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AJ! 04-20-08 01:42 PM

woops sorry bout the size :up:

Red Devil 04-20-08 01:42 PM

Your pic is way too big, its not even opening om ny super newbie pc!!! It should be about 800 x600 max and as few kbs as possible.

ah, it opened.

Gunfighter 04-21-08 09:27 AM


Sailor Steve 04-21-08 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Red Devil
Your pic is way too big, its not even opening om ny super newbie pc!!! It should be about 800 x600 max and as few kbs as possible.

ah, it opened.

I won't argue that it's too big, because it is; but I had to ask how super your newbie PC is? Because on my 3-year-old P4 with recently installed 2 GB of RAM it opened instantly.

Red Devil 04-21-08 12:13 PM

quad core 3gb RAM. It did open but very reluctantly. All to do with memory; this time, it opened instantly but still too big, not even going to bother scrolling.

Syxx_Killer 04-21-08 01:42 PM

If it is taking a long time to load, it is more likely your internet connection. The properties for that picture say it is only 175kb. 175kb is nothing regardless what size it is.

piersyf 04-23-08 03:00 AM

Patrol log, ss168 Nautilus
First patrol ex Pearl Harbor. My first RSRD patrol. Had no idea it would be so long...

Patrol Log, SS Nautilus SS168

Depart Pearl Harbor 11:00 Dec 8. Sea calm, sky clear.

Arrive Midway 13.00 Dec 15. Fuel use 5%. Topped off tanks. Weather remained fine and sea remained calm through entire leg.

Depart Midway 17:00 Dec 15. Sea calm, sky clear.

12:30 Jan 5. Enter patrol area, Bashi channel. Heavy swell. Seas to 20’. Bridge restricted to watch only. Fuel reserve 88%.

00:02 Jan 10. Move inshore. Hopes of calmer seas coupled with ability to monitor coastal traffic.

12:28 Jan 11. Sound contact, warship and multiple merchants. Seas calm, sky clear. Very good visibility. Visual contact shows 1 destroyer escorting 5 merchants. Position boat to shoreward to allow attack regardless of direction convoy takes.

15:18 Jan 11. Attack sequence completed. First kills! 2 merchants sunk for a total of around 9000 tons. Crew performance good. 13 torpedoes fired for 7 good solutions. 2 hits on port side of destroyer. Set to shallow and magnetic influence they must have detonated prematurely, but in both instances the blast lifted the stern clear of the water. DD developed a strong list to port and fires started on deck, but was still able to make 12kts. 3 hits on merchants with good detonations, 1 dud and one deep runner.
16:34. Surface the boat to pursue remainder of convoy. Send contact report and status report. ComSubPac orders boat to move to Japan – Luzon Strait – Singapore shipping lane and continue hunting with remaining 7 torps, but with 3 merchants and a DD still in contact, decide to finish off the convoy, make a run to Balikpapan and resupply before heading to new location.
22:40. Track convoy moving south at 7.5 kts. Move to position to attack facing east. Dive to periscope depth. Plan to attack last ship in line and hope to draw DD into attacking us so as to sink it with torps and engage merchants with guns. DD refuses to be drawn, even when we surface and pound tail end Charlie down to moving at 3 kts. Occasional shots at long range seems as much as he is willing to do. 6 of the remaining torps fired with 3 hits, sinking a further 2 merchants. Convoy now consists of 1 merchant and one sick DD.

00:08 Jan 12. Contact broken. One torpedo and 24 rds per gun not enough to finish the DD and the merchant. Visual contact lost 00:32. Well out to sea now. Sky clear, seas are calm. All is good with the world! Nautilus comes through without a scratch.

00:01 Jan 13. Clear skies, calm sea. Making 14 kts heading for Balikpapan. Close enough that extra fuel consumption won’t be significant loss.

20:43 Jan 17. Tie up at Balikpapan, fuel reserves 77%. Some cloud, seas calm. Preparations underway for defence of Balikpapan by Dutch as Japanese have secured Tarakan to the north. Original plan to allow crew 24 hrs rest is reduced to 12 hrs. Plan to shove off at 08:45. Take on fuel, ammo, torpedoes and reprovision.

08:45 Jan 18. Seas choppy, waves to 4’. Heavy rain. Visibility very short. Ideal time to slip out of harbour.

