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Sailor Steve 01-19-19 10:34 PM

5 January 1914

Corrigan Aujla writes: "0815: My old friend Robbie Reinard and I have been assigned to make the first flight to Paris to pick up our new Morane parasols. Patchy fog on the ground, but we got off all right. We arrived at Le Bourget at 0956, after a flight of 1 hours 41 minutes.
1010: Took off from Le Bourget in our new Moranes for the return trip. Arrived back at Gonneham at 1212 after a flight of 2 hours 2 minutes. There was plenty of time for the riggers to fit the pintels to mount the machine gun. When next we fly we will be fully armed."

Dugan Vystavel writes: "0924: Accompanied Captain Mapplebeck's plane on an artillery-spotting mission near Liévin. 2 hours 2 minutes."

Noel Kay writes: "1109: Patchy fog. No activity. Had to land in the fog. Not fun. 1 hour 6 minutes."

Filimor Hance writes: "1216: Routine patrol. Patchy fog. Heavy artillery near Diksmuide. 1 hour 8 minutes."

Odis Först writes: "The wind has died down. It is, however, still raining."

Sailor Steve 01-20-19 10:59 PM

6 January 1915

Corrigan Aujla writes: "0845: Robbie and I flew again together. Since we have the only armed machines in the squadron we were assigned to orbit an enemy airfield near Douai for awhile to see what happened. Nothing did. Meanwhile two more of our fellows went down to Paris to pick up their new Moranes, and now we have four! 2 hours 24 minutes."

Dugan Vystavel writes: "1005: Followed Capt Mapplebeck on another artillery spot, this time near Ledegen. Forced down by engine trouble. Landed near the lines. 1 hour 22 minutes."

Noel Kay writes: "1230: Clear day. Routine patrol. Little activity. 1 hour 8 minutes."

Odis Först writes: "Our new Kommandant, Hptm Ludwig Schäfer, arrived today. Hptm Streccius was due to depart on the 1st but put off leaving until he could show the new leader around.
1304: Assigned to accompany Ltn Boelcke on a Photo mission. I'm not sure what happened, but I managed to crash on take-off. Neither Hptm Straub nor I were injured, and the machine received only minor damage and will be ready to fly tomorrow. I received a stern warning. To top it off the other two machines couldn't find the target. Not a good way to greet the new Kommandant. I understand that Ltn Boelcke is upset he wasn't allowed to fly with his brother this time, but it was pointed out that Hptm Boelcke is not qualified on the camera. Hopefully the next mission will be better."

Filimor Hance writes: "1354: Beautiful sunny winter day. Routine patrol. Heavy artillery near Zerkegem. Engine failed over Diksmuide. Managed to set it down safely on our side of the lines. 44 minutes."

Sailor Steve 01-21-19 07:15 AM

7 January 1915

Winter drags on as the rain returns and the Western Front is grounded again.

Sailor Steve 01-21-19 01:18 PM

8 January 1915

Across the Front it is still raining, storming and foggy.

Sailor Steve 01-23-19 07:42 AM

9 January 1915

Noel Kay writes: "We were told yesterday that on the first clear day we would be moving again – back to Verdun! We’re going home! It looks like the weather will be good enough tomorrow, so we made our preparations to fly early. They want us moving in the dark so as to keep our whereabouts concealed from any possible prying enemy eyes.
0513: We took off well before dawn, and headed south-south-east. Capitaine Provillard had arranged that after each turn he made he would fire a flare to let us know where he was. Over Compiegne we headed due south to stay well away from the lines. Near Soissons we turned east-southeast for awhile, then due east to Verdun. We arrived there with perfect timing, about twenty minutes after the sun rose. I’m horrified to see what has become of the city in the three months we’ve been gone. The enemy artillery has smashed the north side into rubble. The rest of the town looks okay, but it’s a real shock seeing our first home town in such a state. 3 hours 9 minutes.

Dugan Vystavel writes: "0807: Accompanied Capt Mapplebeck on a photo-recce mission over Ledegen. 2 hours 9 minutes."

