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Oberon 04-10-12 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Takeda Shingen (Post 1867973)
I could get that completed within the hour. :D

You strike us down, we'll just get more stronger than you can imagine... :ping:

TBH, that Succubus armour is pretty tame by Hentai standards, and those kinds of 'bat-ears' (elves) appear outside of Anime too.

You're doing a lot of generalising again. But I do agree that Skyrim is not the kind of game for that kind of armour and it is rather lore breaking...but well, it's the internet, what you gonna do? :hmmm:

HunterICX 04-11-12 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Ducimus (Post 1867864)
That garbage really needs its own category. There's enough of it to merit its own catagorization now.

Agreed, if I select Armor I want to see Armor sets not some perverted mind's twist on what he think is armor. Also what sickens me is how much of this crap is beeing endorsed.


TBH, that Succubus armour is pretty tame by Hentai standards, and those kinds of 'bat-ears' (elves) appear outside of Anime too.
They may appear outside Anime too...but it doesn't really help if the autor's name is Hentai :O:


Ducimus 04-11-12 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 1867982)
Wouldn't have cutting your ex into two halfes just been easier?

Nah, i do wish a fire crash and death upon her though..... well ok maybe not that bad. But i hope she ends up as white trash in her home state of Arkansas in some trailer park and married to some guy name bubba that's made her the queen of his double wide trailer. With no money, and no prospects, living a dead end, miserable existence for the rest of her life. Perhaps even making an appearance on At which point I will laugh my ass off, but will deny i ever knew her.


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1868068)
and those kinds of 'bat-ears' (elves) appear outside of Anime too.

You're doing a lot of generalising again.

I have never seen Elves that have ears like that in any fiction that I'm aware of. LOTR's.. THAT elves. This? No this is some asian interrpretation that is supposed to be one thing, but really looks like bat ears.

As for generalising, you have no idea how much garbage I've seen on the internet. I've said a few times i work in internet security. I've been in this field for 12 years now. You name it, ive seen it, multiple times.


Originally Posted by HunterICX (Post 1868161)
Agreed, if I select Armor I want to see Armor sets not some perverted mind's twist on what he think is armor. Also what sickens me is how much of this crap is beeing endorsed.
They may appear outside Anime too...but it doesn't really help if the autor's name is Hentai :O:


It's either the asian crowd, or perverted US kids who's voice has recently taken a deeper tone. I'd believe its the asian crowd though. Particuarlly if it's Japan. As perversion goes, they take the cake. The Japanese have been into school girls for years. They invented vending machines that dispense used women panties, they invented and coined the term bukakki, and as noted, Hentai, which in it's classic form features young school girls being raped by demons with more pensis then you and i have fingers and toes. So i have no problem in saying, "Yeah, it's probably the Japanese.".

frau kaleun 04-11-12 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Takeda Shingen (Post 1867971)
FYI Shadowmere is a she.

In this incarnation, anyway. :O:

OTOH, I look at it this way... as far as I'm concerned, anything I'm riding is most definitely a "he." ;)

Finished the Civil War for the Empire last night. Judging by the victory speech, Tullius still hasn't gotten word that the Emperor is off the twig. Oh well, I suppose when his flagship never leaves the harbor and all those bodies start to stink up the place, someone will go investigate.

*walks away whistling nonchalantly*

Killed Galmar and Ulfric and stole all their gear. REALLY disappointed in the fact that Ulfric's entire wardrobe changes completely when I put it on, has anyone else noticed this? Or is it just because my PC is female and the game is doing the usual gender armor/clothing switcheroo? SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS I wouldn't mind it being changed to FIT my PC's body but it's just completely redone in crappy colors and pieces and looks NOTHING like what Ulfric was actually wearing. That was the part of finishing the CW that I was most looking forward to... getting that gear and trying it on. BOOOOOOOOO!

Oberon 04-11-12 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ducimus (Post 1868231)
I have never seen Elves that have ears like that in any fiction that I'm aware of. LOTR's.. THAT elves. This? No this is some asian interrpretation that is supposed to be one thing, but really looks like bat ears.