14:20 Jan 20. Warship sighted bearing 046. Move to intercept on surface as weather conditions favourable.
15:13. 1 CL and 9 DD’s. Contact report sent. ComSubPac orders contact broken. Not disagreeing.

16:10 Jan 28. Enter second patrol area. Sea calm, sky clear, visibility unlimited.

13:20 Feb 1. First a/c sighting on radar. Dive to avoid detection.

20:16 Feb 1. Leave patrol area. Intend visiting Okinawa and examining port defences.

00:01 Feb 2. ComSubPac orders Nautilus to Singapore. Decide to continue investigation of Okinawa before heading south.
11:35. Go to periscope depth on approach Itoman harbor, Okinawa.
11:40. Sound contact, warship.
17:36. Go to action stations. In position to engage screen. Sound man has only identified single DD guarding harbour entrance. DD identified as Asashio class.
DD changed course, possible that periscope was sighted. Waters very shallow. No pinging, sub stationary. DD passes directly overhead with boat at 50’. As DD passes order all ahead flank. 4 depth charges dropped, but late. No damage. Destroyer presumably speculating on our presence. Periscope raised and solution determined for short range shot from stern tubes. 2 fish shot at range of 700yds, one hit.
18:00. DD down at bows but still underway. Reduce to slow and enter harbour.
18:47. Stationary in middle of Itoman harbor. 3 auxiliary gunboats and 8 merchants tied up. Execute leisurely attacks as damaged DD unwilling to enter harbour. Will deal with him on exit.
22:04. Complete attacks. 3 merchants and DD destroyed. Of the 18 torpedoes fired 8 were duds. A lot of tonnage left untouched because of that.

11:05 Feb 14. Tie up in Darwin. Replenish supplies, crew allowed 24hrs rest. Opportunity to post Valentines home, although they won’t get there until Christmas…

11:00 Feb 15, depart Darwin for Singapore.

01:26 Feb 21. top off tanks Tjilitjap.

04:58 Feb 24. Enter 3rd patrol area off Singapore.

00:01 Feb 28. No sightings. Decide to investigate Singapore harbor.

16:08. Warship sighted at Singapore breakwater. Stationary small gunboat.
21:58. Enter Singapore harbor. Heavy rain, visibility 1000yds.
22:13 Gunboat sunk.
22:49 Merchant sunk. No other shipping present. Decide to investigate Changi.

04:09 Mar 1. Enter channel near Changi. Very heavy rain, visibility 600yds. Sight and sink 1 minelayer and a small tanker.
05:08. Rain stops and sky starts to clear catching us on the surface 250yds off shore.
07:33. Sight small fishing boat. Sink it with gunfire. Head to new patrol area 300nm NE of Singapore.

15:17 Mar 2. Enter 4th patrol area.

00:01 Mar 6. No sightings. Heading home via Okinawa again.

06:11 Mar 15. Arrive off Itoman harbour. No sound contacts. Visibility near zero.
06:25 Sound contact, warship. Range and bearing indicate screen for Naha harbor to the north.
10:23. Inside Itoman harbor. Visibility 800yds due to heavy rain. Sight 2 ships damaged from our previous visit. 1 has sunk the other still afloat, if barely.
15:52.. Rain easing. Last attack completed. Assessing results and preparing to leave. Sunk were old medium oiler (11:20), old medium oiler (12:19), small old oiler (15:04), medium modern split merchant (15:52).
16:47. Chase tug out of Itoman, surface and sink with gunfire. Turn boat around and head north to Naha. 4 torpedoes remaining.
22:07. Arrive NW Naha 4000yds from breakwater. Enter harbor. I DD and 4 gunboats patrolling, however DD is to the south and gunboats are stationary. Sink 2 oilers in harbor (23:36 and 23:41)and 1 large modern composite merchant tied to outer breakwater (23:59). No attempt by enemy to locate us. All torps expended. The Darwin torps were very good, only 2 duds out of 20. Set course for Pearl. 4,900 miles to home. Set course, order ahead full. A week saved is worth the fuel.

03:03 March 31. Arrive Pearl, 48% fuel remaining, 60 torpedoes expended. First patrol ends after 113 days. Credited with 3 warships and 18 merchants for just under 70,000 tons.

Gunfighter 04-24-08 04:55 AM

1 Cruising with the Task Force 2 Mediiiiiicc 3 Its Raining Sir

Captain Vlad 04-24-08 05:06 AM

Testing out my new photobucket ya'll like this one?

