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von Zelda 11-26-19 04:20 PM

Moved question per your request
Propbeanie, I have a question after seeing nine destroyers in each of two different 14 ship Japanese invasion fleets.

Side view using the unit camera buttons (< & >), destroyers with #5 and #18 on their bow (don't know them by name) seem to be riding abnormally high in the water. The red band around the hull appears extremely high as the propellers and rudders are seen at or above sea level. The other ships appeared normal.

Career mode, Manila was home port, located outside the Lingayen Gulf in my 4th patrol area in an S-boat. Dates were 12/24/41 and 12/26/41. Window 7 laptop, 4 gig memory, 64-bit, using LAA.

360 degree Bearing Plotter Mod
NMMO Reverse Ocean Colors Add-on Mod
Clean and Quiet Map Mod
Webster’s 300” Underwater Visibility Mod for v1.5
Remove Grain Effect Mod
Lee’s custom Additional Messages Mod
amb_SubmarineInterior sound Mod from Pacific
Lee’s custom Commands

merc4ulfate 11-26-19 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638143)
Same, usual questions from me though merc4ulfate: I am supposing your were in career mode with the Balikpapan issue? YES
From Fremantle? YES
Do you remember your orders? How did you get those orders, from the Captain's Office going on Patrol, or a Status Report? Patrol an area just south east of there for five days and given from the captains office at the beginning of the patrol
Objective was completed before I went up to Balikpapan
Some new orders were added to the DynamicMiss file that are not accessible any other way than doing a Status Report and all Objectives completed. It is next to impossible to test all of those "in the laboratory", so only "the wild" can find issues there quickly from there. Davao Gulf and Balikpapan are both represented there. There is an airfield nearby, and if you were seen, they would send planes your way ceaselessly... :o

Planes were sent and avoided

I am not completely understanding the "3 Task Force" thing, but if that's the mission from before when we were testing the Battle of the Philippine Sea, then that test mission would now be invalid. Only use the "SM04 Battle of Philippine Sea.mis", which on the Single Mission menu is "Battle of Philippines Sea" - er, let me say this: "~Should~ be the 'Battle of Philippines Sea' on the menu..." :roll:

Yes Battle of the Philippine Sea but if you remember this was occurring in a campaign mode. I chose a patrol closest to that time period in order to test it out that way. I have not progressed far enough into the campaign to test it out on a full campaign load but if this patrol is any indication there is still something wrong in coming across those three task force.

propbeanie 11-27-19 12:20 AM

I'll have to see what you are getting with the Quick Patrols. Different files load for the different modes. You might be getting the game's Single Mission file, which I did not attempt to fix, and which is completely different from the Career mode... That being said, I have found old files back in the mod, which is not good... I'll look into that Balikpapan thing later today...


Originally Posted by von Zelda (Post 2638162)
Propbeanie, I have a question after seeing nine destroyers in each of two different 14 ship Japanese invasion fleets.

Side view using the unit camera buttons (< & >), destroyers with #5 and #18 on their bow (don't know them by name) seem to be riding abnormally high in the water. The red band around the hull appears extremely high as the propellers and rudders are seen at or above sea level. The other ships appeared normal.

Career mode, Manila was home port, located outside the Lingayen Gulf in my 4th patrol area in an S-boat. Dates were 12/24/41 and 12/26/41. Window 7 laptop, 4 gig memory, 64-bit, using LAA.

360 degree Bearing Plotter Mod
NMMO Reverse Ocean Colors Add-on Mod
Clean and Quiet Map Mod
Webster’s 300” Underwater Visibility Mod for v1.5
Remove Grain Effect Mod
Lee’s custom Additional Messages Mod
amb_SubmarineInterior sound Mod from Pacific
Lee’s custom Commands

The Reverse Colors, Clean & Quiet, Underwater Visibility, Remove Grain are all basically "overlay" mods, and should be OK, though they have not been tested. The 360 Plotter is basically already in the game, though not as big as that one, but it also does not take as much memory to display. The Additional Messages should be OK, but does ruin all of the base notifications you would normally get. What you could do with it, is to use WinMerge and combine the two files. You really have to be careful with Sound and Command mods in FotRSU, since some of them do things that are not good for the FotRSU mod, and they might also not comply with "Stock" specs. Certain sound files that do not comply to time lengths and bit-depth or resolution of the stock sound files can and do cause trouble, so be aware of that. All of that being said, none of those are the likely cause of the ships wearing hot pants and mini-skirts, dancing around with their skivvies showing... As mentioned in your other post, I am reasonably certain it was the Groups that had duplicate ship names, especially the sub chasers and Akatsuki DD, since there were four SC, and probably almost a half-dozen Akatsuki that had duplicated names in that particular mis file. Add-in that several of the groups with the Small Passenger troop ships exceeded their MaxSpeed setting, and I'm surprised the game ran. This is one of the files that 'reverted' to a previous state some how. Not good... :salute:

fitzcarraldo 11-27-19 08:52 AM

I tried the new skins by Vickers03, original skins in 4k. Looks really nice in FOTRSU.

