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BossMark 04-10-12 05:32 AM
Sunset over Whiterun.

frau kaleun 04-10-12 08:15 AM

Well, I took the plunge and joined the Legion. Kinda hard to keep a straight face, taking an oath of loyalty to an Emperor that I just killed, like, three days ago. :O: Does word ever get around that the Emperor is dead or do the Imperial Powers That Be choose not to share that little tidbit with their subjects?

Best part was that on the way into Castle Dour to speak with Tullius and Rikke about joining up, I was just coming around the corner from the ramp up to where the blacksmith and fletcher are, when I hear yelling and here come two very angry Penitus Oculatus dudes. Must've been a couple left over from the first botched assassination attempt inside the castle, but whatever. They're dead now and I had to punt their nekkid bodies over against the wall so I don't have to walk over them every time I report back to the Castle. Every once in a while some guard walks by, leans over, and sadly wonders what happened. Lulz.

Other odd thing was that when I went to kill the Emperor I decided to take out Maro first, and the other PO agent who was hanging out with him on the docks. Or agents. I can't remember how many there were. Anyway, the guard who was patrolling that area actually came to *help* me when the second (and/or third) PO dude attacked me. I'd one-shotted Maro in the back from a hidden position at the far end of the pier, so maybe the guard didn't realize I was being attacked because, you know, I'd just killed somebody. Or maybe the Solitude guards just don't like the Penitus Oculatus. :hmmm: There were no repercussions from killing the two outside the castle, either.

Anyway I don't think there are any PO dudes left, after it became clear that they're not going to just let it go, well, I made a little trip to Dragonbridge and killed the only one left in their HQ there. Pretty sure I killed every agent on the Emperor's ship and down by the docks. We have the Emperor's robes and Maro's armor on display in the Dawnstar Sanctuary now. :woot:

Wondering if the only way to get a completed quest on Where You Hang Your Enemy's Head is to buy *every* upgrade there? I bought everything but the Torture Room stuff and victims, because, EW. And now the quest is still just sitting there in my journal like it's unfinished. :stare:

Also wondering for future reference how the game handles the Imperial "medium" armor if that's what you choose when you get outfitted? I took light because all my XP and perks are in Light Armor but I was confused as to why medium was even an option. Does the game lump it in with light, or heavy? I'd really like to have something that looks better than the plain Imperial light but I swore I would do the Civil War quests in what the Legion gave me, improved and enchanted of course (since I can) but it's still making it more interesting than running around in Nightingale stuff or Dragonscale with a buttload of OP weapons. My health bar actually comes up now occasionally in a close fight. :haha:

Altho I did take the ax to Windhelm and defend Whiterun with my full set of Dragon armor and weapons, cuz I felt like I was acting more as Thane of Whiterun there than just another Legion grunt.

I confess I stood in the Palace and asked Ulfric every possible question before getting to the unfortunate matter of Baalgruuf's ax, just to hear him talk. Even as a sworn enemy, when he's issuing veiled and not-so-veiled threats at me and my Jarl, he's still the hottest thing walking. :wah:

So far Tullius and Rikke just fall flat as characters in comparison to Ulfric and Galmar. Baalgruuf did give an awesome speech after the battle for Whiterun, though. At least he and Idgrod will get to keep their thrones, I just have to keep reminding myself of that.

Also forget any complaints I had about Shadowmere, true I have to ride him, fast travel, or take the carriage if I want him along on a journey but that's a small inconvenience because he is awesome. I'm having to leave Marcurio at home for most of the Legion missions and I'm just going everywhere with Shadowmere and loving it. :woot:

Ducimus 04-10-12 12:14 PM

I finally got around to fixing a long standing issue I've had with Skyrim.
Aela the huntress looks like my freaking Ex. She who's name i will not utter, and curse with contempt. Not anymore.
I can finally look at that character now, and not feel sick to my stomach.

On a side note, why haven't i ever noticed that dwarven sword in Jorvasker before? I didn't notice it tell i resized this screenshot for uploading.

Krauter 04-10-12 12:22 PM

@Frau, you do need to buy the torture room to complete that quest.