As for generalising, you have no idea how much garbage I've seen on the internet. I've said a few times i work in internet security. I've been in this field for 12 years now. You name it, ive seen it, multiple times.

It's either the asian crowd, or perverted US kids who's voice has recently taken a deeper tone. I'd believe its the asian crowd though. Particuarlly if it's Japan. As perversion goes, they take the cake. The Japanese have been into school girls for years. They invented vending machines that dispense used women panties, they invented and coined the term bukakki, and as noted, Hentai, which in it's classic form features young school girls being raped by demons with more pensis then you and i have fingers and toes. So i have no problem in saying, "Yeah, it's probably the Japanese.".

Oh, I'm not condoning it, although to be honest Japan hardly has the capital market on perversions, it's just more noticable than in other countries where it's usually suppressed, but yes there are many times I look at the Japanese market, shake my head and sigh. It's pretty damn hard to comphrend them, but they also have their fair share of pretty damn awesome stuff.

But I also sigh when I see people just generalise an entire nation and concept based upon one part of it, it's like saying that all Germans are Nazis, all Americans are fat, all Romanians are thieves, and so on and so forth. I just hate generalisation, although I've fallen into it myself a couple of times because it's an easy thing to do.

I do agree though that the amount of it in the Skyrim mods is excessive, but that's what happens when the player demographic has a bracket in the teens and early twenties on one end, and it also involves science-fiction and/or fantasy, you get the magical slave girl outfits come out...which, I remind you, are not all fact some of the covers of some western sci-fi books have outfits that leave very little to the imagination :O: Heck, how many sci-fi or fantasy games have women with very little clothing on the front? Look at the publicity around Fem-Shephred in ME3, and Mirandas clothing isn't exactly loose fitting, nor does Morrigan from DAO wear sensible fashion. Sex sells, as they say, and that is the depressing truth that marketers have cottoned onto for the past sixty or more years.

I understand though that you've seen quite a few sights that I wouldn't wish on anyone in your role as an Internet Security, I think we've all taken a wrong turn on the interwebs before and been somewhere that requires mind bleach. Hunter seems to have a speciality in doing that with strange films :hmmm: But whilst it is true that a good majority of extremely strange stuff comes from Japan, it does not mean that one should write off an entire nation and/or an industry/genre because of it.

Anyway, this is getting off topic somewhat, so it's probably best just to agree to disagree but bear in mind that I'm not condoning the...very strange ideas of certain people on the internet... :yep:

Ducimus 04-11-12 12:15 PM

Mind/eye bleach doesn't work because it doesn't exist. What does work is desensitization. Sad but true. See stuff often enough, you unplug. As for generalising, you know i do this professionally? Try categorizing the internet. That's part of what i do. Websites meet certain criteria, off into the pigeon hole they go.

Back on topic. Some of the armor i "made" in my smithing mod i posted earlier.

Yeah i know, its guard armor. 3d modeling/mesh was never one of my strong suits. So i just used one of the lesser used guard models. Doesn't look half bad.

frau kaleun 04-11-12 03:07 PM

Speaking of armor and smithing mods, my next character will be going back to heavy armor but most likely joining the Stormcloaks ASAP after escaping Helgen since I'd like to stretch the Civil War stuff out a bit more. Felt weird this time around, killing the Emperor and then joining the Legion almost immediately and, hey, barely a week later if that and we're already taking Windhelm. :shifty:

Part of it is due to having timescale set to '2' which has the advantage of making time pass more realistically but the disadvantage of making the playing world incredibly small because even on foot you can cut a pretty wide swathe of adventure and mayhem in the course of one Skyrim day. Maybe I should try to find a happy medium somewhere. And I really should set a self-imposed time restriction on some stuff, like RPing that whatever orders I got specify a day for an attack that is several days off, instead of just "oh hey the party starts when I get there." :O:

Ideally I think it would be cool to locate Ulfric and whatever dudes are with him after they escape Helgen and start making their way back to Windhelm, and then just follow along. I've heard tales of people running across Tullius and Elenwen on the roads out of there, making their way back towards Solitude, but never seen it mentioned about any other major NPCs that were present in the opening sequence. Maybe the game just teleports Ulfric & Co. back to Windhelm, if so, boo. OTOH even if they actually walk back, they'd surely be heading in a completely opposite direction than I am when I emerge from the cave leading out from the keep... that would be a lot of backtracking without Ralof/Hadvar to help out and in gear that isn't that great... I don't suppose there's any way to play out the opening without following through the whole tutorial that puts you on the road to Riverwood? I mean, if you don't follow either Hadvar or Ralof out of Helgen, does the game just "hang" there with Alduin continuing to attack and nothing progressing with any other NPCs?