Corrigan Aujla writes: "1015: Took off to accompany Capt Corwin and Lt Robert on a photo mission. Engine started spewing oil as we were circling for altitude. I put her down safely just half a mile from Merville. The other plane completed the mission safely alone. It will be a couple of days before our plane can be hauled back to Gonneham and repaired. 10 minutes.

Filimor Hance writes: "1453: Routine patrol. Once again I had the last flight of the day. Landed just before sunset.1 hour 6 minutes."

Pontfaverger is still fogged in.

Sailor Steve 01-23-19 06:28 PM

10 January 1915

Once again the weather has closed in, and pilots all over the front sit and wait.

Sailor Steve 01-23-19 10:37 PM

11 January 1915

Dugan Vystavel writes: "1020: Flew with Capt Mapplebeck on an artillery spot over Passchendaele. 1 hour 44 minutes."

Filimor Hance writes: "1053: Routine patrol. Partly cloudy. Little activity. 1 hour 12 minutes."

Noel Kay writes: "No sooner did we return to Verdun than we were beset by fog. Now we've been sitting for two days. I'm starting to wonder why we came back here."

Corrigan Aujla writes: "Good weather, but engine still not repaired."

Odis Först writes: "This is our fifth straight day of fog. It's hard to tell there's a war on except for the occasional dispatch.

Sailor Steve 01-25-19 12:19 AM

12 January 1915

Corrigan Aujla writes: "0800: No special operations today. Routine patrol. Perfect weather. Big artillery battle all up and down the line. 1 hour 31 minutes."

Filimor Hance writes: "0815: Another routine patrol. Cloudless sky. Very little fighting. 58 minutes."

Odis Först writes: "0951: Finally another clear day!. Recon patrol over Sillery then up to Reims. 1 hour 11 minutes.:"

Dugan Vystavel writes: "1000: My first solo patrol, from Armentieres to Neuve-Chapelle. Heavy artillery fire around Lille. 1 hour 34 minutes."

Noel Kay writes: "1251: The sky is clear today. We are assigned a reconnaissance mission over Grandpré. Took some damage crossing the lines on the return trip. 1 hour 11 minutes. Our new machines started arriving today – The Farman F.20."

Sailor Steve 01-25-19 08:29 AM

13 January 1915

Filimor Hance writes: "0929: Routine patrol. Light rain. Some artillery opposite Niewpoort. 59 minutes. We are told that the next day of clear weather we are moving back to Saint-Pol-Sur-Mer."

Corrigan Aujla writes: "0947: Took off in a light rain for a routine patrol. Everything is quiet. 1 hour 17 minutes."

Dugan Vystavel writes: "1149: Second solo patrol, this time in the rain. Still, visibility was fair, and we made it home with no trouble. 1 hour 30 minutes."

Noel Kay writes: "Foggy today, with a little bit of snow. No flying."

Odis Först writes: "The fog is back again."

Sailor Steve 01-25-19 10:03 PM

14 January 1915

Corrigan Aujla writes: "0823: Did my own Artillery Support mission today, with Capt Cottrell doing the spotting. We were accompanied by Robbie Reinard and Lt Ness. 1 hour 50 minutes."

Filimor Hance writes: "1043: MS 26 transferred back to Saint-Pol-Sur-Mer. As nice as Roesbrugge was, this feels like coming home. 37 minutes."

Dugan Vystavel writes: "1339: Saw my first taste of combat today. I was leader of a flight of three planes on a mission to bomb a German rail yard. My observer was Lt Ronald Jefferson. The other two planes were manned by Sgt Crowe and Lt Winfrey, and Sgt White and Capt Fletcher. They say we caused some damage, but I don't know how they could tell. 2 hours 16 minutes.

Noel Kay writes: "Still foggy."

Odis Först writes: "The fog is still with us, just like always."

Sailor Steve 01-26-19 09:32 AM

15 January 1915

Winter has moved in again with its attendant rain, snow and fog.

Sailor Steve 01-26-19 02:19 PM

16 January 1915

It's still stormy everywhere.

Sailor Steve 01-26-19 05:43 PM

17 January 1915

Corrigan Aujla writes: "0829: Accompanied 2nd Lts Newbury and Webb on a photo mission over the trenches near Pozieres. 2 hours 8 minutes."