ChanceBS 04-24-08 07:33 PM

Some shots from a patrol in the Bismark Sea. Oct 1943. The patrol turned up a small convoy and I was able to send 1 destroyer and 6 Merchants to the bottom. They never figured out where I was as not one depth charged dropped near the sub. All torps were expended as I am a lousy shot so we exited the area.
Later that night a radar contact was picked up and I submerged to avoid. A large convoy of tankers and troop ships w/escorts went by at 8000 yards! And I am out of torps. After they went by I surfaced and called in the location of the convoy via radio. I actually rec'd a response from HQ telling us nice find.
A few seconds later I relized that 3 destroyers had hung back expecting me. They all opened fire and we took 5 or six direct hits. We crashed dived but once below the surface the sub flooded in the engine room and forward torpedo room. We were going down. The stern dropped so far below the bow, that we were almost vertical about 70-80 degrees. We went through 300 feet. Becuase of the angle I ordered Flank speed.
The screws were barely turning but it was enough to hold us. we stopped sinking. I could not believe it.
Repairs took another 2 hours of real time as i did not dare to accelerate the time. Two hours of Pressure hull fixed sir to Heavy flooding. The destroyers finaly moved on and we Surfaced!
We surfaced and went home. Crew was banged up a bit but no deaths. And I got a pretty cool Medal. My first ever in the entire series.
One of the most exciting Missions I have ever done in SH4. I had to share this one.
Thanks to my crew and only them I made it home.
(REAL FLEET BOAT 1.4 Mod in use)
Why some of my friends think this sim is boring I will never understand.

piersyf 04-25-08 02:03 AM

2nd patrol, USS Nautilus
Summary of Patrol Log, War Patrol 2, USS Nautilus SS168
April 18 to June 9 1942

Patrol Area: Bashi Channel, Luzon Strait. 2130N 12130E x 100nm. Time on station 72hrs.

Duration: 51 days. 44 days in transit, 7 days on station and in operations.

Torpedoes: 20 Mk14 torpedoes carried. 20 shot. 19 hits (95%), 6 hits were duds (30%). Of principal concern was a defensive shoot against a destroyer at a range of 800yds with 2 dud torpedoes.

Tonnage: Estimated 59,400t. 13 merchant vessels and 1 warship.

Boat: Performed excellently. Good cruise. Some light damage from Jap 25mm.

Crew: Excellent. Recommend XO for Patrol Star. Also recommend he get his own boat at next opportunity.

Log Summary:

April 18
20.03 Depart Pearl. Set course for Midway.

April 24
01.45 Arrive Midway. Top off tanks. Set transit speed to patrol area at 10kts.

May 9
02.51 Merchant spotted. Crew to action stations and dive to periscope depth.
03.23 2 torpedoes fired. One deep runner, one hit at stern.
03.25 Target dead in the water. Surface and engage with guns.
03.27 Target sinks. Old composite freighter, approx 4000t.
13.27 Aircraft picked up on radar. Dive to avoid.
23.57 Ship spotted, merchant at 9000yds. Increase speed to full, change course to parallel. Crew called to action stations.

May 10
00.59 Target course calculated at 155 degrees, speed 11 kts. Long chase to gain firing position.
02.10 2 torpedoes fired, range 900yds. 2 hits, both good detonations. Large explosion tears ship apart, sinking her in under a minute. Approx 3000t.
16.31 3rd air contact today. Japs have stepped up air cover since our last patrol.
22.36 Enter patrol area. Fuel remaining 81%. Sky clear, sea dead calm.

May 13
05.06 Ship spotted, 9000yds. Turning to intercept. Japs are moving at higher speeds now. This one calculated at 10kts.
06.29 Firing position reached. 2 fish shot at 800yds. Both hit, ship explodes and sinks immediately. Approx 5,000t.
13.58 Ship spotted. Move to firing position.
14.19 1 torpedo fired. Hit on the bows.
14.26 Surfaced and called battle stations. Engaged crippled merchant with guns from 2,500yds.
14.28 Ship sinks, 6 rounds HE fired in total. Approx. 4,000t
20.01 Air contact on radar. Dive to avoid.
20.23 While still avoiding aircraft, sound man picks up merchant at long range. Move to intercept.
20.59 Second sound contact, parallel track approx 4,000yds astern first merchant.
21.19 2 torpedoes fired from bow tubes at lead merchant. One hit, one dud. Move to other side of the track, swap targets to trailing merchant.
21.27 1 torpedo fired stern tube. Hits, resulting in large explosion. Ship sinks quickly (7,000t)
22.29 First target sinks (5,000t) Sonar picks up another sound contact. Move to chase on surface. Target speed calculated at 10kts. Visual contact on and off as weather deteriorates. Eventually close to a reasonable distance but visibility now almost zero. As track and speed are well established fire on sonar only. 3 fish shot, 1 miss, 2 hits. One is a dud. Surface the boat and cruise around with gun crews at the ready to finish her off, however when vessel located she is already sinking.

