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Jimbuna 01-29-24 01:04 PM

Italian province orders DNA tests for all dogs to trace and fine owners in poo crackdown


Dog owners in an Italian province are being forced to provide a sample of their pets' DNA as officials try to tackle the scourge of dog mess on the streets.

The provincial government of Bolzano city and surrounding towns in the picturesque Dolomites region is setting up a database for the almost 40,000 dogs in the area, veterinary department director Paolo Zambotto said.

Around 10,000 have already been registered and, once up and running, the plan means abandoned poop can be genetically tested and traced back to a dog, whose owner could be fined anywhere between 50 and 500 euros (£42-£430).

Any owners refusing to comply could be fined between 292 and 1,048 euros (£250-£900).

Mr Zambotto said: "Bolzano receives a few hundred complaints a year from citizens about improper management of public land. More than half are for dogs.

"Law enforcement could only catch three or four of them because they have to go there and set up some kind of stakeout."

DNA registration will become compulsory from around late March.

Owners will be expected to have blood tests for their dogs, in municipal dog shelters or vet clinics, at a cost ranging from 65 to more than 100 euros (£56-£86).

The cost of implementing the tests will come out the income from fines, under the scheme.

Bolzano, a mountainous province near Austria, has wide autonomy in making its rules.

Mr Zambotto said other Italian cities had been in touch to potentially replicate the law, which doesn't apply to tourists and non-residents.

Moonlight 01-30-24 11:13 AM

BILLIONAIRE IN COURT Michelle Mone’s husband Doug Barrowman appears in Spanish court on tax charges as he faces more than 5 years in jail

These newspaper reporters talk a load of sensationalist nonsense, currants like Barrowman don't go to prison, only the little people like us do that, no, he will pay a huge fine and reimburse the taxman and that will be that.
The only people who will suffer are the wealthy people he conned into joining his nefarious tax schemes in the first place, perhaps there's a message there for them, yep, keep away from these sharks, pay your correct tax and you won't have the taxman hammering on your door threatening to take every penny that you own.
But, as we know, greed knows no bounds, we've all seen it before, when they've got those floating money signs in front of there eyes there's no talking sense to them anymore.

Jimbuna 01-30-24 01:29 PM

DPD customer service chatbot swears and calls company 'worst delivery firm'


DPD has disabled its artificial intelligence (AI) online chatbot after a customer was able to make the bot swear and write a poem criticising the parcel delivery company.

Ashley Beauchamp, 30, was trying to track down a missing parcel when he said he was going "round and round in circles" trying to get any sort of information from the company's chatbot.

"It couldn't give me any information about the parcel, it couldn't pass me on to a human, and it couldn't give me the number of their call centre. It didn't seem to be able to do anything useful," Mr Beauchamp, from London, told Sky News.

"I was getting so frustrated at all the things it couldn't do that I tried to find out what it actually could do - and that's when the chaos started."

The classical musician first asked the bot to tell him a joke, and soon, with minimal prompts, it was happily writing poems about DPD's "unreliable" service.

"After a few more prompts it was happy to swear, too," Mr Beauchamp said.

Sharing the wacky conversation on X, Mr Beauchamp said the bot replies to one message saying: "******* yeah! I'll do my best to be as helpful as possible, even if it means swearing."

In another part of the exchange, the bot calls itself a "useless chatbot that can't help you".

The online post quickly went viral, gaining more than 15,000 likes and one million views in 24 hours.

DPD told Sky News that the customer service chatbot had suffered from an "error" after a system update and it has now been disabled.

"We are aware of this and can confirm that it is from a customer service chatbot. In addition to human customer service, we have operated an AI element within the chat successfully for a number of years," the company said in a statement.

"An error occurred after a system update yesterday. The AI element was immediately disabled and is currently being updated."

When asked what he made of the event, Mr Beauchamp said it was all "very amusing" but AI chatbots need to work on improving lives, not impacting them.

"I think it's really struck a chord with people," he said on Friday.

"These chatbots are supposed to improve our lives, but so often when poorly implemented it just leads to a more frustrating, impersonal experience for the user.

"As a musician, I'm painfully aware of the impact that machine learning and AI will have on my industry - and on the arts in general. I think it is so important that these tools are regulated effectively and are used to improve our lives, not impact negatively on them."

Mr Beauchamp said DPD has not contacted him personally and there is "still no sign" of his missing parcel.

Moonlight 01-31-24 06:39 AM

Rishi Sunak's pharmacy 'revolution' to free up 10million GP appointments per year: Major NHS shake-up gives chemists power to dole out drugs for seven minor ailments

I can't see this working without severe disruption to the rest of the pharmacy, it currently takes 6 days to get a repeat prescription sorted out at the Chemists. With the pharmacist looking into sore throats and earholes that prescription could take even longer, and if it stays the same, does that mean the entire staff have been tossing it off since this Covid epidemic was used as the biggest excuse not to work that you've ever heard of..... More on this later me thinks.