Deserves a test...


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

propbeanie 11-27-19 09:10 AM

Thanks fitzcarraldo! I have been checking them out myself. They are huge files though, but sure are beautiful! :salute:

Fifi 11-27-19 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638261)
Thanks fitzcarraldo! I have been checking them out myself. They are huge files though, but sure are beautiful! :salute:

Huge files = lack of RAM = CTD! :D :haha:

vickers03 11-27-19 12:23 PM


Huge files = lack of RAM = CTD! :D
don't worry, each skin is only ~10mb:03:

merc4ulfate 11-27-19 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638206)
I'll have to see what you are getting with the Quick Patrols. Different files load for the different modes. You might be getting the game's Single Mission file, which I did not attempt to fix, and which is completely different from the Career mode... That being said, I have found old files back in the mod, which is not good... I'll look into that Balikpapan thing later today...

The Reverse Colors, Clean & Quiet, Underwater Visibility, Remove Grain are all basically "overlay" mods, and should be OK, though they have not been tested. The 360 Plotter is basically already in the game, though not as big as that one, but it also does not take as much memory to display. The Additional Messages should be OK, but does ruin all of the base notifications you would normally get. What you could do with it, is to use WinMerge and combine the two files. You really have to be careful with Sound and Command mods in FotRSU, since some of them do things that are not good for the FotRSU mod, and they might also not comply with "Stock" specs. Certain sound files that do not comply to time lengths and bit-depth or resolution of the stock sound files can and do cause trouble, so be aware of that. All of that being said, none of those are the likely cause of the ships wearing hot pants and mini-skirts, dancing around with their skivvies showing... As mentioned in your other post, I am reasonably certain it was the Groups that had duplicate ship names, especially the sub chasers and Akatsuki DD, since there were four SC, and probably almost a half-dozen Akatsuki that had duplicated names in that particular mis file. Add-in that several of the groups with the Small Passenger troop ships exceeded their MaxSpeed setting, and I'm surprised the game ran. This is one of the files that 'reverted' to a previous state some how. Not good... :salute:

I miss spoke

It is the three TF going to the Marianas. 6-18-44 They are headed for the Turkey shoot. I tried it again this time in campaign mode and I am still getting the CTD upon closure of the third TF. I can make it around the first and second with no issue but when that third TF gets close CTD. You had thought this was caused by one of the DD in the third group.

propbeanie 11-27-19 12:44 PM

Yes, I should have said "huge SET of files in the download"... with each individual sub, I have not seen any impact on performance. The download took a while on my super-not-much-wide-band ISP connection... :roll:

fitzcarraldo 11-27-19 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by vickers03 (Post 2638271)
don't worry, each skin is only ~10mb:03:

I have FPS fixed, 30 FPS, via Nvidia Inspector, no change with the skins. The packs include all the subs.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

von Zelda 11-27-19 03:02 PM

Are you intersted in typos in Mission Orders and Objectives?
Maybe minor but.......

Patrolling Area A2 for required days. Receive radio message at approx. 4pm, February 11, 1942 from Comsubpac: "Proceed to Area A6 in the China Sea....."

The Nav map (with circle & marker) shows B6 as the patrol area. Maybe a typo?

But, Mission Objectives states patrol area E6. Does not appear to be an E6 on the Nav map.

Is this too small of an error to report?

torpedobait 11-27-19 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2637502)
The conning tower explains a ~lot~... while there is no renown payment required for the radar, there is a renown payment required for the "upgraded" conning towers. You have the pre-war conning tower, before the shears had their wrap removed, and the "cut-out" for the rear AA. Look at the pictures I posted about the same boat, but Single Mission configured for June of 1942. The shears only have the framework, and there is an AA platform. That is the improved conning tower, first "upgrade". I use that term loosely, since like a submarine "upgrade", it has to be paid for with a good patrol score and commander ranking. You cannot have a patrol that is below "Average", and especially early, and it is best if you have the first four of them in the "Good" category, which is above 800 renown. If you don't get above that, you are then not eligible for a boat or conning tower upgrade, and hence will not get the SJ radar - ever - until you get a new conning tower. See the "Of Refits.pdf" in the Support folder, which is a copy of one of Ducimus' posts from years ago. This is the reason for us putting extra objective assignments in the "Early" patrols...

