're not limited to a preset reference point. Can't see the mast at night? - Just use the stack as your reference and estimate the height difference from the mast in the recog manual. 25% more work for 100% more control - also, satisfying as it is to get the "Torpedo Impact" report - it's twice as satisfying to get it when you make a tricky shot, all by yourself. You don't even mind duds so much, because it means you got them on target..... :)

airsangel 07-26-13 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by in_vino_vomitus (Post 2091304)
It's worth persevering with the Kiub. I admit I was missing shots I shouldn't have until I wrote a practice mission to check rangefinding with the stadimeter - it was out, but I suspect that's down to my laptop display driver. Once I worked out the error and how much correction to apply, I started getting good results. Where the Karamazov KiUB really scores is making the stadimeter a reference tool. You're not limited to a preset reference point. Can't see the mast at night? - Just use the stack as your reference and estimate the height difference from the mast in the recog manual. 25% more work for 100% more control - also, satisfying as it is to get the "Torpedo Impact" report - it's twice as satisfying to get it when you make a tricky shot, all by yourself. You don't even mind duds so much, because it means you got them on target..... :)

i greatly admire what kazamarovdid...but i remove it coz i cant figure it right...if you have a video tutorial or a PDF maybe to read...i would appreciate it

in_vino_vomitus 07-27-13 06:52 AM

There's a Guide - it's in .doc format, but you can read it with open office, and probably wordpad, - in the mod folder. The filepath is: OMEGU_v300\Support\OM_Readme_files\KiUB user guide. It's pretty comprehensive. My internet access is fairly limited so I can't do a lot of looking on youtube for tutorial vids. I found one - but it's not for the Karamazov KiUB. I like messing about with movie maker, so the idea of making a tutorial vid appeals, but it strikes me that it's the sort of thing that should be done by someone with more skill than me. The trouble is now I'm thinking about it I'm probably going to do it anyway.....

In case this helps: Here's a screenshot of the attack periscope screen:.....

Left panel: - pretty self explanatory really: T-Geschw = Torpedo speed; Tiefe = Torpedo depth; Pistole = detonating pistol; Laufstrecke = straight running distance, in hundreds of metres, for torpedoes that have FaT pattern running capabilities. - [the dial with the red and green segments sets the direction of the pattern after the straight run is finished]; Einzelshusse = tube selection for individual fire, the T/S dial sets individual or salvo fire; Streuwinkel = Spread angle, for salvo fire; Salvenschusse = Selects tubes to be fired as a salvo.

Either side of the bearing dial, there are two buttons: The left one is the Stadimeter, the right is the AoBF wheel. When you use the stadimeter, you put the waterline over the mast top in the usual way, but then you note where the reference line crosses the vertical degree scale. You match that number up, on the AoBF wheel, with the reference mark appropriate to the magnification you're using, and the target range will be next to the height. The scales run from outer to inner; [1] Target length/height in metres [2] Range x100m/Time/sec [3] Target Height/Length in degrees [4] AoB.

This is a pretty brilliant tool. It will give you all the info you need for a firing solution. use it in conjunction with the ID Target button on the periscope toolbar. Point your head towards the target and set your scope dead ahead and time how long it takes for the target to cross the wire. Then set the time in seconds [using the range scale] against the length [outer scale] and the target speed is under the red index mark. in dim light where you can't get an ID, but you can see enough to time the target through the crosshairs, just note the time and wait until you can ID it to do the sum. Then set your course to cut the target track at 90 deg, and stop working there. If you're not set up for a 90 degree shot then you need accurate range and AoB info, and the PDF tells you how to work that out. It's scary accurate, but you have to make sure your screen resolution returns the right info - mine doesn't, and so I had to do lots of practice shoots to get the correction factor - which is only an issue with hail mary shots anyway - set up for a shot on the beam and you're in target heaven....