Jimbuna 02-01-24 06:40 AM

Russia Fires Genetics Institute Chief Who Claimed Humans Lived 900 Years


MOSCOW (AP) — Russia’s science and higher education ministry has dismissed the head of a prestigious genetics institute who sparked controversy by contending that humans once lived for centuries and that the shorter lives of modern humans are due to their ancestors’ sins, state news agency RIA-Novosti said Thursday.

Although the report did not give a reason for the firing of Alexander Kudryavtsev, the influential Russian Orthodox Church called it religious discrimination.

Kudryavtsev, who headed the Russian Academy of Science’s Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, made a presentation at a conference in 2023 in which he said people had lived for some 900 years prior to the era of the Biblical Flood and that “original, ancestral and personal sins” caused genetic diseases that shortened lifespans.

He also claimed that children “up to the seventh generation are responsible for the sins of their fathers,” according to the Russian news website Meduza.

The head of the Russian church’s commission on family issues, Fyodor Lukyanov, said Kudryavtsev’s dismissal “for religious beliefs and statements in accordance with these beliefs violates the ethics of the scientific community,” RIA-Novosti said.

“We have already gone through Soviet times, when genetics was long considered a pseudoscience,” Lukyanov said. The Soviet Union under Josef Stalin suppressed conventional genetics in favor of the theories of Trofim Lysenko, who contended that acquired characteristics could be inherited by offspring.

Moonlight 02-02-24 08:07 AM

EXCLUSIVE The neighbours fighting to preserve one of London's most historic streets and prevent it from becoming another high-rise complex...but are losing the battle to green schemes, cowboy builders and wealthy outsiders

I've heard that they call this the "March of Progress", Grade II listed terraced houses are being gutted from the inside, as new wealthy residents strip out their historic character in favour of cinema rooms and huge basements.
What are the local council doing about it?, Nothing as usual, they're too busy counting the cash inside of their brown envelopes, Corruption however small is still called Corruption and that's what's happening here. The residents don't stand a bleeding chance when there's money to be made, so don't bother wasting your money on fighting this as you're not going to win, the Council will make sure of that.
If this is what local Labour Councillors are doing, just wait until a Labour Government get in power, the residents probably voted for these councillors so I have little sympathy for them, that Labour Party knife went in your back so fast that you didn't feel it did you?, I can assure you that you'll feel the next one.

Town hall boss admits South London council has failed residents over housing at stormy meeting

Yep, as I previously stated, the Local Council will make sure all this development goes ahead. :haha:

Jimbuna 02-02-24 09:26 AM

Pigeon suspected of being Chinese spy released by police in India after being detained for eight months


A pigeon accused of being a Chinese spy has been cleared by police and released back into the wild.

The bird was detained by officers after it was captured in May last year near a port in Mumbai, news agency Press Trust of India reported.

It was found with two rings tied to its legs featuring words that appeared to be Chinese.

Detectives suspected the pigeon was involved in espionage and took it in, before later sending it to Mumbai's Bai Sakarbai Dinshaw Petit Hospital for Animals.

However, after eight months in captivity, it emerged that the creature was an open-water racing bird from Taiwan which had escaped and flown to India.

Police then approved the bird's transfer to the Bombay Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, where doctors set free the falsely accused avian on Tuesday.

Jimbuna 02-06-24 02:20 PM

Tennis star explains 'special relationship' with Melbourne tree, saying 'I liked its roots and its trunks'


World tennis number one Novak Djokovic has revealed he has a "special relationship" with a tree in Melbourne, which helps him meditate and ground himself during the Australian Open.

Djokovic, 36, speaking after beating Australia's Alexei Popyrin in four sets in the Rod Laver Arena on Wednesday night, said he'd been visiting the tree for about 15 years.

Asked by a journalist afterwards about being spotted returning to one specific tree at Melbourne's botanical gardens, Djokovic said: "There's one particular tree that I've been having [a] special relationship with, so to say, in the last 15 years."

As for what drew him him to it, he said: "I got connected with that tree. I just liked it. I liked its roots and the trunks and branches and everything. So I started climbing it years ago. That's it. I just have a connection.

"I love every corner of [the] botanical gardens. I think it's [an] incredible treasure for Melbourne to have such a park and nature in the middle of the city."

Djokovic refused to identify which particular tree it was, though, saying: "I cannot reveal which one, I'll try to keep it discreet for myself when I'm there to have my own time."

Djokovic has posted pictures of himself around trees on social media, including one where he was barefoot standing in a tree in London in 2018.