Anyhoo regarding armor, I'm bummed that the basic Stormcloak armor all appears to be light, except maybe the officer's stuff that you get near the end but I never wore any of it before so it didn't matter. I'll probably want to wear it next time like I did the Imperial stuff on the current playthrough... but I really, really, don't want to wear light armor if only because it wastes leveling opportunities on that skill that I would rather devote to heavy armor, which is what I'm gonna end up wearing over the long haul.

So I guess I need to start looking around for mods that make it possible to play as a Stormcloak grunt in armor that's tagged as heavy instead of light. :hmmm:.

Oberon 04-11-12 03:12 PM

I guess you're right in that respect, I'm certainly less sensitive to it than I was when I first stumbled onto the internet, but you still are able to fall across stuff that 'raises the bar' so to speak... :nope:
Yes, I do feel sorry for you in what you are forced to check out on a daily basis, certainly must make one jaded towards the internet.

Anyway, enough of that.

That armour is nice, I like the scalemail, I shall have to grab this mod of yours :yeah:

SgtPotato 04-12-12 12:57 PM

You know, The Imperial soldiers really need their pants while patrolling in Skyrim. :hmmm:

I like their armors, but Skyrim is damn cold for not having imperial pants!

BossMark 04-13-12 05:36 AM

Yeah on my second playthrough and I found the Steed stone
Now Emma is going join the Stormcloaks and get her revenge on the Imperial butchers who tried to give her a close shave

HunterICX 04-13-12 05:51 AM

After done my part for the Empire, It's time to start going out in the wilds again.


frau kaleun 04-15-12 02:56 AM

The Great Coward Takes Flight:


"Keep smiling, keep shining, knowing you can always count on me, for sure..."

(Sing it with me, people!)


"For good times, and bad times, I'll be on your side forever more..."

("HUNH oh crap I'm dead.")

I have found a wonderful new way to clear those popular and oh so friendly Forsworn encampments over in the Reach.

1. Ride Shadowmere as close as possible to the main entry point.

2. Dismount.

3. Call Dragon.

4. Fire arrow at closest Forsworn, just to make sure they all come out to play.

5. Run like mad for the highest vantage point you can find that provides a bit of cover from enemy archers.



Shadowmere and I ran into a bunch of Forsworn out in the hills who were attacking an itinerant peddler. We stopped to help and suddenly it got ugly as there were more of them than I first realized hiding off the trail a bit. So I just figured, let's see what Odahviing makes of this lot.

I don't know if the game has him moving around from place to place when you're not near him, but if not... man, he sure gets to the Reach from the TotW in a hurry. And I'd never seen him LAND to fight my enemies before. This one guy who was fighting Shadowmere, he landed right behind him on the hillside and then just CHOMPED him. Ate him RIGHT UP. And then looked at me with what I SWEAR was a big old dopey Dov grin on his face. It. Was. Awesome.

One fight I just went completely nuts and had Odahviing, Shadowmere, and a spectral Lucien Lachance all running around getting medieval on people's butts. :rock:

frau kaleun 04-17-12 05:09 PM

Ah, the joys of a new character, even if she's a whole lot like a couple of your other characters. :O:

Back story here:

Task Force 04-18-12 09:12 PM

I present to you, BUCKETRIM!!!!
Everyone gets a bucket!

soopaman2 04-18-12 11:50 PM

I'd pay 1.99 USD for the Bloody Mess perk from fallout New Vegas to be imported.

Same engine isn't it?

I was gonna show you guys my bucket of gems, but the save game corrupted. Back to CK2! Maybe in a few weeks. :p

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