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Jimbuna 08-14-17 02:00 PM

1915 British transport Royal Edward sank by German U boat kills 1000.

1945 V-J Day, Japan surrenders unconditionally to end WW II (also August 15 depending on time zone).

1980 17,000 workers go on strike at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk, Poland, marking the beginning of the Solidarity movement.

Jimbuna 08-15-17 02:31 PM

1620 Mayflower sets sail from Southampton, England, with 102 Pilgrims.

1863 Submarine "HL Hunley" arrives in Charleston on railroad cars.

1914 Dinant, Belgium, destroyed by German bombs. Lt Charles de Gaulle (24), injured.

1944 German field marshal Günther von Kluge vanishes for one day; he killed himself on the 19th in the aftermath of the attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

1957 USAF Capt Joe B Jordan reaches 31,513 m in F-104 jet fighter.

STEED 08-18-17 03:42 PM

19th August, Hungerford 30 years on..

Aktungbby 08-20-17 11:33 AM

THe price of it all:The Parents
1932 :the German artist Kathe Kollwitz unveils the monument,"The Parents," at the German military cemetery near Vladslo in Flanders, Belgium. She created to memorialize her son, Peter, along with the hundreds of thousands of other soldiers killed on the battlefields of the Western Front during WW I. She became the first woman elected to the Prussian Academy of Arts but was forced to resign after the Nazi Party rose to power in 1933. Three years later the Nazis classified Kollwitz’s art—like that of so many others during that period—as “degenerate,” and barred her from exhibiting her work. In 1942, her grandson, also named Peter, was killed at the Russian front during WW II. The monument has not been defaced nor torn down...

Originally Posted by Kollwitz
Every war is answered by a new war, until everything, everything is smashed.”

Jimbuna 08-20-17 12:53 PM

1908 America's Great White Fleet arrives in Sydney, Australia, to be greeted with a tremendous welcome; 221 American sailors desert to remain in Australia.

1913 First pilot to parachute from an aircraft (Adolphe Pégoud, France).

1940 British PM Churchill says of Royal Air Force, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few".

1966 Beatles pelted with rotten fruit during Memphis concert.

Aktungbby 08-20-17 05:46 PM

Aussies love 'Great Whites' cause some are 'Minnesota Nice!'

Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2507625)
1908 America's Great White Fleet arrives in Sydney, Australia, to be greeted with a tremendous welcome; 221 American sailors desert to remain in Australia. plate negatives of North Shore, Sydney Harbour and general subjects Spectators viewing the US Navy's Great White Fleet in Sydney Harbour closeup at Sydney! The Aussies thought the stern of the USS Minnesota was particularly....Nice :yeah:http://freepages.military.rootsweb.a...sota_Stern.jpg:arrgh!:

Jimbuna 08-21-17 10:22 AM

1808 Battle of Vimeiro: British and Portuguese forces led by General Arthur Wellesley defeat French force under Major-General Jean-Andoche Junot near the village of Vimeiro, Portugal, the first Anglo-Portuguese victory of the Peninsular War.

1945 US President Harry Truman ends Lend-Lease program.

1968 Marine James Anderson Jr is 1st African American to win Medal of Honor.

Jimbuna 08-22-17 01:00 PM

1780 Resolution, without Captain James Cook, returns to England.

1849 The first air raid in history; Austria launches pilotless balloons against the Italian city of Venice.

1851 Yacht "America" wins 1st Royal Yacht Squadron Cup (America's Cup).

1864 First Geneva Convention adopted in Geneva "for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field".

1944 Adolf Hitler orders Paris to be destroyed.

1944 Last transport of French Jews to nazi-Germany.

1962 Failed assassination attempt on French president Charles de Gaulle.

Aktungbby 08-22-17 01:37 PM

The arrow of their ways indeed

Originally Posted by Jimbuna
1780 Resolution, without Captain James Cook, returns to England..


According to the history books, several days after the death of James Cook on the shore of Hawaii, a native priest delivered a parcel containing the Captain's remains to the Resolution, from whence they were ceremonially buried at sea in Kealakekua Bay. (Cook's Monument: I've been there!> Some 30 years later, reports began to reach England suggesting that some of Cook's remains were still on the island where they were held in a temple devoted to the god Lono. The initial scepticism which greeted these reports began to recede as their number increased as the standing rose of those making the reports. This culminated in the account of William Ellis, who in the early 1820s was a missionary on the island. He not only confirmed the location of the temple in which Cook's remains were kept, but stated that the bones were "...preserved in a small basket of wicker-work, completely covered over with red feathers..." There is also an account which alleges that King Kamehameha II brought some of Cook's remains to England in 1824, intending to return them to Cook's family, or failing that, then to present them to the King on behalf of the nation.
King Kamehameha II, his Queen, and their entourage arrived in London in May 1824 and were treated with the respect and dignity afforded to any visiting head of state. Unfortunately neither the King nor Queen had any resistance to European diseases and within 6 weeks of their arrival they had contracted measles. King George IV assigned his royal physicians to attend to them but despite their administrations the disease proved fatal to them both.... a relative of the Cook family subsequently claimed to possess an arrow which he alleged had been brought to England by the King. The arrow was unusual in its construction as it comprised a short foreshaft made of bone, said to have come from one of the small leg-bones of Captain Cook.
To authenticate the provenance of the arrow Adams produced two statements. One had been written in 1828 by Joseph Henry Green, subsequently a President of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. The other statement was from Bishop Staley, late Bishop of Hawaii. The Bishop had queried the origin of the arrow with the King of Hawaii who after making appropriate enquiries indicated that the claimed source of the bone was most likely to be true.
In 1886 the arrow and its supporting statements were exhibited in London at The Colonial and Indian Exhibition. It lay alongside other Cook-related exhibits which relatives of the Cook family had loaned to form part of the display of the Government of New South Wales. The following year the artefacts were acquired by that Australian State, and passed into the collection of its museum. The arrow now lies in the anthropology collection of The Australian Museum, Sydney. It is hoped that one day a DNA analysis of the bone may indicate whether of not there is any truth in its legendary association with Captain Cook.