May 16
07.00 Sound contact, merchant. 2 attempts to locate fail due to heavy rain and inability to predict track.

May 17
03.25 Sound contact, warship. Harbour guard for Isia Iun. Boat positioned NNW of harbour entrance. Sonar recon of DD track shows racetrack location. Heavy rain continues which should mask our movements. Set boat to creep into the harbour.
13.29 Finally inside harbour. 10 hours to cover 9,000yds. Depth 48’ to keel and occasionally brushing the bottom.
14.09 2 merchants spotted, tied up. 2 torpedoes fired. Both hit. One good, one dud. 5 fish left. DD has located us but is unable to attack as we are positioned such that he would risk collision with wharf or breakwater.
14.29 2 more torpedoes shot, one at a third merchant, one at the first which was hit but refusing to sink. Both hit and detonate. DD getting angry. Each pass we get pinged but he cannot line up. His approaches are slightly different each time, so he may figure it out soon.
14.42 DD approaches from a different angle, but still won’t pass over us. He will, however, hit the breakwater unless he slows significantly. This will put him almost dead in the water at a predictable spot only 800yds off our beam. Prepare our last 3 fish and sight on the sound bearing.
14.47 DD comes out of the rain at a range of 900yds and will pass down our starboard side. Firing solution calculated on estimated position he must stop or run aground.
14.49 Torpedo fired at DD. Hit, but a dud. DD stationary.
14.51 2nd torpedo fired. Dud. DD manoeuvring to turn towards rather than backing away. He seems to have lost his reason, but we are still in trouble. Prepare boat for high speed exit.
14.55 DD has managed to turn broadside as we shoot our last fish. It hits under the bridge but doesn’t seem to do much damage. We run, but DD doesn’t follow and seems to be stationary. Move to deeper water and wait.
15.31 Destroyer sinks! Surface and move to northern end of harbour to engage remaining merchants with gunfire.
18.14 Ammunition expended. No active defence and masking heavy rain allowed piecemeal destruction of merchants. 3 merchants and a large junk sunk for almost 14,000t to guns alone. Depart area and set course for Pearl.

June 9
19.00 arrive Pearl Harbour, fuel remaining 18%.

Red Devil 04-25-08 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Syxx_Killer
If it is taking a long time to load, it is more likely your internet connection. The properties for that picture say it is only 175kb. 175kb is nothing regardless what size it is.

negative - 20GB broadband

Mav87th 04-25-08 04:06 PM

Bold approaches there Piersyf :arrgh!: STOP

Good luck to you and the Nautilus on your comming patrols STOP

Best wishes from the crew and commander of USS Sturgeon STOP

piersyf 04-25-08 09:38 PM

reply to USS Sturgeon
Thanks Mav87. Third patrol was to Tokyo bay. Moved north and attacked a harbour there, but 40% of torps were duds. I got shot up a bit this time, had 12 crew wounded and 11% hull damage. When we got back (still with 37,000t even if only 12 torps worked) instead of my XO getting a boat, I got one. My XO got the Nautilus and half the old crew. My new boat (Drum) has a somewhat inexperienced crew, AND they gave me a boat with only a 3 inch deck gun... I think they're trying to tell me something!:arrgh!:

LukeFF 04-26-08 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by ChanceBS

So flattered to see you're using my name. :lol: Using the RFB mod?

Torps 04-26-08 01:21 AM


Biggles 04-26-08 04:15 AM

Red Devil 04-26-08 04:21 AM

On the subject of opening images, ok the thread is heavily inclined in that direction, but I think it may have been a momentary "glitch" as I have just opened this thread again and all images hit the screen virtually simultaneously.

Swat 04-26-08 06:09 PM

kriller2 04-26-08 10:32 PM

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