Dargo 02-06-24 02:31 PM

Sexy birches with woody and a lot of sap seek Novak for a tree some.

Moonlight 02-07-24 07:00 AM

Jennifer Crumbley becomes the first parent in America to be convicted over their child's mass shooting: Mother of US school gunman who killed four is facing 60 years in jail for involuntary manslaughter

I don't know where this is gonna end up, "In The Supreme Court?", but, if ever there was a shot across the bows for parents then this court case is it.
All those children who've had troubled childhoods might start getting some much needed help now, I'll not hold my breath though as most of these kids will be too far gone already.
It'll probably change nothing as some of these parents were brought up in similar conditions, probably not as bad as this kid but, enough to send the weaker ones over the edge.
Parents eh, if you have them at least do the decent thing and bring them up right.

Jimbuna 02-07-24 01:50 PM

Man builds Eiffel Tower model with 700,000 matchsticks over eight years only to have world record rejected


A Frenchman who built a model of the Eiffel Tower using over 700,000 matchsticks says he has had his efforts rejected by Guinness World Records.

Richard Plaud, 47, said he spent eight years and 4,200 hours assembling 706,900 matches to build the world's tallest structure made of matches, measured at 7.19m (23.6ft).

It would have been enough to beat the record that's been held by Lebanese model maker Toufic Daher since 2009, who used six million matches to create an Eiffel Tower replica measuring at 6.53m (21.4ft).

But after completing his creation on 27 December, Mr Plaud said he submitted an application to Guinness World Records only for it to be rejected without even being looked at.

In a scathing social media post, Mr Plaud said the decision was a "great disappointment" and relayed the record company's reasons for rejecting his work.

He said it was because the structure must be built from matches that are available to the public for purchase and don't have flammable red tips - and they must "not be cut, disassembled or deformed to the point where they are no longer recognised" as matches.

Jimbuna 02-11-24 10:46 AM

Thong-wearing protesters bare their bums in opposition to calls for G-string ban


Throngs of thong-wearing protesters bared their bums on Australia's Gold Coast as they showed their opposition to calls for a ban on G-string bikini bottoms.

The demonstration, named "Free The Peach", began at Kurrawa Beach at 6am local time on Friday (8pm Thursday UK time), according to reports in Australia.

Dozens of locals wore their skimpiest swimwear as they fought for their right to wear what they want on the beach.

They were rallying against remarks made by Ian Grace, a former Gold Coast Volunteer Of The Year award winner, who said women and girls who wore G-strings were "cheapening themselves".

Mr Grace first made his concerns known in a letter to Tom Tate, mayor of Gold Coast, earlier this month saying he had become distracted by women wearing triangle bikinis on the beach, Australian news site reports.

He wrote: "One young lady in particular was walking on the footpath on the main road and had the tiniest triangle in front and was as close to naked as anyone could be.

"You could see she was looking almost defiantly at people as they approached, almost daring them to say something. There's something very wrong here."

"While any man would enjoy 'the view', I believe women are very much demeaning and cheapening themselves, portraying themselves as sex objects, then decrying it when men see them that way."

Rebecca Pask, owner of the Barr Body Swim swimwear company, told the Australian breakfast show Today: "I think the conversation is so much wider.

"Children and our young girls in society, we do need to teach them what's appropriate and what's not but that starts in the home.

"A bikini blanket ban was never going to be the solution. Never. Not on the Gold Coast."

Jimbuna 02-12-24 09:03 AM

Floating sauna guests wearing only towels rescue duo after car plunges into Oslo fjord


Guests on board a floating sauna helped rescue two people after their car plunged off a quay into a fjord in Oslo.

The vehicle shot into the water at speed on Thursday near the Akershusstranda, an area where ships dock close to the Norwegian capital's medieval fortress and castle.

A witness told Norway's VG newspaper that the car was stationary before it suddenly accelerated and ended up in the water.

The driver is reported to have hit the accelerator by mistake.

As the car sank, the motorist and their passenger climbed onto its roof - as the sauna raft sped over to help.

The captain of the vessel, Nicholay Nordahl, told VG he "gave full throttle toward the people who came climbing out of the car" and reached them just as the vehicle went under.

A couple of sauna guests, said to have only been wearing towels, then helped pull them aboard.

"With good help from two of the guests, we got them up. They warmed up [afterwards] in the sauna," Mr Nordahl added.

Jimbuna 02-12-24 09:15 AM

Baby dies after mother mistakenly put her in oven


A baby died after her mother mistakenly put her down for a nap in the oven, a US prosecutor has said.

Mariah Thomas of Kansas City, Missouri, has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child.

Police responded to a report of an infant not breathing on Friday afternoon.

A probable cause statement said responders found the child with apparent burns.

