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It always bugged me that the default P-3 didn't come with Harpoon Missiles.
This is a quick and (pretty) easy change to replace the Maverick Missile with the Harpoon to use on the P-3.
Model Change
1. Place the files from the 'Harpoonervrick Model Change' into the Graphics folder and run the .bat
2. If you want to revert back to the default Maverick models, do the same with the 'Backup Maverick Model Change' files.
Changing Values in DWEdit
1. Most people have had DWEdit for years
2. If you don't, Google "" and you'll find it pretty quick.
3. In DWEdit, go to the Object Dialogue of the Maverick Missile and change the following values:
Default Doctrine - Missile_Harpoon
WpnMaxRange - 150000
WpnMinRange - 5560
Armor / Damage - 386
MaxSpeed - 510
TurnRadius - 750
4. Apply, Exit and Save in the usual way.
4. Check my screenshots to make sure all the values match up
5. If you want to revert back to the default Maverick, change the numbers back as on the screenshot.
1. It will still say 'Maverick' and 'AGM-65' on the Weapon Loading Screen and on the Weapons Panel on the P-3. I don't know how to change that, but if someone does, go for it!
2. The missile has the longer range (and doctrine) of the Harpoon, but be careful from where you shoot, a ship can sail out of the search cone if you fire from max range!
3. This will replace the Maverick with Harpoons for all platforms for the game. That was a sacrifice I was willing to make.
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