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CCIP 03-03-10 02:59 AM

After firing torpedoes, I noticed that torpedo tubes remain open, even while reloading torpedoes and after the reloading has finished.

gutted 03-03-10 04:36 AM

Attack popout map.

If you maximize it & draw a few lines.. then shrink it back down, the lines are cluttered with range ticks. So much so, that if you size it down too much you can't make out anything you plotted.

Those intermediate range interval ticks need to go. Or more accurately, the smaller the popout map, the less of them there should be. Right now it's opposite, the bigger the map the less of them there are.

cherbert 03-03-10 04:58 AM

I docked at Kiel last night and saved my game. Now this morning I'm leaving the pens and just realised I'm in Wilhelmshaven?

Rickenbacker 03-03-10 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by mookiemookie (Post 1289189)
Send radio messages from the captain's log screen.

Ah great! Too bad they didn't bother to put that in the manual :). Makes you wonder what else is in the game that they forgot to mention...

Rickenbacker 03-03-10 06:33 AM

I second the torpedo tubes always being open after firing, and the range ticks INCREASING as you zoom out, instead of the correct way around.

I've also noticed that you have to start from scratch with the personal stuff _every_time_ you talk to a crew member. That'll get REALLY old after a few patrols, when you have to go through pages and pages of stuff you've already talked about just to get to the new dialogue! Or is this part of the "morale drops to 0 after reloading" bug? I guess it could be.

I've seen an occasional bug when my mouse control will get stuck in the observation periscope. I can't right click to leave mouse control, and the crosshairs are centered in the screen, not the periscope view. Went away on its own after a while.

sergei 03-03-10 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Ducimus (Post 1288857)
1.) Does the watch and gun crews only don their oilskilns when it rains, and never in high wind conditions like they did in SH3? (have read around, i believe this is an issue still)

I haven't seen them wear any wet weather gear yet, and have been operating in stormy rainy weather.


Originally Posted by Ducimus (Post 1288857)
3.) Does your boat have difficulty maintaining depth without ludicrious amounts of foward speed when you dive at or deeper then 183 meters? (600 ft)

I'll try this out this afternoon and get back to you


Originally Posted by Ducimus (Post 1288857)
4.) At the end of a patrol, does your logbook note all the ships you sunk during that patrol, as all having occured on one single day?

When I finish my current patrol I'll let you know

sergei 03-03-10 09:05 AM

My crew seem to have gone quiet. Oh sure, when I speak to them directly they have stuff to say. But when I order a new course, change of depth, surface the boat, dive, new speed etc. I get no audio confirmation of the order.
Was working yesterday!?

BlackSpot 03-03-10 09:29 AM

Sergei, this happened to me yesterday. I had continued my campaign after the patch = no speech. Start a new campaign. I did and the crew feedback returned.

Bilge_Rat 03-03-10 09:30 AM

there is a major a problem with the fix in 1.01 to TDC off targeting, namely:

1. w. manual TDC + map updates "off" + TDC off + locked TGT:

-you get no info on the track of your TGT, but the firing solution (yellow line) is aiming at where your TGT is going. On 100% realism, the firing solution w. TDC off should point straight down the sight bearing (i.e. where your scope is aiming), you should not get cheat clues on where to aim. I presume this was the goal of the "fix" in 1.01.

in this shot, I have locked on to a ship in the view of my scope (the light blue cone). I do not see the ship or its track, but the predicted path of my torpedo (yellow line) aims where the ship is going to be. In actuality, it should go straight down the view bearing (i.e. down the light blue cone);
2. w. manual TDC + map updates "on" + TDC off + locked TGT:

-the situation is reversed. You get info on the track of your TGT, but the firing solution (yellow line) is aiming straight down the sight bearing (i.e. where your scope is aiming) and not where the ship moving to.


in this shot, I have locked on to a ship in the view of my scope (the light blue cone). You see the ship and its predicted track, but the predicted path of my torpedo (yellow line) now aims correctly straight down the view bearing (i.e. down the light blue cone);

the fix has been reversed, on 100% realism, w. manual TDC + map updates off + TDC off, you should not see the ship or its predicted path and the torpedo should shoot straight down the bearing (i.e. light blue cone).

