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Roger Dodger 11-04-09 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ducimus (Post 1198790)
Question to TMO users in general:

If i removed the alternate "flotilla's" from the roster, the ones that provide a SpecOps mission of some sort every other patrol, would anyone really miss it?

I haven't installed the TMO 1.8 yet. Still trying to finish out the war before upgrading. Actually, I think it would be a neat break to get more SpecOps missions, especially for S-Boats out of Manila early in the war. The S-Boat isn't really built to take on the whole IJN. They were really made for SpecOps and 'Scout' patrols.

This isn't really for Ducimus, but others might like to give this a try: Transport McArthur & Co. from Davao (where, presumably the PT boats broke down) to Darwin. I imagine a SpecOp where the normal patrol (in that area and time frame) would be interupted and assigned this Op. The boat would be given a limited time to pick up McArthur (three days?). Failure would mean that McArthur gets captured - a definate black mark on your record.

Ducimus 11-04-09 04:27 PM

Well, ive been redoing the traffic. And it's given me cause to re evaluate various things. "Flotilla's" being one of them. As for the next release of TMO, im unsure of the version number anymore and when it will be (offically) released.

After i get done rewriting the campaign, i'll have to take a look at a few other odds and ends. At which point i will recompile and re release beta update under a new version number. At that point ill be waiting on CA's interior mod. Once that is finished, then the "official" update will come out. It's entirely possible ill be at version 2.0 when that occurs.

I'm goin' down 11-04-09 04:34 PM

Ducimus, What are you going to do when SH5 comes out? You could refuse to mod it. The result would be that thousands of players will continue to play SH4 with your mod. That would drive Ubisoft wild, and they might offer you millions if you join their game.:D

Ducimus 11-04-09 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by I'm goin' down (Post 1199153)
Ducimus, What are you going to do when SH5 comes out?

Absolutely nothing.


You could refuse to mod it.
I don't see myself rushing to the store to buy it honestly. I bought TWO copies of SH4. I figure i've already done my share to support the series. Espeically when you consider that by having abandoned version SH4 1.4, i (and other modders) in essence "encourged" people to purchase UBM who might not have otherwise. At any rate, i fgure they'll be more then enough Das boot fan's to make up for my lack of purchasing SH5. I'll wait tell it hits the bargin bin if i get it at all.


The result would be that thousands of players will continue to play SH4 with your mod.
Your mistaking me for another mod, in another game, that goes by 3 letter initials.


That would drive Ubisoft wild, and they might offer you millions if you join their game.:D
Nah, they'll be a whole new set of modders for SH5 to support it. Personally i think after SH5 see's its final patch, you'll see certain people coming out of retirement. I however, won't be one of them.

I'm goin' down 11-04-09 05:17 PM

[quote=Ducimus; Nah, they'll be a whole new set of modders for SH5 to support it. Personally i think after SH5 see's its final patch, you'll see certain people coming out of retirement. I however, won't be one of them.[/quote]

My three toy poddles saw your post and have been howling continuously. They are upset.

I'm goin' down 11-04-09 05:24 PM

post 1489
the screen shot of the ship silouette at night in post 1489 is just what my night view looks like. It is tough to see the enemy at night until they are almost on top of you. Is that how it is supposed to be?

Also, it does not matter what I do to remain undedected at night, the destroyers find me. I think they find me because I have to be close to the target's course to get off a shot. Am I doing something wrong? I am at battle stations, have the repair crew activated, and silent running is activated. My boat speed is either slow or really slow. I never stand a chance. Any advice?:damn:

Ducimus 11-04-09 05:38 PM

Day or night time?
Surfaced or submerged?
Fog? Wind?
Your aspect, position, and range to the escorts?

Lotta factors involved.

I'm goin' down 11-04-09 06:36 PM

I understand the questions
Your response is interesting. A specific reponse by me will give you a guideline for a reply. I think what I need is a listing of the factors and the solutions, as I am playing missions which involve different years. But I have no idea of the factors, which could let me last a little longer or which may help me evade. (or are those factors AI trade secrets?)

Radio 11-04-09 09:20 PM

Not sure if this is still relevant (seeing all the new betas and changes) but the Sargo has problems in the last "official" version of this mod, the attack periscope is lower than the observation periscope and when going to periscope depth one can't see anything through the AP, only the OP. As a makeshift solution I edited the periscope depth in the Sargo.cfg file but you still might want to fix it.

great mod, btw :yeah:

Ducimus 11-04-09 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by I'm goin' down (Post 1199177)
the screen shot of the ship silouette at night in post 1489 is just what my night view looks like. It is tough to see the enemy at night until they are almost on top of you. Is that how it is supposed to be?

