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Buddahaid 06-26-21 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by August (Post 2754629)
If you can't claim it solved anything then you can't claim that it needed to be enacted. All it ended up being is another power grab by Washington like every other misguided do-gooder idea.

Meh. Lack of government checks and balances just leads to this.

Skybird 06-26-21 05:31 AM

How deep a fall. 20 years ago I thought "Wowh". Today, I am disgusted to the max, and not just since this week. I once said the former president brings out the worst in man. Guiliani is a textbook example.

August 06-26-21 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by MaDef (Post 2754630)
OOH..OOH... I know this one, the CRA of 1964 declared people were equal and should be treated the same way, regardless of race, color or national origin.

A declaration does not solve anything. We're on our way to become more racially segregated than at the worst of the jim crow era. Racial hatred is alive and growing and being promoted by the same government. All the CRA accomplished is to increase their power.


The civil war ended slavery, and while it was the catalyst for the war, "States Rights", the "Role of the Federal Government", and "Preservation of the Union". were the underlying cause of the war.
No war is fought for a single reason, even including the War of Jenkins Ear regardless of the name, but again the Federal government came out of the civil war much larger and more powerful. That is always the end result and the lasting legacy.

Dowly 06-26-21 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by August (Post 2754588)
Miley compared CRT with works by Mao, Lenin, Hitler and others. They study such foundational writings of despots and their regimes as a way to gain insight into the mind of their enemy in order to better fight them.

No, he didn't compare CRT to Mao, Lenin and Hitler (he didn't even mention Hitler or Mao, that must be your subconscious speaking) nor did he say anything about studying these works specifically to better fight against them.

You lumping CRT with the others and insinuating that it is something the army must be prepared to fight against is simply dishonest and shows just how scared you are.

August 06-26-21 07:57 AM


BIDEN'S RECKLESS THREAT. For a few minutes Thursday, it appeared President Joe Biden had found a way to pass big, bipartisan legislation in Washington's deeply divided atmosphere. "We have a deal," Biden proudly announced in an impromptu press conference after meeting with some of the 21 Democratic and Republican senators who had negotiated a massive, bipartisan infrastructure proposal. Together, Biden said, the group would move forward to spend $579 billion on traditional infrastructure projects -- roads, bridges, trains, waterways, broadband -- that Republicans favor while including an emphasis on environmental measures that Democrats want.
It was a big moment. And then Biden threw it all away. In a second news conference a couple of hours later Thursday, Biden said that even if Congress passes the bipartisan bill he just touted, he would refuse to sign it unless lawmakers also pass a partisan spending measure -- Democrats call it "human infrastructure" -- that all Republicans oppose. For that bill to pass, Democrats would have to muster all 50 of their votes in the Senate and then rely on Vice President Kamala Harris to break the tie. Then, Biden said, both bills -- the deal and the deal-killer -- have to come to his desk at the same time for him to sign them.

The bills have to come "promptly and in tandem," Biden explained. "Let me emphasize that: in tandem." What if that doesn't happen? "If they don't come, I'm not signing," Biden added. "Real simple."
Biden's threat was news to Republicans, even some of the ones who had been negotiating the bipartisan proposal. On one hand, the president sang the praises of bipartisanship, leading Republicans to think he might actually work with them, and then Biden, citing a plan devised by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, reneged on the whole thing.
Republican anger followed. Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer "literally pulled the rug out from under their bipartisan negotiators," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. As for the president, McConnell said, "It was a tale of two press conferences -- endorse the agreement in one breath and threaten to veto it in the next."

GOP Senator Lindsey Graham, who was one of the bipartisan group of 21 negotiators, was much more blunt. If Biden is going to tie the two bills together, Graham told Politico Playbook, "He can forget it! I'm not doing that. That's extortion! I'm not going to do that. The Dems are being told you can't get your bipartisan work product passed unless you sign on to what the left wants, and I'm not playing that game."
Graham said most GOP senators, and even some inside the bipartisan group, did not know the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer plan. "Most Republicans could not have known that," he told Politico. "There's no way. You look like a f---ing idiot now. I don't mind bipartisanship, but I'm not going to do a suicide mission." And that was that. The bright, shining bipartisan deal instantly became much less than it seemed.

For a brief moment Thursday, it appeared that Biden had adopted the old -- and successful -- practice of Bill Clinton's called "triangulation." He would bypass the fringes of both parties in order to reach an agreement with the middle on a type of spending that is generally popular with many Americans. But it soon became clear that it was just a ruse for Biden to lay claim to bipartisanship while keeping the progressive wing of his party happy.
In his first press conference Thursday, Biden, who spent 36 years in the Senate, stressed the importance of honesty in negotiations. "You know, a lot of us go back a long way, where we're used to doing one thing: Give each other our word and that's the end," Biden said. "Nobody questions it. They have my word, I'll stick with what they proposed, and they've given me their word as well. So, where I come from, that's good enough for me."
On the infrastructure deal, Biden's word lasted about two hours.