The General 03-03-10 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by cherbert (Post 1289650)
I docked at Kiel last night and saved my game. Now this morning I'm leaving the pens and just realised I'm in Wilhelmshaven?

I think I had this happen in stock SH3 too.

doomlordis 03-03-10 10:06 AM

Ok, i have the game running , not super fast but playable.
My issue is that effects - smoke , muzzel flashes , splashes and explosions all run like a slide show. It is NOT just a general slowdown as the framerate doesnt drop at all, it is only these effects that slow down.

I have tried the following :

reinstalling with AVG switched off
Reinstalling to different locaction.
Changing all the graphic options on/off and resolution changes etc.
Changing graphic drivers.
It ruins what seems like a great game.

I only have a 256mb graphics card (although it has 1409mb hypermemory).

When i run the game i have almost 2gb of the 3gb i have free so i suspect that this game does not utilise hypermemory.

Any help appreciated.

Galanti 03-03-10 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by cherbert (Post 1289650)
I docked at Kiel last night and saved my game. Now this morning I'm leaving the pens and just realised I'm in Wilhelmshaven?

Sounds like a hell of a good time at the O Club to me.

Nafod81 03-03-10 11:21 AM

Game locks up while in the sub. Or anywhere else ~15 minutes into game.

Was able to play through the intro sinking Polish vessels and return to Kiel.

Updated Nvidia Drivers, Nuked AVG and reinstalled.
Shadows are reduced to zero.

System is

C2D E8500 Geforce 9800 GTX 3G Ram Win XP 32

tonyj 03-03-10 12:24 PM

in the external view, when the subs on the bottom, it looks like its floating 5m above it as there's a large gap between the bottom of the sub and its shadow.

running it on xp, E8400, 4GB, nvidia 285 gtx (latest driver), SSD.

remowilliams 03-03-10 12:48 PM

SH5 Gold [purchased on Impulse] autopatched to 1.01 will no longer launch from the Impulse app and crashes with a System.IO.FileNotFoundException error. (Win7 x64 / administrator rights)

Launching gu.exe directly exhibits the same behaviour.

Launch sh5.exe directly and the game will start properly.

The General 03-03-10 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by remowilliams (Post 1290366)
SH5 Gold [purchased on Impulse] autopatched to 1.01 will no longer launch from the Impulse app and crashes with a System.IO.FileNotFoundException error. (Win7 x64 / administrator rights)

Launching gu.exe directly exhibits the same behaviour.

Launch sh5.exe directly and the game will start properly.

I hear that you're not supposed to install the game in the Program Files folder in Vista and Windows 7. Is this maybe the problem?

Sone7 03-03-10 01:13 PM

Don't want to search the whole thread.. I'll just post issues spotted ;)

After first 3 hrs:
1. somethings wrong with choosing and opening torp tubes, at least from the graphics point of view; seems inverted.
2. after loading game all the markings made earlier.. disappear. Pitty.
3. tooltips stop popping up, until next load; how am I gonna read the abilities' explanations? :O:

remowilliams 03-03-10 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by The General (Post 1290406)
I hear that you're not supposed to install the game in the Program Files folder in Vista and Windows 7. Is this maybe the problem?

I think that is an issue if you do not have administrator rights.

Any case, after I moved the install from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5' to 'C:\Games\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5' it behaved exactly the same.

jlederer 03-03-10 01:46 PM

Issues I've noticed
Well first of all the game seems to run OK (given I have only a 320MB video card and 2GB RAM on Win7) with all the eye-candy on. Love being able to walk through the ship, conning tower, etc. I'm only on first mission of Campaign. But I do have many issues/concerns :-)

While graphics generally good, explosions are slow, almost stop-action on my nVidia 8800GTS, I'm going to turn AA off (had it on just above zero setting on the scale - probably means "2x"?)

