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File Name: Sober Silent Hunter 5 Mega Mod (New Version) (238.65 MB) Download
Author: Sober, many others - compiled by Sjizzle (Uploaded by Neal Stevens)
Date Added: 01-14-13
Downloads: 29925
Grade: B+
UPDATED August 2017

Sober Silent Hunter 5 Mega Mod - A combo pack of all the favorite Silent Hunter 5 mods. This is not a Stand-alone Mega-Mod, but rather a collection of over 90 individual mods. Mods are modifications designed to improve a game and increase realism or fun. When enabled together, this collection of mods will turn your Silent Hunter 5 into a super-subsim. Compiled by Sober/THEBERBSTER.

Dozens of modders across the world dedicated many many hours, days, weeks of their lives to build these mods, so what you have here is about 2 or 3 years of hard work into one single file. If this is not worth a few bucks out of your pocket, than I don't know what is.
Sober Silent Hunter 5 Mega Mod, available to any supporter of the website. One donation allows you access to all Bonus Mods.

Once you have donated, you should see a new forum at the top of the page:
SUBSIM SUBscribers Lounge - BONUS MODS. That is where you go to collect your Bonus Mods.

Downloading all these (90+) mods separately is a challenge on its own, so we've decided to put all these mods together into one compressed file to make life easier for loyal supporters of Subsim.

To do so, visit this link and follow all instructions in the first 5 posts.
It may look complicated, but if you follow it step-by-step, you can definitely accomplish this.

If you have any questions about enabling this super-pack, or if for any reason this is not working for you, feel free to drop by and leave a comment in this same topic (link above).

You'll find your questions answered in a matter of minutes. This is really a great community, where everybody is doing their best to help each other.

Good hunting!
Sober Silent Hunter 5 Mega Mod (New Version) by Onkel Neal on 08-06-17
Sober Silent Hunter 5 Mega Mod (New Version) by Onkel Neal on 08-08-17

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Become an officer in the Subsim Navy here and have your download limit increased to 25, 35 or even 60 a day! Click here to join.

A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

07-09-15 at 03:32 PM
Thanks for mod
10-08-15 at 03:22 AM
Thanks for mods
Oberleutnant nederlander
03-13-13 at 10:06 AM
smart idea, makes it alot easier to access, would be ideal doing this for all the seperate super mods, i.e GWX, and all the others,
07-18-15 at 10:24 AM
Great mods thank you
04-21-13 at 01:21 AM
04-21-13 at 11:39 PM
im form the usa
05-02-13 at 03:39 AM
How does one download this? I have the majority of the mods but I want to know if its best to just download this or just patch in the mods I dont have from "sobers AWESOME mod soup"

Any ideas?
07-05-13 at 03:30 AM
thanks for this dl now
09-16-13 at 03:47 PM
09-27-13 at 04:22 PM
does it work with Steam version of the game?
10-05-13 at 10:49 PM
Donated but cant download, i click on the download link but it only opens the same page again.
10-05-13 at 11:09 PM
woops, solved, stuoid me!
Neal Stevens
10-24-13 at 11:02 PM
People, please view the Bonus Mods README before posting that you cannot download.

*** Bonus Mods Read Me First! ***
11-02-13 at 04:41 AM
Thank for mod
12-09-13 at 12:02 PM
Hi Neal,

I have DL it...all is ok ! ... future users, be careful to extract it only with 7ZIP !
now, my question : all mods are right updated ?
i have see the mod list but some have not written with version ? may be i'm wrong ...
my solution is to check the file date of each archive and i compare it the displayed date of last modification published in the dl page of this mod.

Thx anyway for the job et also to all authors ! Great !

Sorry for my english !
12-30-13 at 03:43 PM
I succesfully installed all of these mods, and it looks great! My only issue is that when I disabled the "real navigation" mod, my course plotter is not accurate inside the map. It's totally off.. Hope someone knows why.
01-17-14 at 12:07 AM
I have been a member for a very long time but I quit playing for a long as well and I had to created a new account last year. My first user name was exodus or exodus7 but anyway I cannot download this either but maybe it is because my new account only has 12 post dunno :-) .
02-08-14 at 05:23 AM
Capt. Morgan
04-17-14 at 10:50 PM
How To Download

1) click the "Download Sober Silent Hunter 5 Mega Mod (New Version)" link at the top of this page. This'll take you to the payments page.

2) The top of this page shows your subscription - which means you are eligible to download. Look for the box with red text. Where it says "Did you already make your donation and you are looking for the Bonus Mods? Click here!", click on the words "Click here!" ()

3) Receive Neal's thanks and click on the "BONUS MODS & DOWNLOADS! " link

Oh, and no one is charging for mods. you can download all 75 mods in this one at a time for free. This is a convenience offered to subscribing members.
05-14-14 at 08:48 PM
thx for mod!
10-26-16 at 02:26 AM
My thanks for this and the other bonus mods.
06-21-14 at 03:27 PM
thx for mods
06-22-14 at 10:38 PM
It doesn't work on me help! How to enable them what order, then update them walk me through it please!
Bob Coveney
09-29-15 at 02:23 AM
Looks great and thanks for the hard work but when I run the task with my steam game it aborts because it is looking for mods not in the list such as Dynamic Environment bits??? Grateful if am order list could be given to enable me to load them one at a time. Thanks in anticipation.
07-16-14 at 11:25 AM
Thanks matey!
10-17-16 at 10:14 AM
Outstanding. Having all in one shot; Perfect! Thanks a million.
09-17-15 at 07:17 AM
many thx
09-22-16 at 04:10 AM
02-12-15 at 12:48 PM
Thanks mate, I am new here, it saved me a lot of efforts!
02-11-15 at 02:17 PM
Thanks! Bought myself a second non-Steam copy of SHV for this modpack

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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