Right hand panel - Target info:
= Target speed;
= Track angle/ impact angle - this is important because past a certain angle - about 20 deg I think - the impact pistol won't work, so you either wait for a favourable angle or use the magnetic pistol and risk a premature detonation;
Gegnerlage = AoB The numbers in the cutaway segment are individual degrees, the dial increments are in tens of degrees. read the number in the colour appropriate to the bearing. In the pic the AoB is 117 port;
Peilung = bearing to target. The lower dial is in tenths of a degree;
Entfernung = Range to target;
The bottom two dials are the gyro angle, once again one is calibrated in whole degrees, the other in tenths;
The blue light in the middle is the manual input button. set your target info, lock the target in the scope, turn off manual input and watch the gyro angle move towards zero - when it gets there, fire.

It's worth playing in the mission editor to build yourself a mission with a stationary sub and four or five stationary targets at various ranges and aspect angles. Make a note of their ranges and headings, run the mission and make sure that the info you're getting from the stadimeter is accurate, and if it isn't, what the correction factor is. If you don't fancy the maths, then doing this will give you an idea of either how much to aim off, or how big a gyro angle means abandoning the shot. Of course, my display is a funny one - yours may be fine, but it's worth checking.

Anyway, I hope this, and the user guide clears up any issues you might have. Manual targeting is the only way to go..... :rock:

airsangel 07-27-13 03:00 PM

thanks alot i found the guide trying to learn anything...but is there a way to change the german text and markers to english ?

in_vino_vomitus 07-27-13 05:56 PM

I haven't installed it, so I can't say for sure, but there's a KiUB_English module - that sounds like it should be the thing...

airsangel 07-27-13 08:02 PM

will trying installing everything from scratch an installation for tmo and other for om... and i will even try adding some minor mods like longer sinking times and ship sink from fire

in_vino_vomitus 07-28-13 05:35 PM

There are a couple of Kriegsmarine chart mods that I like - and I'd definitely recommend a german language pack - it doesn't seem right having a U-Boat crew sounding American :)

airsangel 07-28-13 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by in_vino_vomitus (Post 2092018)
There are a couple of Kriegsmarine chart mods that I like - and I'd definitely recommend a german language pack - it doesn't seem right having a U-Boat crew sounding American :)

i thought OMEGU updates game file and has german speaking crew ??

or should i download the spax german speech fix...i used it before

in_vino_vomitus 07-29-13 03:42 AM

That's a good point. The first time I installed OM/OMEGU I didn't read the documentation and so I didn't unpack the individual modules, so I have no idea what speech pack comes as standard. by the time I'd worked that out, I had DBSM downloaded. Given the work that obviously went into the mod, it seems reasonable that the speech would be made authentic too - my bad....

airsangel 07-29-13 09:36 AM

today i will check spax speech fix and one coming standard with see which is really terms of speaking voices of all commands i give..and alarms and indications...etc

SnipersHunter 07-31-13 03:48 AM

Good job :)

nonakosa 03-30-15 12:39 PM

Hello, I apologize if this has already been addressed, but I have been unable to find clear instructions. I am using SH4 1.5 and I would like to use Operation Monsun with the OM Plot mod. The instructions seem a bit confusing to me as OM Plot says that it is OMEGU minus the eye candy. According to the OM Plot readme:

If you wish to play US Navy and Uboat operations and use OM Plot
OM v705
OM v720
OM v720 Patch4
OM Plot V415

But, according to the Operation Monsun:

If you wish to play US Navy and Uboat operations and use OMEGU
RSRDC v550
OM v705
OM v720
OM v720 Patch5
OMEGU v300
OMEGU v300 Patch 7

Wouldn't OM Plot V415 take the place of the OMEGU mods in the second list? Is there a reason that the RSRDC mods work with OMEGU, but not with OM Plot?

My concern is that I do want to play both US and German, but I would rather not have to swap mods between or have multiple installs. Is it safe to just swap the OMEGU mods in the second list for the OM Plot mod if that is all I want? If not, what would I be losing by not having the RSRDC mods?


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