In a word, sorta. Fleetboats didn't have an "observation" periscope. They had a night periscope. Main difference was the night scope had a bigger apeture to allow more light in. While the attack periscope's tip, much resembled a broomstick handle in size. The choice of textures for the night and attack scope on my part was very deliberate. Here's some earlier screenshots to illustrate:


Originally Posted by I'm goin' down (Post 1199205)
But I have no idea of the factors, which could let me last a little longer or which may help me evade. (or are those factors AI trade secrets?)

I keep reposting this. I wrote it some years ago for SH3, but the same principles apply.


Originally Posted by Radio (Post 1199264)
the attack periscope is lower than the observation periscope and when going to periscope depth one can't see anything through the AP, only the OP.

well i know one periscope is shorter then the other. Only applies to prewar conning tower. To the best of my knowledge, this descrepency in periscope height is historically correct. However, if i adjusted for the night periscope and not the attack periscope for the periscope depth command, then i made a boo boo. :O:

I'm goin' down 11-05-09 02:53 AM

easier AI
I went to designated files to make AI easier, as it is impossible. I checked the files and my settings are at the easier settings even though I have not touched them. If I am correct, then TMO is beyond my capabilities. I was sunk ten times today, even though I did absolutely nothing to reveal my boats whereabouts. This not fair, and it cannot be realistic since the U.S., on whose side I am playing, supposedly won the war.:wah: See below.

9.) The AI is too easy!!
If you feel the AI is too easy to evade, go to the file data/cfg/sim.cfg. In the [sonar] section, change
"Enemy surface factor=200" to a value of 150 instead of 200. That should slighly increase difficulty in evading the AI.

10.) The AI is too hard!!! (you can say that again!)

Go to this file again.


and change the Hydrophone Thermal Layer Signal Attenuation from 2 to 3. Then change the sonar Thermal Layer Signal Attenuation from 3 to 5. Easy mode and dumber AI should be yours again.

sergei 11-05-09 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ducimus (Post 1198790)
Question to TMO users in general:

If i removed the alternate "flotilla's" from the roster, the ones that provide a SpecOps mission of some sort every other patrol, would anyone really miss it?

Wouldn't miss 'em.
I get enough agent insertions and photo recon missions from the regular flotillas to keep things interesting. :DL

Ducimus 11-05-09 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by I'm goin' down (Post 1199326)
I went to designated files to make AI easier, as it is impossible. I checked the files and my settings are at the easier settings even though I have not touched them. If I am correct, then TMO is beyond my capabilities. I was sunk ten times today, even though I did absolutely nothing to reveal my boats whereabouts. This not fair, and it cannot be realistic since the U.S., on whose side I am playing, supposedly won the war.:wah:

Wow. In your case, deactivate the mod, delete /data/cfg/sim.cfg from the mod (NOT the game), and reactivate the mod. OR, look inito TMO with training wheels by DGrayson. BTW, the FAQ is out of date in this regard, because i ramped up the effects of thermal layers.

It's really not THAT hard. Your doing something wrong, but i cant figure out what. My only guess is your trying to make a night surface attack and either going too fast, not pointing your bow at the enemy to minimze your silloute, they have radar, OR there's a capital ship in the mix somewhere. As they can see alot farther then a normal tin can.

I'm goin' down 11-05-09 04:10 PM

Okay. I will follow your suggestions. Here are my AI setttings per question and answers accompanying the mod download. Usually, I am sunk when I am in position to attack a convoy and at or right below periscope depth. Any deeper and I cannot track the convoy I am attacking. Here you are:


Detection time=1 ;[s]
Sensitivity=0.15 ;(0..1)
Height factor=0 ;[m]
Waves factor=0.5 ;1.0 ;[>=0]
Speed factor=15 ;[kt]
Noise factor=0.25 ;1.0 ;[>=0]
Thermal Layer Signal Attenuation=3.0 ;[>0], 1 means no signal reduction, 3 equals signal reduction to 33%
Detection time=5 ;[s]
Sensitivity=0.05 ;(0..1)
Waves factor=1.0 ;[>=0]
Speed factor=20 ;[kt]
Enemy surface factor=200 ;[m2]
Lose time=30 ;[s]
Thermal Layer Signal Attenuation=5.0 ;[>0], 1 means no signal reduction, 5 equals signal reduction to 20%


Travis Reed 11-06-09 04:21 AM

Ducimus, has anything been done in TMO 1.7.x (whatever the latest is for the 1.7 series) that reduces the range at which aircraft are rendered? I seem to remember in RFB that even small aircraft could be seen visually from the moment that you'd get the "Aircraft spotted!" message...sometimes even before. On patrols with TMO 1.7 I hear the callout and look on the bearing in question with the binocs and they don't seem to be rendered until practically right ontop of me...this makes it near impossible to manually engage them with the AA gun (I find the AI crew gunners are poor shots).

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