It's actually worth the buy IMO


It gives you four different treasure hunts to get some cash


Otherwise just kill the prisonners you get because their moaning is annoying.

frau kaleun 04-10-12 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Krauter (Post 1867759)
@Frau, you do need to buy the torture room to complete that quest.

It's actually worth the buy IMO


It gives you four different treasure hunts to get some cash


Yeah I know that already, and I don't care... I've already got more money than this character will ever need, I don't need to torture people for more. And I don't think it fits in all that well with the DB stuff anyway, which is (or should be, IMO) about one simple thing: murder for hire, as quickly and cleanly as possible. Not kidnapping people and hanging them up in a torture chamber to extract information out of them, particularly if none of it has anything to do with actually completing a contract. :nope:

So I guess that quest will just have to remain unfinished. I've got to report back to the Sanctuary to let them... her... it... whatever is in that coffin... know that I completed the contract I got when I checked in there, I'm hoping I don't get another one cuz really I should be handing out work to the rest of DB, not running all over creation doing small-time hits when the rest of the gang is doing nothing but hanging out and enjoying the fruits of my labors.

The "payoff" there sucks kinda like a lot of the guild/faction stuff, there's not enough practical recognition that you're actually the LEADER of the organization once you get to that position. It's really annoying with the Thieves Guild if only because there was so much traveling and work and risk involved in making it through to the top. And now I'm supposed to take lip from Vex because I'm not interested in stealing some piddly piece of crap from some house on the other side of the country just to make her happy? Oh, it benefits the Guild? THEN GO GET IT YOURSELF YOU SORRY BINT. Instead of spending 24/7 in the Ragged Flagon giving me the stink-eye every time I pass through. Sheesh.

But ANYWAY... :O:

I will finish out the Civil War quests for the Legion and then maybe the rest of the Daedric ones with this character but that's about it. And maybe only the Daedric ones I haven't done on previous playthroughs, whatever, when I get the Oblivion Walker badge I'll consider that good enough. And I'm only doing it now because it's unlikely that I'll ever play through those things again and I'd like to see how they go.

Ducimus 04-10-12 01:23 PM

Sick of seeing the Anime bat ears on nexus.

Task Force 04-10-12 02:00 PM

Hmm, I say we should go on a crusade and Burn all these Skyrim Anime Heretics!!!

Oberon 04-10-12 02:01 PM

Oh hush you, you'll overstretch yourselves with all these still haven't completed the one against the Ponies... :O:

Krauter 04-10-12 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1867789)
Yeah I know that already, and I don't care... I've already got more money than this character will ever need, I don't need to torture people for more. And I don't think it fits in all that well with the DB stuff anyway, which is (or should be, IMO) about one simple thing: murder for hire, as quickly and cleanly as possible. Not kidnapping people and hanging them up in a torture chamber to extract information out of them, particularly if none of it has anything to do with actually completing a contract. :nope:

So I guess that quest will just have to remain unfinished. I've got to report back to the Sanctuary to let them... her... it... whatever is in that coffin... know that I completed the contract I got when I checked in there, I'm hoping I don't get another one cuz really I should be handing out work to the rest of DB, not running all over creation doing small-time hits when the rest of the gang is doing nothing but hanging out and enjoying the fruits of my labors.

The "payoff" there sucks kinda like a lot of the guild/faction stuff, there's not enough practical recognition that you're actually the LEADER of the organization once you get to that position. It's really annoying with the Thieves Guild if only because there was so much traveling and work and risk involved in making it through to the top. And now I'm supposed to take lip from Vex because I'm not interested in stealing some piddly piece of crap from some house on the other side of the country just to make her happy? Oh, it benefits the Guild? THEN GO GET IT YOURSELF YOU SORRY BINT. Instead of spending 24/7 in the Ragged Flagon giving me the stink-eye every time I pass through. Sheesh.