I did read the refit.pdf and your comments. However, reality does not jibe with what I read. Take a look at this:
Took command of GATO 1/19/43, with starting Renown = 5960.
Spent 1600 Renown on Radars; (Highway Robbery)
Renown to start 1st GATO Patrol = 4260.
5/10/43 Ended 2nd Patrol with Renown = 5245, earning 885;
Spent 0 Renown, with 5245 to start 2nd Patrol
6/2943 Ended 3rd Patrol with Renown = 6585, earning 1340;
Refused new Boat;
Spent 960 to get new torpedos, with 5625 to start 4th patrol.
8/23/43 Ended 4th Patrol with Renown = 9,725 (had a BIG one!) earning 3,283!
Spent 960 on torpedos, leaving 8765 to start 5th Patrol
11/8/43 Ended 5th Patrol with Renown = 10,352, earning 1,587;
Spent 960 on torpedos, leaving 9,592 to start 6th Patrol.
12/24/43 Ended 6th Patrol with Renown = 11,669, earning 2,077 (another BIG one)
Refused New Boat (2nd Time)
Spent 960 on torpedos, leaving 10,709 to start 7th Patrol.

After 6 patrols, and being offered a new boat twice, I still have not seen a conning tower refit. What does one have to do? If medals mean anything, I was awarded 7 consecutive Navy Crosses, then a Bronze Star, then 5 more Navy Crosses. There has not been one patrol without a medal awarded - 13 patrols; 13 medals.

These are all patrols out of Midway Atoll, mostly with missions around Hokkaido, Honshu, and Taiwan, with a couple of insertions to Guam and Okinawa (that was the Gato's 6th Patrol assignment - ran into 2 IJN TFs on the way back, accounting for the large scores.

I'm going to keep going in this mode, keeping the GATO, until they retire me or give me a refit. But in any case, it does not seem to fit the formula you and the Refit.pdf describe. With respect, :salute:

propbeanie 11-27-19 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by von Zelda (Post 2638284)
Maybe minor but.......

Patrolling Area A2 for required days. Receive radio message at approx. 4pm, February 11, 1942 from Comsubpac: "Proceed to Area A6 in the China Sea....."

The Nav map (with circle & marker) shows B6 as the patrol area. Maybe a typo?

But, Mission Objectives states patrol area E6. Does not appear to be an E6 on the Nav map.

Is this too small of an error to report?

No errors are too small to report. I'll look into that one, though that sounds like it's an old TMO 1.7 typo... We'll get that one stomped on and fixed, or at least ding it with the big hammer... :salute:


Originally Posted by torpedobait (Post 2638299)
I did read the refit.pdf and your comments. However, reality does not jibe with what I read...
... After 6 patrols, and being offered a new boat twice, I still have not seen a conning tower refit. What does one have to do?...
... I'm going to keep going in this mode, keeping the GATO, until they retire me or give me a refit. But in any case, it does not seem to fit the formula you and the Refit.pdf describe. With respect, :salute:

Read that again though - you get one question, and it is not an either / or kind of thing. If you qualify, which you did at least twice, and had several missions in between the offers, but there is a hierarchy of equipment. You reached the threshold, so now it comes down to "Is there a new submarine available? Yes? Then offer the submarine. If No, then offer the conning tower. That is the only way to get a new conning tower, is if there is NOT a new submarine available.

So you are in the Gato, and refuse the Balao when offered, you are not then offered a new conning tower. The same thing happens the next time. You still have a new boat available - in the Balao - and refuse it again - you still are not offered the conning tower. This is what Ducimus was getting at back in 2010. It's not right for our way of thinking. If you qualify, you should be asked an either / or question such as "Do you want a new submarine, or a new conning tower?" so that you have a choice. So the only ways to get a new conning tower, is either with the new boat, or by not having a new boat available at the time you qualify, and then the game defaults to the conning tower... :salute:

torpedobait 11-27-19 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638323)
No errors are too small to report. I'll look into that one, though that sounds like it's an old TMO 1.7 typo... We'll get that one stomped on and fixed, or at least ding it with the big hammer... :salute:

Read that again though - you get one question, and it is not an either / or kind of thing. If you qualify, which you did at least twice, and had several missions in between the offers, but there is a hierarchy of equipment. You reached the threshold, so now it comes down to "Is there a new submarine available? Yes? Then offer the submarine. If No, then offer the conning tower. That is the only way to get a new conning tower, is if there is NOT a new submarine available.

So you are in the Gato, and refuse the Balao when offered, you are not then offered a new conning tower. The same thing happens the next time. You still have a new boat available - in the Balao - and refuse it again - you still are not offered the conning tower. This is what Ducimus was getting at back in 2010. It's not right for our way of thinking. If you qualify, you should be asked an either / or question such as "Do you want a new submarine, or a new conning tower?" so that you have a choice. So the only ways to get a new conning tower, is either with the new boat, or by not having a new boat available at the time you qualify, and then the game defaults to the conning tower... :salute:

Ah, I see what you are saying. Not quite a Catch 22 but close.

Thanks for explaining further.

von Zelda 11-28-19 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638323)
No errors are too small to report. I'll look into that one, though that sounds like it's an old TMO 1.7 typo... We'll get that one stomped on and fixed, or at least ding it with the big hammer...


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