Dugan Vystavel writes: "0903: Accompanied Capt Mapplebeck on an artillery mission near Neuve-Chapelle. 1 hour 52 minutes."

Filimor Hance writes: "1136: Beautiful day! Routine patrol. 1 hour 18 minutes."

The Verdun region is still covered in fog and rain.

Sailor Steve 01-26-19 11:09 PM

18 January 1915

The rain is again falling on Flanders, but the Verdun area has cleared up, if only for a day.

Odis Först writes: "0803: Clear enough to fly. Deep reconnaissance past Reims. 1 hour 52 minutes."

Noel Kay writes: "1417: Overcast but dry. Short patrol over the lines near Varennes-en-Argonne. 39 minutes."

Sailor Steve 01-27-19 11:47 AM

19 January 1915

Corrigan Aujla writes: "0801: Flying the standard patrol today. Much of the front lines obscured by low clouds. Just approaching Diksmuide when the engine started rattling and spewing oil again. Managed to set it down in a field near Ypres. They sent a lorry for the plane and us in the afternoon, and by dinner we were back at Gonneham.

Dugan Vystavel writes: "1000: Patrolled the lines again. Some artillery all down the line. Partly cloudy. 1 hour 36 minutes."

Filimor Hance writes: "1308: Routine patrol. Little activity. Scattered clouds, sometimes blocking view of ground. 1 hour 26 minutes."

Noel Kay writes: "Rain has set in. Impossible to fly."

Odis Först writes: "The high winds are back, and have brought rain with them."

Sailor Steve 01-28-19 10:52 PM

20 January 1915

Dugan Vystavel writes: "1300: Standard patrol. Mostly quiet. 1 hour 24 minutes."

Filimor Hance writes: "1448: Routine patrol. No activity apparent, but view often blocked by low clouds. 1 hour 12 minutes."

Noel Kay writes: "Still raining today."

Odis Först writes: "The wind and rain are still with us."

Corrigan Aujla writes: "My plane is being repaired again. The engine is a total shambles, so they're putting in a different one. Hopefully this one will hold together."

Sailor Steve 01-29-19 05:18 PM

21 January 1914

Winter sets in again and everyone is grounded.

Sailor Steve 01-29-19 10:37 PM

22 January 1915

The winter is still here, and everyone is still bored and sulking.

Sailor Steve 01-30-19 11:15 PM

23 January 1915

Filimor Hance writes: "0814: Sky clearing. Routine patrol. 1 hour 17 minutes."

Dugan Vystavel writes: "0823: Scouting patrol over Loos with Capt Mapplebeck and Lt Burr. 2 hours 1 minute."

Corrigan Aujla writes: "0902: Accompanied Lts Newbury and Ness on an Artillery mission. Engine ran well. 1 hour 49 minutes."

Odis Först writes: "0905: Clear enough to fly. Ltn Müller and Hptm Liezka led Ltn Boelcke and Oberltn Bertram and Myself with Hptm Straub on a long test flight. Once we had checked out our machines we were free to do as we wished, and Ltn Müller wished to stay aloft as long as possible. We didn't stay up all that long, returning before we had used half our fuel. Everyone has noticed that the Boelcke brothers aren't flying together anymore. We all wonder why, but nobody dares ask. 2 hours 21 minutes."

Noel Kay writes: "1510: Beautiful day, except for the freezing part. Quick patrol over the lines. 59 minutes"

Sailor Steve 01-31-19 02:46 PM

24 January 1915

Flanders is washed out again, but Verdun is livable for the second day in a row.

Noel Kay writes: "0925: Flew down to Commery, then up the lines to Saint-Mihiel. Over Saint-Mihiel we were hit in the engine by a round from the DCA. We managed to land safely near a village and call for help. 54 minutes in the air."

Odis Först writes: "1028: Ltn Boelcke led Lt Müller and me on a scouting mission over the lines near Verdun. The weather was quite misty, but we had no trouble seeing the enemy positions. I had some motor troubles on the way home, and it cut out entirely as we were circling to land. We made it down safely but hard. The Aviatik will be ready again in two days. There is a spare I can use until then, so no time will be lost on my part. 1 hour 43 minutes."

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