One way or another Captain Cook, obviously 'a man of many parts':oops: was a well-travelled fellow....alas DNA tests have shown the arrow bone not to be human...Damn!

1962 Failed assassination attempt on French president Charles de Gaulle
Double Damn! the best flick!

Jimbuna 08-23-17 06:31 AM

1617 First one-way streets open (London).

1921 Austria and the US formally end war; the US does the same with Germany on the 25th, and Hungary on the 29th.

1942 World War II: last cavalry charge in history takes place at Isbushenskij, Russia; the Italian Savoia Cavalleria charges Soviet infantry.

1954 First flight of the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft.

1974 John Lennon reports seeing a UFO in NYC.

Jimbuna 08-24-17 07:47 AM

1814 British forces capture Washington, D.C. and destroy many landmarks (War of 1812).

1968 France becomes the world's fifth thermonuclear power with a detonation on Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific.

Jimbuna 08-25-17 07:49 AM

1814 British forces destroy Library of Congress, containing 3,000 books (War of 1812).

1829 President Jackson makes an offer to buy Texas, but Mexican government refuses.

1892 David Beatty is promoted to lieutenant.

1944 General Charles de Gaulle walks the Champs Elysees in Paris after the liberation of the city from Nazi occupation.

1991 Linux was born when Linus Torvalds sent off the email announcing his project to create a new operating system.

Aktungbby 08-25-17 09:43 AM

dialectical Hegelianisms

Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2508681)
1829 President Jackson makes an offer to buy Texas, but Mexican government refuses.

Proof positive that 'warfare is a mere continuation of policy with other means' as we then proceed to 'Remember the Alamo!' :k_confused:...and then build a big wall.:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

Jimbuna 08-26-17 08:07 AM

1346 Battle of Crécy, south of Calais in northern France; Edward III's English longbows defeat Philip VI's army, cannons used for first time in battle.

1945 Japanese diplomats board USS Missouri to receive instructions on Japan's surrender at the end of WWII.

1985 French government denies knowledge of attack on Rainbow Warrior.

Jimbuna 08-27-17 09:04 AM

1896 Britain defeated Zanzibar in a 38-minute war (9:02 AM-9:40 AM). Shortest recorded war in history.

1939 Erich Warsitz in a Heinkel He-178 makes the 1st manned jet-propelled flight.

1945 US troops land in Japan after Japanese surrender.

1979 The Earl Mountbatten of Burma, cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and last Viceroy of India, is killed along with three companions, two of them children by the IRA when his boat is blown up near Sligo, Ireland.

2008 Barack Obama becomes the first African-American to be nominated by a major political party for President of the United States.

Jimbuna 08-28-17 02:44 PM

1864 First Geneva Convention, governing rules of warfare, signed by 26 nations.

1963 Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his "I have a dream speech" addressing civil rights march at Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.

Jimbuna 08-29-17 12:26 PM

1792 British man o'war HMS Royal George capsizes at Spithead; more than 800 killed.

1943 Danish Navy scuttles its warships so as not to be taken by Germany.

1962 US U-2 flight sees SAM launch pads in Cuba.

2005 Hurricane Katrina makes its 2nd landfall as a category 3 hurricane devastating much of the U.S. Gulf Coast from Louisiana to Florida Panhandle. Kills more than 1,836, causes over $115 billion in damage.

Aktungbby 08-29-17 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2509428)
2005 Hurricane Katrina makes its 2nd landfall as a category 3 hurricane devastating much of the U.S. Gulf Coast from Louisiana to Florida Panhandle. Kills more than 1,836, causes over $115 billion in damage.

Here's hoping federal aid is improved for Houston over the miserable assistance of Katrina....we'll see.

Jimbuna 08-30-17 09:34 AM

1939 Isoroku Yamamoto appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese fleet.

1941 Winston Churchill approves a nuclear programme (Tube Alloys), first national leader to do so.

1945 General Douglas MacArthur lands in Japan.

1963 Hotline communication link between the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and the Kremlin in Moscow installed. Often known as the "red telephone" no phones were ever used, relying instead on Teletype equipment, fax machines and most recently secure email.

1979 US President Jimmy Carter attacked by a rabbit on a canoe trip in Plains, Georgia.

Jimbuna 08-31-17 07:39 AM

1888 The body of Jack the Ripper's first victim, Mary Ann 'Polly' Nichols, is found in Whitechapel , in London's East End.

1939 Staged "Polish" assault on radio station in Gleiwitz.

1942 U-boats sink and damage 131 allied ships this month (639,946 tons).

1994 The Provisional Irish Republican Army declares a ceasefire.

1997 Diana, Princess of Wales, dies in a car crash in a road tunnel in Paris.

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