The baby was pronounced dead at the scene.

The statement said responders were told by a witness the mother "put the child down for a nap and accidentally placed her in the oven instead of the crib".

It did not explain how that mistake was made.

"We acknowledge the gruesome nature of this tragedy and our hearts are weighted by the loss of this precious life," Jackson County prosecuting attorney Jean Peters Baker said in a statement.

"We trust the criminal justice system to respond appropriately to these awful circumstances."

Moonlight 02-12-24 10:48 AM

Germany struggles to deport foreigners as home embassies ‘hang up the phone’

This Migration Issue Has Been A Big Con From Start To Finish.

Merkel wanted them and now you don't, what's changed?, too many German girls getting molested is there?.
Here's a solution for you, sit those Migrants down and make them an offer they can't refuse, show them a noose and gallows and they have ten days to piss off or they'll be hanging from it.
If they cite their Human Rights which they will do, tell them that German Citizen Human Rights trumps theirs, so what's it gonna be?, job done. :up:

Jimbuna 02-12-24 02:04 PM

Coastguard forced to email BBC for help as ship blocks emergency channel for 12 hours by listening to Radio 4


A Coastguard emergency channel was blocked by a ship that was accidentally playing BBC Radio 4 over it.

A sailor afloat somewhere near the Shetland islands accidently sent the Radio 4 station onto the maritime emergency channel all day.

The incident forced the coastguard in Shetland, one of 300 rescue teams around the UK to email the BBC for help.

It was only flagged up after a shift change where the team leader, nicknamed Laura K realised before changing over.

Speaking to the BBC’s Broadcasting House programme on Sunday, it was part of the Coastguard’s policy that if a radio station can be heard over the channel, the broadcaster can be contacted. They can be asked to broadcast a safety message to get all vessels in the area to check their sets.

The safety message, as broadcast on February 5, said: "This is an important safety-related message on behalf of His Majesty’s Coastguard. This radio message is being transmitted over VHF channel 16 by a vessel with an open mic.

"This is blocking all distress, urgency and safety broadcasts. All vessels in the vicinity of south east Shetland are requested to check their radios and ensure that the microphone transmit button is not being inadvertently held open."

Radio 4 eventually stopped being played over the emergency channel at 7pm the same day.

Luckily, the team leader added that there had been no "incidents" during the 12-hour period the channel was blocked.

Dargo 02-12-24 02:54 PM

Super Bowl: Can you spot the super "secret" WiFi credentials?

Jimbuna 02-13-24 11:20 AM

Sir Winston Churchill's false teeth 'snapped up' for £18,000 at auction


Gold-mounted false teeth that Sir Winston Churchill wore as he made his "we shall fight them on the beaches" speech and other famous addresses, have been "snapped up" at auction for £18,000.

The set of six upper teeth were fashioned to preserve Britain's wartime prime minister's famous natural lisp.

Dentures were so important to him, he carried two sets with him at all times.

The Cotswold Auction Company, who handled the sale, said the teeth were "snapped up" for £18,000, more than double the £8,000 guide price.

Churchill, who guided Britain through the Second World War after replacing Neville Chamberlain as prime minister in 1940, suffered from dental problems most of his life and lost several teeth during his 20s.

It is believed up to four sets of teeth were made for him, with at least one buried with him, the Guardian said.

The auctioned set was made for him when he was 65 at the beginning of the conflict.

Moonlight 02-14-24 08:29 AM

EXCLUSIVE Supermarkets go to war: Aldi parks its tanks on Tesco's lawn as it tries to open three new stores directly opposite its rival

Tesco is fighting to stop new Aldi supermarkets from being built across from their own, MailOnline can reveal.
Tesco objected to the plans citing concerns over traffic impact, road safety and the safety of pedestrians.

I think what Tesco are really complaining about is that their Profits will come under attack from a budget supermarket, for ****s sake Tesco, just come out and admit it you plonkers, you'll probably get a nod of respect instead of the usual snort of derision. :haha:

Jimbuna 02-14-24 10:22 AM

On Valentine's Day, couple married for 63 years reveal surprising secret to a long-lasting relationship


When a couple is married for over 60 years, there's often one question: "What's your secret?"

You might think staying affectionate, good communication and compromises would be high on the list.

But one husband and wife who have been married for 63 years say the real answer is much more delicious.

Josephine and Aubrey Langley - who are 90 and 91 - met in 1958 when they foxtrotted at the Mostyn Dance Hall in north Wales.

And according to Mrs Langley, there's one thing that's key to a long-lasting relationship: "A husband that knows how to barbecue and make an exceptionally good gin and tonic."

Mr Langley added that a "good sense of humour" matters - after all, laughter can be just the tonic, too.

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