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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Imported Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:Kaleun_Salute: Kaleun_Salute Kaleun_Salute
:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up: Kaleun_Thumbs_Up Kaleun_Thumbs_Up
:Kaleun_Cheers: Kaleun_Cheers Kaleun_Cheers
:Kaleun_Wink: Kaleun_Wink Kaleun_Wink
:Kaleun_Applaud: Kaleun_Applaud Kaleun_Applaud
:k_confused: k_confused k_confused
:) smile smile
:03: 03 03
:D :hugegrin: :hugegrin:
:ping: Ping Ping
:doh: D'oh! D'oh!
:hmmm: Hmmm Hmmm
:salute: Salute Salute
:timeout: Time Out! Time Out!
:haha: Ha ha! Ha ha!
:subsim: I Luv Subsim I Luv Subsim
:har: Har har! Har har!
:shucks: Shucks Shucks
:wah: Wah! Wah!
:arrgh!: Arrgh! Arrgh!
:yeah: Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
:yep: yep yep
:O: Thbbb! Thbbb!
:06: 06 06
:woot: Woot Woot
:nope: uh uh! uh uh!
:sunny: sunny sunny
:rotfl2: ROTFL ROTFL
:88) Goofy Goofy
:rock: That Rocks! That Rocks!
:/\\!! gah! RT again! gah! RT again!
:hmph: Hmph! Hmph!
:huh: Say What? Say What?
:Kaleun_Salivating: Kaleun_Salivating Kaleun_Salivating
:Kaleun_Smile: Kaleun_Smile Kaleun_Smile
:Kaleun_Binocular: Kaleun_Binocular Kaleun_Binocular
:Kaleun_Periskop: Kaleun_Periskop Kaleun_Periskop
:Kaleun_Mad: Kaleun_Mad Kaleun_Mad
:k_rofl: k_rofl k_rofl
:Kaleun_Crying: Kaleun_Crying Kaleun_Crying
:Kaleun_Sick: Kaleun_Sick Kaleun_Sick
:Kaleun_Sleep: Kaleun_Sleep Kaleun_Sleep
:Kaleun_Yawn: Kaleun_Yawn Kaleun_Yawn
:Kaleun_Goofy: Kaleun_Goofy Kaleun_Goofy
:Kaleun_Los: Kaleun_Los Kaleun_Los
:Kaleun_Party: Kaleun_Party Kaleun_Party
:zzz: zzzzz zzzzz
:hmm2: Hmmm2 Hmmm2
:damn: Dammit! Dammit!
:stare: staredown staredown
:/\\k: iluvrt iluvrt
:agree: Iagree Iagree
:DL Grin Grin
:sign_yeah: Yeah, that Yeah, that
:()1: weee! weee!
:ahoy: ahoy! ahoy!
:|\\ Too cool Too cool
:/\\: red triangle to that! red triangle to that!
:-j joker joker
:hulk: Grrrr! Grrrr!
:new: new new
:date: Date Date
:gear: Gear Gear
:bullhorn: Bullhorn Bullhorn
:exclamation: Exclamation Exclamation
:icon333: Icon333 Icon333
:icon232: Icon232 Icon232
:yawn: Yawn Yawn
:/\\x: splat splat
:fff: noFF! noFF!
:/\\chop chop_rt chop_rt
:help: help! help!
:gulp: Gulp! Gulp!
:lost: Lost at sea Lost at sea
:lurk: lurking lurking
:hijacked: hijacked hijacked
:spammm: Spam Spam
Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:confused: Confused Confused
:mad: Mad Mad
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:eek: EEK! EEK!

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