Catfish 06-26-21 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by MaDef (Post 2754630)
[...]The civil war ended slavery, and while it was the catalyst for the war, "States Rights", the "Role of the Federal Government", and "Preservation of the Union". were the underlying cause of the war.

You think so?

mapuc 06-26-21 10:30 AM

I guess the main reason to the American Civil war wasn't just because of the Slavery, I'm pretty sure there were other factors.

Mixed these together and you have a recipe on a civil war


August 06-26-21 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 2754679)
No, he didn't compare CRT to Mao, Lenin and Hitler (he didn't even mention Hitler or Mao, that must be your subconscious speaking) nor did he say anything about studying these works specifically to better fight against them.

You lumping CRT with the others and insinuating that it is something the army must be prepared to fight against is simply dishonest and shows just how scared you are.

Ohh yeah dowly i'm "scared"! :roll: Always trying to make it personal arn'tcha?

Looking back the good generals film clip, i agree that he didn't say hitler but he certainly did say mao. He also included the ...tse tung and I guess that must have been your subconscious troll mind preventing you from making the connection right. See I can make stupid assumptions too. :doh:

The US military studies the works and lives of Mao tse Tung, Marx, Lenin, hitler and other despotic evil ideologies for that exact reason of helping to defeat their forces on the battlefield, and btw the General claims he remains free of becoming a communist.

If they are teaching CRT in the same manner as those other crackpot ideologies then I have no problem with it but since the army has already fired commanders who have criticized CRT and they are only now defending it because they got caught lying about teaching it in the first place I believe it is being presented as an officially approved belief system for our officers to follow. Prove me wrong or shut up.

Catfish 06-26-21 12:53 PM

Some comments here are the direct answer why CRT is indeed needed to make people at least aware of the general situation.

Dowly 06-26-21 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by August (Post 2754721)
The US military studies the works and lives of Mao tse Tung, Marx, Lenin, hitler and other despotic evil ideologies for that exact reason of helping to defeat their forces on the battlefield, and btw the General claims he remains free of becoming a communist.

I'm sure the US military does exactly that, but that's not what General Milley stated. He was speaking about having personally read those works and that it doesn't make him a communist. Just like teaching CRT doesn't make you whatever it supposedly makes you, I don't even know.


If they are teaching CRT in the same manner as those other crackpot ideologies then I have no problem with it but since the army has already fired commanders who have criticized CRT and they are only now defending it because they got caught lying about teaching it in the first place I believe it is being presented as an officially approved belief system for our officers to follow. Prove me wrong or shut up.
From what I've gathered, CRT is being taught as part of a wider course on racism and civil rights. I'd agree that it probably wouldnt be the best idea if taught on its own, but I don't see the issue of it being a piece of a bigger picture.


Ohh yeah dowly i'm "scared"! :roll: Always trying to make it personal arn'tcha?

Looking back the good generals film clip, i agree that he didn't say hitler but he certainly did say mao. He also included the ...tse tung and I guess that must have been your subconscious troll mind preventing you from making the connection right. See I can make stupid assumptions too. :doh:
Trying to make it personal? I thought I was already past trying. :hmmm:

As for your stupid assumption, I fully agree; you sure can make them. See, you quoted me after I had already edited my post to cross over Mao, so nice try but that just makes you look silly. Oh right, and constantly calling me a troll is 'making it personal', so quit your fake outrage.

MaDef 06-26-21 02:15 PM

[QUOTE=Catfish;2754702]You think so?

I think you need to re-read what I wrote

MaDef 06-26-21 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2754745)
Some comments here are the direct answer why CRT is indeed needed to make people at least aware of the general situation.

What "situation" is that?

Catfish 06-26-21 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by MaDef (Post 2754759)
I think you need to re-read what I wrote

I posted what you wrote directly above my qestion. What the photo of the declaration says is that keeping slavery was not the 'initial cause', but their cause as such.
That Lincoln may have had other ideas going beyond, to suppress future rebellion, does not change the southern reason and cause for the secession.

Catfish 06-26-21 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by MaDef (Post 2754760)
What "situation" is that?

It is about the underlying situation called systemic racism. Not much people are actually racist (a few, of course) or actively do something against black people, Mexicans, or against "people coming from sh!tholes" as Mr. T. so elegantly described.
Systemic racism is so deeply embedded in american culture and behaviour that it is not even recognised as such anymore. It is what sociologists call cognitive dissonance, the "discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein they try to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort."

mapuc 06-26-21 05:09 PM

^ Is the American law racist in its construction ?

By reading your comment it made me wonder if this should be the case.


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