But ANYWAY... :O:

I will finish out the Civil War quests for the Legion and then maybe the rest of the Daedric ones with this character but that's about it. And maybe only the Daedric ones I haven't done on previous playthroughs, whatever, when I get the Oblivion Walker badge I'll consider that good enough. And I'm only doing it now because it's unlikely that I'll ever play through those things again and I'd like to see how they go.

Agreed, I remember in Oblivion, at least for the DB, when you were the leader (or Listener) people actually recognized you as such. Now it just feels like no one else knows or cares of it.

Ducimus 04-10-12 02:08 PM

You know, if people are into that sort of thing, and want to have sex with cartoon school girls, penis tentical's and bat ears, that's fine, whatever floats your boat. Just don't shove my nose into it.

That garbage really needs its own category. There's enough of it to merit its own catagorization now.

mookiemookie 04-10-12 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1867789)
I've got to report back to the Sanctuary to let them... her... it... whatever is in that coffin... know that I completed the contract I got when I checked in there, I'm hoping I don't get another one cuz really I should be handing out work to the rest of DB, not running all over creation doing small-time hits when the rest of the gang is doing nothing but hanging out and enjoying the fruits of my labors.

The Night Mother continues to hand out quests to kill random generically named NPCs that the game populates using the Radiant quest system. They're really pretty boring, actually.

frau kaleun 04-10-12 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Krauter (Post 1867863)
Agreed, I remember in Oblivion, at least for the DB, when you were the leader (or Listener) people actually recognized you as such. Now it just feels like no one else knows or cares of it.

It's doubly weird in that a lot of people do know and care about it, and it's even reflected in some of their dialogue, but then the rest of their interactions with you are the same as they were before and never catch up to the new order of things. I get greeted as the "boss" but then verbally abused by the same person because I no longer want to take orders from the people who are now my subordinates. I mean, even if I still wanted to run jobs for the guild, the dialogue could be updated a bit to reflect that it's not the same thing as when I first walked in the door and still had to prove myself. "Hey boss, always a pleasure... what's that? Still like to get your hands dirty, eh? I think I can find something that will tickle your well, I'm sure you've got plenty of Guild business to attend to." (Which, actually, I don't, since Brynjolf is apparently doing so much of it that he can't give me the time of day any more. :wah:)

But, you know, something a little more in keeping with one's new status instead of "OMG hey come back here, you'll never get anywhere by turning down work!"

And then there are the people who *never* catch up and have no dialogue left for you except the stuff where they refer to you as the "new" person who still needs to prove worthy of their respect. Especially jarring when it's Skjor, who was killed several quests ago. Oh well, maybe he was only mostly dead and came to all brain-damaged and everyone just ignores his missteps with the new Harbinger out of pity. :O:

So yeah, it's just really hard to enjoy being IN a guild once you've finished the main questline for it. Outsiders like guards actually pick up on your status better than your guild buddies. I was strolling into Riften recently after finishing the main DB thing and a guard started to say something about the Brotherhood and then got all stammery and by the time I got past him he was just like "er.... um... never mind... ma'am." It was the way he added the somewhat terrified "ma'am" on the end that cracked me up, especially since the timing coincided perfectly with the way I walked right by refusing to acknowledge his existence. :haha:

Takeda Shingen 04-10-12 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1867661)
Also forget any complaints I had about Shadowmere, true I have to ride him, fast travel, or take the carriage if I want him along on a journey but that's a small inconvenience because he is awesome. I'm having to leave Marcurio at home for most of the Legion missions and I'm just going everywhere with Shadowmere and loving it. :woot:

FYI Shadowmere is a she.

Also, the 'er.....nevermind' comment from the guards is the best in the game.

Takeda Shingen 04-10-12 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1867859)
Oh hush you, you'll overstretch yourselves with all these still haven't completed the one against the Ponies... :O:

I could get that completed within the hour. :D

Skybird 04-10-12 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ducimus (Post 1867756)
I finally got around to fixing a long standing issue I've had with Skyrim.
Aela the huntress looks like my freaking Ex. She who's name i will not utter, and curse with contempt. Not anymore.

I can finally look at that character now, and not feel sick to my stomach.

Wouldn't have cutting your ex into two halfes just been easier?

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