1) Put two torps into two different points on a tanker. Burning furiously, but continues to cruise right along. For over 1.5 hours so far (following it on 32x time compression). No signs it will stop or sink anytime soon. Saved game and reloaded. Now he's no longer burning, just puttering along as if nothing happened.
2) Cannot put waypoint on the spot campaign me to go patrol to. Can only place waypoint near there, but if I try to go to exact spot game acts as if I'm trying to select the spot.
3) Manual is just horribly lacking. Clearly not proofread - many subjects not covered at all. Refers to a keystroke chart "in the back" which isn't there.
4) Interesting that there are keys for "gear up" and "gear down" on the in-game keychart. I've never seen landing gear on a sub. Can you control planes in this game? Would better have labeled keys for functions like "hold fire on the deck gun" as others have mentioned which are clearly needed but absent.
5) Crew doesn't man deck gun (even when I first left Kiel) even when I ask the guy at the UZO (1WO?) to give the order. - EDIT - it may be that weather prevented their doing so on first sailing? And maybe morale prevented them manning it subsequently? I notice also that if my avatar attempts to "man" the deck gun, the gun crew suddenly appears to give me a hand :-) and I can even do this if the seas are too rough for the deck gun to be manned - I can go out for a wade on the deck and my deck gun crew will complain about seas being too rough to man the gun but follow me and man the gun anyway :-)
6) Inability to give orders to my men to do simple things like "report nearest sound contact". Only recourse seems to be learning 15 different hotkeys....
7) None of the gauges in the ship or on the bridge are clickable as far as I've found. Many of the gauges don't even move/register (e.g. all the identical gauges on the electrical panels in the rear of the sub). EDIT - Based on photos of real boats I think some of these gauges should show things like battery level....
8) At least at one point I saw a problem where I could try to lay-out waypoints but the course arrows did not display. Eventually cured that by moving to another station and back.
9) Need more documentation for scripting language and especially object model. I'd like to know if there is a way to mod scripted conversations with crew (and add choices to crew interaction menus) but it's sure not obvious if/how that can be done.
10) Can't figure-out how to get menu to display for modding tools off taskbar. Tried uncommenting lines in main.cfg file under My Documents and that caused prompt to appear when starting game asking if I wanted to run "menu editor" which worked when I said yes, but no ability to launch Script Manager for example.
11) Intermittent event camera switching from view of e.g. a torpedo to miniature view of room I'm in in the submarine.
12) Game sometimes pauses, screen darkens and then lightens (e.g. when switching to exterior camera). Could be video ram limitations, could be interaction with Uplay?
13) Kept being asked if I wanted to turn TDC on/off while I was trying to input manual targeting info, not sure how that's happening, maybe I'm pressing a wrong key somehow?
14) Unclear how to assign repair crews or prioritize repairs or if that's even possible - EDIT - OK, when components are damaged you see a indication in yellow on the Components screen with a percentage of max capability shown (common for damage to be very minor like 98%) and a little wrench shows what the damage control team is prioritizing and you can click something else and they'll work on that. Similar to SH3 in that respect.
15) Ramed by destroyer at periscope depth, only damage was 1% off the flack gun and hull integrity was still 100%?
16) The Type 1 and Type 3 torps look nearly identical, hard to tell what you have loaded if you don't hover over them and look for tooltips.
17) Had to save and go to sleep at 1am last night. When I reloaded today, a cargo ship I had torpedoed and was burning was gone - not that I got credit for a sinking, I think it just disappeared or somehow repaired and rejoined convoy instantly while I was sleeping?

OK, that's enough for now. Still excited about the game's potential IF Ubi fixes the bugs and assuming we can Mod the game into what it really should be (e.g. remove the speed-setting slider and replace it with a nice engine room telegraph).

Highbury 03-03-10 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by remowilliams (Post 1290450)
I think that is an issue if you do not have administrator rights.

It is an issue even if you DO have administrator rights. The only way for you to avoid problems with games like SHV in Program Files is if you run your computer with UAC turned off.

The problem is that everything in Program Files is Read Only by default. You can change it while you have the window open, but the min you close it then it reverts to Read-Only. It makes modding, parsing files and many other things a hassle if not impossible.

The game itself did not default to Program Files... why did people go out of their way to point it there? This has been a known issue since Vista.

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